C7800 Introduction to molecular modelling - seminar -1- Projects Project A - Water Dimer Petr Kulhanek kulhanek@chemi.muni.cz National Center for Biomolecular Research, Faculty of Science Masaryk University, Kotlářská 2, CZ-61137 Brno C7800 Introduction to molecular modelling - seminar TSM Modeling of molecular structures C7800 Introduction to molecular modelling - seminar -2Water molecule Water molecule dimer Water molecule ➢ structure and energy ➢ basis set effect ➢ properties Quantum-chemical calculations Water molecule dimer ➢ structure and energy ➢ interaction energy ➢ basis set effect ➢ properties C7800 Introduction to molecular modelling - seminar -3To think about ➢ What effect does the basis set size have on the value of the absolute energy of a water molecule? ➢ What effect does the basis set size have on the value of the absolute energy of the water molecule dimer? ➢ What effect does the basis set size have on the value of the interaction energy of the water molecule dimer? C7800 Introduction to molecular modelling - seminar -4How to process results I recommend to summarize the results in the form of a brief protocol, which should have the following requirements: • Name and surname, name of the project and date • For each thematic area: • Brief summary of the topic, including a reaction scheme, if appropriate • Software used, including versions • Results (tables) • Tables • numbers aligned to the right • energies with 6 decimal points (au) or 2 decimal points (kcal/mol) • lengths with 4 decimal points (A) • angles with 1 decimal points (deg) • charges with 3 decimal points (au) • Discussion of results in context of the course • References (e.g., for experimental values) C7800 Introduction to molecular modelling - seminar -5Water molecule (Almost) individual project ➢ Reference manuals ➢ Gaussian (QM calculations) ➢ Nemesis (preparation, visualization) ➢ CBS - Extrapolation to a complete basis set ➢ VMD (volumetric data visualization) ➢ Infinity (submitting jobs) C7800 Introduction to molecular modelling - seminar -6- Tasks 1) Create a model of water molecule and optimize its geometry using molecular mechanics. 2) Optimize the geometry of the water molecule using the HF/cc-pVDZ 3) Measure significant geometric parameters of the optimized geometry and compare them with the initial model. 4) Employing vibrational analysis, verify that the found geometry corresponds to the local minimum on the PES. 5) Perform energy and property calculation at the HF/cc-pVDZ level of theory and extract: • total energy • dipole moment • Mulliken and MK (Merz-Singh-Kollman) atomic charges 6) Repeat the calculation described in the point 5 on the same geometry for the following basis sets: • cc-pVTZ • cc-pVQZ • cc-pV5Z C7800 Introduction to molecular modelling - seminar -7- Solution 1) Create an initial geometry of water molecule in Nemesis (Project: Build Structure). Pre-optimize model geometry using molecular mechanics. Select such a force field (Geometry->Optimizer Setup), which in your opinion best describes its geometry. 2) Save pre-optimized model geometry in the xyz format under the name water.xyz to a folder 00.input (File->Export Structure as…->OpenBabel). Next, save the input file for the program Gaussian (HF/cc-pVDZ, Geometry Optimization) with name opt.com to a folder 01.opt (File->Export Structure as…->Gaussian). 3) Run the calculation in the program Gaussian in the directory 01.opt using the Infinity environment. Data organization 00.input 01.opt 02.freq 03.props 01.cc-pVDZ 02.cc-pVTZ 03.cc-pVQZ 04.cc-pV5Z C7800 Introduction to molecular modelling - seminar -8Solution, cont. 4) In the directory 01.opt, open the file opt.log in the Nemesis program (Project: Trajectory, File->Import Trajectory from…-> Gaussian-> Geometry Optimization File). Analyze the course of optimization and the geometry of the optimized model. 5) Save the optimized geometry as an input file for Gaussian (HF/cc-pVDZ, Frequencies) with name freq.com to a folder 02.freq (File->Export Structure as…->Gaussian). In the directory, run the calculation in the program Gaussian using the Infinity environment. 6) In the directory 02.freq, open the file opt.log in the Nemesis program (Project: Trajectory, File->Import Trajectory from…-> Gaussian->Vibrations File). Does the geometry correspond to a local minima? 7) If so, successively save the optimized geometry in the directories 03.props/01.ccpVDZ,… When creating the input file props.com for Gaussian select “MK Charges“ and the correct basis set. Run the calculations in Gaussian using the Infinity environment (All jobs can be submitted at once). 8) Analyze the calculated data and put them in the following tables. C7800 Introduction to molecular modelling - seminar -9Results I Geometry of water molecule fill in the used force field Method MM HF/cc-pVDZ Difference d(HO) [Å] Q(HOH) [˚] C7800 Introduction to molecular modelling - seminar -10Results II Water molecule result of the calculation absolute energy (E(RHF)) relative energy with respect to cc-pVDZ basis Basis set Cardinal number E Er [au] [kcal/mol] cc-pVDZ 2 0.0 cc-pVTZ 3 cc-pVQZ 4 cc-pV5Z 5 CBS C7800 Introduction to molecular modelling - seminar -11Results III Water molecule Basis set Cardinal number Mulliken ESP m q(H) q(O) q(H) q(O) [D] cc-pVDZ 2 cc-pVTZ 3 cc-pVQZ 4 cc-pV5Z 5 CBS C7800 Introduction to molecular modelling - seminar -12Water molecule dimer Individual project ➢ Reference manuals ➢ Gaussian (QM calculations) ➢ Nemesis (preparation, visualization) ➢ CBS - Extrapolation to a complete basis ➢ VMD (volumetric data visualization) ➢ Infinity (submitting jobs) C7800 Introduction to molecular modelling - seminar -13- Tasks 1) Create model of the water molecule dimer and optimize its geometry using molecular mechanics. 2) Optimize the geometry of the water molecule dimer using the HF/cc-pVDZ. 3) Measure significant geometric parameters of the optimized geometry and compare them with the initial model. Try to justify the observed differences. 4) Verify that the found geometry corresponds to the local minimum on the PES, using vibrational analysis. 5) With optimized geometry, perform the energy calculation for the bases: • cc-pVDZ • cc-pVTZ • cc-pVQZ • cc-pV5Z 6) For each base, determine the interaction energy between water molecules. 7) Determine the interaction energy extrapolated to CBS. 8) Display the electrostatic potential mapped to electron density calculated by the HF/ccpVDZ. Compare the potential with a water molecule. C7800 Introduction to molecular modelling - seminar -14- Solution The procedure is analogous to that of water monomer. Data organization 00.input 01.opt 02.freq 03.props 01.cc-pVDZ 02.cc-pVTZ 03.cc-pVQZ 04.cc-pV5Z C7800 Introduction to molecular modelling - seminar -15Results I Geometry of water molecule dimer fill in the used force field hydrogen bond At your discretion, list other geometric parameters that best capture the difference between the two geometries. Method MM HF/cc-pVDZ Difference d(HO) [Å] Q(HOH) [˚] d(H...O) [Å] C7800 Introduction to molecular modelling - seminar -16Basis set Cardinal number E Er Ei [au] [kcal/mol] [kcal/mol] cc-pVDZ 2 0.0 cc-pVTZ 3 cc-pVQZ 4 cc-pV5Z 5 CBS Results II result of the calculation relative energy with respect to cc-pVDZ basis interaction energy between two water molecules Water molecule dimer monomereri EEE *2dim −=