POLAROGRAPHY/ VOLTAMMETRY  Introduction  Instrumentation, common techniques  Direct Current (DC) polarography  Mercury electrodes (DME, SMDE, HMDE)  Polarographic currents  Tast polarography  Ilkovič equation  Half-wave potential, limited diffusion current  Logarithmic analysis  Current maxima  Brdička reaction  Analytical applications POLAROGRAPHY/ VOLTAMMETRY  Linear Sweep Voltammetry (LSV)  Cyclic Voltammetry (CV)  Normal Pulse Polarography (NPP) or Voltammetry (NPV)  Differential Pulse Polarography (DPP) or Voltammetry (DPV)  Square Wave (SW) Polarography or Voltammetry  Alternating Current (AC) Polarography or Voltammetry  Elimination Polarography (EP)  Elimination Voltammetry with Linear Scan (EVLS) Jaroslav Heyrovský * Dec. 20, 1890, Prague, Bohemia, Austro-Hungarian Empire [now Czech Rep.] † March 27, 1967, Prague, Czechoslovakia Jaroslav Heyrovský was an inventor of the polarographic method, father of electroanalytical chemistry, recipient of the Nobel Prize (1959). His contribution to electroanalytical chemistry can not be overestimated. All voltammetry methods used now in electroanalytical chemistry originate from polarography developed by him. Introduction Picture of the first polarograph designed by J. Heyrovský and M. Shikata (1924). This instrument is saved in the museum of J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry. Introduction Introduction  Polarography is an voltammetric measurement whose response is determined by combined diffusion/convection mass transport. Polarography is a specific type of measurement that falls into the general category of linear-sweep voltammetry where the electrode potential is altered in a linear fashion from the initial potential Ei to the final potential E. As a linear sweep method controlled by convection/diffusion mass transport, the current vs. potential response of a polarographic experiment has the typical sigmoidal shape. What makes polarography different from other linear sweep voltammetry measurements is that polarography makes use of the dropping mercury electrode (DME).  A measure of current as a function of potential when the working electrode is a dropping mercury (or other liquid conductor) electrode and unstirred solutions are used. I = f (E) E = Ei  v t E – electrode potential, v – scan rate, t - time, I - current also LSV - Linear Sweep Voltammetry or CV – Cyclic Voltammetry v = dE/dt Instrumentation, common techniques Two-electrode set Three-electrode set Instrumentation, common techniques Instrumentation, common techniques EcoTribo Polarograph Polaro Sensors - Eco Trend Prague, Czech Republic Instrumentation, common techniques Electrochemical analyzer AUTOLAB Autolab Ecochemie Utrecht The Netherlands VA-Stand 663 Metrohm Zurich Switzerland Autolab 20 Autolab 30 Mercury electrodes (DME, SMDE, HMDE) Despite its toxicity, the metallic mercury has been used as an electrode material for decades and is the original material for polarography. Dropping Mercury Electrode - DME Static Mercury Drop Electrode - SMDE Hanging Mercury Drop Electrode - HMDE  its liquid state at ambient temperature, renewable surface  high purity material availability,  high conductivity,  inertness chemically at low potentials (because of its high overvoltage potential for hydrogen evolution)  formation of amalgams with numerous metals  microelectrodes (Hg drop diameter smaller than a millimeter). Instrumentation, common techniques Instrumentation, common techniques Potential windows for different electrodes Direct Current (DC) polarography Apply Linear Potential with Time Observed Current Changes with Applied Potential Apply Potential E << Eo Direct Current (DC) polarography a) ½ wave potential (E½) characteristic of Mn+ (E) b) height of either average current maxima (i avg) or top current max (i max) is ~ analyte concentration c) size of i max is governed by rate of growth of DME > drop time (t, sec) rate of mercury flow (m, mg/s) diffusion coefficient of analyte (D, cm2/s) number of electrons in process (n) analyte concentration (c, mol/ml) Mn+ + ne- +Hg = M(Hg) amalgam Ilkovič equation (id)max = 0.706 n D1/2 m2/3 t1/6 c (id)avg = 0.607 n D1/2 m2/3 t1/6 c Half-wave potential, limited diffusion current Residual currentHalf-wave potential i max i avg Limiting diffusion current Typical polarographic curves - polarographic spectrum • One problem with data detection DC polarography is that current varies over lifetime of drop, giving variation on curve • One simple way to avoid this is to sample only current at particular time of drop life. Near end of drop = current sampled polarography Sample i at same time interval Easier to determine iavg Tast polarography -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1.0 -1.2 -1.4 i (A) Potential applied on the working electrode is usually swept over (i.e. scan) a pre-defined range of applied potential 0.001 M Cd2+ in 0.1 M KNO3 supporting electrolyte V vs SCE Working electrode is no yet capable of reducing Cd2+  only small residual current flow through the electrode Electrode become more and more reducing and capable of reducing Cd2+ Cd2+ + 2e- Cd Current starts to be registered at the electrode Current at the working electrode continue to rise as the electrode become more reducing and more Cd2+ around the electrode are being reduced. Diffusion of Cd2+ does not limit the current yet All Cd2+ around the electrode has already been reduced. Current at the electrode becomes limited by the diffusion rate of Cd2+ from the bulk solution to the electrode. Thus, current stops rising and levels off at a plateau id E½ Base line of residual current Logarithmic analysis Select about four or five readings on each side of the half-wave potential from the graph of current versus voltage in order to calculate the values of the logarithmic term in the above equation. Indicate on the graph: 1) value of the slope, 2) calculated value of n, 3) half-wave potential E1/2 4) reversibility. Plot log (Id-I)/I against potential (E) from your polarogram data log [(Id-I)/I] = n(E - E1/2)/ 0.0591 E = E1/2 + 0.0591/n (log [(Id-I)/I]) when the value of the logarithmic term becomes zero, the above equation becomes E = E1/2 Polarographic Wave Equation n the number of electrons involved in reduction ii i EE n d   log)( 058.0 21 Current is just measure of rate at which species can be brought to electrode surface Three transport mechanisms: (i) migration – movement of ions through solution by electrostatic attraction to charged electrode (ii) convection – mechanical motion of the solution as a result of stirring or flow (iii) diffusion – motion of a species caused by a concentration gradient Polarographic currents Two methods Stirred - hydrodynamic voltammetry Unstirred - polarography (DME) Polarographic currents Diffusion current: f(c), f(h1/2), f(t1/6) Capacity, charging current: f(h), f(E), f(t -1/3), SE, ECM Kinetic or catalytic current : f(h), f(c)(I. order) , f(t 2/3), f(E), SE (pH), f(T), preceeding, proceednig,following reactions catalytic currents (Brdička reation) Adsorption: adsorption isotherms…………..I = f(c) ( c……concentration of analyt) ( h ……height of resorvoir) ( t……time) ( T……temperature) A plot of the current vs. potential in a polarography experiment shows the current oscillations corresponding to the drops of Hg falling from the capillary. If one connected the maximum current of each drop, a sigmoidal shape would result. The limiting current (the plateau on the sigmoid), called the diffusion current because diffusion is the principal contribution to the flux of electroactive material at this point of the Hg drop life, is related to analyte concentration by the Ilkovic equation Id, = 0.708 n D1/2 m2/3 t1/6 c Where D is the diffusion coefficient of the analyte in the medium (cm2/s), n is the number of electrons transferred per mole of analyte, m is the mass flow rate of Hg through the capillary (mg/sec), and t is the drop lifetime in s, and c is analyte concentration in mol/cm3. Ilkovič equation Direct Current (DC) polarography Ilkovič equation Current maxima Analytical applications cathodic anodic Polarographic "Brdicka reaction" of blood sera of different patients with following diagnoses: 1) status febrilis 2) tumor hepatis susp 3) ca. ventriculi susp 4) normal serum 5) cirrhosis hepatic 6) atherosclerosis. Brdička reaction Heyrovsks's second assistant, Dr. Rudolf Brdicka, discovered a sensitive catalytic hydrogen-evolution reaction of proteins: in buffer solutions of pH about 9, containing ions of cobalt, proteins yield a prominent catalytic "double-wave"; this polarographic reaction was used in many countries over several decades as a diagnostic tool in treatment of cancer VOLTAMMETRY DPV LSV CV ACV NPV VOLTAMMETRY (LSV, CV) A) Comparison of Voltammetry to Other Electrochemical Methods 1) Voltammetry: electrochemical method in which information about an analyte is obtained by measuring current (i) as a function of applied potential - only a small amount of sample (analyte) is used Instrumentation – Three electrodes in solution containing analyte Working electrode: microelectrode whose potential is varied with time Reference electrode: potential remains constant (Ag/AgCl electrode or calomel) Counter electrode: Hg or Pt that completes circuit, conducts e- from signal source through solution to the working electrode Supporting electrolyte: excess of nonreactive electrolyte (alkali metal) to conduct current 2) Differences from Other Electrochemical Methods a) Potentiometry: measure potential of sample or system at or near zero current. Voltammetry : measure current as a change in potential b) Coulometry: use up all of analyte in process of measurement at fixed current or potential Voltammetry: use only small amount of analyte while vary potential B) Theory of Voltammetry Excitation Source: potential set by instrument (working electrode) - establishes concentration of Reduced and Oxidized Species at electrode based on Nernst Equation: Eelectrode = E0 - log 0.0592 n (aR)r(aS)s … (aP)p(aQ)q … - reaction at the surface of the electrode -current generated at electrode by this process is proportional to concentration at surface, which in turn is equal to the bulk concentration For a planar electrode: dCA dx measured current (i) = nFADA( ) n = number of electrons in ½ cell reaction, F = Faraday’s constant, A = electrode area (cm2), D = diffusion coefficient (cm2/s) of A (oxidant) dCA dx = slope of curve between CMox,bulk and CMox,s Apply Potential Fe3++ e- = Fe2+ As time increases, push banding further and further out. Results in a decrease in current with time until reach point where convection of analyte takes over and diffusion no longer a rate-limiting process. chrono chrono Voltammetric analysis Analyte selectivity is provided by the applied potential on the working electrode.  Electroactive species in the sample solution are drawn towards the working electrode where a half-cell redox reaction takes place.  Another corresponding half-cell redox reaction will also take place at the counter electrode to complete the electron flow.  The resultant current flowing through the electrochemical cell reflects the activity (i.e.  concentration) of the electroactive species involved Pt working electrode at -1.0 V vs SCE SCE Ag counter electrode at 0.0 V xM of PbCl2 0.1M KCl Pb2+ + 2e- Pb EO = -0.13 V vs. NHE K+ + e- K EO = -2.93 V vs. NHE Pb2+ Pb2+ Pb2+ Pb2+ Pb2+ Pb2+ Pb2+ Pb2+ Pb2+ Pb2+ Pb2+Pb2+ Pb2+ Pb2+ Pb2+ Pb2+ Pb2+ Pb2+ Pb2+ Pb2+ Pb2+K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ -1.0 V vs SCEPb2+ + 2e- Pb K+ K+ K+ K+K+ K+ Layers of K+ build up around the electrode stop the migration of Pb2+ via coulombic attraction Concentration gradient created between the surrounding of the electrode and the bulk solution Pb2+ migrate to the electrode via diffusion Pb2+ Pb2+ Pb2+ Pb2+ Pb2+ Pb2+ Pb2+ Pb2+ Pb2+ Pb2+ Pb2+ Pb2+ Pb2+ Pb2+ Pb2+ Pb2+ Pb2+ Pb2+ Pb2+ Pb2+ Pb2+K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ -1.0 V vs SCEPb2+ + 2e- Pb K+ K+ K+ K+K+ K+ Layers of K+ build up around the electrode stop the migration of Pb2+ via coulombic attraction Concentration gradient created between the surrounding of the electrode and the bulk solution Pb2+ migrate to the electrode via diffusion 1) Method used to look at mechanisms of redox reactions in solution 2) Looks at i vs. E response of small, stationary electrode in unstirred solution using triangular waveform for excitation Cyclic voltammogram Cyclic Voltammetry (CV) v = dE/dt Randles – Sevcik equation 2/102/1235 10.69.2 vcDAnI Oxp  Delahay equation Ip (A ) A (cm2), D (cm2.s-1), v (V.s-1), cox ( mol.cm-3) 2/102/1215 )(10.99.2 vcDAnnI Oxap  CV Pt electrodes 1 - desorption of hydrogen 2 - Pt surface without hydrogen 3 - oxidation Pt (oxides) 4 – oxidation of solvent (H2O) 5 – reduction of oxides at Pt surface 6 – reduction and adsorption of hydrogen 7 – adsorption of hydrogen Start at E >> E0 Mox + ne- = Mred - in forward scan, as E approaches E0 get current due to Mox + ne- = Mred < driven by Nernst equation  concentrations made to meet Nernst equation at surface < eventually reach i max < solution not stirred, so d grows with time and see decrease in i max - in reverse scan see less current as potential increases until reduction no longer occurs < then reverse reaction takes place (if reversible reaction) < important parameters  Epc – cathodic peak potential  Epa – anodic peak potential  ipc – cathodic peak current  ipa – anodic peak potential < ipc / ipa < d(Epa – Epc) = 0.0592/n, where n = number of electrons in reaction < E0 = midpoint of Epa  Epc     nEE cpap 0565.0 nEE pp 0565.02  Pulse Polarography (Voltammetry) Normal pulse (NPP, NPV) Differential pulse (DPP,DPV) m NPP t cnFAD I  21  Cottrell equation tm time after application of the pulse where the current is sampled             1 121 m DPP t cnFAD I  2/)(/(exp ERTnf  frenquencyf amplitudepulseE ... ... Instead of linear change in Eappl with time use step changes (pulses in Eappl) with time Advantages of DPP (DPV) - can detect peak maxima differing by as much as 0.044 – 0.05 V - 0.2V peak separatioin for normal polarography - can do more elements per run - decrease limits of detection by 100-1000x compared to normal polarography Pulse Polarography (Voltammetry) - S1 before pulse S2 at end of pulse - plot i vs. E (i = ES2 – ES1) - peak height ~ concentration - for reversible reaction, peak potential -> standard potential -derivative-type polarogram Measure two potentials at each cycle Differential Pulse Polarography (Voltammetry) Improving by stripping mode nF RT W 52.3 2/1  The width of the peak (at half-height) Square Wave (SW) Polarography or Voltammetry Large amplitude differential technique in which a waveform composed of a symmetric square wave, superimposed on a base staircase potential, is applied to the working electrode. The current is sampled twice during each SW cycle. Once at the end of the forward pulse (t1) and once at the end of the reverse pulse (t2). difference between the two measurements = f (staircase potential) Progress is made by trial and failure. (William Ramsay) A problem solved is dead. (Frederick Soddy Work, finish, publish ! (Michael Faraday) A man must either resolve to bring out nothing new or to become a slave to defend it. (Isaac Newton)