C7800 Introduction to molecular modelling - seminar -1Section Modelling Programs for molecular modelling I Petr Kulhanek kulhanek@chemi.muni.cz National Center for Biomolecular Research, Faculty of Science Masaryk University, Kotlářská 2, CZ-61137 Brno C7800 Introduction to molecular modelling - seminar TSM Modeling of molecular structures C7800 Introduction to molecular modelling - seminar -2- Overview VMD http: //www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/vmd/ Visualization of (bio)molecules. Available for MS Windows, macOS, and Linux for free upon registration. Avogadro http://avogadro.openmolecules.net/wiki/Main_Page Program for molecule building and visualization. Freely available for MS Windows, macOS, and Linux. Functionality overview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdmLoBlLmqs Nemesis https://nemesis.ncbr.muni.cz/ Program for molecule building and visualization. Freely available for Linux. C7800 Introduction to molecular modelling - seminar -3WOLF Cluster - GNOME Desktop Settings, logout, shutdown Standard applications Dock (running applications, frequently used applications) Terminal type "terminal" C7800 Introduction to molecular modelling - seminar -4Model building Program Avogadro C7800 Introduction to molecular modelling - seminar -5How to start Avogadro? ▪ Find Avogadro in standard applications ▪ Or open terminal and run Avogadro as a command (all small caps!!!) ▪ Or open terminal and run Avogadro from modules (not recommended) Starting Avogadro $ avogadro $ module add avogadro $ avogadro C7800 Introduction to molecular modelling - seminar -6Draft model • In edit mode, you can draft a model. • This model does not have proper bond distances and angles. It needs to be optimized before further use. C7800 Introduction to molecular modelling - seminar -7Model optimization • Avogadro uses molecular mechanics (force field) for geometry optimization. • For proper usage, the model must have correct topology with right bond orders. • Force field methods are empirical. Therefore, it is necessary to select proper parametrization such as MMFF94. C7800 Introduction to molecular modelling - seminar -8Exercise 1 1. Step by step, create models of the following molecules: • methane • ethene, ethyne • benzene • adamantane • benzoic acid • trinitrotoluene • salicylic acid • optionally building C60 C7800 Introduction to molecular modelling - seminar -9Exercise 2 1. Create a model containing G:C base pair, according to the scheme below. Use a hydrogen atom to saturate the free valences. For geometry optimization, use the MMFF94 force field. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Base_pair C7800 Introduction to molecular modelling - seminar -10Model building Nemesis program C7800 Introduction to molecular modelling - seminar -11How to start Nemesis? ▪ Open terminal and run Nemesis from modules: Starting Nemesis $ module add nemesis $ nemesis C7800 Introduction to molecular modelling - seminar -12Nemesis - Build Project layers graphic models molecule building / editing geometry measurement Force field settings for optimization: menu Geometry-> Optimizer Setup geometry optimization using a force field Mouse: • left button - selection • middle button - rotation • right button - translation • wheel - zoom Keys: •Shift - XY -> Z •Ctrl - primary/secondary manipulator C7800 Introduction to molecular modelling - seminar -13Exercise 3 1. Step by step, create models of the following molecules: • methane • ethene, ethyne • benzene • adamantane • benzoic acid • trinitrotoluene • salicylic acid C7800 Introduction to molecular modelling - seminar -14Visualization of molecular dynamics simulations VMD program C7800 Introduction to molecular modelling - seminar -15Exercise 4 molecular dynamic simulation of a molecular switch red - rotor orange - axis blue - water C7800 Introduction to molecular modelling - seminar -16Display simulation in VMD $ ~kulhanek/start-vmd-3 ▪ Open terminal and run the following script C7800 Introduction to molecular modelling - seminar -17- VMD Representation movement in time C7800 Introduction to molecular modelling - seminar -18VMD program - visualization 1 2 3 4 5 Create/Delete representation Representation List double click - activate/deactivate Selection (what part of model is visualized) Coloring method and drawing method C7800 Introduction to molecular modelling - seminar -19VMD program - selection Selection for visualization (examples): water - selects all water molecules resname X - selects a residue named X resid X - selects a residue with the number X not hydrogen - do not display hydrogen atoms Examples: resid 1 to 7 resid 8 9 10 C7800 Introduction to molecular modelling - seminar -20Exercise 4 1. How many atoms does the model contain? 2. How many units contains cucurbit[n]uril? 3. What happens to water molecules at the interface of the simulation box? 4. What functional groups contains the axis? 5. What is the total charge of the axis? 6. Try to visualize the model as it is shown on the page 15.