Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) Content •Introduction to fundamentals of LIBS •Basic instrumentation and configurations •Double pulse LIBS (instrumentation) • •Depth profiling (zinc coated steel, ceramic tiles) •Elemental mapping (teeth, plants, urinary stones ...) 2 •LIBS techniques for powder materials (pressed pellets) •LIBS techniques for liquid samples (algae suspension) •LIBS technique for nanoparticles (QDs) •Remote analysis by LIBS (identification of biominerals) •Conclusion • Content 3 laser beam Laser beam - solid sample interaction deposit crater solid sample crumbling shock wave heating, melting, vaporization, explosion absorption of radiance in plasma vaporization atomization excitation ionization atoms, ions, particles, aerosol LIBS aerosol ICP-OES ICP-MS microplasma hν 4 Laser beam - solid sample interaction Plasma ignition: ns laser (107 – 1011 W/cm2 ) fs laser (1012 – 1017 W/cm2 ) Thermal vaporization (10-9 – 10-8 s) Non-thermal ablation (10-9 – 10-8 s) Plasma shielding (10-9 – 10-8 s) Plasma expansion and cooling: Shockwave propagation Plasma expansion (10-11 – 10-6 s) Plasma radiation cooling (10-6 – 10-4 s) Particle ejection and condensation: Ejection of liquid droplet (10-8 – 10-6 s) Solid exfoliation (10-8 – 10-6 s) Nano particles formation (10-4 – 10-3 s) Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Jagdish P. Singh & Surya N. Thakur © 2007 Elsevier 5 Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS), Fundamentals and Applications Andrzej W. Miziolek, Vincenzo Palleschi, Israel Schechter © 2006 Cambridge Important time periods after plasma formation td - delay time, tb – gate pulse width 6 Handbook of Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy D. Cremers and L. Radziemski © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd LIBS - lasers 7 LIBS2 x y z Laser Spectrometer PC Sample (x,y,z stage) Basic configurations ICCD 1. Experimental setup with pierced mirror Triggering 8 INSTRMalagy Laser Sample Dichroic mirror Basic configurations Spectrometer University of Malaga 2006 9 LIBS Sample Optical fiber Laser Spectrometer Collecting optics PC Basic configurations 2. Experimental setup with optical fiber ICCD Triggering 10 DSCN1873 Basic configurations University of Jyvaskyla 2007 11 LIBS3 Sample Spectrometer Laser Adapter Probe Basic configurations 3. Experimental setup with optical fiber (portable LIBS, underwater measurements) Optical fiber ICCD PC Triggering 12 Basic configurations 3. Experimental setup with telescope (Stand-off measurements) Spectrometer ICCD Triggering PC Laser Telescope Sample H:\skola\prezentace\kurz ablace 12\1.jpg 13 komora Nd:YAG Brilliant 10 Hz 5 ns triax Control unit (laboratory made) PMT Hamamatsu R928 Gated Socket Assembly Hamamatsu C1392 Jobin Yvon – Triax 320 osciloskop Triggering – Q switch Triggering oscilloscope OSCILLOSCOPE Tektronix TDS 1012 DELAY TIME sample MU setup - 1st generation 14 C:\Codl\Download\libs\P3050019.JPG C:\Codl\Download\libs\P3050018.JPG x,y stage OWIS Nd:YAG Brilliant (Quantel) glass lens optical fiber Monochromator TRIAX 320 (Czerny – Turner 320 mm) PMT Hamamatsu R928 Control of the PMT by Q – switch pulse Oscilloscope TDS 1012 MU setup - 1st generation 15 komora Nd:YAG Brilliant 10 Hz 5 ns triax Jobin Yvon – Triax 320 Flashlamp control sample ICCD Jobin Yvon Horiba Q – switch control MU setup - 2nd generation 16 monochromator Hlavice komora Nd:YAG Brilliant 10 Hz 5 ns Ar, He sample LA-ICP-OES ICP-OES Jobin Yvon – 170 Ultrace polychromator POLYCHROMATOR MONOCHROMATOR 17 Double pulse technique (DP-LIBS) C:\DATA\Codl\Codl\Prijate clanky\Ces Cas Fyz\Obr5\IMG_0021.jpg C:\DATA\Codl\Codl\Prijate clanky\Ces Cas Fyz\Obr5\IMG_0031.jpg Novotny, K.; Lutzky, F.; Galiova, M.; Kaiser, J.; Malina, R.; Kanicky, V.; Otruba, V., Double pulse laser ablation and plasma: time resolved spectral measurements. Chemicke Listy 2008, 102, S1399-S1402. Single Pulse Double Pulse Emission enhancement •plasma volume increasing •higher temperature •longer decay time •S/N enhancement Decreasing of LOD up to two orders of magnitude MU setup - 3rd generation New Wave, UP 266 MACRO Nd:YAG laser @ 266 nm (4-th harmonic frequency) Second laser pulse Nd:YAG (Quantel Brilliant) @1064 nm Comparison of the single and double-pulse signals in spectral region of selected iron lines 18 SIMULTANEOUS DP-LIBS AND LASER ABLATION ICP-OES SYSTEM designed by utilizing a modified commercially available laser ablation system (New Wave, UP 266 MACRO) C:\Users\novotny\Desktop\nova komora\Clanek\Odeslana verze\Fig4.jpg For LA-ICP-OES experiments the original ablation chamber was replaced with a special laboratory made chamber •window for entering the second orthogonal laser pulse •window for collection of LIP emission •stage for sample height alignment •no modification of the original optics - possible to use all advantages of the original arrangement •spot ablation for depth profiling, line scanning for lateral analysis and raster scanning for bulk or surface analysis. •second re-heating laser pulse (Quantel Brilliant) is delivered orthogonally (periscope arrangement allowing precise laser beam positioning) •two digital delay generators DG 645 •collection optics for emission transport to the monochromator Triax 320 (Jobin-Yvon) •ICCD Princeton Instruments PI MAX-3 •sample holders (different size and shape) 19 MU setup - 3rd generation C:\Users\novotny\Desktop\nova komora\Clanek\Odeslana verze\Fig1.jpg ALATION CHAMBER FOR SIMULTANEOUS DP-LIBS AND LA- ICP-OES/MS C:\Users\novotny\Desktop\zprava CzUS\Za rok 2010\Fotky\A.jpg C:\Users\novotny\Desktop\zprava CzUS\Za rok 2010\Fotky\B.jpg Construction in cooperation with Institute of Physical Engineering BUT Brno (prof. J. Kaiser) 20 Instrumentation - Summary 21 Depth profiling depth 16 % 84 % Δz x A B layer A layer B kraterns kraterfs ns - laser fs - laser K. Niemax, Laser ablation – reflection on a very complex technique for solid sampling, Fresenius J. Anal. Chem. (2001) 370:332-340) Δz – depth resolution defined by convention: depth range over which the signal changes from 84 to 16% of its full value Δz = Δp AAR Δp – number of laser shots needed to reach 84 and 16% of signal AAR – averaged ablation rate Depth profiling by LIBS •from nanometer to millimeter scale •no or minimal sample preparation •without restrictions on the shape, size or conductivity •under atmospheric conditions •on-line and in situ measurement • 22 (zinc-coated iron sheets) Depth profiling Novotny, K.; Vaculovic, T.; Galiova, M.; Otruba, V.; Kanicky, V.; Kaiser, J.; Liska, M.; Samek, O.; Malina, R.; Palenikova, K., The use of zinc and iron emission lines in the depth profile analysis of zinc-coated steel. Applied Surface Science 2007, 253, 3834-3842. Different manufactures and different zinc-coating thicknesses: previously analyzed by glow discharge optical emission spectrometry Hoesch Stahl (20 µm) electroplated Zn coating, Sollac (10 µm) Aluzink, SSAB (24 µm) Galfan, Voest Alpine (6 µm) Galvanneal, British Steel (9 µm) Optimized parameters •laser pulse energy •focusing condition •different surrounding gases •delay time air Ar He Depth profile of electroplated Zn in helium focusing at -20 mm. Comparison of LIBS signals of Zn(I) 280.08 nm and Fe(I) 344.06 nm at 5 and 10 ms delay times. Ablation was performed with an energy of 100 mJ/pulse. 23 Depth profiling Hrdlicka, A.; Zaoralkova, L.; Galiova, M.; Ctvrtnickova, T.; Kanicky, V.; Otruba, V.; Novotny, K.; Krasensky, P.; Kaiser, J.; Malina, R.; Palenikova, K., Correlation of acoustic and optical emission signals produced at 1064 and 532 nm laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) of glazed wall tiles. Spectrochimica Acta Part B-Atomic Spectroscopy 2009, 64, 74-78. Model sample of glazed silicate ceramics •well-defined average contents of constituents •reproducible production series (ceramic tiles) decrease in the optical emission during ablation was successfully compensated by normalization to the acoustic signal Depth profile of the green tile acquired for Al(I) 309.271 nm, Cr(I) 295.368 nm and Ti(II( 334.904 nm. DSCN0209 IMG_0008 24 Ti Zn Cr Normalized intensity Position on the sample Position on the sample Mapping and depth profiling (ceramic tiles) Ti(II) 334.9 nm Cr(II) 336.8 nm Zn(I) 330.29nm Zn Cr Ti ORANGE4 Zn Ti ablation craters 25 Mapping of elemental distribution (plant samples) Cleaning of metal contaminated soil - PHYTOREMEDIATION resistant, strong tolerance, effective plant-transport mechanisms, high accumulation, high biomass, fast growth herbs: Zea mays, Helianthus annuus ... trees: Betula pendula, Populus tremula ... Samples from naturally growing trees recultivated sludge bed in locality Smolník (Slovakia) Laboratory cultivated plants Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Mendel University in Brno mapa1 26 Mapping of elemental distribution (plant samples) Copper distribution in the needle of pine tree (Pinus sylvestris) obtained by LIBS single pulse. Copper distribution in central vein of the aspen leaf (Populus tremula) obtained by LIBS single pulse; two laser pulses on each point. Smolník 27 Mapping of elemental distribution (plant samples) Example of copper and calcium distribution maps on cross sections of spruce twigs (Picea abies) cultivated in 50 mmol.l-1 CuCl2 obtained by LIBS double pulse. Point distance = 150 µm Krajcarova, L.; Novotny, K.; Babula, P.; Provaznik, I.; Kucerova, P.; Adam, V.; Martin, M.Z.; Kizek, R.; Kaiser, J., Copper Transport and Accumulation in Spruce Stems (Picea abies (L.) Karsten) Revealed by Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy. International Journal of Electrochemical Science,2013, 8, 4485-4504. 28 Mapping of elemental distribution (plant samples) Galiova, M.; Kaiser, J.; Novotny, K.; Hartl, M.; Kizek, R.; Babula, P., Utilization of Laser-Assisted Analytical Methods for Monitoring of Lead and Nutrition Elements Distribution in Fresh and Dried Capsicum annuum L. Leaves. Microscopy Research and Technique 2011, 74, 845-852. (a) Set of C. annuum L. samples used for monitoring of effects of lead(II) ions. (b) Example of the investigated C. annuum L. leaves. The maps of K obtained from the studied area of the 2 days 10 mmol L-1 Pb(NO3)2 treated C. annuum L. leaf. The K distribution in fresh (frozen) and dried samples measured by (a) LIBS and (b) LA-ICP-MS. The maps of Pb obtained from the studied area of the 2 days 10 mmol L-1 Pb(NO3)2 treated C. annuum L. leaf. The K distribution in fresh (frozen) and dried leaf measured by (a) LIBS and (b) LA-ICP-MS. Mapping of accumulation and distribution of heavy metal (lead) and nutrition elements (potassium) in leaves of Capsicum annuum L. samples. 29 Elemental mapping (geological sample) Novotny, K.; Kaiser, J.; Galiova, M.; Konecna, V.; Novotny, J.; Malina, R.; Liska, M.; Kanicky, V.; Otruba, V., Mapping of different structures on large area of granite sample using laser-ablation based analytical techniques, an exploratory study. Spectrochimica Acta Part B-Atomic Spectroscopy 2008, 63, 1139-1144. Comparison study: multi-element (Ca, Al, Fe, Mn) mappings of a granite sample surface performed by LIBS and subsequently by LA-ICP-MS analysis Typical LA-ICP-MS signal for Fe monitoring obtained for ~40 ablation craters. Set of normalised spectrums obtained by six subsequent pulses from the different places of the sample. The 2 x 2 cm2 area of the granite was sampled with a spatial resolution of 200 mm (the distance of the LIBS and LA-ICP-MS craters). 30 Elemental mapping (geological sample) 100×100 individual sample points to map an area of 20×20 mm2 LIBS LIBS LA-ICP-MS LA-ICP-MS Novotny, K.; Kaiser, J.; Galiova, M.; Konecna, V.; Novotny, J.; Malina, R.; Liska, M.; Kanicky, V.; Otruba, V., Mapping of different structures on large area of granite sample using laser-ablation based analytical techniques, an exploratory study. Spectrochimica Acta Part B-Atomic Spectroscopy 2008, 63, 1139-1144. 31 Elemental mapping (teeth) strolling_reindeer DSCN1638 Upper palaeolithic reindeer tooth locality at Moravany-Lopata, Western Slovakia bear_01.tif 126.jpg Koren_LIBS.tif Fossil brown bear (Ursus arctos) was excavated at Dolní Věstonice II-Western Slope, South Moravia, Czech Republic. Protemnodon - an extinct species of a kangaroo that lived about 50 000 years ago, found in Australian swamps 32 Elemental mapping (teeth) ETHOLOGY OF THE STUDIED FOSSIL BROWN BEAR The seasonal fluctuations of the Sr/Ca and Sr/Ba detected by DP LIBS evidenced the migration of this bear between his hibernaculum’s location and the place where the fossils were found. barevna skala.tif pomerMg_koren_rada.TIF The estimation of the sample hardness via magnesium ionic to atomic line intensity. The estimated hardness characteristic was proved by microhardness measurements. Sr/Ca and Sr/Ba ratios derived from LIBS line scan and LA-ICP-MS mapping; dotted lines represent the different regions (white, summer bands; brown, winter bands) of the tooth cross section. The bar has a length of 500 μm. Galiova, M.; Kaiser, J.; Fortes, F. J.; Novotny, K.; Malina, R.; Prokes, L.; Hrdlicka, A.; Vaculovic, T.; Fisakova, M. N.; Svoboda, J.; Kanicky, V.; Laserna, J. J., Multielemental analysis of prehistoric animal teeth by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy and laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Applied Optics 2010, 49, C191-C199. Sr_Ca_koren_DP.tif Sr_Ba_koren_DP.tif 33 Elemental mapping (fossil snake vertebrae) Galiova, M.; Kaiser, J.; Novotny, K.; Ivanov, M.; Fisakova, M. N.; Mancini, L.; Tromba, G.; Vaculovic, T.; Liska, M.; Kanicky, V., Investigation of the osteitis deformans phases in snake vertebrae by double-pulse laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 2010, 398, 1095-1107. Elemental mapping of pathological bony tissue (osteitis deformans phases in fossil vertebrae) SR-μCT slices of a healthy and b pathological fossil snake vertebra together with c the 3D rendering of the investigated fossil snake vertebra segment The photographs of the studied a fossil (N. natrix) snake vertebrae. The investigated healthy (the left images) and pathological (the right images) bones are shown. Lower Ca/P ratio indicating the later stage of the osteitis deformans. Na content can be caused by metabolic derangement (“acidosis”). The fossil material: Natrix natrix Mladeč Caves excavation II (Czech Republic), Early Pleistocene 34 Elemental mapping (urinary stones) Mineralized tissues and bio-mineral structures are “archives” related to living habits, nutrition and exposure to changing environmental conditions. Line scans of the urinary concrement cross-sections may provide information about the accumulation history of the elements of interest. Four categories of urinary stones: a) oxalates b) phosphates c) uric acid and d) cystine. Correlation between calcium and phosphorus indicates the presence of apatite. Distribution of iron is connected with accumulation of blood clot during the growth of urinary stones in the urinary bladder. Sample no. 10806: oval, ellipsoidal, pale yellow-brown zone. The main components: uric acid (90%) weddellite CaC2O4·2 H2O (10%) Ca distribution 5 mm 5 mm 35 Powder samples C:\DATA\Marketa\WC\Obrázky\P1010016a.JPG Novotny, K.; Stankova, A.; Haekkaenen, H.; Korppi-Tommola, J.; Otruba, V.; Kanicky, V., Analysis of powdered tungsten carbide hard-metal precursors and cemented compact tungsten carbides using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy. Spectrochimica Acta Part B-Atomic Spectroscopy 2007, 62, 1567-1574. powdered tungsten carbide hard-metal precursors (WC/Co) Samples: Pramet Tools, Šumperk, Czech Republic The elemental composition of powders samples: preparation of pressed pellets with or without binder (binder powdered silver) element content % (m/m) W 57–88 C 4.8–7.5 Co 3–10 Ti 0.04–9.6 Ta 0.1–8.2 Nb 0.05–3.4 36 calibration pellets (urinary stones) Stepankova, K.; Novotny, K.; Vasinova Galiova, M.; Kanicky, V.; Kaiser, J.; Hahn, D.W., Laser ablation methods for analysis of urinary calculi: Comparison study based on calibration pellets. Spectrochimica Acta Part B-Atomic Spectroscopy, 2013, 81, 43-49. Powder samples Mineralogical composition of calibration pellets Comparison of LIBS and LA LIBS Laser ablation LIBS (LA-LIBS) (analytical LIBS plasma is completely separated from LA) Problems with elements present in high content are related mainly to the LIBS technique and most probably they are connected to the processes in the LIP and self-absorption. Comparison of LIBS and LA-LIBS calibration curves for Sr in phosphate matrix pellets. Comparison of LIBS and LA-LIBS calibration curves for Mg in phosphate matrix pellets. 37 Investigation of liquid samples or bio-fluids (algae suspension) Instrumentation at Institute of Physical Engineering BUT Brno (prof. J. Kaiser) Liquid samples C:\Users\novotny\Desktop\SOC\Fotky double pulse+kapaliny\kapaliny\lumix\P1000658.JPG Porizka, P.; Prochazka, D.; Pilat, Z.; Krajcarova, L.; Kaiser, J.; Malina, R.; Novotny, J.; Zemanek, P.; Jezek, J.; Sery, M.; Bernatova, S.; Krzyzanek, V.; Dobranska, K.; Novotny, K.; Trtilek, M.; Samek, O., Application of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy to the analysis of algal biomass for industrial biotechnology. Spectrochimica Acta Part B-Atomic Spectroscopy, 2012, 74-75, 169-176. LIBS system employing laminar water jet setup Segments of LIBS spectra of algae suspensions recorded using water jet liquid arrangements 38 Nanoparticles (QDs) Spatial distribution of quantum dots (QDs) •cadmium containing QDs – CdS, CdTe •injection onto the carrier material (chromatographic paper, polystyrene ...) Calibration graphs for injection of 5 µl CdS GSH and CdS MPA solution injected on the chromatographic paper . Cd signal was obtained by LIBS on emission line Cd(I) 508.58 nm and signal intensity was summarized by counting pixels and all points of raster. CdS QDs spatial distribution after injection of different volumes and different concentrations on chromatographic paper, 6 x 6 points with spacing 600 µm, emission line Cd (I) 508.58 nm and fluorescence (excitation wavelength 460 nm, emission wavelength 700 nm). 39 Remote analysis Stand-off identification of biominerals Instrumentation developed at Institute of Physical Engineering BUT Brno (prof. J. Kaiser) Vitkova, G.; Novotny, K.; Prokes, L.; Hrdlicka, A.; Kaiser, J.; Novotny, J.; Malina, R.; Prochazka, D., Fast identification of biominerals by means of stand-off laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy using linear discriminant analysis and artificial neural networks. Spectrochimica Acta Part B-Atomic Spectroscopy 2012, 73, 1-6. Comparison of linear discriminant analysis (LDA) and artificial neural networks (ANN) input data - PCA scores 40 Conclusion Radziemski, L. ; Cremers D., A brief history of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy: From the concept of atoms to LIBS 2012 , Spectrochimica Acta Part B-Atomic Spectroscopy 2013, 87, 3-10 Self-portrait of Curiosity in Gale Crater on the surface of Mars (October 31, 2012) •rapid progress during the last two decades •significant improving of LIBS measurement (advanced lasers, detection systems and data processing) •improving precision and accuracy (process monitoring, on-line/on-situ screening) •further improving to be accepted as an analytical technique for quality control •commercialization •rapidly expanding field of LIBS applications Perspectives at the Department of chemistry PřF MU: •further development of instrumentation and methodology •applications on real samples to solve the real scientific problems •cooperation with the Institute of Physical Engineering BUT Brno, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Mendel University in Brno, etc. •involvement in the project CEITEC •continuation of international cooperation with many universities and research teams around the world 41