Hydrodynamical equations Derivation and simple solutions Jiří Krtička Masaryk University Derivation of hydrodynamical equations Boltzmann equation Particle distribution function F(t, gives the number of particles in the element of the phase space dx d£ = dxi 6x2 dx$ d£i d^2 d^3 with coordinates x and momenta £ as F(t,x, £)dxd£. The time evolution of the particle distribution function under the influence of external force f acting on partice with mass m and taking into account particle collisions is DF_ OF df_ _ /dF\ dt mdxh hd^h \ dt / con' which is the Boltzmann equation. Here used the Einstein summation convention for index h. 1 Boltzmann equation Using the Poisson bracket dH OF dH OF F} = dxh d£h d£h dxh the Boltzmann equation for the system that obeys the Hamilton equation can be rewritten as 9F-{H,F) = / m — d§ dt S J mdxh J d^h J \dt -v-' V-v-' V-v-' >-^ 12 3 4 1 = — r at = m— = —-, aty dt dt1 2=7—/ ^' = at?-— ni//, = —-, 3 = f ^[H^oo d^' = 0 is //, does not depend on £, 4 = 0 for conserved quantity (m), where n = J Fd£ is number density of particles, p = Ann is the density, Vh = ~k f d£ is the mean speed. coll The continuity equation This gives + d(pvh) dt dxh t + v.„„, which is the continuity equation. The continuity equation: interpretation Integration over volume fixed in space gives or, using the Stokes theorem 4~ / pdV = (f pvdS, dtjv Jdv which is the expression of the law of conservation of mass. The continuity equation: Lagrangian picture Introducing the Lagrangian derivative, describing the time change of any quantity q(t,x) following a moving fluid particle, Dq(£,x) _ dq(t,x) dq(t,x) dxh Dt ~ dt dxh dt ' D d ^ = — + v • V Dt dt the continuity equation can be rewritten as ^ + pV • v = 0. Dt which for incompressible fluid (p = const.) is V • v = 0. 7 Equation of motion Multiplicating the Boltzmann equation by £/ and integrating dt m dxh 1 2 3 dt 4 coll 1 = 2= — d_ di 1 9 £iFdZ = mw(nvi) = -5r m dxh d dxh d UhFd£ = m— J (q + Vj){ch + vh)Fd£ ViVh [ Fd£ + vh [ c;Fd£ + v; [ chFd£ + / c;chFd£ d (mnviVh + 0 + 0 + p/,/) (pVjVh + phi) 3 4 dxh dxh Eh I U&F]^ d? -J Eh SihfhFdd = -nfi = -pgi, 0 for conserved quantity (£), where Ch = Ch/m — Vh is the thermal speed, Phi = m J CjChF d£ is the pressure tensor, phi = p5/i/, gi = />■/AT7 is force per unit of mass (acceleration). 8 Equation of motion This gives —^I--1- (pviVh + pohi) = pgi at dxh v-v-/ which is, after differencing and using the continuity equation, dvi dvi dp at ax/, ox-, where V\,k is the momentum flux density tensor, or P~dt + PV'^V = ~VP + PS, the momentum equation. Introducing the Lagrangian derivative the momentum equation has a form of Newton's second law Dv Energy equation Multiplicating the Boltzmann equation by CiCj/m ar|d integrating m J dt J m2 dxh J m d£h J ™ \dt J co\\ V-v-' V-v-' V-v-' >-v-_—/ 12 3 4 1 d f d f d 1= möt J ^JFd^ = mö~t J (a + Vi)(cj + Vj)Fd£ =— (pviVj +Pij), 0, terms with h ^ i and /? 7^7 (direct integration), — finvj — fj-nv;, terms with h = / or h = j (per-partes), 0 when contraction is performed, where Phij = J ChCjCjF d£/A77 is p/,// = 0 when neglecting viscosity. 3 = 10 Energy equation After the contraction and multiplication by \ we derive d n 2 3 d dt\2pV +2P) + d^\2 -pvhv + -pvh ) - pvigi = 0, or, introducing the specific energy pe = |p, d pv pe + Hr- ) + V 0t pv e — + pi/ - pvg = 0, which is the energy equation li Energy equation: some manipulations Multiplication of momentum equation by v, and summation gives dv-, dv; dp + PViVh— = ~Vj— + Vjpgj, Ot OXh OX; or dfl2\l2dpdfl2 \ 1 2d(pvh) dp i_i =0 (continuity equation) Substracting this from the energy equation yields equation for the internal energy + V • (pev) = -pV • v, which can be rewritten using the continuity equation as p— = -pV • v. HDt H 12 Energy equation: second law of thermodynamics The conservation of entropy for isentropic flow requires that d7 = 0' which for the specific entropy of ideal gas s = cy In(pv^) + const. = cy \n(pp~") + const, is (using p = |pe) + v a Derivating and multiplying by p™ we arrive at -^ll + v • (pei/) - peV • v - xe^- - xev • Vp = 0. dt v J dt Eliminating the last two terms using the equation of continuity and noting that h — 1 = | for ideal gas we derive the equation for the internal energy once again Q-^- + V • (pel/) = -pV • v. 13 Many faces of the beast Collecting the nuggets: the hydrodynamical equations dp dt + V • (pv) = 0 P d_ dt dv dt 2 pe + ^- ) + V + pv Vi/ = -Vp + pg. 2 PV € + V - system of nonlinear first-order partial differential equations - unknowns p, v, p, and e (+equation of state) - initial and boundary conditions crucial - inviscid flow, no magnetic field - some special analytic solutions, general solution only numerically - stationary solutions are important (d/dt = 0, but v ^ 0) 14 The hydrodynamical equation in planar symmetry In a planar symmetry the hydrodynamic quantities do not depend on x and y coordinates, there is no flow in x and y directions (v = v(z)z) and the hydrodynamical equations are The hydrodynamical equations in spherical coordinates In spherical coordinate system, the components of the velocity vector are v = (vr, vq, v^) and the components of force are g = (gy, go, g^). The equation of continuity is dp 1 9, 2 . 1 9 , . * \ 1 ^ f \ at rz or rs\nOoO rsmOocp and the components of equation of motion take the form of dvr dvr ve dvr dvr ve + vl 1 dp - \ vr--\----\- —---—-— =----\- gr, dt dr r d6 rs\n9 dcj) r pdr ' dvp ^ dvo_ vo_dvo_ dvp vrve _ vlCQt # _ 1 dp dt r dr r d6 rsin 9 dcf) r r rpdO dvcfi | ^ dv► oc is p —> 0, as it should be. 20 Atmosphere in hydrostatic equilibrium: spherical symmetry The equation of hydrostatic equilibrium in spherically symmetric isothermal case is There are two problems with this solution applied for gas spheres. For r —)► 0 the equation is not applicable, because one should insert M = M(r): Lane-Emden equation. Moreover, for r —>* oo is P —^ Po 7^ Pism- Solution: Bonnor-Ebert spheres with external pressure. Matter may escape from the regions, where the thermal speed is higher than the escape speed: atmospheric escape: loss of planetary atmospheres, solar-type (coronal) winds. dp which, with g = GM/r 2, has the solution P 21 Lane-Emden equation Consider a spherical mass in equilibrium. The hydrostaic equilibrium equation is dp pGM(r) dr Pg The polytropic relation p = Cp1+1/n with the definition of mass inside radius r, which is M(r) = Att Lr pr'2 dr', gives after differentiation 1 d r2 dr p dr r2 d P l+l/n 4ttG C p. Introducing new variables 9 and £ via p = AO" and £ = r/a, where A is arbitrary dimensional constant and a C(l + n) 47tGA1+1/" we arrive at Lane-Emden equation 1 d ^2d9 e2 de r de -en. 22 Hydrostatic atmospheres with radiative force The equation of hydrostatic equilibrium in spherically symmetric atmosphere in radiative equlibrium is dp = -Pg + Pgrad, with the radiative force g"racj = \ § KpFvdv = j^i- The temperature given by the energy transport equation d7" 3 npL dr AaT3 Aircr2 This can be rewritten in terms of pracj = (a/3)7~4 as dprad 4a7~3d7~ KpL dr 3 dr Aivcr2 Therefore, the equation of hydrostatic equilibrium is dptot _ d(p + prad) _ _ dr dr ^ Atmospheres close to the Eddington limit Dividing the last two equations dptot dp g 1 dp 1 a- = a-+ 1 = - = ?' or a- =r-1' dPrad dprad gra(j I dprad I where the generalized Eddington factor is r = AttcGM ' The derivative dp/dpracj is a function of l~ only. Moreover, the the point at which the envelope solution crosses the Eddington Imimit l~ = 1 needs to me an extremum in p (Gräfener et al. 2012). 24 Envelope inflation close to the Eddington limit 6 5 logio(Prad/dyn cm2) Logarithm of the Eddingtor factor l~ (colors) in the pracj — p plane with Iglesias & Rogers (1996) opacities. Black arrows denote slopes dp/dprad- The numerical solution for 23 M@ star almost precisely follows a path with T = 1 and crosses the Eddington limit at the lowest gas pressure (corresponding to the Fe-opacity peak). The gas density increases outwards leading to density inversion. This explains why WR and LBV stars have extended envelopes. (Grafener et al. 2012) 25 Suggested reading G. K. Batchelor: An Introduction to Fluid Dynamics D. Mihalas & B. W. Mihalas: Foundations of Radiation Hydrodynamics F. H. Shu: The physics of astrophysics: II. Hydrodynamics A. Feldmeier: Theoretical Fluid Dynamics 26