INTRODUCTION TO ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY MARTIN ˇCADEK 11. Fundamental group The fundamental group of a space is the first homotopy group. In this section we describe two basic methods how to compute it. 11.1. Covering space. A covering space of a space X is a space X together with a map p : X → X such that (X, X, p) is a fibre bundle with a discrete fibre. In the previous section we have proved that every fibre bundle has homotopy lifting property with respect to CW-complexes. In the case of covering spaces the lifts of homotopies are unique: Proposition. Let p : X → X be a covering space and let Y be a space. Given a homotopy F : Y × I → X and a map f : Y × {0} → X such that F(−, 0) = pf, there is a unique homotopy F : Y × I → X making the following diagram commutative: Y × {0}  f // X p  Y × I F // F ;;wwwwwwwwww X Proof. Since the proof follows the same lines as the proof of the analogous proposition in 10.5, we outline only the main steps. (1) Using compactness of I we show that for each y ∈ Y there is a neighbourhood U such that F can be defined on U × I. (2) F is uniquely determined on {y} × I for each y ∈ Y . (3) The lifts of F defined on U1 × I and U2 × I concide on (U1 ∩ U2) × I. From the uniquiness of lifts of loops and their homotopies starting at a fixed point we get immediately the following Corollary. The group homomorphism p∗ : π1(X, x0) → π1(X, x0) induced by a covering space (X, X, p) is injective. The image subgroup p∗(π1(X, x0)) in π1(X, x0) consists of loops in X based at x0 whose lifts in X starting at x0 are loops. 11.2. Group actions. A left action of a discrete group G on a space Y is a map G × Y → Y, (g, y) → g · y 1 2 such that 1 · y = y and (g1g2) · y = g1 · (g2 · y). We will call this action properly discontinuous if each point y ∈ Y has an open neighbourhood U such that g1U ∩g2U = ∅ implies g1 = g2. An action of a group G on a space Y induces the equivalence x ∼ y if y = g · x for some g ∈ G. The orbit space Y/G is the factor space Y/ ∼. A space Y is called simply connected if it is path connected and π1(Y, y0) is trivial for some (and hence all) base point y0. The following theorem provides a useful method for computation of fundamental groups. Theorem. Let Y be a path connected space with a properly discontinuous action of a group G. Then (1) The natural projection p : Y → Y/G is a covering space. (2) G ∼= π1(Y/G, p(y0))/p∗π1(Y, y0). Particularly, if Y is simply connected, then π1(Y/G) ∼= G. Proof. Let y ∈ Y and let U be a neighbourhood of y from the definition of properly discontinuous action. Then p−1 (p(U)) is a disjoint union of gU, g ∈ G. Hence (Y, Y/G, p) is a fibre bundle with the fibre G. Applying the long exact sequence of homotopy groups of this fibration we obtain 0 = π1(G, 1) → π1(Y, y0) p∗ −→ π1(Y/G; p(y0)) δ −→ π0(G) = G → π0(Y ) = 0. In general π0 of a fibre is only the set with distinguished point. However, here it has the group structure given by G. Using the definition of δ from 10.3 one can check that δ is a group homomorphism. Consequently, the exact sequence implies that G ∼= π1(Y/G, p(y0))/p∗π1(Y, y0). Example A. Z acts on real numbers R by addition. The orbit space is R/Z = S1 . According to the previous theorem π1(S1 , s) = Z. The fundamental group of the sphere Sn with n ≥ 2 is trivial. The reason is that any loop γ : S1 → Sn is homotopic to a loop which is not a map onto Sn and Sn without a point is contractible. Next, the group Z2 = {1, −1} has an action on Sn , n ≥ 2 given by (−1) · x = −x. Hence π1(RPn ) = Z2. Example B. The abelian group Z ⊕ Z acts on R2 (m, n) · (x, y) = (x + m, y + n). The factor R2 /(Z ⊕ Z) is two dimensional torus S1 × S1 . Its fundamental group is Z ⊕ Z. 3 Example C. The group G given by two generators α, β and the relation β−1 αβ = α−1 acts on R2 by α · (x, y) = (x + 1, y), β · (x, y) = (1 − x, y + 1). The factor R2 /G is the Klein bottle. Hence its fundamental group is G. 11.3. Free product of groups. As a set the free product ∗αGα of groups Gα, α ∈ I is the set of finite sequences g1g2 . . . gm such that 1 = gi ∈ Gαi , αi = αi+1, called words. The elements gi are called letters. The group operation is given by (g1g2 . . . gm) · (h1h2 . . . hn) = (g1g2 . . . gmh1h2 . . . hn) where we take gmh1 as a single letter gm ·h1 if both elements belong to the same group Gα. It is easy to show that ∗αGα is a group with the empty word as the identity element. Moreover, for each β ∈ I there is the natural inclusion iβ : Gβ → ∗αGα. Up to isomorhism the free product of groups is characterized by the following universal property: Having a system of group homomorphism hα : Gα → G there is just one group homomorphism h : ∗αGα → G such that hα = hiα. Exercise. Describe Z2 ∗ Z2. 11.4. Van Kampen Theorem. Suppose that a space X is a union of path connected open subsets Uα each of which contains a base point x0 ∈ X. The inclusions Uα → X induce homomorphisms jα : π1(Uα) → π1(X) which determine a unique homomorphism ϕ : ∗απ1(Uα) → π1(X). Next, the inclusions Uα ∩ Uβ → Uα induce the homomorphisms iαβ : π1(Uα ∩ Uβ) → π1(Uα). We have jαiαβ = jβiβα. Consequently, the kernel of ϕ contains elements of the form iαβ(ω)iβα(ω−1 ) for any ω ∈ π1(Uα ∩ Uβ). Van Kampen Theorem provides the full description of the homomorphism ϕ which enables us to compute π1(X) using groups π1(Uα) and π1(Uα ∩ Uβ). Theorem (Van Kampen Theorem). If X is a union of path connected open sets Uα each containing a base point x0 ∈ X and if each intersection Uα ∩Uβ is path connected, then the homomorhism ϕ : ∗απ1(Uα) → π1(X) is surjective. If in addition each intersection Uα ∩ Uβ ∩ Uγ is path connected, then the kernel of ϕ is the normal subgroup N in ∗απ1(Uα) generated by elements iαβ(ω)iβα(ω−1 ) for any ω ∈ π1(Uα ∩ Uβ). So ϕ induces an isomorphism π1(X) ∼= ∗απ1(Uα)/N. Example. If Xα are path connected spaces, then π1( Xα) = ∗απ1(Xα). Outline of the proof of Van Kampen Theorem. For simplicity we suppose that X is a union of only two open subsets U1 and U2. Surjectivity of ϕ. Let f : I → X be a loop starting at x0 ∈ U1 ∪ U2. This loop is up to homotopy a composition of several paths, for simplicity suppose there are three such that f1 : I → U1, f2 : I → U2 and f3 : I → U1 with end points succesively 4 x0, x1, x2, x0 ∈ U1 ∩U2. Since U1 ∩U2 is path connected there are paths g1 : I → U1 ∩U2 and g2 : I → U1 ∩ U2 from x0 to x1 and x2, respectively. Then the loop f is up to homotopy the composition of loops f1 − g1 : I → U1, g1 + f2 − g2 : I → U2 and g2 + f3 : I → U1. Consequently, [f] ∈ π1(X) lies in the image of ϕ. f2 f1 f3 x0 x1 x2 g1 g2 Figure 11.1. [f] = [f1 + f2 + f3] = [f1 − g1] + [g1 + f2 − g2] + [g2 + f3] Kernel of ϕ. Suppose that the image under ϕ of a word with m letters [f1][g1][f2] . . . , where [fi] ∈ π1(U1), [gi] ∈ π1(U2), is zero in π1(X). Then there is a homotopy F : I × I → X such that F(s, 0) = f1 + g1 + f2 + . . . , F(s, 1) = x0, F(0, t) = F(1, t) = x0 where we suppose that fi is defined on [2i−2 m , 2i−1 m ] and gi is defined on [2i−1 m , 2i m ]. Since I × I is compact, there is an integer n, a multiple of m, such that F i n , i + 1 n × j n , j + 1 n is a subset in U1 or U2. Using homotopy extension property, we can construct a homotopy from F to F rel J1 such that again F i n , i + 1 n × j n , j + 1 n is a subset in U1 or U2, and moreover, F i n , j n = x0. Further, F(s, 0) = f 1 + g 1 + f 2 + . . . where f i ∼ fi, g i ∼ gi in U1 and U2, respectively, rel the boundary of the domain of definition. We want to show that the word [f 1]1[g 1]2[f 2]1 . . . belongs to N. Here [ ]i stands for an element in π1(Ui). 5 We can decompose I × I = i Mi where Mi is a maximal subset with the properties: (1) Mi is a union of several squares [ i n , i+1 n ] × [ j n , j+1 n ]. (2) int Mi is path connected. (3) F(Mi) is a subset in U1 or U2. For simplicity suppose that we have four sets Mi as indicated in the picture. x0 x0 x0 M1 M2 M3 M4 p k l f1 g1 f2 Figure 11.2. [f1]1[g1]2[f2]1 ∈ Kerϕ In this situation there are three loops k, l and p starting at x0 and lying in U1 ∩ U2. They are defined by F on common boundary of M1 and M2, M2 and M3, M3 and M4, respectively. Now, we get [f 1]1[g 1]2[f 2]1 = [k]1[−k + l]2[−l + p]1 = [k]1[−k]2[l]2[−l]1[p]1 = [k]1[−k]2[l]2[−l]1 ∈ N. Corollary. Let X be a union of two open subsets U and V where V is simply connected and U ∩ V is path connected. Then π1(X) = π1(U)/N where N is the normal subgroup in π1(U) generated by the image of π1(U ∩ V ). Exercise. Use the previous statement to compute the fundamental group of the Klein bottle and other 2-dimensional closed surfaces. 11.5. Fundamental group and homology. Here we compare the fundamental group of a space with the first homology group. We obtain a special case of Hurewitz theorem, see 13.6. 6 Theorem. By regarding loops as 1-cycles, we obtain a homomorphism h : π1(X, x0) → H1(X). If X is path connected, then h is surjective and its kernel is the commutator subgroup of π1(X). So h induces isomorphism from the abelization of π1(X, x0) to H1(X). For the proof we refer to [Hatcher], Theorem 2A.1, pages 166–167. CZ.1.07/2.2.00/28.0041 Centrum interaktivních a multimediálních studijních opor pro inovaci výuky a efektivní učení