PHOTOACOUSTIC Vítězslav Otruba The spectrophone 2010 prof. Otruba 2 In 1881 A.G. Bell proposed a spectrophone “for the purpose of examination of the absorption spectra of bodies in those portions of the spectrum that are invisible”. Photoacoustic effect •The photoacoustic effect is referred to as the occurrence of acoustic effects in the sample under investigation as a result of its localized periodic heating induced by incident amplitude modulated light radiation. •The modulation frequency can take values over a very wide range of 10 to 108 Hz, depending on the type of substance to be studied and the type of acoustic detector. Modern microphones in combination with quality electronics can detect acoustic effects corresponding to temperature changes of the order of 10-6 to 10-7 ° C. •The phenomenon occurs in gaseous, liquid and solid substances and according to the way in which heat is distributed from the source, two functional modes are distinguished - thermoacoustic and thermoelastic. • 2010 prof. Otruba 3 Výsledek obrázku pro photoacoustic (Photoacoustic Spectroscopy - PAS) •The level of acoustic effects depends on the amount of radiation absorbed - by measuring the photoacoustic effect at different wavelengths of light to determine the absorption spectrum of the test substance. PAS has some advantages over conventional optical spectroscopy: •transmitted, reflected or elastically scattered light is not detected and does not interfere with the measurement itself •allows to measure highly optically permeable materials (gases) containing a small amount of absorbing component (10-15 methane in nitrogen) •Optical absorption can be measured even with high scattering materials (powders, amorphous substances, gels, colloidal suspensions etc.) or even with optically impermeable substances •analysis of subsurface layers without sample destruction •offers the possibility of measuring over a wide range of frequencies with the same detector 2010 prof. Otruba 4 Instrumentation requirements •Source of intense radiation •Laser is optimal •Classic power supplies are also possible (eg. Xe lamp) •Sensitive detection •Microphones •Hydrophones •Piezo detectors •Strain gauges •Fiber detectors •Strain gauge •Piezoelectric •Analysis of output signal of detectors •FT •Transition signal analysis •Correlation functions • 2010 prof. Otruba 5 Process flow diagram in OA (gas phase) 2010 prof. Otruba 6 Photochemical reactions Absorption of radiation Luminiscence Modulated gas heating Absorption by cuvette window Generation of acoustic oscillations Boundary conditions Acoustic wave propagation Detection processing Application 1 •Measurement of low absorbance •Amin ≈ 10-10 cm-1 (pro l = 10 cm), typically cca 10-3 cm-1 (pro l = 1 cm) •Low concentrations •Transitions with low probability •Vibration and rotational spectra of high n •Trace content detection •In gas up to ≈ 10-13 •Small size with semiconductor lasers •Detectors in gas chromatography •Field inspection devices •Sensors for process control •Examples: •NH3, SO2 ≈ 10-10 •NO2 ≈ 10-11 •CH4 ≈ 10-12 •CO ≈ 10-8 2010 prof. Otruba 7 Application 2 •Absorption from excited states •Chemical reactions in the gas phase •Intermediate concentration measurement •Spectra IR, UV, Raman of intermediates •Reaction schemes, e.g.: • CH3I → CH3* + I • • 2P1/2 ↔ 2P3/2 ? •Doppler-free spectrometry •Spectrometry of condensed phases 2010 prof. Otruba 8 Rare Earth Powder Oxide Spectrum 2010 prof. Otruba 9 Absorption spectra of water •Absorption optoacoustic spectra of water and heavy water measured by dye lasers (solid line) in comparison with works of other authors. 2010 prof. Otruba 10 Doppler-free photoacoustic spectrometry •Description : •1 – Ar+ laser •2 – single-mode dye laser •3 – beam splitter •4 – spectrum analyzer •5 – reference absorption cell •6 – spectrometer •7 – 50% beam splitter •8 – electric motor •9 – microphone •10 – acoustic cuvette •11 – base frequency •f1 (751 Hz) + f2 (454 Hz) •12 – lock-in amplifier •13 – output •14 – data evaluation • 2010 prof. Otruba 11 The frequency equal to the sum f1 + f2 will be generated only if both opposite beams saturate the same particles, ie particles at zero velocity with respect to the beams. • 2010 prof. Otruba 12 • 2010 prof. Otruba 13 Resonant optoacoustic cuvettes •A – longitudinal resonance •B – azimuthal resonance •C – radial resonance •D – Helmoltz resonator • •(A0 perpendicular cross-sectional area of the tube, l0 – tube length) 2010 prof. Otruba 14 A B C D 2010 prof. Otruba 15 Photoacoustic cell applied for temperature-dependent investigations on fatty acids. The temperature of the water bath was varied between 278 and 350K with a cold finger and two immersion heaters, while the temperature of the microphone was kept constant with a cooling/heating device. Resonant photoacoustic 2010 prof. Otruba 16 Photoacoustic soot sensor 2010 prof. Otruba 17 2010 prof. Otruba 18 2010 prof. Otruba 19 2010 prof. Otruba 20 Photoacoustic Microscopy - PAM •Because light radiation is very easy to focus on an area of the order of 10-6 m, it is possible to perform a photoacoustic phenomenon in microscale and to obtain information about the two-dimensional distribution of the photoacoustic signal by sample scanning. •By computer processing of this information, an image can also be created on the screen where different blackening areas correspond to different intensity of the photoacoustic signal. However, it is a complex function not only of light absorption in the sample but also of its local structure, its elastic and thermal properties, and also the morphology and perfection of the sample surface. •It always depends on factors influencing not only absorption but also light scattering. 2010 prof. Otruba 21 Principles of PAM •The amplitude-modulated laser light radiation is focused on a spot of about 1µm in diameter on the surface of the sample and the sample is scanned in two dimensions. The resulting photoacoustic signal is detected by a transducer in direct contact with the sample (9) or microphone (6). The electrical signal is further processed and used to create an image on the monitor screen. •As a transducer, piezoelectric grinding is usually used, which can work with high modulation frequencies, allows faster scanning and has less sensitivity to ambient noise. •Electret miniature microphones with high sensitivity and frequency range up to MHz are used as microphone. • 2010 prof. Otruba 22 PAM applications •The method provides visual information in a microscale similar to conventional optical microscopy and further allows e.g.: •to determine the local optical absorption spectrum or its differences in different places of the surface •obtain information about local thermal and elastic properties (detection of layered structures on and under the surface) •detect photovoltaic processes in semiconductor devices (the presence of short circuits or losses can be detected in a timely and non-destructive manner) •investigate photochemical processes •measure thin film thickness (by analyzing amplitude and phase of photoacoustic signal) •determine the depth profile of the examined material (by changing the wavelength of the incident light or by changing the modulation frequency, the depth of the optical penetration and the depth at which the photoacoustic signal is produced can be changed) •detect the presence of fluorescent dopants (since fluorescence reduces the PAM signal) and possibly their absorption band if it is possible to change the wavelength of the modulated excitation light. 2010 prof. Otruba 23