molecules Article Evaluation of the Antimicrobial Effect of Thymoquinone Against Different Dental Pathogens : An In Vitro Study Khalifa S. Al-Khalifa1 Rasha AlSheikh2, Moahmmed T. Al-Hariri 3, Hosam El-Sayyad \ Mäher S. Alqurashi \ Saqib Ali6 and Amr S. Bugshan6 Citation: Al-Khalifa KS, AlSheikh R, Al-Hariri MT, El-Sayyad H, Alqurashi MS, Saqib Ali S, Bugshan AS . Evaluation of the antimicrobial effect of Thymoquinone against different dental pathogens: An in vitro Study. Molecules 2021, 26, x. Academic Editor: Firstname Last-name Received: date Accepted: date Published: date Publisher's Note: MDPI stays neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. .©_®_ Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Submitted for possible open access publication under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license ( /by/4.0/). 1 Department of Preventive Dental Sciences, College of Dentistry, Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, 6 Dammam, Saudi Arabia; 7 2 Department of Restorative Dental Sciences, College of Dentistry, Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, 8 Dammam, Saudi Arabia; 9 3 Department of Physiology, College of Medicine, Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, Dammam, 10 Saudi Arabia; 11 4 Middle Eastern Regional Radioisotope Centre for the Arab Countries, Dokki, Giza, Egypt; hosealsay- 12 13 5 Department of Microbiology, College of Medicine, Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, Dammam, 14 Saudi Arabia; 15 6 Department of Biomedical Dental Sciences, College of Dentistry, Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, 16 Dammam, Saudi Arabia;; 17 * Correspondence: 18 Abstract: This study aimed to evaluate the antimicrobial effect of Thymoquinone (TQ) on four dif- 19 ferent oral microorganisms. Minimum Bactericidal Concentration (MBC), Minimum Inhibition 20 Concentration (MIC), Broth microdilution, and Well diffusion tests were used to determine the op- 21 timum antimicrobial concentrations of TQ against Streptococcus Salivarius, Oralis, Mutans, and Staph- 22 ylococcus aureus over 1, 3, 6, 12, and 24 h. Chlorhexidine (CHX) 0.12% was selected as a positive 23 control. The inhibitory effect of TQ on bacterial growth was most noticeable with Streptococcus Sal- 24 ivarius while the least affected was Staphylococcus Aureus. TQ's MBC and MIC for Streptococcus Oralis 25 and Staphylococcus Aureus were comparable 2 mg/ml and 3 mg/ml, respectively. Streptococcus Soli- 26 varius was most resistant to TQ and displayed a value of 5 mg/ml and 4 mg/ml for MIC and MBC, 27 respectively. The viable count of different strains after exposure to TQ's MBC values was most no- 28 ticeable with Staphylococcus aureus followed by Streptococcus Oralis and Streptococcus Mutans, while 29 Streptococcus Salivarius was least affected. This study emphasized the promising antimicrobial effect 30 of TQ against the four main oral microorganisms. It has a potential preventive effect against dental 31 caries as well as other oral diseases. 32 Keywords: Black seeds; Thymoquinone; Dental caries; anti-bacterial agents; herbs 33 34 1. Introduction 35 The oral cavity is inhabited by hundreds of microorganisms of different species 36 mainly bacteria forming the oral biofilm. The formation of the biofilm and the type of 37 microorganisms are influenced by numerous host and environmental factors. Biofilm for- 38 mation in the oral cavity can cause multiple different diseases depending on the promi- 39 nent microorganisms such as caries, root canal infections, periodontal diseases, and peri- 40 implant diseases, and other gastric intestinal track-related diseases [(1-3)]. 41 Dental caries is an infectious disease that starts with a bacteria-colonized dental 42 plaque. Dental plaque is a sticky, highly hydrated extracellular biofilm that forms on the 43 tooth surface then later is colonized by cariogenic bacteria that ferment dietary carbohy- 44 drate-producing acid. The acid then dissolves tooth mineral content causing cavitation, 45 known as dental caries [(4)]. It is a multifactorial disease that represents a significant 46 Molecules 2021,26, x. molecules Molecules 2021,26, x FOR PEER REVIEW 2 of 10 public health challenge worldwide [(5)]. Despite all the advancements in dental education 47 and oral hygiene awareness, dental caries remain the leading health challenge in most 48 developed countries where 60 - 90% of children and most adults suffer from dental caries. 49 On the contrary, developing countries have caries prevalence reported to reach as high as 50 68% [(6)]. Latest global reports noted that untreated dental caries is still a common disease 51 worldwide [(6)]. Recent studies in different countries around the world indicated an in- 52 crease in caries prevalence [(7, 8)]. Caries lesions can be asymptomatic in their initial 53 stages. In contrast, advanced caries lesions can cause toothache, which adversely affects 54 life quality by affecting the mastication efficiency, patient smile, and self-consciousness. 55 Children suffering from caries suffer relatively from poor nutritional health, poor child 56 growth, and low weight gain [(9)]. 57 Although several different bacteria have been associated with dental caries' patho- 58 genesis, Streptococcus Mutans (SM) is the most relevant acidogenic-aciduric bacterial spe- 59 cies. It plays the primary role in initiating dental caries lesions. [(10,11)] Other cariogenic 60 bacteria are responsible for the sustainability and progression of the caries lesion. Studies 61 investigating the prevalence of cariogenic bacteria and other bacterial microorganisms in 62 caries lesions revealed a high prevalence of SM, Streptococcus Salivarius (SS), and Strepto- 63 coccus Oralis (SO) in samples collected from active supra gingival caries lesions [(2, 3)]. 64 Staphylococcus aureus (SA) is associated with dental implant infection and has established 65 a high tolerance to common antimicrobial treatments [(1)]. 66 The use of herbs and plant extract by humans as medicine is an ancient practice that 67 goes back thousands of years. Lately, medicinal plants have been experiencing a growing 68 popularity and interest due to the public concern with the adverse effect of synthetic drugs 69 [(12,13)]. Plant extract medicine is being widely investigated and proven to have exceeded 70 expectations in preventing and treating a wide array of diseases and medical conditions 71 [(14,15)]. 72 Black cumin (Nigella sativa) belonging to the Ranunculaceae family has been used 73 historically by various cultural traditional medicinal treatments. Traditionally has been 74 used to treat various diseases such as headaches, influenza, dyspepsia, diabetes, and 75 asthma [(16)]. Black seeds extract has been confirmed to improve oral health and reduce 76 dental caries, [(17) Jperiodontitis, gingivitis, and pulp diseases [(18) ]. 77 Black seeds extract includes essentials oils, fixed oils, alkaloids, saponins, and pro- 78 teins. Thymoquinone (TQ) is the core ingredient of the black seed oil extract with proven 79 medical benefits [(19)]. Literature suggested a significant decrease in the count of Strepto- 80 coccus Mutans when exposed to TQ [(17)]. 81 Most published studies focused on the antibacterial effect of TQ against a single 82 strain of bacteria or by using one method of evaluation. There have not been any extensive 83 studies exploring the antibacterial effect of TQ on several bacterial strains. Hence, this 84 study was aiming to evaluate the antimicrobial effect of the TQ (concentration and expo- 85 sure duration) on four different oral microorganisms. The tested hypothesis states that 86 there is no difference in bacterial growth when using the TQ solution's different concen- 87 trations with the control groups (negative and positive). 88 2. Materials and Methods 89 Thymoquinone (TQ) preparation 90 Dry powder extract of TQ (Sigma-Aldrich) and TQ oil was obtained and used in the 91 experiments. Five hundred mg of TQ was dissolved in 1 ml of methanol. The tested com- 92 pounds were diluted in brain heart infusion broth (BHIB) to prepare seven different con- 93 centrations (0.2, 0.5, 1.0,1.5, 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0 mg/ml) and two control test tubes, one nega- 94 five control (1ml brain-heart fusion broth without TQ) and one positive -control (1 ml 95 (0.12%) Chlorohexidine; Avohex, Middle East Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd, Riyadh, 96 Saudi Arabia).(20, 21) 97 Molecules 2021,26, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 10 Microorganism 98 Four Gram-positive strains were used in this research Streptococcus Mutans (SM) 99 (ATCC 25175), Staphylococcus aureus (SA) (ATCC 25923), Streptococcus Oralis (SO) (ATCC loo 6249), and Streptococcus Salivarius (SS) (ATCC 13419), obtained from Microbiologics, St. 101 Cloud, Minnesota, USA and cultivated on Mueller-Hinton Agar with 5% Sheep Blood 102 (HiMedia Laboratories Pvt. Ltd., India) for 48 h at 37 °C, with 5% C02. After this period, 103 bacteria colonies were picked up from the new culture and suspended in 2 ml of sterile 104 distilled water, then serial diluted (fivefold) from 1:10 to 1:105. 105 Antibacterial activity assay of Thymoquinone (TQ) against tested organisms 106 This study used seven different concentrations of TQ where each test tube containing 107 1 ml of sterile BHIB with different concentrations of TQ separately (0.2 mg/ml, 0.5 mg/ml, 108 1.0 mg/ml, 1.5 mg/ml, 2.0 mg/ml, 3.0 mg/ml, and 4.0 mg/ml) and 0.1 ml of tested organ- 109 isms. Furthermore, 0.1 ml of tested organisms were mixed with 0.9 ml sterile BHIB as a 110 negative control. The positive control was 0.1 ml of tested organisms added to 0.9 ml chlo- ill rohexidine. Then 250 |jl from each concentration was cultured on Mueller-Hinton Agar 112 with 5% Sheep Blood and then incubated for 48 hours at 37°C in a microaerophilic condi- 113 tion (10% CO2) candle gar method for SM, SO, and SS and with aerophilic conditions for 114 SA Triplicate of the TQ as well as the control solution were performed in this study. 115 Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) test 116 After 24 hours of incubation, the number of colonies forming units per millimeter 117 was determined for each concentration to detect the minimum inhibitory concentration 118 (MIC) by the lowest TQ concentration that inhibits bacteria growth [(22)]. 119 Minimum Bactericidal Concentration (MBC) test 120 From all MIC test tubes that showed no growth, 250 |jl of culture was inoculated into 121 fresh Mueller-Hinton Agar with 5% Sheep Blood plates. After incubation for 48 h under 122 suitable conditions according to the tested microorganism, as previously described. The 123 minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) was determined by observing bacterial 124 growth. The concentration of antimicrobial agents that eliminate more than 99.9% after 24 125 h of incubation was recorded as MBC. 126 The following equation calculated the reduction of bacterial count percentage for 127 each concentration: 128 C control - C sample Reduction of bacterial count % = _ * 100 C control After 48 hours of incubation, the colonies were counted. 129 The bacterial count of MBC values during different periods 130 The MBC value of each tested organism for TQ was inculcated with bacterial inocu- 131 lums (1.7* 105 CFU/ ml) in sterile Eppendorf containing 1 ml of BHIB. Also, tested organ- 132 isms were mixed with one ml of positive control (Chlorhexidine). All tested groups and 133 control were incubated for 24 h at 37 °C. Then, 0.1 ml of each group was assessed periodi- 134 cally after 1,3,6,12 and 24 hours from inoculum by preparing serial dilutions in sterile sa- 135 line solution (0.9%). After that, 250 |jl from these dilutions was added and spread on 136 Mueller-Hinton Agar with 5% Sheep Blood in duplicate and incubated under suitable 137 conditions according to the tested microorganism, as previously described. 138 139 Molecules 2021,26, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 10 Well diffusion test 140 The well diffusion method was performed by using blood Muller- Hinton agar 141 (BMHA) [(23)]. The BMHA plate surface was inoculated for a defined volume of all test 142 isolates using a sterile cotton swab over the entire plate surface. A hole (6 mm in diameter) 143 was cut in the agar gel, and then 100 |jL of five various concentrations of TQ (12.5, 25, 50, 144 75, and 100 mg / mL) were added to each well, separately. Chlorohexidine was used as a 145 positive control. Then all plates were incubated under suitable conditions according to 146 the tested microorganism for 24 h. All experiments were performed in duplicates for each 147 antimicrobial agent. After the incubation period, bacterial growth inhibition (the endpoint 148 of the clear zone diameter) was measured (mm). 149 Statistical analysis 150 The obtained CFU data were pooled for the different time points and processed with 151 LoglO transformation. The comparisons between test (TQ) and control [CHX] were per- 152 formed, for each bacterial strain, using an independent t-test. The statistical analysis was 153 performed in IBM SPSS® Statistic software (Version 25). The CFU results are provided in 154 dot-plots, showing the individual measurements and the mean and the standard error of 155 the mean. The microbial inhibition zone results and the minimum inhibitory and bacte- 156 ricidal concentrations are provided descriptively in tables. 157 3. Results 158 The antimicrobial potential of TQ at different concentrations compared to compli- 159 mentary control CHX mouth wash is shown in Table 1. The findings indicated that the 160 microbial activity of TQ was concentration-dependent. Interestingly, there was no bacte- 161 rial growth for TQ concentrations of 75 and 100 mg/ml. The inhibitory effect of TQ on 162 bacterial growth was most noticeable with Streptococcus Salivarius followed by Streptococ- 163 cus Mutans and Streptococcus Oralis, as the least affected was Staphylococcus Aureus. 164 165 Figure 1. Bacterial growth; MIC (Minimal Inhibitory Concentrate) & MBC (Minimal Bacteriocidal Concentrate) of TQ with 166 the four bacterial strains. 167 To ensure TQ's antibacterial effect, colonies of the four bacterial strains were counted 168 after applying the same TQ doses using cell culture counts to estimate the MIC and MBC 169 (Figure 1). TQ's minimum concentration required for inhibition (MIC) or killing (MBC) 170 of Streptococcus Oralis and Staphylococcus Aureus was comparable 2 mg/ml and 3 mg/ml, 171 respectively, as they were the most sensitive to TQ. On the contrary, Streptococcus Salivar- 172 ius showed the highest resistance to TQ with the values of 5 mg/ml and 4 mg/ml for MBC 173 and MIC, respectively. TQ's minimum concentration required for inhibition (MIC) and 174 Molecules 2021,26, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 10 killing (MBC) of Streptococcus Mutans was 3 mg/ml and 4 mg/ml, respectively. On the 175 other hand, CHX exhibiting better antibacterial activity when compared to TQ; presented 176 MBC > 0.0009 mg/mL (>0.00009%), and MIC > 0.00002 mg/mL (>0.000002%) for the micro- 177 organisms tested (Table 2). 178 The viable count of different strains after exposure to TQ's MBC values was most 179 noticeable with Staphylococcus Aureus followed by Streptococcus Oralis and Streptococcus 180 Mutans least affected was Streptococcus Salivarius. Significant drop overtime in CFU counts 181 was noted, except at 24 h, where no difference was detected (Table 3). The LoglO transfer- 182 mation results showed only a statistically significant difference between TQ and CHX 183 with the Staphylococcus Aureus bacterial strain. The colony-forming units (CFU) of the dif- 184 ferent bacterial strains after exposure to the minimal bactericidal doses of TQ and the cor- 185 responding doses of the control Chlorhexidine (CHX) for each bacterial strain. The dot- 186 plot shows the distribution of the individual measurements and the mean (horizontal line) 187 and the standard error of the mean (capped vertical line). A statistically significant differ- 188 ence (p<0.05) is indicated with bars and asterisk. (Figure 2) 189 Table 1. Microbial inhibition zone in millimeter provided by TQ at different concentrations compared to a positive control (CHX). Inhibition Zone (mm) _ . Streptococcus Concentration ,. fma'mn SallVOriUS Streptococcus Mutans Streptococcus Staphylococcus Oralis Aureus 5 Mean&StD Mean&StD Mean&StD Mean&StD 12.5 37 29.5 41.5 36.5 25 38.5 37.5 44 44 50 38.5 44 44 44 75 44 44 44 44 100 44 44 44 44 CHX (+ve control) 11.5 17.5 21.5 12 Note: The plate diameter is 88 mm (half diameter =44), which designates no bacteria growth. Table 2. Minimum Inhibitory and Bactericidal Concentration (mg/ml) of TQ and positive control CHX against the four bacterial strains. Microorganisms TQ CHX MIC MBC MIC MBC Streptococcus Salivarius 4.0 5.0 0.00857 0.0171 Streptococcus Mutans 3.0 4.0 <0.00002 0.0009 Streptococcus Oralis 2.0 3.0 0.00095 0.0038 Staphylococcus Aureus 2.0 3.0 0.00857 0.0171 Table 3. The viable count of different strains after exposure to the MBC values of TQ and positive control (CHX) during different observation periods. 190 191 192 193 194 Time Streptococcus Salivarius Streptococcus Mutans Streptococcus Oralis Staphylococcus (hours) TQ 5 mg/ml CHX TQ 4 mg/ml CHX TQ 3 mg/ml CHX TQ 3 mg/ml CHX lh 0.38 xlO3 0.54 xlO3 1.8 xlO4 1.0 xlO2 0.71 xlO3 0.45 xlO3 0.31xl03 0.21 xlO4 3h 0.11 xlO3 0.40 xlO3 1.2 xlO4 NG 0.34 xlO2 0.28 xlO3 0.28 xlO2 0.80 xlO3 6h NG 0.20 xlO3 4.9 xlO3 NG 0.11 xlO2 0.14 xlO3 0.22 xlO2 0.48 xlO3 12 h NG 0.48 xlO2 NG NG NG 0.80 xlO2 0.14 xlO2 0.13 xlO3 24 h NG 0.28 xlO2 NG NG NG NG NG 0.74 102 195 196 *NG; negative. 197 Molecules 2021,26, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 10 m 2- Streptococcus mutans o o -e-e*e-e- o o CHX TQ Streptococcus ora//s o o o ° O o o o 4n LL o § 2-o Streptococcus sativarius o o c o o -0-Q-&- CHX TQ Staphylococcus aureus •k O o CHX O O TQ CHX TQ Figure 2. Viable bacterial count using LoglO transformation CHX (chlorohexidine) TQ (Thimoqui-non). 198 199 200 4. Discussion 201 Dental caries persist to be a worldwide health problem despite clinical and medical 202 advancement. The cariogenic bacteria colonize the dental plaque to induce the disease; 203 different strategies to inhibit the bacterial growth and prevent colonization have been in- 204 vestigated and later implemented to control dental caries. Cariogenic bacteria have been 205 linked to several systemic diseases, such as infective endocarditis, ulcerative colitis, peri- 206 tonitis, and atherosclerosis. (24, 25) Recently, natural products have been experimentally 207 investigated to inhibit the growth of dental plaque microorganisms.(12) in addition to the 208 public interest in organic natural products the such as ease of extraction and large-scale 209 production render such products more alluring to manufacturers.(26) 210 The medicinal uses of the Nigella sativa have been well documented over the years. 211 Its active ingredient available literature has proven the effectiveness of TQ, has against 212 various pathologies such as cancer, inflammation, allergies, and microbial.(27-30) 213 Minimal inhibitory concentrate (MIC) and the minimal bactericidal concentration 214 (MBC) are considered the golden standards to evaluate the antimicrobial effect of an agent 215 against microorganisms and such is used to judge other methods to evaluate antimicrobi- 216 als.(31) 217 Molecules 2021,26, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 10 In the current study, TQ displayed promising results in inhibiting the growth of oral 218 bacterial strains. The null hypothesis was rejected as the TQ was most potent against SO, 219 SM showed MIC of 3mg/ml and MBC of 4mg/ml whereas, SS showed most resistance with 220 MIC of 4 mg/ml and MBC 5 mg/ml of TQ. All four species showed the same resistance 221 pattern when using the control chlorohexidine CHX, where both SA & SO showed the 222 least resistance and SS the most resistance. SM is one of the main bacteria that initiate 223 dental caries. In previous studies, Streptococcus Salivarius (SS) presence in a high number 224 in active carious lesions helps sustain and the progression of carious lesions. (12-14, 25) 225 Our results are in line with other studies showing bactericidal as well as growth inhibition 226 against SM. (32) SO is also one of the bacteria found in the active carious lesion. They are 227 also considered to take part in the progression and the sustainability of the carious pro- 228 cess. (15,16, 27). These results were consistent with the study on different bacteria strains 229 showing Streptococcus Salivarius, Mutans, and Aureus sensitivity to TQ, with MIB and 230 MIC values being significant. (33, 34) 231 Another interesting finding of this study was that there was no microbial activ- 232 ity/growth when TQ concentrations were 75 and 100 mg/ml. previous studies have stated 233 that TQ can be toxic at a certain concentrate that starts from 92%-106.6%; the concentrate 234 at which showed no microbial activity is still below the toxic concentrate. (34)It can be 235 reported that the microbial activity of TQ is concentration-dependent. SA & SO showed 236 maximum inhibition at TQ concentration of 25 mg/ml, followed by SM at 50 mg/ml, then 237 SS at 75 mg/ml. A previous study has shown dose-dependent antibacterial activity, which 238 is in line with our results. It also reported it better against Gram-positive in comparison 239 with gram-negative bacteria. Staphylococcus Aureus exhibit the highest sensitivity to TQ 240 amongst the different gram-positive and gram-negative species tested. (35) Staphylococcus 241 Aureus is one of the commonest pathogens which is faced in clinical settings. Besides this, 242 Staphylococcus Aureus is found in infections related to dental implants, and it is of utmost 243 importance as infection can decide the faith of success of the dental implant. Our result is 244 in line with the previous results showing antibacterial activity, minimum inhibitory effect, 245 and being more tolerant than the rest of the three (SM, SO, SS) bacterial strains. (36, 37) 246 While the Staphylococcus Aureus has shown resistance against common antimicrobial treat- 247 ments, increase the dose of TQ has been effective in reducing the bacterial count and 248 growth; TQ could be the answer to overcoming this strand's high resistance. (17,18, 28). 249 To further validate the study findings against the standard laboratory testing, a well 250 diffusion test was carried. TQ inhibition effect is not only concentration-dependent but 251 also time-dependent, for SS, SO as well as SA the TQ proved to be faster than the CHX 252 control in stopping the growth of the bacteria. While the SS & SA were still present after 253 24h when using the CHX with the TQ SS was eliminated after 6h and SA after 12h. Other 254 studies reflected similar findings; Mouwakeh et al. stated they had more potent inhibitory 255 activity aver time against the SO.(38) 256 Such finding suggests that the use of TQ in low concentration can be effective against 257 caries progression as well as peri-implantitis; which is the severe inflammation around 258 dental implants. While higher concentrations can be beneficial to caries initiation preven- 259 tion. While the CHX can be providing the same benefits as TQ, the latter is showed a 260 promising advantage over CHX being effective in a short period. 261 Other studies have focused on minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) or minimal 262 bactericidal concentration (MBC) (32, 33), others on bacterial inhibition zone (35, 39), or 263 limit the study to one or two bacterial strains. This study's strength is that it covered a 264 more comprehensive selection of cariogenic bacteria, caries initiation, and caries sustain- 265 ing and progression, enhancing microorganisms. Simultaneously, covering the MIC, 266 MBC, and the inhibitory zone are viable tests in studying experimental agents' antibacte- 267 rial activities. 268 Other essential oils have been investigated and proven effective in dental plaque con- 269 trol and reducing the count of cariogenic microorganisms. Filogonio et al. added mineral 270 Brazilian nut oil to the commercially available dentifrice. He stated that after 90 days, the 271 Molecules 2021,26, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 10 tested oils were sufficient to improve dental biofilm control significantly. (40) Lobo et al. 272 compared the effectiveness of Lippia sidoides Cham essential oil (LSO) to Chlorhexidine 273 in reducing the salivary Streptococcus Mutans in children with caries. In contrast, CHX 274 reduces SM after using the mouthwash, but the SM count returns to baseline levels shortly 275 after treatment. While using the LSO, the SM count was reduced and remained low even 276 after treatment.(41) Charugundla et al. investigated the essential oil in reducing and den- 277 tal plaque compared to CHX and Fluoride mouth rinse; all three mouth rinses signifi- 278 cantly reduced plaque accumulation and gingivitis, particularly in caries-free subjects 279 against those with caries. (42) 280 This study evaluated TQ's antibacterial effect against four potent bacteria essential to 281 initiate and sustain caries lesions. However, dental caries start with the dental plaque, 282 which exists in the oral cavity in a biofilm. Further clinical studies to evaluate the effect 283 against other biofilm bacteria and in vitro evaluation of the TQ antibacterial potential are 284 recommended. Further studies with different TQ concentrations and intervals, combined 285 with other essential oils that can modify or boost its effect, can be of great benefit to ex- 286 plore TQ's therapeutic and preventive role. 287 288 5. Conclusions 289 This study emphasized the promising cariogenic antimicrobial effect of TQ against 290 the four main oral microorganisms, not only that the TQ exhibits antimicrobial effect com- 291 parable to the standard antimicrobial medicine it shows a longer duration effect. It has a 292 potential therapeutic and preventive effect against dental caries as well as other oral dis- 293 eases. A significant highlight is eliminating chemically synthesized drugs and the grow- 294 ing concerns of bacterial resistance and medical side effects. 295 Author Contributions: All authors contributed equally to the work and have read and agreed to 296 the published version of the manuscript. 297 Funding: This research received no external funding. 298 Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable. 299 Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable. 300 Acknowledgments: None. 301 Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. 302 References 303 1. Wang H: Ren D. Controlling Streptococcus mutans and Staphylococcus aureus biofilms with direct current and 304 chlorhexidine. AMB Express. 2017;7(1):204. 305 2. Okada M, Soda Y, Hayashi F, Doi T, Suzuki J, Miura K, et al. Longitudinal study of dental caries incidence associated with 306 Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sobrinus in pre-school children. J Med Microbiol. 2005;54(Pt 7):661-5. 307 3. 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