COMMUNICATIONS ARTICLE n Check for updates OPEN Space station biomining experiment demonstrates rare earth element extraction in microgravity and Mars gravity Charles S. Cockell©Rosa Santomartino©Kai Finster©2, Annemiek C. Waajen©1, Lorna J. Eades3, Ralf Moeller4, Petra Rettberg©4, Felix M. Fuchs4'5, Rob Van Houdt©6, Natalie Leys©6, Use Coninx6, Jason Hatton7, Luca Parmitano7, Jutta Krause7, Andrea Koehler7, Nicol Caplin7, Lobke Zuijderduijn7, Alessandro Mariáni8, Stefano S. Pellari8, Fabrizio Carubia8, Giacomo Luciani8, Michele Balsamo8, Valfredo Zolesi8, Natasha Nicholson1, Claire-Marie Loudon1, Jeannine Doswald-Winkler9, Magdalena Herová9, Bernd Rattenbacher9, Jennifer Wadsworth10, R. Craig Everroad10 & René Demets7 Microorganisms are employed to mine economically important elements from rocks, including the rare earth elements (REEs), used in electronic industries and alloy production. We carried out a mining experiment on the International Space Station to test hypotheses on the bioleaching of REEs from basaltic rock in microgravity and simulated Mars and Earth gravities using three microorganisms and a purposely designed biomining reactor. Sphingo-monas desiccabilis enhanced mean leached concentrations of REEs compared to non-biological controls in all gravity conditions. No significant difference in final yields was observed between gravity conditions, showing the efficacy of the process under different gravity regimens. Bacillus subtilis exhibited a reduction in bioleaching efficacy and Cupriavidus metallidurans showed no difference compared to non-biological controls, showing the microbial specificity of the process, as on Earth. These data demonstrate the potential for space biomining and the principles of a reactor to advance human industry and mining beyond Earth. 1 UK Centre for Astrobiology, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK. 2 Department of Bioscience-Microbiology, Ny Munkegade 116, Building 1540, 129, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark. 3 School of Chemistry, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK. 4 Radiation Biology Department, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Aerospace Medicine, Linder Hoehe, Köln, Germany. 5 Institute of Electrical Engineering and Plasma Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Sciences, Ruhr University Bochum, Bochum, Germany. 6 Microbiology Unit, Belgian Nuclear Research Centre, SCK CEN, Mol, Belgium. 7 ESTEC, Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk, Netherlands. 8Kayser Italia S.r.l., Via di Popogna, 501, 57128 Livorno, Italy. 9BIOTESC, Hochschule Luzern Technik & Architektur, Lucerne School of Engineering and Architecture, Obermattweg 9, 6052 Hergiswil, Switzerland.10 Exobiology Branch, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA, USA. ^These authors contributed equally: Charles S. Cockell, Rosa Santomartino. semail: NATURE COMMUNICATIONS! (2020)11:5523 | | 1 ARTICLE NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | On Earth, microorganisms play prominent roles in natural processes such as the weathering of rocks into soils and the cycling of elements in the biosphere. Microorganisms are also used in diverse industrial and manufacturing processes1-4, for example in the process called biomining (or bioleaching)5,6. Microorganisms can catalyse the extraction of valuable elements from rocks, such as copper and gold7,8. This process can in some circumstances reduce the environmentally damaging use of toxic compounds such as cyanides9,10. These microbial interactions with minerals are also used to decontaminate polluted soils, in a process called bioremediation10. Acidophilic iron and sulfur-oxidisers are often used to biomine economic elements from sulfidic ores, but heterotrophic microorganisms, including bacteria and fungi, can be effective in bioleaching in environments with circumneutral or alkaline pH. These organisms can enable leaching by changing the local pH in the environment, for example by the release of protons or organic acids. Alternatively, leaching and sequestration of elements can occur as a consequence of the release of complexing compounds11-15. Of important economic and practical interest are rare earth elements (REEs), which include the lanthanides, scandium and yttrium. On account of their physical properties, including ferromagnetism and luminescence, REEs are used in electronic devices such as cell phones and computer screens, as well as in catalysis, metal alloy and magnet production, and many other high-technology applications. Some REEs are identified as short-term near-critical elements16, meaning that the demand will soon outstrip supply. Microorganisms are known to be able to mobilise REEs. For example, REEs are used as a cofactor in alcohol dehydrogenases in diverse microbial taxa17,18, and they were shown to be essential for the survival of an acidophilic methanotroph in a volcanic mudpot19. The ability of microorganisms to mobilise REEs from rocks has been shown for a variety of different mineral matrices20,21. As humans explore and potentially settle in space, microbe-mineral interactions have been recognised to be important, including in biomining22-24. In addition to mining beyond the Earth, advancing our understanding of microbe-mineral interactions in space could be applied to: (1) soil formation from nutrient-poor rocks22, (2) formation of biocrusts to control dust and surface material in enclosed pressurised spaces25, (3) use of regolith as feedstock within microbial segments of life support systems26, (4) use of regolith and microbes in microbial fuel cells (biofuel)22, (5) biological production of mineral construction materials27. All of these diverse applications have in common that they require experimental investigations on how microbes attach to, and interact with, rock and regolith materials in space environments. Furthermore, there is a need to know how organisms alter ion leaching and mineral degradation in altered gravity regimens, which will occur in any extraterrestrial location. Altered gravity conditions, such as microgravity, are known to influence microbial growth and metabolic processes28-30. Although the capacity of prokaryotes to directly sense gravity remains a point of discussion, gravity influences sedimentation and convection in bulk fluids31. By allowing for thermal convection and sedimentation, gravity is thought to affect the mixing of nutrients and waste, thereby influencing microbial growth and metabolism32-35. Based on these considerations, we hypothesised that altered gravity regimens would induce changes in microbial interactions with minerals, and thus bioleaching. In this work, we present the results of the European Space Agency BioRock experiment, performed on the International Space Station (ISS) in 2019 to investigate the leaching of elements from basalt36-38, an analogue for much of the regolith material on the Moon and Mars, by three species of heterotrophic microorganisms. The experiment compared bioleaching at three different levels of gravity: microgravity, simulated Mars and terrestrial gravity. Results are reported on the bioleaching of REEs, demonstrating the effective use of microorganisms in biomining beyond Earth using a miniaturised space biomining reactor. Results REE biomining in space. Data were acquired using the BioRock biomining reactor, designed for these experiments (Fig. 1) which contained basaltic rock with known REE composition (Table 1) and major elements (Supplementary Table 1). REEs bioleached into solution were measured for all three organisms (S. desiccabilis, B. subtilis, C. metallidurans) in all three gravity conditions (microgravity, simulated Mars and Earth gravity) and for non-biological controls (Fig. 2, Supplementary Fig. 1 and Supplementary Table 2). The concentrations of leached REEs in biological and non-biological condition generally followed the trends expected from their abundance in the basaltic rock (Table 1; Supplementary Table 2). Elements with the highest abundance {e.g. Ce and Nd) showed the highest leached concentrations while elements with lowest abundance (Tb, Tm and Lu) exhibited the lowest concentrations. Statistical analysis across all three organisms and the three gravity conditions tested in space showed a significant effect of the organism (ANOVA: F(2,369) = 87.84, p = 0.001) on bioleaching. Post-hoc Tukey tests showed all pairwise comparisons between organisms to be significant {p< 0.001). There was a non-significant effect when gravity conditions were compared (ANOVA: F(2,369) = 0.202,^ = 0.818). The interaction between gravity and the organism was not significant (ANOVA: F(4, 369) = 1.75, p = 0.138). Statistical analysis was carried out on S. desiccabilis bioleaching. Comparing the difference between biological samples and the non-biological controls in each gravity condition for S. desiccabilis showed that microgravity was not significant (ANOVA: F(l,69) = 2.43, p = 0.124), but significant differences between the biological experiments and the non-biological controls were observed in simulated Mars (ANOVA: F(l,83) = 14.14, p< 0.0001) and Earth gravity (ANOVA: F(l,83) = 24.20, p < 0.0001). The difference in bioleaching between gravity conditions was not significant (ANOVA: F(2,123) = 1.60, p = 0.206) for S. desiccabilis. For S. desiccabilis, across all individual REEs and across all three gravity conditions on the ISS, the organism had leached 111.9% to 429.2% of the non-biological controls (Fig. 3a and Supplementary Table 3). Student's t tests were used to examine the concentration of individual REEs bioleached compared to non-biological controls. Bioleaching was significantly higher than non-biological controls under simulated Mars and Earth gravity for individual REEs {p < 0.05, Student's t test, Supplementary Table 4), except for Pr and Nd which were significantly higher at the p < 0.1 level, and not significant for Ce in simulated Mars gravity {p = 0.102). For the microgravity condition, none of individual REE concentrations in the biological experiment was significantly higher than the non-biological control {p > 0.05) (Supplementary Table 4). The standard deviations of the microgravity biological and non-biological controls for the individual REEs for S. desiccabilis were, apart from Pr in the biological experiment, higher than for B. subtilis and C. metallidurans. Student's t test comparisons were carried out between the concentrations of bioleached REEs in different gravities for each element for S. desiccabilis (Supplementary Table 4). Comparison between the simulated Mars gravity and simulated Earth gravity 2 NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | (2020)11:5523 | | NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | ARTICLE Body containing medium and fixative Filled culture chambers Closed Medium-filled chamber j0p chamber 42 mm Fig. 1 The BioRock Experimental Unit, a Top-down image of one Experimental Container (EC) containing one EU (Experimental Unit) showing both culture chambers inflated with medium, b Sideways cross section through culture chamber showing location of basalt slide at the back of the chamber and principle of medium injection and inversion of membrane (shown here in yellow; left side closed, right side inflated with medium), c Image of basalt slide in a Petri dish submerged in 50% R2A in a ground experiment, d ESA astronaut Luca Parmitano inserts an EC into a KUBIK incubator on board the International Space Station (image credit to ESA). Table 1 Content of rare earth elements (REEs; reported as |ig/g; mean ± standard deviation) in the basalt substrate used in this experiment and concentrations (total nanograms leached into the chamber fluid volume of 6 mL) at the end of the BioRock experiment in S. desiccabilis bioleaching chambers and non-biological controls on-board the International Space Station. S. desiccabilis non-biological control REE Concentration in basalt (|ig/g) Microgravity Mars gravity Earth gravity Microgravity Mars gravity Earth gravity La 6.81 3.60 ±1.26 4.96 ±0.51 3.74 ±0.51 3.22 ±2.20 2.56 ±0.89 1.66 ±0.23 Ce 13.53 8.85 ±2.89 9.26 ±1.94 7.18 ±0.99 6.45 ±3.99 5.79 ±2.06 4.39 ±1.26 Pr 2.32 1.12 ±0.43 1.67 ±0.48 1.07 ±0.11 0.96 ±0.64 0.85 ±0.28 0.48 ±0.04 Nd 11.57 5.35 ±2.02 7.89 ±1.99 5.20 ±0.47 4.68 ± 3.49 4.28 ±1.46 2.28 ±0.24 Sm 3.04 1.44 ±0.57 2.03 ±0.36 1.42 ±0.12 1.13 ±0.90 1.06 ±0.37 0.54 ±0.07 Eu 1.13 0.51 ±0.16 0.66 ±0.07 0.53 ±0.04 0.44 ±0.25 0.42 ±0.11 0.27 ±0.03 Gd 3.67 2.03 ±0.86 2.93 ±0.51 2.18 ±0.13 1.60 ±1.37 1.36 ±0.52 0.70 ±0.10 Tb 0.57 0.42 ±0.14 0.57 ±0.08 0.44 ±0.01 0.30 ±0.21 0.26 ±0.07 0.16 ±0.02 Dy 3.92 2.82 ±1.00 3.99 ±0.55 3.08 ±0.21 1.86 ±1.43 1.58 ±0.52 0.92 ±0.11 Ho 0.80 0.69 ±0.27 0.98 ±0.08 0.78 ±0.08 0.45 ±0.37 0.36 ±0.13 0.20 ±0.03 Er 2.44 2.34 ±1.01 3.37 ±0.22 2.75 ±0.32 1.49 ±1.26 1.17 ±0.47 0.64 ±0.11 Tm 0.29 0.42 ±0.16 0.58 ±0.04 0.49 ±0.06 0.29 ±0.19 0.24 ±0.07 0.16 ±0.01 Yb 2.11 2.44 ±1.09 3.52 ±0.36 2.83 ±0.35 1.47 ±1.19 1.16 ±0.44 0.67 ±0.11 Lu 0.31 0.49 ±0.20 0.68 ±0.08 0.57 ±0.07 0.33 ±0.22 0.27 ±0.08 0.18 ±0.02 (n = 3 biologically independent samples with the exception of one non-biological microgravity and non-biological ground control sample which are not included. Full data set in Supplementary Table 2). showed that the concentrations of five elements (La, Sm, Eu, Tb, Ho) were significantly different at the p < 0.05 level and five more elements (Gd, Dy, Er, Tm, Yb) at the p < 0.1 level, with simulated Earth gravity values being higher. These differences were more evident among the 'heavy' REEs (elements from Gd up to Lu) (Fig. 3a). The total quantity of REEs released by S. desiccabilis as a percentage of the available quantity in the basalt, ranged between 1.17 x 10-1 and 2.41 x lQ-2% (Supplementary Table 5). NATURE COMMUNICATIONS! (2020)11:5523 | | 3 ARTICLE NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | Ce 0 CO CO Sphingomonas desiccabilis microgravity Mars gravity Earth gravity Bacillus subtilis microgravity Mars gravity Earth gravity Cupriavidus metallidurans microgravity Mars gravity Earth gravity Control microgravity Mars gravity Ground experiment Earth gravity Sphingomonas desiccabilis Bacillus subtilis Cupriavidus metallidurans Control ng in container 4 6 8 10 12 14 Nd 0 ng in container 4 6 10 o o ŕ e-ee—c 3-to o La 0 1 ng in container 2 3 4 Tm ng in container 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 co CO Sphingomonas desiccabilis microgravity >-e--o s-e-s Mars gravity hs«-o c^-^o Earth gravity o—o—tn^3 Bacillus subtilis microgravity í"" ""«" " Mars gravity m€j —o—s>-ee- Ground experiment Earth gravity imw «m Sphingomonas desiccabilis íhb1© "" "" "č^tee Bacillus subtilis em> ob Cupriavidus metallidurans o^ee Bacillus subtilis microgravity "ee"" ""i"" Mars gravity """ö" Bacillus subtilis ae cm Cupriavidus metallidurans