HOMEWORK 3 – 2000 Example 1. Compute the simplicial homology groups of the Klein bottle. Use the folowing model of the Klein bottle as a ∆-complex: S T a a b b V VV V c Figure 1. Model of the Klein bottle Example 2. Compute the homology groups of the projective plane. Use the following model: S T a a b b V VW W c Figure 2. Model of the real projective plane Example 3. We have defined the unreduced suspension of a space X as SX = X × I/ ∼, where (x1, 0) ∼ (x2, 0), (x1, 1) ∼ (x2, 2), and the reduced suspension as ΣX = SX/({x0} × I). Prove that ΣX = (X, x0) ∧ (S1 , s0). 1