research topic: principles of chromosomal and genome evolution in land plants methods: NGS, cytogenomics, phylogenomics Lysak lab @ CEITEC  Genome and chromosome structure Martin A. Lysák CEITEC, Masaryk University Genome (Hans Winkler, 1920) • Genetic material, i.e. DNA (RNA in RNA viruses) • By genome we either mean nuclear genome (eukaryotes) or genetic material of prokaryotes, mitochondria and chloroplasts • Genomes contain coding DNA regions (genes) and non-coding DNA • DNA (RNA) is associated with proteins, thus genomes are essentially nucleoprotein structures • Genomes differ by size and complexity • Genomics studies genomes (their structure and evolution) Ich schlage vor, für den haploiden Chromosomensatz, der im Verein mit dem zugehörigen Protoplasma die materielle Grundlage der systematischen Einheit darstellt, den Ausdruck: das Genom zu verwenden und Kerne, Zellen und Organismen, in denen ein gleichartiges Genom mehr als einmal in jedem Kern vorhanden ist, homogenomatisch zu nennen, solche dagegen, die verschiedenartige Genome im Kern führen, heterogenomatisch Viruses (not living nucleoproteins) Genome size variation Polychaos dubium …perhaps the largest known genome – 670 billion base pairs (670 Gb) (~200-times larger than the human genome, 3.2 Gb; some authors suggest treating the value with caution) C-value paradox (CA Thomas, 1971) C-value paradox The height of the drawings is proportional to the size of their genome (amoebae, onions, grasshoppers, toads, humans, hens, Drosophila and Caenorhabditis). Viruses Viruses – physical and genome size 9.7 kb 49 kb Pithovirus sibericum largest virion - 1.5 m (610 kb, dsDNA virus, 467 genes) Pandoravirus salinus (dsDNA) - 2.8 Mb - 2 556 genů - „parasites“ of amoebas - only 6 % of genes match the known genes – unknown part of the tree of life? protein coding genes0.9 Viruses • single- or double-stranded DNA or RNA (DNA and RNA viruses) • linear or circular • one molecule or in segments (RNA viruses) • very few genes (4 to a few hundred) (David Baltimore, 1971) Structure of the NiV nucleocapsid protein-RNA complex Ker DS, Jenkins HT, Greive SJ, Antson AA (2021) CryoEM structure of the Nipah virus nucleocapsid assembly. PLOS Pathogens 17(7): e1009740. Viruses • single- or double-stranded DNA or RNA (DNA and RNA viruses) • one linear or circular molecule • segmented RNA virus genomes (e.g., influenza virus) How DNA/RNA is compacted in viral nucleocapsids Viral life cycle (coronaviruses) Endogenous viral elements (EVEs) Viruses which integrated their genomes into genomes of their eukaryotic hosts. • usually small DNA fragments (few genes) • algae (chlorophytes): large dsDNA viruses can integrate in the host genome • between 78 and 1 782 genes from the virus to the algal genome, some algae have the whole genome of a giant virus in their DNA (up to 10% of all genes) • some genes of the EVEs duplicated, some have introns = long-term „co-evolution“ with the host genome (two-way interaction between the viral and host genome) Prokaryotes and eukaryotes: three domains Genomes of Archaea and Bacteria • single-cell organisms • small compact genomes • circular DNA/chromosome (nucleoid) and plasmids • do not have a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles • reproduce by fission (after the chromosome is replicated) Carsonella ruddii – smallest genome of endosymbiotic bacteria (160 kb, 182 genes) Mycoplasma genitalium – smallest genome of free living bacteria (580 kb, 470 genes) Sorangium cellulosum – the largest known bacterial genome (13 Mb, 9 400 genes) Escherichia coli 4.6  106 bp = 1.5 mm (a 1000-fold compression) 1.5 m the archaea Methanosphaera stadtmanae • Methanogens (methane-producing strains) • Halophiles • Thermophiles • Alkalophiles • Acidophiles Genomes of Archaea (formerly Archaebacteria) • usually a single circular chromosome, plasmids can be found • smallest genome: 491 kb (Nanoarchaeum equitans) • largest genome: 5.8 Mb (Methanosarcina acetivorans), only 537 proteinencoding genes • some genes common with bacteria and eukaryotes, some unique (mostly unknown function) • DNA polymerase similar to eukaryotic DNA polymerases, transcription more similar to eukaryotes (one type of RNA polymerase similar to RNA polymerase II in eukaryotes), translation similar to both bacteria and eukaryotes • reproduction is asexual (fission, fragmentation, budding) after the chromosome is replicated Archaea Multi-scale architecture of archaeal chromosomes • Sulfolobus: single circular chromosome (2.2 – 3Mb) • two-domain compartmentalization that influences gene expression (domain-like organization somewhat similar to eukaryotes) • coalescin (SMC-family protein*) marks the domain with low transcription levels (B compartment) *SMC- Structure Maitenance of Chromosomes (protein complexes), mainly in eukaryotes (e.g., condensin, cohesin) Archaea vs Bacteria Cell wall is made up of pseudopeptidoglycan and lack D-aminoacids and N-acetylmuramic acid. Cell wall is made up of peptidoglycan consisting of N-acetylmuramic acid and D-amino acids. Introns are present in the chromosomes of archaea. Introns are absent in the chromosomes of bacteria. Archaea are non- pathogenic. Do not use glycolysis or Kreb’s cycle for glucose oxidation but follow metabolic pathways similar to these. Bacteria might be pathogenic or non- pathogenic. Glycolysis and Kreb’s cycle are important metabolic pathways in bacteria for glucose oxidation. Bacterial genomes Bacterial chromosome Escherichia coli - traditional view: single circular chromosome (dsDNA) ! Some bacteria have multiple chromosomes (e.g. 3.1-Mb and 0.9-Mb circular chromosomes in Rhodobacter sphaeroides). ! Linear chromosomes in some bacteria (1970, 1989 by PFGE: Borrelia burgdorferi, size c. 1 Mb) Problematic ends of linear chromosomes: • palindromic hairpin loops (hairpin telomeres) • invertron telomeres – inverted terminal repeats and covalently attached capping proteins Bacteria Chromosome organization Agrobacterium tumefaciens One linear and one circular Bacillus subtilis Single and circular Bacillus subtilis Single and linear Borrelia burgdorferi Single and linear Escherichia coli Single and circular Paracoccus denitrificans Three circular Pseudomonas aeruginosa Single and circular Rhodobacter sphaeroides Two circular Streptomyces griseus Linear Vibrio cholerae Two circular Vibrio fluvialis Two circular Escherichia coli 4.6  106 bp = 1.5 mm (a 1000-fold compression) 1.5 m • one linear chromosome (906 kb) • 12 linear plasmids (6 to 72 kb) • 2 circular plasmids (each 30 kb) Bacterial chromosome (Borrelia miyamotoi)12linearplasmids Borrelia miyamotoi is a bacteria is in the relapsing fever group of Borrelia. Although it’s not closely related to the Lyme disease bacteria, it can cause a Lyme-likeillness. Symptoms include fever, headaches, muscle aches and chills, rash uncommon. Diagnosis is by PCR testing that is now available at several labs. Treatment is doxycycline. B. miyamotoi was identified in 1995 in ticks from Japan. Bacterial genomes – trends in content and size • 160 kb to 13 Mb • most of the genome (85-90%) is nonrepetitive DNA (coding DNA), while noncoding regions only take a small part • bacteria have relatively small amounts of junk (non-coding) DNA → a high correlation between the number of genes and the genome size in bacteria • the lifestyles of bacteria play an integral role in their respective genome sizes. Free-living bacteria have the largest genomes out of the three types of bacteria; however, they have fewer pseudogenes than bacteria that have recently acquired pathogenicity. Parasitic and endosymbiotic bacteria can rely on host environments to provide gene products. Ochman and Davalos, Science 2006 Free-living species— selection effective in removing deleterious sequences → large genomes containing relatively few pseudogenes (red) or mobile genetic elements (yellow). In recently derived pathogens, the availability of host-supplied nutrients combined with decreases in effective population sizes allows for the accumulation of pseudogenes and of transposable elements. In long-term host-dependent species, the ongoing mutational bias toward deletions has removed all superfluous sequences, resulting in a highly reduced genome containing few, if any, pseudogenes or transposable elements. LGT, lateral gene transfer. What is the role of plasmid DNA? - usually small (1-200 kb), circular DNAs; independent replication Plasmid mobility What is the role of plasmid DNA? Plasmids generally contain genes that confer some sort of advantage for survival and reproduction: • Genes providing protection from toxic substances (including antibiotic resistence). Plasmids carrying antibiotic resistance genes are key contributors to the uncontrollable spread of bacterial pathogens, particularly in hospitals • Genes enabling the metabolism of additional sources of energy • Genes for toxins to kill microbial competitors, enhance pathogenicity • Genes involved in gene transfer by conjugation • New evidence that suggests that plasmids might accelerate bacterial evolution, mainly by promoting the evolution of plasmid-encoded genes, but also by enhancing the adaptation of their host chromosome Plasmids and major transitions in the evolution of bacteria Rhodobacteraceae (marine bacteria) - plasmids responsible for the ability to undergo anoxygenic photosynthesis the aphid endosymbiont Buchnera aphidicola – plasmids responsible for synthesizing essential amino acids and vitamins required for the bacterium–aphid symbiotic relationship (advantage for aphid) Eukaryotes Prokaryotes vs Eukaryotes • Simple, small (0.1 – 5 m) • Do not have membrane-bound structures (nucleus, mitochondria) • Nucleoid: DNA • Cell wall: protection from the outside environment. Most bacteria have a rigid cell wall made from carbohydrates and peptidoglycans. • Cell membrane (plasma membrane) • Capsule: Some bacteria have a layer of carbohydrates that surrounds the cell wall called the capsule. The capsule helps the bacterium attach to surfaces. • Fimbriae: thin, hair-like structures that help with cellular attachment. • Pili: rod-shaped structures involved in multiple roles, including attachment and DNA transfer. • Flagella: thin, tail-like structures that assist in movement • Transcription and translation are coupled (translation begins during mRNA synthesis) • Complex, cell bigger (10 – 100 m) • Multicellular, some single-cell eukaryotes • Nucleus and other organelles enclosed by a plasma membrane • Nucleolus: production of ribosomal RNA molecules • Plasma membrane: a phospholipid bilayer that surrounds the entire cell and encompasses the organelles within. • Cytoskeleton or cell wall: provides structure, allows for cell movement, and plays a role in cell division. • Mitochondria: responsible for energy production. • Endoplasmic reticulum: an organelle dedicated to protein maturation and transportation. • Vesicles and vacuoles: membrane-bound sacs involved in transportation and storage. • Transcription in the nucleus (mRNA), translation in cytoplasm • the circular/linear DNA is packaged → nucleoid (50 or more loops/domains bound to a central protein scaffold, attached to the cell membrane) = DNA is negatively supercoiled, that is, it is twisted upon itself • several DNA-binding proteins (the most common HU, HLP-1 and H-NS; these are histone-like proteins) • chromosomes contain both DNA and proteins (mostly histones, but also non-histone proteins) • each chromosome is a single linear doublestranded DNA molecule • the extensive packaging of DNA in chromosomes results from three levels of folding (nucleosomes, „30-nm fibres“ and radial loops) • the length of the packaged DNA molecule varies. In humans, the shortest DNA molecule in a chromosome is about 1.6 cm and the longest is about 8.4 cm Prokaryotes vs Eukaryotes (more differences) Origin of eukaryotic genomes (eukaryogenesis) • prokaryotic cells occurred c. 1 billion years after the Earth was formed – i.e. about 3.5 billion years ago • eukaryotic cells emerged about 2.5 billion years ago • Lynn Margulis (in the 1960s): endosymbiotic theory of the origin of an eukaryotic cell • eukaryotic nuclear genes appear to originated from the Archaea, mitochondria appear to be of the bacterial origin Origin of Eukaryotes within the Archaea • Eocyte hypothesis (James A. Lake and others, 1984): eukaryotes emerged within Crenarchaeota (formerly eocytes), a phylum of the Archaea; based on the shapes of ribosomes in the Crenarchaeota and eukaryotes being more similar than ribosomes of eukaryotes and bacteria (or other Archaea) • later studies suggested that eukaryotes might have originated within Thaumarchaeota (today Crenarcheaota and Thaumarchaeota belong to the superphylum TACK) Last universal common ancestor • Asgard - another superphylum of the Archea was not known in the 1980s • it appears that eukaryotes originated within Heimdallarchaeota • in cladistic view, eukaryotes are Archaea, similarly as birds are dinosaurs Prometheoarchaeum syntrophicum Imachi H, Nobu MK, Nakahara N, et al. Isolation of an archaeon at the prokaryote-eukaryote interface. Nature. 2020;577(7791): 519-525. Potential living link between Archaea and eukaryotes • Prometheoarchaeum syntrophicum - an archeon of the Asgard superphylum • from the ocean floor (2 533 m water depth, Japan) • support for the hypothesis of eukaryogenesis via endosymbiosis: the host archaeon engulfed the metabolic partner/bacteria (future mitochondrion) using extracellular structures and simultaneously formed a primitive chromosome-surrounding structure similar to the nuclear membrane: Origin of Eukaryotes – viral eukaryogenesis (Philip Bell, 2001, 2020) • A hypothesis that the eukaryotic nucleus could originated from a virus infecting an archaeal ancestor (donor of cytoplasm) • This virus(es) could be similar to large, complex DNA viruses (such as Mimivirus) that are capable of protein biosynthesis • The virus-derived nucleus probably acquired some genes from the archaeal host genome and bacterial genome(s) • A similar proces, when a bacteriophage hijacks bacterial cell‘s machinery and forms a nucleus-like structure, was observed by Chaikeeratisak et al. (2017, Science): (and chloroplast) Eukaryotes: genome size variation (64 000-fold) Encephalitozoon intestinalis 2.3 Mb (0.0023 Gb) Paris japonica 149 Gb Euchromatin and heterochromatin. Repeats frequently building up heterochromatin. • (simplification) coding DNA: accessible chromatin - euchromatin and is active (transcription facilitated) • non-coding DNA (repeats): heterochromatin, generally inactive (thought that regulatory proteins, e.g. transcription factors, cannot access DNA templates) Heterochromatin: di- and trimethylated histone H3 lysine 9 (H3K9me2 and H3K9me3) interspersed regions in euchromatin (i-Het) heterochromatic protein 1 DNA repeats and heterochromatin on chromsosome/in nucleus Repetitive DNA: tandem repeats Microsatellites - monomer length between 1 and 6 bp (- 10 bp) - microsatellites are often referred to as short tandem repeats (STRs) or simple sequence repeats (SSRs) Minisatellites - monomer length between 10 and 60 bp e.g., telomeric tandem repeats, also in sub-telomeric regions and centromeres Satellites - e.g., 170-bp  (alphoid) DNA at all centromeres of human chromosomes, heterochromatin FriSAT1 tandem repeat on chromosomes of North American Fritillaria species (Liliaceae) Satellites (tandem repeats) Why „satellite repeats“ are called satellite? The main band DNA has density of 1.701 g/cm3 with a G-C content of 42%, and minor band DNA has the buoyant density of 1.690 g/cm3 with a G-C content of 30%. Cesium chloride Dispersed repetitive DNA Classification of eukaryotic transposable elements Bourque et al. 2018, Genome Biol 19 retro DNA Representation of TEs in plant genomes Transposable elements (TEs) Class I TEs retrotransposons Class II TEs transposons terminal repeats are generally in the same (direct) orientation in retrotransposons but in inverse orientation in transposons Life cycle of DNA transposons, mechanism of transposition • 2 transposases recognize and bind to TIR sequences, join together (dimer) and promote DNA doublestrand cleavage • the DNA-transposase complex then inserts its DNA cargo at specific DNA motifs elsewhere in the genome (creating short TSDs after integration – target DNA site is duplicated) 2 terminal inverted repeats (TIR) 2 short target site duplications (TSD) Ac/Ds (Activator/Dissociator) elements in maize DNA transposons (discovery) Barbara McClintock (experiments 1947 – 1949) Ac element (active, contains transposase gene) Ds element (inactive, without transposase gene) insertion to exons = no protein/pigment = yellowish kernels Structure and life cycle of LTR (Long Terminal Repeat) retrotransposons (LTR-RTs) Gag – gene for the Gag protein INT – integrase PBS – primer binding site PR – protease RT – reverse transcriptase VLP – virus-like particle LINE - autonomous - LINEs 21% of human genome (one LINE = 7 kb) - in humans, LINE1 (100,000 truncated and 4,000 full-length LINE-1 elements) SINE - non-autonomous – use RT of other elements - 100 – 700 bp, derived from products tRNA - Alu elements (300 bp), the most common SINE in humans (>1,000,000 copies, 10% of the genome) Retrotransposons without LTRs (non-LTR retrotransposons) LINE (long interspersed nuclear elements) SINE (short interspersed nuclear elements) LINE APE – endonuclease, RH – RNase H Transposable elements can disrupt or move genes and change their regulation recombination leaves one LTR pigment gene Eukaryotic chromosome Eukaryotic chromosome 50 „Species-specific“ chromosome sets = karyotypes • haploid chromosome set (n) • diploid chromosome set (2n) = pairs of homologous chromosomes Eukaryotes: minimal chromosome number Myrmecia pilosula „Jack jumper ant“, Australia males (haploid) n = 1, females (diploid) 2n = 2 five angiosperm species e.g., Haplopappus gracilis, Asteraceae, n = 2 Eukaryotes: highest chromosome number Polyommatus atlanticus n = c. 220 fern Ophioglossum reticulatum n = c. 530 Anatomy of eukaryotic chromosome NOR NOR • Traditional view: chromosome fission (agmatoploidy) and fusion (symploidy) → extensive chromosome number variation • holocentrics: huge variation in chromosome numbers [the largest number of chromosomes in animals (2n = 446) is found in the blue butterfly Polyommatus atlantica with holokinetic chromosomes] • in c. 5,500 angiosperm species • chromosome numbers from n = 2 up to n = 110 chromosome segregation in anaphase difuse kinetochor → Holocentric or holokinetic chromosomes: chromosomes without a localized centromere Juncaceae Cyperaceae Myristica fragrans (Myristicaceae) Drosera (Droseraceae) … Angiosperm species with holokinetic chromosomes Chionographis (Melanthiaceae) Microtubules (tubulin) attach at CENH3, but not at H2AThr120ph. The microtubule bundle formation is less pronounced at holocentromeres. Model of the centromere organization of mono- and holocentric plant chromosomes active centromeres have H2AThr120ph - phosphorylation of threonine 120 of histone H2A MONO HOLO Centromere structure and function (monocentric chromosomes) Centromere function • chromosomes can be monocentric or holocentric (Luzula, Eleocharis, some insects) • dicentric chromosomes usuallly unstable (anaphase bridges >> breakage) • acentric chromosome fragments are unstable at mitosis/meiosis and lost • sister chromatid cohesion throughout cell cycle until sister chromatid segregation at mitosis/meiosis II • sites of kinetochore formation ensuring correct chromosome position on mitotic/meiotic spindle (spindle microtubules attached to kinetochores) Centromeres and microtubules (monocentric chromosomes) Wanner et al. (2015) Chromosoma Kinetochore • Even the simplest kinetochores consist of more than 45 different proteins! • Many proteins conserved between eukaryotic species, including a specialized histone H3 variant (called CENP-A or CenH3 (plants)) which helps the kinetochore associate with DNA. outer kinetochore interacting with microtubules; functional only during cell division inner kinetochore - associated with the centromere DNA; specialized form of chromatin persistent throughout the cell cycle Centromeric histone H3. CENP-A (CenH3 in plants) determines centromere location/activity Chittori et al. (2018) Science kinetochore proteins RG loop (Arg80/Gly81) Centromere size and „strength“ (methylation of H3 on lysine 9) (di-methylation of H3 on lysine 4) protein otr : outer repeat imr : innermost repeat cnt : central sequence Drosophila H. sapiens fission yeast S. pombe The overall chromatin structure of the centromere is conserved among different eukaryotic species Structure of plant centromeres CENH3 (CENP-A)-associated and H3-associated nucleosomes The CENH3-binding domain contains active genes (red bars), but with a lower density than the flanking domains. centromere of rice chromosome 3 Rice centromeres contain a satellite repeat CentO and centromere-specific retrotransposon (CRR). Centromere regions can span up to a few Mb, composed mainly of centromere-specific satellite DNA. • long primary constrictions that contain 3–5 explicit CenH3-containing regions • the size of the chromosome segment delimited by two outermost domains varies between 69 Mbp and 107 Mbp (several factors larger than any known centromere length) • 13 distinct families of satellite DNA and one family of centromeric retrotransposons (unevenly distributed among pea chromosomes) Neumann et al. (2012) PLoS Genet Pea: monocentric chromosomes with multiple centromere domains Naish et al., Science 374, eabi7489 (2021) Centromeres sequenced by long-read sequencing. T2T sequence assemblies. Telomeres Eukaryotic telomeres • solving chromosome shortening (loss of DNA sequences) • protects against DNA repair (repair of double-strand breaks) • evolutionary conserved telomeric repeats (e.g., TTAGGG) • telomere-binding proteins (shelterin complex) • synthesis by the telomerase enzyme • ribonucleoprotein, enzyme • composed of own RNA and reverse transcriptase (TERT) • adds telomeric repeats (e.g. TTAGGG in all vertebrates) to the 3‘ end of DNA strands at the ends of eukaryotic chromosomes • preventing constant loss of DNA sequences from chromosome ends Telomeres are made by telomerase Telomeres of plants human TTAGGG Tetrahymena TTGGGG Arabidopsis TTTAGGG Sequences of telomeric minisatellites Human-type telomeric repeat and unusual telomeric motifs in land plants Peska V, Garcia S (2020), Front. Plant Sci. 11 human TTAGGG Tetrahymena TTGGGG Arabidopsis TTTAGGG Sequences of telomeric minisatellites Telomere sequences in land plants: Arabidopsis-type with some exceptions - tandemly arranged minisatellites, typically (TxAyGz)n Nucleolar Organizing Region (ribosomal RNA genes on eukaryotic chromosomes) - terminally on chromosomes or as the secondary constriction - routinely detected by FISH - diagnostic value, position and the number usually species-specific - NORs (45S rDNA) usually in different position on chromosome(s) than 5S rDNA rDNA = ribosomal DNA = genes coding ribosomal RNAs Physical mapping of 45S rDNA (red) and 5S rDNA (green) to metaphase chromosomes of Larix leptolepis. Chromosomes counterstained with DAPI (blue) (Zhang et al. 2010) 18S, 5.8S, and 28S - genes coding 18S, 5.8S, and 28S RNA molecules NTS - nontranscribed spacer ETS - external transcribed spacer ITS - internal transcribed spacers 1 and 2 transcription of rDNA→ 45S pre-rRNA→ processing→ 18S RNA, 5.8S and 28S RNA molecules 45S and 5S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) structure of the 45S rDNA tandem repeat Ribosomes – proteins and RNA molecules. In eukaryotes: small ribosomal subunit (40S): 18S rRNA large subunit (60S): 5.8S, 28S rRNA and 5S rDNA In eukaryotes, the 5S rRNA gene is separated from the 45S rRNA genes. But together in Artemisia, gymnosperms, and some other plants. Nucleolus - ribosomal DNA (rRNA genes) is transcribed and ribosomes are assembled within the nucleolus - ribosomes are exported to the cytoplasm. They remain free or associate with the endoplasmic reticulum (rough endoplasmic retictulum) - one or several nucleoli in a nucleus - after a cell division, a nucleolus is formed around nucleolar organizing region (NOR) on some chromosomes (chromosomes are brought together by nucleolar organizing regions) - cell division: nucleolus disappears Spatial context of rDNA transcription and ribosome assembly Phaseolus. NORs of 6 chromosomes (pair A, I and K) and the nucleolus. The small dot-like structures (arrows) are telomeric heterochromatin. Chromosomes are brought together by nucleolar organizing regions (NORs) Extra-nuclear genomes and extra-chromosomal DNA in eukaryotes (outside the chromosomes and typically also outside the nucleus) Mitochondrial genome (mtDNA) • human mtDNA includes 16,569 base pairs and encodes 13 proteins, 2 rRNAs, 22 tRNAs • animals: usually circular DNA molecule, but also linear genome • plants and fungi (circular, rarely linear), 3 types of mt genome: - a circular genome that has introns (19 to 1 000 kb) - a circular genome (20 – 1000 kb) that also has a plasmid-like structure (1 kb) (plasmids sometimes integrated in the circular chromosome) - a mt genome consisting of linear DNA molecules • Silene conica: enormous mtDNA genome - 11,300,000 bp • mitochondrion of the cucumber (Cucumis sativus): 3 circular chromosomes (1 556, 84 and 45 kb) • female inheritance (rerely male inheritance) Kingdom Introns Size Shape Description Animal No 11–28 kb Circular Single molecule Fungi, Plant, Protista Yes 19–1000 kb Circular Single molecule Fungi, Plant, Protista No 20–1000 kb Circular Large molecule and small plasmid like structures Protista No 1–200 kb Circular Heterogeneous group of molecules Fungi, Plant, Protista No 1–200 kb Linear Homogeneous group of molecules Protista No 1–200 kb Linear Heterogeneous group of molecules The remains of King Richard III were identified by comparing his mtDNA with that of two matrilineal descendants of his sister. Chloroplast genome (plastome) • each chloroplast contains ~100 copies of DNA in young leaves, declining to 15 - 20 copies in older leaves. These usually cluster into nucleoids containing several identical chloroplast DNA rings; many nucleoids in each chloroplast • usually circular DNA molecule, but frequently also in a linear shape; 120 000 – 170 000 bp long • quadripartite structure: small (SSC) and large single copy (LSC) section, 2 inverted repeats (IRs) • IRs contain 3 rRNA genes, 2 tRNA genes; loss of one IR multiple times • land plants (129 genes in average, min. 64, max. 313), parasitic plants (no photosynthesis): reduced no. of genes (63 genes) vs. gene no. increase (Pelargonium): 180 genes (243 kb) • land plants: coding 4 ribosomal RNAs, 30–31 tRNAs, 21 ribosomal proteins, and 4 RNA polymerase subunits; genes important for photosynthesis Arabidopsis thaliana 154-kb plastome genome SSC short single copy section LSC long single copy section IR inverted repeats Chloroplast genome (plastome) • prokaryotic origin (cyanobacterium), endosymbiosis; chloroplast ribosomes are similar to bacterial ribosomes • less genes than prokaryotic ancestors: transfer of thousands of genes to the nucleus (e.g., c. 18% of Arabidopsis nuclear DNA (4500 protein-coding genes) originated in chloroplast) • ~95% of chloroplast proteins are encoded by nuclear genome • positive correlation between nuclear genome size and length of transferred cp DNA fragments (the largest in rice, 131 kb, almost entire cp genome), integrated mainly to pericentromeric regions in rice (many removed during evolution) • chloroplast genome evolves about 10-times slower than the nuclear genome • mostly uniparental maternal inheritance, less common uniparental paternal and biparental inheritance; gymnosperms inherit plastids from male parent (pollen); interspecies hybrids: plastid inheritance can be mixed; 20% of angiosperms (e.g. Alfalfa, Medicago sativa) have biparental inheritance • glyphosate – synthetic herbicide patented by Monsanto in 1974 • known as Roundup • Roundup Ready crops (GMOs) • glyphosate: inhibition of a critical gene involved in amino acid synthesis, 5ENOLPYRUVYLSHIKIMATE-3-PHOSPHATE SYNTHASE (EPSPS) • emergence of glyphosate-resistant weed species, such as Amaranthus palmeri • principle of the resistence: increase of EPSPS copy number due to the origin of a selfreplicating eccDNA replicon (contains other genes, transposable elements) • 399 435 bp in length, 59 genes • the replicon contains elements controling its self-replication • probably inherited through chromosome tethering (association with deviding chromosomes) • the replicon can be used for crop improvement (engineering of synthetic replicons) Extrachromosomal circular DNA (eccDNA) • yeast, plants, animals • size from a few hundred base pairs to hundreds of kilobases • orgin from chromosomes • can be „re-inserted“ into chromosomes • genomes are variable in size, gene number and proportion of non-coding DNA • genome size is generally not correlated with organismal complexity (C-value paradox) • viral genomes cannot replicate without a host, composed of either RNA or DNA • prokaryotes are typically haploid, usually having a single circular chromosome (nucleoid); eukaryotes are diploid, DNA is organized into multiple linear chromosomes found in the nucleus • protein-based supercoiling and packaging of DNA to fit inside a cell; eukaryotes and archaea use histone proteins, bacteria use different proteins with similar function • prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes both contain non-coding DNA (introns, repetitive DNA tandemly repeated or dispersed = transposable elements) • prokaryotes: extrachromosomal DNA is maintained as plasmids • eukaryotes: extrachromosomal DNA within organelles of prokaryotic origin (mitochondria and chloroplasts) - origin by endosymbiosis; plus eccDNA • eukaryotic chromosomes: essential structures – centromere and telomeres Genome structure: brief summary