C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -1C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling TSM Modelling Molecular Structures Petr Kulhรกnek kulhanek@chemi.muni.cz National Centre for Biomolecular Research, Faculty of Science Masaryk University, Kamenice 5, CZ-62500 Brno PS/2021 Present Form of Teaching: Rev3 Lesson 5 Phenomenological thermodynamics (equilibrium) C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -2- Overview C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -3Chemical process Or what you should already knowโ€ฆ. C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -4Thermodynamics of chemical process Gibbs (free) energy change initial state (reactants) end state (products) activated complex (transition state) aA + bB cC + dD TS R P states (reaction coordinate) a, b, c, d - stoichiometric coefficients C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -5Thermodynamics of chemical process aA + bB cC + dD TS R P states (reaction coordinate) 0 rG๏„ standard reaction Gibbs energy ฮ”๐บ1 โ‰  ฮ”๐บ2 โ‰  standard activation Gibbs energy 1 2 1 - forward reaction 2 - backward reaction C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -6Thermodynamics of chemical process aA + bB cC + dD TS R P states (reaction coordinate) 0 rG๏„ ฮ”๐บ1 โ‰  ฮ”๐บ2 โ‰  ฮ”๐บ๐‘Ÿ 0 = ฮ”๐บ1 โ‰  โˆ’ ฮ”๐บ2 โ‰  1 2 Thermodynamic cycle ฮ”๐บ1 โ‰  โˆ’ ฮ”๐บ2 โ‰  โˆ’ ฮ”๐บ๐‘Ÿ 0 = 0 C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -7- Equilibrium Or what you should already knowโ€ฆ. C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -8Equilibrium - summary KRTGr ln0 โˆ’=๏„ standard reaction Gibbs energy equilibrium constant0 rG๏„ ๏ป ๏ฝ๏ป ๏ฝ ๏ป ๏ฝ ๏ป ๏ฝ ๏› ๏ ๏› ๏ ๏› ๏ ๏› ๏b r a r d r c r b r a r d r c r BA DC BA DC K ๏‚ป= activities concentration (r) equilibrium R P aA + bB cC + dD states (reaction coordinate) C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -9Equilibrium - summary ๏ป ๏ฝ ๏ป ๏ฝ ๏ป ๏ฝ ๏ป ๏ฝ ๏› ๏ ๏› ๏ ๏› ๏ ๏› ๏ ๏› ๏๏ƒ•=๏‚ป= i rib r a r d r c r b r a r d r c r i X BA DC BA DC K ๏ฎ The standard reaction free energy can be calculated, for example, from standard formation (f) Gibbs energies. aA + bB cC + dD KRTGr ln0 โˆ’=๏„ ฮ”๐บ๐‘Ÿ 0 = ๐‘ฮ”๐บ๐‘“,๐ถ 0 + ๐‘‘ฮ”๐บ๐‘“,๐ท 0 โˆ’ ๐‘Žฮ”๐บ๐‘“,๐ด 0 + ๐‘ฮ”๐บ๐‘“,๐ต 0 = เท ๐‘– ๐œ๐‘– ๐บ ๐‘“,๐‘– 0 C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -10Chemical transformation Reaction of A and B provides C and D and vice versa. Both processes continues until the rate of both forward and backward reactions is the same and equilibrium is established. Principle questions: โžข What is the composition of the reaction mixture in equilibrium and how can it be determined? โžข How is it possible to influence the composition of the reaction mixture in equilibrium? aA + bB cC + dD C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -11Extent of reaction Extent of reaction x is defined as the molar change of a substance in relation to its stoichiometric coefficient: i in ๏ต x ๏„ = Sign convention for ๏ฎi products (end state) - positive value reactants (initial state) - negative value d n c n b nn a nn DCBBAA == โˆ’ โˆ’ = โˆ’ โˆ’ = ,0,0 x Example: initial state: n0, A and n0, B The reaction progress can be described by the extent of reaction, which considers the stoichiometry of the transformation. aA + bB cC + dD C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -12Gibbs energy of reaction mixture ๏ƒฅ= ๏‚น ๏ƒท๏ƒท ๏ƒธ ๏ƒถ ๏ƒง๏ƒง ๏ƒจ ๏ƒฆ ๏‚ถ ๏‚ถ = N i i nnTpi N dn n G nnndG ij 1 ,, 21 ),...,,( ij nnTpi i n G ๏‚น ๏ƒท๏ƒท ๏ƒธ ๏ƒถ ๏ƒง๏ƒง ๏ƒจ ๏ƒฆ ๏‚ถ ๏‚ถ = ,, ๏ญ ni is the molar amount of substance i The Gibbs energy of reaction mixture G is a function of the composition of the reaction mixture. At the constant temperature and pressure, it is possible to write the Gibbs energy as total differential in the following form: ๏ƒฅ= = N i iiN dnnnndG 1 21 ),...,,( ๏ญ Derivative of the Gibbs energy with respect to molar amount is a very useful quantity called chemical potential ๏ญ : N - number of reacting coumpunds C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -13Chemical potential ij nnTpi i n G ๏‚น ๏ƒท๏ƒท ๏ƒธ ๏ƒถ ๏ƒง๏ƒง ๏ƒจ ๏ƒฆ ๏‚ถ ๏‚ถ = ,, ๏ญ Chemical potential expresses the effort of the substance: โ€ข to react with another substance โ€ข to change its status โ€ข to change its spatial distribution Value of chemical potential: โ€ข is related to the very nature of the substance โ€ข is related to the environment (temperature, pressure, concentration, ...) โ€ข however, it is not related to the nature of the substances with which it reacts or is transformed to iii aRT ln0 += ๏ญ๏ญ Relationship between chemical potential ๏ญi and activity ai of substance: The chemical potential is a state function: C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -14- Activity 00 p p p f a ii i ๏‚ป= 00 c c c c a ii ii ๏‚ป= ๏ง gas mixtures solutions a mixture of ideal gases ideal solution (diluted solution) gas mixture solution f - fugacity (effective pressure) p - partial pressure c - molar concentration ๏ง - activity coefficient Activity expresses the effective amount of a substance relative to a standard state. It is a dimensionless quantity. The reason for introducing an activity coefficient (or fugacity) is to maintain a simple relationship between activity and chemical potential. The relationship for chemical potential can therefore be taken as the definition of the activity: RT i ii ea 0 ๏ญ๏ญ โˆ’ = C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -15Standard chemical potential Standard chemical potential is the change in Gibbs energy that is associated with the formation of one mole of matter in the standard state. The change of the Gibbs energy is most often expressed in the form of the standard formation Gibbs energies. 0 , 0 ifi G๏„=๏ญ Standard formation Gibbs energy is the change of Gibbs energy that corresponds to the formation of one mole of matter from chemical elements in the standard state. Chemical elements in the standard state have zero formation Gibbs energy (this is the definition of the reference state). Standard state (IUPAC): p0 = 100 kPa c0 = 1 mol dm-3 = 1 M 1=ia The activity of pure substances in condensed phases (solid or liquids) is normally taken as unity (the number 1) C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -16Gibbs energy of reaction mixture It is better to express the Gibbs energy change using the extent of the reaction: i in ๏ต x ๏„ = x๏ต ddn ii = ๏ƒฅ= = N i ii ddG 1 x๏ต๏ญ ๏ƒฅ= = N i ii d dG 1 ๏ต๏ญ x ๏ƒฅ= = N i iiN dnnnndG 1 21 ),...,,( ๏ญ ๏ƒฅ ๏ƒ•๏ƒฅ = == +== N i N i iii N i ii i aRT d dG 1 1 0 1 ln ๏ต ๏ญ๏ต๏ต๏ญ x QRTG d dG r ln0 +๏„= x The chemical potential of the individual substances depends on their effective amount relative to the standard state, i.e., on the composition of the reaction mixture. The change is therefore proportional to the composition of the reaction mixture and the standard chemical potential of the individual reactants: reaction quotient standard Gibbs reaction energy C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -17Change of G during reaction A B only for a given reaction and n0, A = 1.0 mol ( ) ( )๏ป ๏ฝ 0 ,0,0,0,0 0 lnlnln)( AAAAAr GnnnnRTGG +โˆ’โˆ’โˆ’โˆ’+๏„= xxxxxx 0 rG๏„ from integration dG/dx C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -18Change of G during reaction ( ) ( )๏ป ๏ฝ 0 ,0,0,0,0 0 lnlnln)( AAAAAr GnnnnRTGG +โˆ’โˆ’โˆ’โˆ’+๏„= xxxxxx change of Gibbs energy due to the reaction (this is the Gibbs energy of individual substances in the standard state in the amount determined by the extent of the reaction) A B C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -19Change of G during reaction ( ) ( )๏ป ๏ฝ 0 ,0,0,0,0 0 lnlnln)( AAAAAr GnnnnRTGG +โˆ’โˆ’โˆ’โˆ’+๏„= xxxxxx mixing Gibbs energy (Gibbs energy that is released as a result of mixing substances in the standard state in an amount determined by the extent of the reaction) A B C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -20Change of G during reaction A B ( ) ( )๏ป ๏ฝ 0 ,0,0,0,0 0 lnlnln)( AAAAAr GnnnnRTGG +โˆ’โˆ’โˆ’โˆ’+๏„= xxxxxx local extreme (minimum) determines the composition of the reaction mixture in equilibrium C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -21Qualitative conclusions โ–ช The change in Gibbs energy consists of two contributions due to: a) reaction b) mixing (entropy) โ–ช The change of Gibbs energy from the initial or final state to equilibrium is always negative, so it is a spontaneous process. Even if the standard Gibbs reaction energy is zero or positive. โ–ช There is only one local extreme (minimum) of reaction Gibbs energy and it corresponds to the equilibrium state. C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -22Finding the extreme 0ln0 =+๏„= rr QRTG d dG x KRTQRTG rr lnln0 โˆ’=โˆ’=๏„ At the local extreme, the derivative of the function takes zero value: Equilibrium constant K is a dimensionless quantity that corresponds to the reaction quotient in the equilibrium state. Equilibrium constant depends only on the nature of the reaction, the temperature and the definition of the standard state, but it does not depend on the initial composition of the reaction mixture. ๏ƒ•= = N i ir i aK 1 , ๏ต Sign convention for ๏ฎand end state - positive value default state - negative value at equilibrium (r) C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -23- Example aA + bB cC+ dD ๏ƒ•= = N i ir i aK 1 , ๏ต ๏ป ๏ฝ๏ป ๏ฝ ๏ป ๏ฝ ๏ป ๏ฝ ๏› ๏ ๏› ๏ ๏› ๏ ๏› ๏b r a r d r c r b r a r d r c r b Br a Ar d Dr c Crd Dr c Cr b Br a Ar BA DC BA DC aa aa aaaaK ๏‚ป=== โˆ’โˆ’ ,, ,, ,,,, dimensionless !!! it has a size !!! K dimension is (mol dm-3)n (or Mn), where n is the sum of stoichiometric coefficients This follows from the definition of the standard state for solution. at equilibrium (r) C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -24- Conclusion โ–ช At the given temperature and definition of the standard state, the equilibrium constant is determined only by the standard reaction Gibbs energy: โ–ช The standard reaction Gibbs energy corresponds to the conversion of the initial state to the final state, which is a hypothetical process that does not actually occur. โ–ช When equilibrium is established either from the initial or final state, the change of reaction Gibbs energy is always negative, regardless of whether the standard reaction Gibbs energy is zero or positive. โ–ช Thus, the reactions always proceed spontaneously from the initial or final state to equilibrium. ฮ”๐บ๐‘Ÿ 0 = โˆ’๐‘…๐‘‡ ln ๐พ ฮ”๐บ๐‘Ÿ 0 <> ฮ”๐บ(๐œ‰) it determines spontaneity of the processit determines composition of the reaction mixture but it does not say anything about spontaneity of the reaction ๐œ‰ is the extent of reaction (โ‰  reaction coordinate) C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -25- Homework C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -26- Homework 1. What is pH of acetic acid solution with c0(CH3COOH)=10-3 M? 2. Determine the equilibrium composition of the reaction mixture under standard conditions for the reaction below, provided that the standard reaction Gibbs energy is 0.5; 1.0; 2.5; 5.0 and 10.0 kcal/mol. The starting amount of substance A is 0.001 mol. The volume of the reaction mixture, which is constant during the reaction, is 1 liter. Next, determine the extent of the reaction and the ratio of the concentrations of substance B to substance A. A B C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -27Homework - results 1. c0=10-3 M (pKa = 4.756), pH=3.9 2. Solution for constant volume 1L: T= 298.15 K ๏„Gr 0 K -logK [A] [B] x [B]/[A] c0= 0.001 M (kcal/mol) (M) (M) (mol) 0.50 4.300E-01 0.4 6.993E-04 3.007E-04 3.007E-04 4.300E-01 1.00 1.849E-01 0.7 8.439E-04 1.561E-04 1.561E-04 1.849E-01 2.50 1.470E-02 1.8 9.855E-04 1.449E-05 1.449E-05 1.470E-02 5.00 2.162E-04 3.7 9.998E-04 2.161E-07 2.161E-07 2.162E-04 10.00 4.672E-08 7.3 1.000E-03 4.672E-11 4.672E-11 4.672E-08