kyjov<- read.delim("c:\\Users\\lubop\\Documents\\kurs\\kyjov.txt", header=T) xk = kyjov[which(kyjov[,3]=="1034"),] x = xk[,6] library(mclust) xs<- sort(x) dmc <- Mclust(xs,G=NULL) dmcBIC <- mclustBIC(x); dmcBIC dmcSummary <- summary(dmcBIC, data = xs); dmcSummary nn = 3 dmc <- Mclust(xs,G=nn) dmcz <-round(dmc$z,1); dmcz dmcc <-dmc$classification; dmcc dmcp <-dmc$parameters; dmcp dmcpp <-dmc$parameters$pro; dmcpp dmcpm <-dmc$parameters$mean; dmcpm dmcps <-sqrt(as.vector(dmcp$variance$sigmasq));dmcps xss = seq(min(x), max(x), 0.01) PDXX = dmcp$pro[1]*dnorm(xss,dmcpm[1],dmcps[1])+dmcp$pro[2]*dnorm(xss,dmcpm[2],dmcps[2])+dmcp$pro[3]*dnorm(xss,dmcpm[3],dmcps[3]) plot(xss,PDXX,type="l",col=1, xlab="koncentrace P2O5 (ug/g)",ylab="Density") rug(xs) PDX1 = dmcp$pro[1]* dnorm(xss,dmcpm[1], dmcps[1]); points(xss,PDX1,type="l",col=3) PDX2 = dmcp$pro[2]* dnorm(xss,dmcpm[2], dmcps[2]); points(xss,PDX2,type="l",col=2) PDX3 = dmcp$pro[3]* dnorm(xss,dmcpm[3],dmcps[3]); points(xss,PDX3,type="l",col=4) hw<- bw.SJ(xs, method = "ste"); hw # method = c("ste", "dpi") dx<-density(xs, bw=hw, adjust = 1,kernel = "gaussian", weights = NULL) # kernel = c("gaussian", "epanechnikov", "rectangular","triangular", "biweight","cosine", "optcosine") xx = dx$x yy = dx$y plot(dx$x,dx$y,type="l",xlab="koncentrace P2O5 (ug/g)",ylab="Density") rug(xs) a1 = dmcp$pro[1];a1 a2 = dmcpm[1];a2 a3 = dmcps[1];a3 a4 = dmcp$pro[2];a4 a5 = dmcpm[2];a5 a6 = dmcps[2];a6 a7 = dmcp$pro[3];a7 a8 = dmcpm[3];a8 a9 = dmcps[3];a9 library(nls2) fitG1 <- nls2(yy~(C1*exp(-(xx-mean1)**2/(2*sigma1**2))+ C2*exp(-(xx-mean2)**2/(2*sigma2**2))+ C3*exp(-(xx-mean3)**2/(2*sigma3**2))), start=list(C1=a1,mean1=a2,sigma1=a3,C2=a4,mean2=a5,sigma2=a6,C3=a7,mean3=a8,sigma3=a9),,yy))) #,lower=c(0,-Inf,0,0,-Inf,0,0,-Inf,0),upper=c(Inf,0,Inf,Inf,0,Inf,Inf,0,Inf)) summary(fitG1) coef(fitG1) a1=coef(fitG1)[1]; a2=coef(fitG1)[2];a3=coef(fitG1)[3]; a4=coef(fitG1)[4]; a5=coef(fitG1)[5]; a6=coef(fitG1)[6]; a7=coef(fitG1)[7]; a8=coef(fitG1)[8]; a9=coef(fitG1)[9] gauss <- a1*exp(-(xx-a2)**2/(2*a3**2))+a4*exp(-(xx-a5)**2/(2*a6**2)+a7*exp(-(xx-a8)**2/(2*a9**2))) gauss1 <- a1*exp(-(xx-a2)**2/(2*a3**2)) gauss2 <- a4*exp(-(xx-a5)**2/(2*a6**2)) gauss3 <- a7*exp(-(xx-a8)**2/(2*a9**2)) plot(xx,yy,type="l",xlab="koncentrace P2O5 (ug/g)",ylab="Density") rug(xs) points(xx,gauss,type="l",col=6,lwd=2) points(xx,gauss1,type="l",col=3,lwd=2) points(xx,gauss2,type="l",col=2,lwd=2) points(xx,gauss3,type="l",col=4,lwd=2) ### Parove testy ################################################################## # Weight of the mice before treatment before <-c(200.1, 190.9, 192.7, 213, 241.4, 196.9, 172.2, 185.5, 205.2, 193.7) summary(before) # Weight of the mice after treatment after <-c(392.9, 393.2, 345.1, 393, 434, 427.9, 422, 383.9, 392.3, 352.2) summary(after) my_data <- data.frame(weight=c(before,after),group=rep(c("before","after"),each=10)) my_data$group <- factor(my_data$group, levels=c("before","after")) boxplot(my_data$weight~my_data$group) library(PairedData) pd <- paired(before, after) plot(pd, type = "profile") d <- before-after shapiro.test(d) # Shapiro-Wilk normality test for the differences t.test(before, after, paired = TRUE) t.test(weight ~ group, data = my_data, paired = TRUE) # average weight before treatment is less than the average weight after treatment t.test(weight ~ group, data = my_data, paired = TRUE, alternative = "less") # average weight before treatment is greater than the average weight after treatment t.test(weight ~ group, data = my_data, paired = TRUE, alternative = "greater") library(fmsb) library(parviol) ### Analyza rozptylu ##################################################################################### # Byl sledován vliv druhu konzervacního cinidla A1 az A4 (faktor A) na trvanlivost potravinárského výrobku. # Vysetrete, zda na hladine významnosti 0.05 závisí trvanlivost potravin na druhu konzervacního cinidla. # Který druh konzervacního cinidla dosahuje silne odlisných výsledku vuci ostatním? E503 <- read.table("C:/Users/lubop/Documents/kurs/Data1/ascii05/E/E503.txt")[-1,] E503 data = stack(E503) data data =; colnames(data)=c("elem","lom") elem = data[,1] lom = data[,2] ### Distribucni grafy boxplot(E503,ylab="conc",xlab="lab",las=1,cex=1,outline=TRUE) stripchart(E503, pch=1, col=1,vert=TRUE,cex=1,add=TRUE) boxplot(elem~lom,ylab="conc",xlab="lab",las=1,cex=1,outline=TRUE) stripchart(elem~as.factor(lom), pch=1, col=1,vert=TRUE,cex=1,add=TRUE) library(beeswarm) boxplot(E503,ylab="",xlab="",las=1,cex=1,outline=TRUE,cex.lab=1) beeswarm(E503, col = 1, pch = 1, add = TRUE,horizontal=FALSE,pwcol = NULL,cex=1) boxplot(elem~lom,ylab="",xlab="",las=1,cex=1,outline=TRUE,cex.lab=1) beeswarm(elem~as.factor(lom), col = 1, pch = 1, add = TRUE,horizontal=FALSE,pwcol = NULL,cex=1) library(beanplot) beanplot(E503, col = "bisque", ylim = "") beanplot(elem ~ lom, data = data, col = "bisque", ylim = "") #### Global test of model assumptions library(gvlma) gvmodel <- gvlma(lm(elem~lom)) summary(gvmodel) gvmodel <- gvlma(lm(elem~lom-1)) summary(gvmodel) ### outliers # Bonferroni Outlier Test library(car) ou = outlierTest(lm(elem~lom), cutoff=0.05, n.max=15, order=TRUE); ou as.numeric(names(ou$rstudent)) # Lund Outlier Test # modified lundout<-function(x1,x2,a) { testoutlm<-lm(x1~x2) standardresid<-rstandard(testoutlm) nl<-length(x1) q<-length(testoutlm$coefficients) F<-qf(c(1-(a/nl)),df1=1,df2=nl-q-1,lower.tail=TRUE) crit<-((nl-q)*F/(nl-q-1+F))^0.5 oul = which(abs(standardresid)>crit) return(oul) } lundout(elem,lom,0.05) library(referenceIntervals) vanderLoo.outliers(stresid) cook.outliers(stresid) dixon.outliers(stresid) horn.outliers(stresid) #### shoda rozptylu ## Bartlett bartlett.test(elem~as.factor(lom)) library(RVAideMemoire) pairwise.var.test(elem,as.factor(lom)) library(onewaytests) homog.test(elem~lom, data = data, method = "Bartlett", alpha = 0.05, na.rm = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) library(RVAideMemoire) perm.bartlett.test(elem~lom, nperm = 999, progress = TRUE) pairwise.perm.var.test(elem,as.factor(lom),nperm=999) ## Fligner Kileen fligner.test(elem~lom) library(onewaytests) homog.test(elem~lom, data = data, method = "Fligner", alpha = 0.05, na.rm = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) library(coin) fligner_test(elem~lom, data=data, subset = NULL, weights = NULL, = TRUE, conf.level = 0.95, ties.method = "average-scores") fligner_test(elem~lom, data=data, subset = NULL, weights = NULL, = TRUE, conf.level = 0.95, ties.method = "average-scores", distribution = approximate(nresample = 1000)) # ties.method = c("mid-ranks", "average-scores"), ## Conover, Johnson, Johnson library(coin) conover_test(elem~lom, data=data, subset = NULL, weights = NULL, = FALSE, conf.level = 0.95,ties.method = "average-scores") conover_test(elem~lom, data=data, subset = NULL, weights = NULL, = FALSE, conf.level = 0.95,ties.method = "average-scores", distribution = approximate(nresample = 1000)) ## Levene library(lawstat) lawstat::levene.test(elem, group = as.factor(lom), location="mean", trim.alpha=0.25,bootstrap = TRUE, num.bootstrap=999, kruskal.test=TRUE,correction.method="none") # location=c("median", "mean", "trim.mean") # correction.method=c("none","correction.factor","zero.removal","zero.correction") library(car) car::leveneTest(elem~as.factor(lom),center=mean) car::leveneTest(elem~as.factor(lom),center=median) # center = c("median", "mean") library(DescTools) DescTools::LeveneTest(elem~as.factor(lom),center=median) DescTools::LeveneTest(elem~as.factor(lom),center=mean) library(onewaytests) homog.test(elem ~ lom, data = data, method = "Levene", alpha = 0.05, na.rm = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) library(s20x) s20x::levene.test(elem ~ lom, data=data, digit = 5, show.table = TRUE) library(asbio) modlevene.test(elem,lom) ## Brown Forsythe library(HH) HH::hov(elem~lom,method = "bf") library(onewaytests) bf.test(elem ~ lom, data = data, alpha = 0.05, na.rm = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) # Hartley test library(PMCMRplus) hartleyTest(elem~lom) # Cochran C test library(outliers) cochran.test(elem~lom) library(GAD) C.test(lm(elem ~ lom)) library(PMCMRplus) cochranTest(elem,as.factor(lom), subset=NULL, na.action=NULL,alternative = "greater") # alternative = c("greater", "less") library(outliers) # Cochran cochran.test(elem~lom, inlying = FALSE) cochran.test(elem~lom, inlying = TRUE) library(PMCMRplus) GSTTest(elem,as.factor(lom), subset=NULL, na.action=NULL,alternative = "two.sided") # dist = c("Chisquare", "KruskalWallis") ans <- aov(elem ~ as.factor(lom)) # spravnejsi GSTTest(residuals(ans) ~ as.factor(lom), subset=NULL, na.action=NULL,alternative = "two.sided") ### ANOM for variances library(ANOM) # Absolute deviations from the median (robust Levene residuals) mmedian <- tapply(elem, lom, median)[lom] absdev <- abs(elem - mmedian) dataf = data.frame(cbind(absdev,lom)) dataf[,1] = as.numeric(absdev) dataf[,2] = as.factor(lom) library(multcomp) mod <- lm(absdev~lom, dataf) test <- glht(mod, mcp(lom="GrandMean")) ANOM(test,xlab="") # variance mmean <- tapply(elem, lom, mean)[lom] sqdev <- (elem - mmean)^2 dataf = data.frame(cbind(sqdev,lom)) dataf[,1] = as.numeric(sqdev) dataf[,2] = as.factor(lom) library(multcomp) mod <- lm(sqdev~lom, dataf) test2 <- glht(mod, mcp(lom="GrandMean")) ANOM(test2,xlab="") #### Trend v rozptylech # Mudholkar-McDermott-Aumont Test library(lawstat) mma.test(elem, lom, tail = "both") # tail = c("right", "left", "both") # robustni Mudholkar-McDermott-Aumont Test library(lawstat) robust.mmm.test(elem, lom, tail = "both") # tail = c("right", "left", "both") # Ltrend library(lawstat) ltrend.test(elem,lom,score=NULL,location="mean", tail="both", trim.alpha=0.25,bootstrap=FALSE,num.bootstrap=1000, correction.method = "none", correlation.method = "pearson") # location = c("median", "mean", "trim.mean") # tail = c("right", "left", "both") # correction.method = c("none", "correction.factor", "zero.removal", "zero.correction") # correlation.method = c("pearson", "kendall", "spearman") # Lntrend library(lawstat) lnested.test(elem,lom,location="mean", tail="both",trim.alpha=0.25, bootstrap=FALSE, num.bootstrap=1000, correction.method="none", correlation.method="pearson") # location = c("median", "mean", "trim.mean") # tail = c("right", "left", "both") # correction.method = c("none", "correction.factor", "zero.removal", "zero.correction") # correlation.method = c("pearson", "kendall", "spearman") ######################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################### #### ANOVA homoskedastic fit <- aov(elem~lom) summary(fit) # display Type I ANOVA table summary.lm(fit) anova(fit) model.tables(fit,se=T) model.tables(fit,"means",se=T) library(car) Anova(fit, type="II") ### If you use type="III", you need the following line before the analysis ### options(contrasts = c("contr.sum", "contr.poly")) library(FSA) Summarize(elem ~ lom, data=data, digits=3) library(multcompView) multcompBoxplot(elem ~ lom, data = data, horizontal = FALSE, compFn = "TukeyHSD",sortFn = "mean", decreasing = TRUE, plotList = list(boxplot = list(fig = c(0, 0.75, 0, 1)), multcompTs = list(fig = c(0.7, 0.85, 0, 1)),multcompLetters = list(fig = c(0.87, 0.97, 0.03, 0.98), fontsize = 20,fontface = "bold"))) # Student-Newman-Keuls (SNK) test library(PMCMRplus) out = snkTest(elem,lom, subset=NULL, na.action=NULL,alternative = "two.sided") summary(out) # Tukey Honestly Significant Differences test, Tukey - Kramer library(agricolae) out <- HSD.test(aov(elem~lom),"lom",alpha = 0.95, group=TRUE,console=TRUE,main="") plot(out,las=2) library(PMCMRplus) out = tukeyTest(elem,lom, subset=NULL, na.action=NULL,alternative = "two.sided") summary(out) summaryGroup(out) ## Scheffe test library(agricolae) out <- scheffe.test(aov(elem~lom),"lom",alpha = 0.95, group=TRUE,console=TRUE,main="") plot(out,las=2) library(PMCMRplus) out = scheffeTest(elem~lom, subset=NULL, na.action=NULL) summary(out) summaryGroup(out) ## Waller test library(agricolae) out <- waller.test(aov(elem~lom),"lom", K = 100, group=TRUE, main = NULL,console=TRUE) plot(out,las=2) # least significant difference all-pairs comparisons test for normally distributed data with equal group variances. library(PMCMRplus) out = lsdTest(elem,lom, subset=NULL, na.action=NULL); out summary(out) summaryGroup(out) library(agricolae) out <- LSD.test(aov(elem~lom),"lom", alpha=0.95, group=TRUE,main=NULL,console=TRUE,p.adj="bonferroni") # p.adj=c("none","holm","hommel","hochberg", "bonferroni", "BH", "BY", "fdr") plot(out,las=2) # Ryan, Einot and Gabriel and Welsch multiple range test library(agricolae) out<- REGW.test(aov(elem~lom),"lom",alpha = 0.95, group=TRUE, main = NULL,console=TRUE) plot(out,las=2) summary(out) ############################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################# #### ANOVA heteroskedastic # trimmed means library(WRS2) t1way(elem~lom, data, tr = 0.2, alpha = 0.05, nboot = 500) vx=lincon(elem~lom, data, tr = 0.2, alpha = 0.05) cbind(vx$comp[,c(1,2)],round((vx$comp[,6]*100),0)) ## Alexander-Govern test. library(onewaytests) out = ag.test(elem ~ lom, data = data, alpha = 0.05, na.rm = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) out out =paircomp(out, adjust.method = "BH") # p.adjust.methods: "holm", "hochberg","hommel","bonferroni","BH","BY","fdr","none","tukey","games-howell" ## Welch test library(car) mod = aov(elem~lom, data=data, na.action=na.omit) # mod = lm(elem~lom,,lom)), na.action=na.omit) Anova(mod, white.adjust=TRUE) # white.adjust=c(FALSE, TRUE, "hc3", "hc0", "hc1", "hc2", "hc4") oneway.test(elem~as.factor(lom), subset=NULL, na.action=NULL, var.equal = FALSE) library(welchADF) summary(welchADF.test(elem~lom)) library(asbio) pairw.oneway(elem,as.factor(lom), conf = 0.95, digits = 5, method = "fdr") library(userfriendlyscience) oneway(elem,lom, fullDescribe = TRUE, posthoc = 'fdr',corrections=TRUE,plot=TRUE) # p.adjust.methods: "holm", "hochberg","hommel","bonferroni","BH","BY","fdr","none","tukey","games-howell" library(coin) oneway_test(elem~lom, data=data, subset = NULL, weights = NULL, = FALSE, conf.level = 0.95, ties.method = "average-scores") oneway_test(elem~lom, data=data, subset = NULL, weights = NULL, = FALSE, conf.level = 0.95, ties.method = "average-scores", distribution = approximate(nresample = 1000)) ## Games-Howell library(userfriendlyscience) posthocTGH(elem,lom, method= "games-howell", conf.level = 0.95, digits=2, p.adjust="holm",formatPvalue = TRUE) # method=c("games-howell", "tukey") # p.adjust= c("holm", "hochberg", "hommel", "bonferroni", "BH", "BY", "fdr", "none") library(PMCMRplus) out = gamesHowellTest(elem~lom,alternative = "two.sided",subset=NULL, p.adjust="BH") summary(out) summaryGroup(out) ## Tamhane T2 library(PMCMRplus) out = tamhaneT2Test(elem,lom, subset=NULL, na.action=NULL,welch = TRUE,alternative = "two.sided") summary(out) summaryGroup(out) ## Ury Wiggins Hochberg library(PMCMRplus) out = uryWigginsHochbergTest(elem, lom, subset=NULL, na.action=NULL,alternative = "two.sided", p.adjust.method ="holm") # p.adjust.method = p.adjust.methods, ...) summary(out) summaryGroup(out) library(robustbase) r.mod = lmrob(elem~lom,data=data, na.action=na.omit,weights=NULL) summary(r.mod) #### shoda distribuce ######################################################################################### library(PMCMRplus) adKSampleTest(elem~lom, subset=NULL, na.action=NULL) out = adAllPairsTest(elem~lom, subset=NULL, na.action=NULL, p.adjust.method = "BH"); out # p.adjust.methods = c("holm", "hochberg", "hommel", "bonferroni", "BH", "BY", "fdr", "none") summary(out) summaryGroup(out) barPlot(out, alpha = 0.05) plot(out, alpha = 0.05) library(PMCMRplus) # Murakami k-sample Baumgartner Weiss Schindler Test of Equal Distributions bwsKSampleTest(elem,lom, subset=NULL, na.action,nperm = 1000) out <- bwsAllPairsTest(elem, lom, p.adjust="fdr"); out summary(out) summaryGroup(out) ######################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################## #### Non-parametric ## Kruskal-Wallis test # homoscedastic kruskal.test(elem~lom) library(agricolae) kruskal(elem,lom, alpha = 0.05, p.adj="holm",group=TRUE, main = NULL,console=TRUE) # p.adj=c("none","holm","hommel", "hochberg", "bonferroni", "BH", "BY", "fdr") library(asbio), lom, conf=0.05) plot(, lom, conf=0.05),las=2) library(NSM3) pKW(elem,lom,method="Monte Carlo", # Kruskal-Wallis # method=c("Exact", "Monte Carlo", or "Asymptotic") library(coin) kruskal_test(elem~lom, data=data, subset = NULL, weights = NULL, = FALSE, conf.level = 0.95, ties.method = "average-scores") kruskal_test(elem~lom, data=data, subset = NULL, weights = NULL, = FALSE, conf.level = 0.95, ties.method = "average-scores", distribution = approximate(nresample = 1000)) library(onewaytests) out = kw.test(elem ~ lom, data = data, alpha = 0.05, na.rm = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) # paircomp(out, adjust.method = "bonferroni") # adjust.method = c("bonferroni", "holm", "hochberg", "hommel", "BH","BY", "fdr", "none") library(PMCMRplus) kruskalTest(elem, lom, subset=NULL, na.action=NULL, dist = "KruskalWallis") # dist = c("Chisquare", "KruskalWallis", "FDist") ## Nemenyi library(PMCMR) posthoc.kruskal.nemenyi.test(elem,lom, method="Tukey") # method="Tukey", "Chisq" library(PMCMRplus) out = kwAllPairsNemenyiTest(elem, lom, subset=NULL, na.action=NULL,dist = "Tukey"); out # dist = c("Tukey", "Chisquare") summary(out) summaryGroup(out) library(PMCMRplus) out=kwAllPairsDunnTest(elem, lom, subset=NULL, na.action=NULL, p.adjust.method ="fdr"); out summary(out) summaryGroup(out) library(PMCMR) out = posthoc.kruskal.dunn.test(elem,lom,p.adjust.method ="holm"); out summary(out) ## Conover's non-parametric all-pairs comparison test for Kruskal-type ranked data. library(conover.test) conover.test(elem,lom, method="holm", kw=TRUE, label=TRUE,wrap=FALSE, table=TRUE, list=FALSE, rmc=FALSE, alpha=0.95) # method=c("none", "bonferroni", "sidak", "holm", "hs", "hochberg", "bh", "by") library(PMCMRplus) out = kwAllPairsConoverTest(elem, lom, subset=NULL, na.action=NULL,p.adjust.method = "holm"); out # p.adjust.method = c("single-step", p.adjust.methods); single-step = Tukey's p-adjustment summary(out) summaryGroup(out) library(PMCMR) posthoc.kruskal.conover.test(elem, lom,p.adjust.method ="holm") ## Dwass, Steel, Critchlow and Fligner library(PMCMRplus) out = dscfAllPairsTest(elem, lom, subset=NULL, na.action=NULL, p.adjust.method = "holm", alternative = "two.sided") summary(out) summaryGroup(out) E518 <- read.table("C:/Users/lubop/Documents/kurs/Data1/ascii05/E/E518.txt") data = stack(E518[-1,]) data =; colnames(data)=c("elem","lom") elem = data[,1] lom = data[,2] # Jonckheere-Terpstra (testuje trend v poradi souboru) library(DescTools) lomc = ordered(sapply(lom,function(x) sub("V", "", x))) JonckheereTerpstraTest(elem, lomc, alternative = "increasing",nperm = 500) # alternative = c("two.sided", "increasing", "decreasing") #### normal scores ## Waerden test library(agricolae) out<-waerden.test(elem,lom,alpha=0.95,group=TRUE,console=TRUE,main="") plot(out,las=2) # van-der-Waerden normal scores test library(PMCMRplus) vanWaerdenTest(elem,as.factor(lom), subset=NULL, na.action=NULL,alternative = "two.sided") out = vanWaerdenAllPairsTest(elem,as.factor(lom), subset=NULL, na.action=NULL,alternative = "two.sided",p.adjust.method = "fdr") # p.adjust.method = c("single-step", p.adjust.methods) summary(out) summaryGroup(out) library(PMCMR) vanWaerden.test(elem,as.factor(lom), subset=NULL, na.action=NULL,alternative = "two.sided") out = posthoc.vanWaerden.test(elem,as.factor(lom),p.adjust.method ="holm") summary(out) library(coin) normal_test(as.numeric(elem)~as.factor(lom), ties.method = "mid-ranks", = FALSE, conf.level = 0.95) normal_test(as.numeric(elem)~as.factor(lom), ties.method = "mid-ranks", = FALSE, conf.level = 0.95, distribution = approximate(B = 1000)) # method = c("mid-ranks", "average-scores") # Lu-Smith normal scores test, transformace dat na normalitu library(PMCMRplus) normalScoresTest(elem,lom, subset=NULL, na.action=NULL,alternative = "two.sided") out = normalScoresAllPairsTest(elem,lom, subset=NULL, na.action=NULL,alternative = "two.sided", p.adjust.method = "holm"); out # p.adjust.method = c("single-step", p.adjust.methods) summary(out) summaryGroup(out) library(ARTool) oart = art(elem ~ lom, data = data) summary(oart) anova(oart, response = "art",type = "I", factor.contrasts = "contr.sum", test = "F", all.rows = FALSE) # response = c("art", "aligned") # type = c("III","II", "I", 3, 2, 1) # factor.contrasts = "contr.sum" # test = c("F", "Chisq") library(ART) aligned.rank.transform(elem ~ lom, data = data, perform.aov = TRUE, SS.type = "I") # SS.type = c("III","II", "1I") ## ordinal logistic regression library(rms) olr.mod = orm(elem~lom) olr.mod ## Median test library(agricolae) out<-Median.test(elem,lom,correct=TRUE,simulate.p.value = TRUE,alpha=0.95,group=TRUE,console=TRUE,main="") plot(out,las=2) library(coin) median_test(elem~lom, mid.score = c("0", "0.5", "1"), = FALSE, conf.level = 0.95) median_test(elem~lom, mid.score = c("0", "0.5", "1"), = FALSE, conf.level = 0.95, distribution = approximate(nresample = 1000)) library(RVAideMemoire) mood.medtest(elem, lom, exact = TRUE) pairwise.mood.medtest(elem, lom, exact = TRUE, p.method = "fdr") ### Standard ANOM (Gaussian, homoscedastic) library(multcomp) model <- lm(elem ~ lom, data) hom <- glht(model, mcp(lom="GrandMean"), alternative="two.side") ANOM(hom,ylab="",xlab="") ### Heteroscedastic ANOM # With sandwich covariance matrix estimate (Herberich et al. 2010) library(ANOM) library(multcomp) library(sandwich) model <- lm(elem ~ lom, data) het1 <- glht(model, mcp(lom="GrandMean"), alternative="two.side", vcov=vcovHC) ANOM(het1,ylab="",xlab="") ### Nonparametric ANOM library(ANOM) ss <- tapply(elem, lom, length) library(multcomp) Mat <- contrMat(ss, "GrandMean") ## Using a multivariate t approximation library(nparcomp) mult <- mctp(elem~lom, data=data, type="UserDefined", contrast.matrix=Mat, alternative="two.side", info=FALSE, correlation=TRUE, asy.method="mult.t") mult ANOM(mult) ##### 2-way ANOVA #################################################################################################################################### library(openxlsx) shn = getSheetNames("c:\\Users\\lubop\\Documents\\kurs\\DVpisky1.xlsx") shn sal <- read.xlsx("c:\\Users\\lubop\\Documents\\kurs\\DVpisky1.xlsx", sheet = "2wANOVA", startRow = 1, colNames = TRUE, rowNames = FALSE,detectDates = FALSE, skipEmptyRows = TRUE,rows = NULL, cols = NULL,check.names = FALSE) data = nitr = data[,1] subst = data[,2] hnoj = data[,3] ### Global test of model assumptions library(gvlma) gvmodel <- with(data,gvlma(lm(nitr~subst*hnoj))) summary(gvmodel) fit = lm(nitr~subst*hnoj,data=data) fit = lm(nitr~subst*hnoj-1,data=data) summary(fit) anova(fit) fit2 = aov(nitr~subst*hnoj,data=data) anova(fit2) summary(fit2) library(Hmisc) with(data,summary(nitr~subst*hnoj)) with(data,summary(nitr~subst*hnoj-1)) library(car) (my_anova <- aov(nitr~subst*hnoj,data=data)) anova(my_anova) Anova(my_anova, type = "II") # preferable # Anova(my_anova, type = "III") with(data,interaction.plot(subst,hnoj,nitr,ylab="",type ="l")) summary(aov(nitr~subst*hnoj,data=data)) with(data,interaction.plot(subst,hnoj,nitr,ylab="")) anova(aov(nitr~subst*hnoj,data=data)) library(ExpDes) with(data, fat2.crd(subst, hnoj, nitr, quali = c(TRUE, TRUE), mcomp = "tukey", fac.names = c("substrat", "hnojeni"), sigT = 0.05, sigF = 0.05)) library(welchADF) summary(welchADF.test(lm(nitr~subst*hnoj,data=data))) library(ARTool) oart = art(nitr~as.factor(subst)*as.factor(hnoj),data=data) summary(oart) anova(oart, response = "art",type = "I", factor.contrasts = "contr.sum", test = "F", all.rows = FALSE) # response = c("art", "aligned") # type = c("III","II", "I", 3, 2, 1) # factor.contrasts = "contr.sum" # test = c("F", "Chisq") library(ART) aligned.rank.transform(nitr~subst*hnoj,data=data,perform.aov = TRUE, SS.type = "I") # SS.type = c("III","II", "1I") aligned.rank.transform(nitr~subst*hnoj,data=data,perform.aov = TRUE, SS.type = "II") library(rankFD) model <- rankFD(nitr~subst*hnoj,data=data, CI.method = "Normal", effect = "unweighted", hypothesis = "H0F") model ## ordinal logistic regression library(rms) orm(nitr~subst*hnoj,data=data) library(lmPerm) # perm "Exact", "Prob", "SPR" will produce permutation probabilities. Anything else, such as "", will produce F-test probabilities. out = aovp(nitr~subst*hnoj,data=data,perm="Prob",nCycle = 5000); out summary(out) anova(lmp(nitr~subst*hnoj,data=data)) library(permuco) out = aovperm(nitr~subst*hnoj,data=data, np = 5000, method = "freedman_lane"); out summary(out) library(robustbase) model = lmrob(nitr~subst*hnoj-1,data=data) summary(model) plot(fitted(model), residuals(model)) abline(h=0, col=2, lty=2) library(robustbase) model = lmrob(nitr~subst*hnoj,data=data) summary(model) plot(fitted(model), residuals(model)) abline(h=0, col=2, lty=2) ##### KORELACE ################################################################################ library(smovie) hscale = 2 correlation(n = 30, rho = 0, panel_plot = TRUE, hscale = 2, vscale = hscale, delta_n = 1, delta_rho = 0.1) ## Anscombovo kvarteto library(asbio) data(anscombe) cor(anscombe[,"x1"],anscombe[,"y1"]) cor(anscombe[,"x2"],anscombe[,"y2"]) cor(anscombe[,"x3"],anscombe[,"y3"]) cor(anscombe[,"x4"],anscombe[,"y4"]) par(mfrow=c(2,2)) plot(anscombe[,"x1"],anscombe[,"y1"]) plot(anscombe[,"x2"],anscombe[,"y2"]) plot(anscombe[,"x3"],anscombe[,"y3"]) plot(anscombe[,"x4"],anscombe[,"y4"]) par(mfrow=c(1,1)) library(datasauRus) # Anscombe par(mfrow = c(5, 3), mar=c(1,3,3,1)) nms <- names(datasaurus_dozen_wide) for (i in seq(1, 25, by = 2)){ nm <- substr(nms[i], 1, nchar(nms[i]) - 2) plot(datasaurus_dozen_wide[[nms[i]]], datasaurus_dozen_wide[[nms[i+1]]], xlab = "", ylab = "", main = nm) } # Simpson par(mfrow = c(1, 2)) plot(simpsons_paradox_wide[["simpson_1_x"]], simpsons_paradox_wide[["simpson_1_y"]], xlab = "x", ylab = "y", main = "Simpson's Paradox 1") plot(simpsons_paradox_wide[["simpson_2_x"]], simpsons_paradox_wide[["simpson_2_y"]], xlab = "x", ylab = "y", main = "Simpson's Paradox 2") par(mfrow = c(1, 1)) ################################################################################################################ library(ACSWR) data(viscos) data=viscos x = data[,1] y = data[,2] plot(x,y) # kovariance cov(x,y) # korelace cov(x,y)/(sd(x)*sd(y)) cor(x,y) library(openxlsx) pisky <- read.xlsx("c:\\Users\\lubop\\Documents\\kurs\\DVpisky1.xlsx", sheet = "Pisky", startRow = 1, colNames = TRUE, rowNames = TRUE,detectDates = FALSE, skipEmptyRows = TRUE,rows = NULL, cols = NULL,check.names = FALSE) summary(pisky) pisky = pisky[,-1] colnames(pisky) x = pisky[,"Sr"] y = pisky[,"Ba"] ################################################################################################################ cor(x,y, method="pearson") cor(x,y, method="spearman") cor(x,y, method="kendall") library(StatDA) cor.sign(cbind(x,y), method="pearson") cor.sign(cbind(x,y), method="kendall") cor.sign(cbind(x,y), method="spearman") library(Hmisc) rs<-rcorr(x, y, type="spearman"); rs # type=c("pearson","spearman") library(StatDA) RobCor.plot(x, y, quan=1/2, alpha=0.025, colC=3, colR=4) library(robustbase) mr<-covMcd(cbind(x,y), alpha=0.975, cor=TRUE)$cor; mr library(fmsb), y, adj.bias=TRUE, conf.level=0.95) plot(x,y,log="") library(aplpack) bagplot(x,y,show.baghull=TRUE,show.loophull=TRUE,precision=1,dkmethod=2) ### test vyznamnosti cor.test(x, y, alternative = "two.sided", method = "pearson", exact = NULL, conf.level = 0.95, continuity = FALSE) # alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater") # method = c("pearson", "kendall", "spearman") library(UsingR) scatter.with.hist(x, y, hist.col = gray(0.95),trend.line = "lm") simple.scatterplot(x, y) # rank scatter plot xr <-rank(x) yr <-rank(y) plot(xr,yr, col=1, xlab=" x", ylab="y",cex=1.2) # text(xr,yr, labels=rownames(mb)) abline(0,1,lty=2) library(asbio) chi.plot(x,y) library(lcopula) K.plot(cbind(x,y), add = F) set.seed(123) data=cbind(x.y) library(boot) b3 <- boot(data, statistic = function(data, i) { cor(data[i, "x"], data[i, "y"], method='pearson')}, R = 1000) b3 ########################################################################################################## library(openair) corPlot(pisky, pollutants = NULL, type = "default",cluster = TRUE, cols = "hue", r.thresh = 0.8,text.col = c("black", "black"), auto.text = FALSE) cols =c("default","increment","heat","spectral","hue", "brewer1","greyscale") m = cor(pisky, method="pearson") library(ellipse) plotcorr(m) library(ellipse) colors <- c("#A50F15","#DE2D26","#FB6A4A","#FCAE91","#FEE5D9","white", "#EFF3FF","#BDD7E7","#6BAED6","#3182BD","#08519C") plotcorr(m, col=colors[5*m + 6]) library(corrgram) corrgram(m, order=TRUE) library(StatDA) mp<-cor(pisky, method="pearson") ms<-cor(pisky, method="spearman") CorCompare(mp, ms, labels1="pearson", labels2="spearman", ndigits=3, cex.cor=0.8, cex.label=0.8) # TESTY KORELACE library(fBasics) correlationTest(x, y, method = "pearson", title = NULL, description = NULL) # method = c("pearson", "kendall", "spearman") pearsonTest(x, y, title = NULL, description = NULL) kendallTest(x, y, title = NULL, description = NULL) spearmanTest(x, y, title = NULL, description = NULL) library(psych) corr.test(x, y, use = "pairwise",method="pearson",adjust="holm") # use= c("pairwise", "complete") # method= c("pearson", "spearman", "kendall") # adjustment for multiple tests: adjust = c("holm", "hochberg", "hommel","bonferroni", "BH", "BY", "fdr", "none") library(psych) # correlation matrix is an identity matrix cortest.bartlett(m, n = NULL) # Steiger test cortest.normal(m, R2 = NULL, n1 = NULL, n2 = NULL, fisher = TRUE) cortest(pisky,R2=NULL,n1=NULL,n2 = NULL, fisher = TRUE,cor=TRUE) # Jennrich test cortest.jennrich(m,R2,n1=NULL, n2=NULL) # alternative test cortest.mat(m,R2=NULL,n1=NULL,n2 = NULL) rb = corCi(pisky, keys = NULL, n.iter = 500, p = 0.05,overlap = FALSE,poly = FALSE, method = "pearson", plot=F,minlength=5,n=NULL) rb$rho rb$ci corCi(pisky, keys = NULL, n.iter = 500, p = 0.05,overlap = FALSE,poly = FALSE, method = "pearson", plot=T,minlength=5,n=NULL) ### Dunnettuv test ###################################################################### data <- data.frame(value = c(76, 77, 77, 81, 82, 82, 83, 84, 85, 89, 81, 82, 83, 83, 83, 84, 87, 90, 92, 93, 77, 78, 79, 88, 89, 90, 91, 95, 95, 98), Group = rep(c("control", "V1", "V2"), each = 10)) data$Group<-as.factor(data$Group) head(data) boxplot(value~Group,data = data,main = "",xlab = "Groups",ylab = "Value",col = "gray",border = "black") model <- aov(value ~ Group, data = data) summary(model) library(DescTools) DunnettTest(x=data$value, g=data$Group) library(PMCMRplus) dunnettTest(x=data$value, g=data$Group, alternative = "two.sided") # alternative = c("two.sided", "greater", "less") boxplot(Ozone ~ Month, data = airquality) DunnettTest(Ozone ~ Month, data = airquality) DunnettTest(Ozone ~ Month, data = airquality, control="8", conf.level=0.9) ## Mucociliary efficiency from the rate of removal of dust in normal ## subjects, subjects with obstructive airway disease, and subjects ## with asbestosis. reference <- c(2.9, 3.0, 2.5, 2.6, 3.2) # normal subjects OAD <- c(3.8, 2.7, 4.0, 2.4) # with obstructive airway disease asbestosis <- c(2.8, 3.4, 3.7, 2.2, 2.0) # with asbestosis data2 = list(reference, OAD, asbestosis) names(data2) = c("normal", "OAD", "asbestosis") boxplot(data2) DunnettTest(data2) ################################################################ ### Analýza cenzorovaných dat library(NADA) v = c('<1', 1, '<1', 1, 2) splitQual(v) obs = c(0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 5.0, 10, 100) censored = c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE) pctCen(obs, censored) # Cadmium concentrations in fish for two regions of the Rocky Mountains. data(Cadmium) head(Cadmium) obs = Cadmium$Cd censored = Cadmium$CdCen groups = Cadmium$Region # Cd differences between regions? cendiff(obs, censored, groups) cenfit(Cen(obs, censored)~groups) cenboxplot(obs, censored, groups, log=FALSE, range=0) cenboxplot(obs, censored, groups, log=TRUE, range=0) library(NADA2) cboxplot(obs, censored, groups) #SRKYMT censtats(obs[1:9],censored[1:9]) #COLOPLT censtats(obs[10:19],censored[10:19]) # Hodnoty 17-alfa-hydroxyprogesteronu v krvi novorozenců library(openxlsx) ohpx <- read.xlsx("c:\\Users\\lubop\\Documents\\kurs\\OHP.xlsx", sheet = "OHP2", startRow = 1, colNames = TRUE, rowNames = FALSE,detectDates = FALSE, skipEmptyRows = TRUE,rows = NULL, cols = NULL,check.names = FALSE) ohp2 <- rep(0, length(ohpx[,1])) ohp2[which(ohpx[,1]=="crit) return(oul) } lundout(y,x,0.05) # Shapiro-Wilk test rezidui shapiro.test(resid(lmMod)) shapiro.test(rstandard(lmMod)) shapiro.test(rstudent(lmMod)) # Breusch-Pagan test na heteroskedasticitu library(lmtest) lmtest::bptest(y~x, varformula = NULL, studentize = TRUE, data = data) # Harrison-McCabe test for heteroskedasticity library(lmtest) lmtest::hmctest(y~x, point = 0.5, = NULL, simulate.p = TRUE, nsim = 1000, plot = TRUE, data = data) # Score Test for Non-Constant Error Variance library(car) car::ncvTest(lmMod) # Goldfeld-Quandt test against heteroskedasticity library(lmtest) lmtest::gqtest(y~x, point = 0.5, fraction = 0, alternative = "two.sided", = NULL, data = data) # alternative = c("greater", "two.sided", "less") # Durbin-Watson test for autocorrelation (zavislost rezidui na x) library(lmtest) lmtest::dwtest(y~x, = NULL, alternative = "two.sided", iterations = 15, exact = NULL, tol = 1e-10, data = data) # alternative = c("greater", "two.sided", "less") library(car) durbinWatsonTest(lmMod) ### Testy linearity # Rainbow test linearity library(lmtest) lmtest::raintest(y~x, fraction = 0.5, = NULL, center = NULL, data=data) # Harvey-Collier test for linearity library(lmtest) lmtest::harvtest(y~x, = NULL, data = data) ###### regrese pocatkem ############################ s.lm <- lm(y ~ x, data = data) summary(s.lm) s.lm2 <- lm(y ~ 0 + x, data = data) # Adding the 0 term tells the lm() to fit the line through the origin summary(s.lm2) s.lm3 <- lm(y ~ x-1, data = data) # Adding the 0 term tells the lm() to fit the line through the origin summary(s.lm3) plot(x,y) # regrese bez useku abline(lm(y ~ x-1, data = data), col=2, lty=2) ### Box-Cox ############################################################# library(AID) lmbc = boxcoxlm(as.matrix(x), y, method = "lse", lambda = seq(-3,3,0.01), lambda2 = NULL, plot = TRUE,alpha = 0.05, verbose = TRUE) lmbc$lambda.hat caret::BoxCoxTrans(y) library(forecast) ynew = BoxCox(y, lambda=2) lmMod_bc <- lm(ynew ~ x, data=data) bptest(lmMod_bc) plot(lmMod_bc) ### regrese polynomem s.lmq <- lm(y ~ x + poly(x,2), data = data) summary(s.lmq) plot(x,y) # regrese polynomem lines(lm(y ~ poly(x^2), data = data), col=2, lty=2) abline(lm(y ~ x + poly(x,2), data = data), col=4, lty=2) lmMod2 = lm(z ~ x, data = data) ### Srovnani 2 modelu anova(lmMod,lmMod2) library(performance) compare_performance(lmMod, lmMod2, rank = TRUE) # Srovnani 2 primek library(gap) chow.test(y1=y,x1=x,y2=z,x2=x,x=NULL) ####################################################################################################### ### Resistant Regression library(MASS) lmM1 = lqs(y ~ x, data,method = "lts") lmM1 # method = c("lts", "lqs", "lms", "S", "model.frame") lmM2 = rlm(y ~ x, data, weights=NULL, method = "M", wt.method = "inv.var") lmM2 # method = c("M", "MM", "model.frame"), # wt.method = c("inv.var", "case") library(LearnEDA) # Fits Tukey resistant line of form a + b (x - xC). lmM3 = rline(x,y,iter=1) ### truncated/censored regression library(NADA) # TCE concentrations (ug/L) in ground waters of Long Island, New York, along with several possible explanatory variables. data(TCEReg) # Using the formula interface cre=with(TCEReg, cenreg(Cen(TCEConc, TCECen)~PopDensity,dist="lognormal")) # "extreme", "logistic", "gaussian", "weibull", "exponential", "rayleigh", "loggaussian", "lognormal", "loglogistic", "t" summary(cre) coef=as.numeric(cre@survreg$coef) plot(TCEReg$PopDensity,TCEReg$TCEConc) abline(coef[1],coef[2]) plot(TCEReg$PopDensity,TCEReg$TCEConc,log="y") ########################################################################################################### library(chemCal) data(din32645) din32645 data(massart97ex1) massart97ex1 data(massart97ex3) massart97ex3 data(utstats14) m <- lm(y ~ x, data = din32645) calplot(m,xlim = c("auto", "auto"), ylim = c("auto", "auto"),xlab = "Concentration", ylab = "Response", alpha=0.05, varfunc = NULL) plot(m, which=1) plot(m, which=2) plot(m, which=3) ## Prediction of x with confidence interval prediction <- inverse.predict(m, 3500, alpha = 0.05) ## Critical value (decision limit) crit <- lod(m, alpha = 0.05, beta = 0.05) m <- lm(y ~ x, data = din32645) lod(m) lod(m, alpha = 0.05, beta = 0.05) m <- lm(y ~ x, data = din32645) loq(m) loq(m, n = 3) # better by using replicate measurements library(EnvStats) calibrate(y ~ x, data=din32645, test.higher.orders = TRUE, max.order = 4, p.crit = 0.05, F.test = "partial", method = "qr", model = TRUE, x = FALSE, y = FALSE, contrasts = NULL, warn = TRUE) ### nonlinear regression ################################################################################################## library(investr) data(Puromycin, package = "datasets") Puromycin2 <- Puromycin[Puromycin$state == "treated", ][, 1:2] detach(openxlsx) write.xlsx(Puromycin, "c:\\Users\\lubop\\Documents\\kurs\\DVpiskyXX.xlsx", col.names=TRUE, row.names=TRUE) write.table(Puromycin, file = "c:\\Users\\lubop\\Documents\\kurs\\DVpiskyXX.txt", append = FALSE, quote = TRUE, sep = " ", eol = "\n", na = "NA", dec = ".", row.names = TRUE,col.names = TRUE) Puro.nls <- nls(rate ~ Vm * conc/(K + conc), data = Puromycin2,start = c(Vm = 200, K = 0.05)) plotFit(Puro.nls, interval = "both", pch = 19, shade = TRUE, col.conf = "skyblue4", col.pred = "lightskyblue2") ################################################################################################################################3 library(BlandAltmanLeh) bland.altman.PEFR # data library(deming) data(arsenate) data(ferritin) # Deming fit <- deming(aes ~ aas, data=arsenate, xstd=se.aas, ystd=se.aes, conf=.95, jackknife=TRUE, dfbeta=FALSE,x=FALSE, y=FALSE, model=TRUE) print(fit) fit$coefficients fit$coefficients[1] fit$coefficients[2] fit$residuals mean(fit$residuals) # York library(bfsl) fit1 <- bfsl(x=arsenate$aas, y = arsenate$aes, sd_x = arsenate$se.aas, sd_y = arsenate$se.aes, r = 0, control = bfsl_control()) fit1 # Passing Bablok afit1 <- pbreg(aes ~ aas, data= arsenate,conf=.95,nboot = 0, method=1, eps=sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), x = FALSE, y = FALSE, model = TRUE) print(afit1) # Theil Sen afit2 <- theilsen(aes ~ aas, data= arsenate,conf=.95, nboot = 0, symmetric=FALSE, eps=sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), x = FALSE, y = FALSE, model = TRUE) print(afit2) library(mcr) data(creatinine) <- mcreg(as.matrix(creatinine), method.reg="LinReg", na.rm=TRUE) fit.wlr <- mcreg(as.matrix(creatinine), method.reg="WLinReg", na.rm=TRUE) compareFit(, fit.wlr ) #### Bland-Altman plot library(BlandAltmanLeh) bland.altman.plot(group1=arsenate$aes, group2=arsenate$aas, two = 1.96, mode = 1, graph.sys = "base", = 0, silent = TRUE, sunflower = FALSE, geom_count = FALSE) bland.altman.stats(group1=arsenate$aes, group2=arsenate$aas, two = 1.96, mode = 1, = 0.95) library(blandr) blandr.statistics (arsenate$aes, arsenate$aas, sig.level=0.95 ) blandr.draw(arsenate$aes, arsenate$aas) blandr.draw(arsenate$aes, arsenate$aas,ciDisplay = FALSE, ciShading = FALSE) ###########################################################################################################################