Introduction to Computational Quantum Chemistry Lesson 10: Electronic Transitions (UV/Vis) (Prepared by Radek Marek Research Group) Lesson 10 - Electronic Transitions (UV/Vis) 1 Quick Review: Spectroscopy (Prepared by Radek Marek Research Group) Lesson 10 - Electronic Transitions (UV/Vis) 2 atoms and molecules interact with electromagnetic radiation (EMR) stimulates different types of motion in atoms and molecules the patterns of absorption and/or emission ‘spectra’. interpretation of spectra in terms of atomic and molecular structure (and environment). Quick Review absorption spectroscopy from 160 nm to 780 nm (Prepared by Radek Marek Research Group) Lesson 10 - Electronic Transitions (UV/Vis) 3 Quick Review: Beer’s Law (Prepared by Radek Marek Research Group) Lesson 10 - Electronic Transitions (UV/Vis) 4 BEER Law, for a light absorbing medium, the light intensity falls exponentially with increasing sample conc. Quick Review: Beer’s Law (Prepared by Radek Marek Research Group) Lesson 10 - Electronic Transitions (UV/Vis) 5 the negative logarithm of T is called the absorbance (A) and this is directly proportional to sample depth (called pathlength, l) and sample concentration (c). Quick Review: Beer’s Law electronic transitions: π, σ, and nonbonding electrons d and f electrons charge transfer (Prepared by Radek Marek Research Group) Lesson 10 - Electronic Transitions (UV/Vis) 6 electronic transitions occur when the molecule absorbs energy. UV Spectroscopy electronic transitions occur when the molecule absorbs energy. (Prepared by Radek Marek Research Group) Lesson 10 - Electronic Transitions (UV/Vis) 7 Wavefunction Based: Excited States the SE is written as HΨ = EΨ, however, that obscures the reality that there are infinitely many solutions to the SE, so it is better to writeHΨn = EnΨn Hartree-Fock theory provides us a prescription to construct an approximate ground-state wave function as a Single Slater determinant. construct an excited state wavefunction? by expanding it! Ψ = a0ΨHF + occ. i vir. r ar i Ψr i + occ. i Create Surface > select Molecular Orbital as surface type. resolution: High ; Iso Value: 0.02 ; Color Type: MO examine the first three highest frontier (virtual and occupied) orbitals. (Prepared by Radek Marek Research Group) Lesson 10 - Electronic Transitions (UV/Vis) 14 ACTIVITY 1 (Prepared by Radek Marek Research Group) Lesson 10 - Electronic Transitions (UV/Vis) 15 Visualizing the orbitals: 2-Propenal cont. successful run look will produce orbitals like this (right Figure): in the Gaussian output file, look for the keyword Orbital energies and kinetic energies , it will report which orbitals are occupied (marked O) and virtual (marked V) as well as their corresponding energies. identify the characters of the frontier orbitals. Using Avogadro rotate and examine each orbitals and make a conclusion which orbitals are σ, π, n, bonding, anti-bonding?? ACTIVITY 1 Calculation of UV Spectra: 2-Propenal calculate the UV (vertical excitation) at the respective optimized geometry using Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory (TDDFT). use this the route section: #n pbe1pbe/6-31G(d) TD If you have done a successful calculation, look for the keyword Excitation energies and oscillator strengths in the output file It will report orbital excitations (e.g. MO14 > MO16, etc) It will report the wavelength where the oscillator strength is strongest; the f is directly related to intensity of the absorption. It will report the energy of the excitations as well as its coefficients; these coefficients refers to the contribution of the respected transition to the wavefunction. (Prepared by Radek Marek Research Group) Lesson 10 - Electronic Transitions (UV/Vis) 16 ACTIVITY 1 calculation of UV Spectra: 2-Propenal, cont. characterize the excitations (e.g. π π∗ , ...) for the first few excited states. identify which orbitals were involved in the excitations? what’s the nature of the excitation is it singlet or triplet? compare the values with exp. excitations E1 3.71 ev E2 6.41 ev (Prepared by Radek Marek Research Group) Lesson 10 - Electronic Transitions (UV/Vis) 17 ACTIVITY 1 Visualization of the UV Spectra Calculation: 2-Propenal you can use various visualization software such as GaussView, Gabedit, Avogadro, etc for UV one of the simplest is to use Gabedit in the Gabedit, Menu Bar : Tools > UV Spectrum > Read energies and intensities from Gaussian output file it will report the integrated intensity of the absorbance with respect to the wavelength. take note once have the figure, you can readjust the range and units to suit your preference. (Prepared by Radek Marek Research Group) Lesson 10 - Electronic Transitions (UV/Vis) 18 ACTIVITY 1 Extension try to calculate 2-Propenal with CIS and INDO/S methods on the excitations has the order of orbitals change? are there transitions that were reported that aren’t present on the PBE1 method? on the first and second, 3rd transitions, etc? which method has closer fit to experimental excitations? (Prepared by Radek Marek Research Group) Lesson 10 - Electronic Transitions (UV/Vis) 19 ACTIVITY 2 (OPTIONAL) (Prepared by Radek Marek Research Group) Lesson 10 - Electronic Transitions (UV/Vis) 20 try to evaluate the peaks of these three ringed systems and see if they can be reproduced by TDDFT. use the same method as stated in this lecture: identify which orbital transitions were responsible for these peaks? what significant orbital transitions that’s showed in the experiment BUT were suggested missing in the calculation? (if there are any) END (Prepared by Radek Marek Research Group) Lesson 10 - Electronic Transitions (UV/Vis) 21