Optogalvanic spectrometry Vítězslav Otruba Fundamentals of the method •The optogalvanic effect utilizes a combination of atom excitation by resonance radiation and collision ionization by plasma (flame) particles to selectively ionize the determined elements. Ionization is measured using the generated ions and thus indirectly the absorption of radiation. •The first experimental observation was made by Penning (r.1928) during irradiation of the neon discharge with another neon lamp. 2010 prof. Otruba 2 Multiphoton Ionization 2010 prof. Otruba 3 •Ionization in MPI is achieved by intense non-selective radiation of very high intensity. Absorption of a series of photons that excite an atom (molecule) into virtual energy states leads to ionization. Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy 2010 prof. Otruba 4 •RIS uses stepped excitation by resonant radiation followed by ionization. Usually requires two to three tunable lasers. •The method is highly selective (the resulting selectivity is the product of the selectivity of excitation to individual stages). •Achieved selectivity of 1022 (Cs in Ar), isotopic ratios up to1013 – 1018 (1 pg in 1t, 1 ag 14C) Optogalvanic Effect 2010 prof. Otruba 5 •It uses a combination of resonant laser radiation with collision excitation with particles with high kinetic energy: oKinetic energy of particles at high temperature (thermal movement in flame, plasma) oKinetic energy of charged particles accelerated by electric field (discharges, especially under reduced pressure) •It is a certain variant of atomic fluorescence, where there is a high probability of deexcitation by collisions •Does not require optical detection equipment •It detects all ions as opposed to the tiny number of photons detected during fluorescence. Applications •Laser keying measurement •Calibration of wavelengths (e.g. tunable lasers) •Spectroscopy of states with long life •Doppler-free spectroscopy •Spectroscopy of radicals •Trace analysis oin flame oin electrotermal atomizer oin hollow cathode • 2010 prof. Otruba 6 Laser-Enhanced Ionization Spectrometry In Flames 2010 prof. Otruba 7 High voltage on electrodes - 1000 V, burner isolated from apparatus, connected to the preamplifier input. An analytical signal is taken from the torch (anode). LEI measurement system 2010 prof. Otruba 8 Boxcar integrator 2010 prof. Otruba 9 time tcycle tgate Basic integrator modes •In the second case, in the time of the pulse waveform scanning is performed. It is also possible to set an arbitrarily wide time window for the selected time resolution of the pulse waveform. 2010 prof. Otruba 10 •The integrator can be used as a gateway that transmits periodic signals comparable to pulse duration Δt. The gate opening length can be freely set, including the determination of the sample pulse offset against the measured pulse. LEI - flame 2010 prof. Otruba 11 •Dynamic range of concentrations •The linear concentration range is 4 - 5 orders of magnitude •Application in practice to about 20 elements 2010 prof. Otruba 12 LEI – flame - LOD LEI – flame - selectivity 2010 prof. Otruba 13 •The spectral resolution is determined by the absorption profile of the spectral line and the properties of the measuring radiation. •Using a sodium dye laser, 589.0 nm was R≅60 000 •When using a commercial broadband laser it was R≅8700 – see fig. LEI – absorption of non-resonance transitions 2010 prof. Otruba 14 LEI-flame-molecular spectra 2010 prof. Otruba 15 LEI - flame •LEI differences from other flame methods: •It is possible to use non-resonant lines with good sensitivity. E.g. for Li, the 2p level occupation in the flame (Boltzmann) is only 2.10-4 of baseline, but the LOD is only 12 times worse. •Possibility to use two-photon transitions with good sensitivity •Low sensitivity for elements with high ionization potential. For elements with IP> 9 - 10 eV it would be necessary to work in the vacuum UV region of the spectrum. •Interference of determination (reduced sensitivity) by easily ionizable matrix elements 2010 prof. Otruba 16 OGE electrothermal atomization 2010 prof. Otruba 17 OGE in gas discharges 2010 prof. Otruba 18 Applications: Calibration of lasers wavelength using discharge tubes, a hollow cathode without using a complicated optical apparatus (line cathode material and filler gas). High energy levels can also be excited in discharges, which can be measured by OGE. Sufficient concentration of atoms even low volatile materials. Possibilities of Doppler-free spectrometry of atoms and molecules with resolution up to 100 MHz. Isotope analysis. 2010 prof. Otruba 19 Experimental configuration: The OGE cell inside the cavity has Brewster windows to reduce losses. The C12 laser incident on the OGE cell provides a “C12 signal” that is used for normalization of the C14 signal. The shutter inside the laser cavity is for modulating the 14CO2 laser. M1: High reflective mirror & grating, M2: 85% reflective output coupler, M3: Gold plate mirror, PS: Pressure Sensor, FC: Flow Controller, RGA: Residual Gas Analyzer, DAQ: Data Acquisition Board Intracavity Optogalvanic Spectroscopy, Ultra-sensitiveAnalytical Technique for 14C Analysis Murnick et al.Anal Chem. 2008 July 1; 80(13): 4820–4824 Experimental results •The OGE signal in response to a laser modulated at 63 Hz. The sample is 5% CO2 in N2 at •10-11 14C enrichment •Resonance curve for intracavity optogalvanic effect. The solid line is a best fit Voigt Profile, •The width, 48 MHz is expected for 14CO2 in the 5 mbar discharge at 385°C 2010 prof. Otruba 20 Photoionization - atom detection 2010 prof. Otruba 21