English for Life Science 1

WEEK 8: Presentations on MS TEAMS

The first part of the students will have their presentations on MS Teams - I will send you a link and you will click on it to join the meeting. It is very easy to share your screen, so you can easily share your power point presentation with others. The rest of the students will have a self-study lesson - you will have to do the mock exam, followed by writing a formal email. You will submit your email here in the IS.

During this lesson, your presentation will be counted as attendance, and if you have the presentation next week, your email submission will be counted as atendance for this week's lesson.

The mock exam below has the same structure as the final exam JA001. You will need 60 % to continue to the oral part.

If you have a presentation this week - you do not have to do anything else. If you don't have a presntation - send me an email answering the assignment below. Write 90-120 words.

Writing Assignment: You are studying at a foreign university. At three weeks' time you have to submit a paper in which you describe your project. Write an email to your professor in which:

1 you describe your project so far (what have you done, what else you have to do) and

2  ask the professor a question related to the project or your submission

submit your email here:

B1 Mock Exam
with key
Sb 2 24
Listening to the mock exam