CG020 Genomika Přednáška 12 Praktické aplikace genomiky Jan Hejátko Funkční genomika a proteomika rostlin, Středoevropský technologický institut (CEITEC) a Národní centrum pro výzkum biomolekul, Přírodovědecká fakulta, Masarykova univerzita, Brno, 2  Literární zdroje ke kapitole 12: Broughton, J.P., Deng, X., Yu, G., Fasching, C.L., Servellita, V., Singh, J., Miao, X., Streithorst, J.A., Granados, A., Sotomayor‐Gonzalez, A., Zorn, K., Gopez, A., Hsu, E., Gu, W., Miller, S., Pan, C.Y., Guevara, H., Wadford, D.A., Chen, J.S., and Chiu, C.Y. (2020). CRISPR‐Cas12‐ based detection of SARS‐CoV‐2. Nat Biotechnol 38, 870‐874. Dietel, M., and Sers, C. (2006). Personalized medicine and development of targeted therapies: The upcoming challenge for diagnostic molecular pathology. A review. Virchows Arch 448, 744‐755. Gaudelli, N.M., Komor, A.C., Rees, H.A., Packer, M.S., Badran, A.H., Bryson, D.I., and Liu, D.R. (2017). Programmable base editing of A*T to G*C in genomic DNA without DNA cleavage. Nature 551, 464‐471. Goh, K.I., Cusick, M.E., Valle, D., Childs, B., Vidal, M., and Barabasi, A.L. (2007). The human disease network. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 104, 8685‐8690. Chen, J.S., Ma, E., Harrington, L.B., Da Costa, M., Tian, X., Palefsky, J.M., and Doudna, J.A. (2018). CRISPR‐Cas12a target binding unleashes indiscriminate single‐stranded DNase activity. Science 360, 436‐439. Koblan, L.W., Erdos, M.R., Wilson, C., Cabral, W.A., Levy, J.M., Xiong, Z.M., Tavarez, U.L., Davison, L.M., Gete, Y.G., Mao, X., Newby, G.A., Doherty, S.P., Narisu, N., Sheng, Q., Krilow, C., Lin, C.Y., Gordon, L.B., Cao, K., Collins, F.S., Brown, J.D., and Liu, D.R. (2021). In vivo base editing rescues Hutchinson‐Gilford progeria syndrome in mice. Nature. Li, X., Qian, X., Wang, B., Xia, Y., Zheng, Y., Du, L., Xu, D., Xing, D., DePinho, R.A., and Lu, Z. (2020). Programmable base editing of mutated TERT promoter inhibits brain tumour growth. Nat Cell Biol 22, 282‐288. Literatura 3  Lékařství  Molekulární diagnostika  Individualizovaná medicína  Genová terapie  Biotechnologie  Geneticky Modifikované Organismy  Transgenoze  Editování genomu  Modelové organismsy  Principy PCR Osnova 4  Lékařství  Molekulární diagnostika Osnova 5 Molekulární Diagnostika  Cca 10,000 onemocnění u člověka je podmíněno mutací v jediném genu  cystická fibróza  srpkovitá anémie  svalová dystrofie  β-talasémie  ….  Časná molekulární diagnostika  mutace nebo infekce  PCR  Hybridizace na DNA čipu hybridization  Cas-based 6 Molekulární Diagnostika  Mammoth Biosciences  Spoluzakladatelka Jenifer Doudna 7  Lékařství  Molekulární diagnostika  Individualizovaná medicína Osnova 8 Individualizovaná Medicína  Využívá znalost genomu pro:  Předpověď zdravotních rizik  Diagnositku  Výběr nejvhodnějšího typu léčby  minimalizuje nežádoucí efekty léčby  prevence 9 Individualizovaná Medicína 10 Individualizovaná Medicína 11 Individualizovaná Medicína 12 13 14  Problém:  Mnohofaktoriální podmíněnost většiny lidských onemocnění Individualizovaná Medicína 15 Goh et al., 2007 Genové interakce u lidských onemocnění 16  Řešení problému:  Systémová biologie – využívá např. genové klastrování k identifikaci genů asociovaných s pozorovaným jevem (nemocí, poruchou, ..) Topotecan -resistant Topotecan -sensitive Dietel and Sers, 2006 Individualizovaná Medicína 17  Řešení problému:  biomarkery  testy The Case for Personalized Medicine, 3rd edition Individualizovaná Medicína 18  Další problémy  Etické otázky  Možnost zneužití znalosti genomu  riziko: nedostatečná ochrana dat  V některých zemích je uzákoněn omezený přístup pro určité typy zaměstnanců nebo pojišťovací společnosti  Vysoké náklady  Dělení medicíny na first-class and low-class služby  Zvětšování problému globalizačního handikapu – chudé země si nemohou takto pokročilý typ léčby dovolit  Soukromí  Zásadní a komplikovaná otázka  Jakou informaci lze považovat za soukromou? Individualizovaná Medicína 19  Lékařství  Molekulární diagnostika  Individualizovaná medicína  Genová terapie  Biotechnologie Osnova 20 Procedure in which the DNA sequence is inserted into the patient genome to replace or supplement the original gene  Options:  replace the mutated gene  repair the mutation  deliver DNA encoding a therapeutic protein  antisense therapy  In the future useful for treating e.g. hereditary diseases  Types:  somatic gene therapy  gene therapy of germ cells Gene Therapy 21 Gene Therapy  Hutchinson–Gilford progeria syndrome  C•G-to-T•A mutace (c.1824 C>T; p.G608G) v genu pro laminin (LMNA)  Defekt v sestřihu RNA vede k tvorbě toxického proteoinu progerinu  Věk dožití cca 14 let  In vivo oprava pomocí ABEs potvrzena u myší a lidských fibroblastů (Koblan et al., 2021) 22 Adenine Base Editors Gaudeli et al., 2017 23 Adenine Base Editors Kuraoka, 2005 24  Methods  viral vectors  retroviruses  adenoviruses  herpes simplex virus  non-viral methods  injection of plasmid DNA into muscle  increased efficiency of DNA delivery  electroporation  sonoporation  „gene gun“ (biolistic)  magnetofection  genome editing Gene Therapy 25 Ethical Issues  Regulace editace genomu v zemědělství a lidském zdraví   International Commission on the Clinical Use of Human Germline Genome Editing  convened by the U.S. National Academy of Medicine (NAM), the U.S. National Academy of Sciences (NAS), and the Royal Society of the U.K. …  …to identify a number of scientific, medical, and ethical requirements that should be considered, and could inform the development of a potential pathway from research to clinical use — if society concludes that heritable human genome editing applications are acceptable  more details at commission/index.htm 26 Ethical Issues  Alliance for Regenerative Medicine  international group representing the cell and gene therapy sector  put out a “statement of principles” on genome editing endorsed by 13 of the most active companies in this field  changing heritable DNA in sperm, eggs or a new embryo — came true in November 2018 when He Jiankui, a Chinese biophysicist, said that his lab had edited two baby girls to make them resistant to HIV infection. This mutation will be inherited by their descendants.  31 clinical trials for gene edited therapies are in progress around the world, 20 of which are in oncology. None is yet close to commercialization. The US has the largest number of trials (19) followed by China (10) and the UK (6) FT, Clive Cookson, Science Editor August 27 2019 27 Ethical Issues  Genome editing as a bioweapon?  ongoing research program funded by the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)  aims to disperse infectious genetically modified viruses that have been engineered to edit crop chromosomes directly in fields  the means of delivery of these viral horizontal environmental genetic alteration agents (HEGAAs) into the environment should be insect-based dispersion  Part of scientific community does not find the program useful for the U.S. agriculture, but points to its possible misuse 28 Editing as a bioweapon? Reeves et al., 2018 29  Medicine  Molecular Diagnosis  Personalized Medicine  Gene Therapy  Biotechnology Outline 30 BIOTECHNOLOGY  It uses living organisms, cells or parts of cells (enzymes) for research, leading to new products and applications in medicine, agriculture, food, environmental protection  Also used in developing better/sustainable production methods for the chemical industry and other industrial processes  An interdisciplinary approach requiring knowledge of chemistry, biology, physics, material sciences, engineering and informatics  The origin of biotechnology can be traced 4,000 years back, when the Sumerians (although not knowingly) used microbes for the production of alcoholic beverages. 31 BIOTECHNOLOGY  Examples  effective utilization of plant biomass for fuel production  acquisition of starting material (monomers) for the production of polymers from living organisms instead of from fossil sources  phytopharmaceuticals – using plants in new vaccination methods such as expression of antibodies or antigens suitable for immunization  European Federation of Biotechnology 32  Lékařství  Molekulární diagnostika  Individualizovaná medicína  Genová terapie  Biotechnologie  Geneticky Modifikované Organismy  Transgenoze Osnova 33 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 1961 1997 2050 hectarespercapita Source: UN Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Human Population vs Arable Land Availability 34 Nutrition Deficiency …as soon as in 2027? The world-total deficiency in food production of… 35  organisms naturally vary due to mutations  before the era of genetic engineering question of chance  breeding tools  selection and crossing  modern breeder learned to change hereditary information – increase the mutants allele frequency  chemicals, radiation ...  results are incidental/non-targeted Success is not always visible at a glance Breeding 36  Targeted modification ("targeted breeding")  ability to transfer genes = transgenosis  the first practical application: production of human insulin in bacteria - 1978 Genetic Engineering 37 Plant Transgenosis 38 Breeding Vs. Genetic Engineering 39  Organisms carrying modified genetic information – either own or foreign (from another organism), enabling targeted changes in the organism and its use for specific purposes  GMOs  plants  bacteria  animals Geneticaly Modified Organisms (GMOs) 40  resistance to pests  herbicide resistance  resistance to drought  resistance to cold  resistance to salinity  more efficient nitrogen utilization  increasing nutritional quality Geneticaly Modified Plants 41  resistance to insect pests  corn, cotton, rice  genes from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt)  Expression of crystalline deltaendotoxins - Crystal (Cry) proteins  increasing yields, reducing the amount of chemical sprays Bt Plants 42 Bt Plants 43 Ht Plants  resistance to systemic herbicides  glyphosate  interferes with the synthesis of aromatic amino acids; animals without the appropriate enzymatic apparatus = harmless  blocks the enzyme 5-enolpyrovylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase (EPSPS) in chloroplasts – affects green plants  ineffective for bacterial EPSPS - evolutionarily divergent  soya, maize, sugar beet, canola, cotton, alfalfa - added enzyme for tolerance  company Bayer (Monsanto), trade name Roundup 44 Ht Plants  resistance to systemic herbicides  glufosinate (phosphinothricin)  prevents processing of ammonium - toxic  Streptomyces hygroscopicus synthesizes and transforms it: acetylation by the enzyme phosphinothricin acetyltransferase – coding gene isolated in 1987 - named bar  trade names: Basta, Liberty, Finale, Radical ... 45 Multiresistant Plants  Bt resistance + herbicide  multiresistant corn - the majority of total production in the USA  example of multiresistant corn:  three Bt genes for resistance to air pests  three Bt genes for resistance against soil pests  two genes for herbicide resistance 46  viruses - no chemical agents available  gene encoding non-infectious viral envelope protein increases resistance to viral infection  banana; papaya - Hawaii, Southeast Asia  cassava - a basic food ingredient for more than 500 million people + animal feed Disease-Tollerant Plants 47  Chickpeas - more resistant to drought, but toxic  GMOs with inactivated toxin  Corn resistant to drought Lathyrus sativus Chickpea Cereals Drought in Ethiopia Disease- and Stress-Tollerant Plants 48  use of nitrogen from fertilizers  rice with gene from barley - 3x higher nitrogen utilization under oxygen deficiency Nitrogen Use Efficiency 49  Golden rice  several genes from maize encoding enzymes for the biosynthesis of β-carotene (precursor of vitamin A)  Canola and Soybean  improved oil properties: stable, resistant to high temperatures, long storage Improved Nutrition Value 50  Transgenic cats  lentiviruses are sensitive to restriction factors  specific restriction factor: rhesus macaque TRIMCyp + eGFP  uniform expression, no mosaicity and no silencing in F1 generation  lymphocytes of transgenic animals resistant to replication of FIV Wongsrikeao et al., 2011, Nature Methods GMO Animals 51  Lékařství  Molekulární diagnostika  Individualizovaná medicína  Genová terapie  Biotechnologie  Geneticky Modifikované Organismy  Transgenoze  Editování genomu Osnova 52 Gene Editing in Plant Domestication 53  Lékařství  Molekulární diagnostika  Individualizovaná medicína  Genová terapie  Biotechnologie  Geneticky Modifikované Organismy  Transgenoze  Editování genomu  Modelové organismy Osnova 54  Low requirements for area  Relatively large number of offspring (3-14, 6-8 on average)  Genome size is close to the size of human genome (about 3000 Mbp), the number of genes as well (about 24K)  20 chromosomes (19+1)  Suitable for a wide range of physiological experiments (anatomical and physiological similarity to human)  Possibility to obtain (quite easily) KO mutants and transgenic lines Mus musculus house mouse 55  Genome known since 2002 ( Mus musculus house mouse 56  Low requirements for cultivation area Arabidopsis thaliana mouse-ear cress  High number of seeds (20.000 per plant and more)  Small and compact genome, (125 MBp, about 25.000 genes, average size 3 kb)  5 chromosomes  Suitable for wide range od physiological experiments  High natural variability (approximately 750 ecotypes (Nottingham Arabidopsis Seed Stock Centre)) Columbia 0 Landsberg 0 Wassilewskija 0 57 Arabidopsis thaliana mouse-ear cress  Genome known since 2000 ( 58  Lékařství  Molekulární diagnostika  Individualizovaná medicína  Genová terapie  Biotechnologie  Geneticky Modifikované Organismy  Transgenoze  Editování genomu  Modelové organismsy  Principy PCR Osnova 59 60  Techniky využivající pokročilé přístupy zásadním, způsobem mění naše možnost v medicíně i zemědělství  Možnost programovatelné editace genomu slibuje zásadní obrat v léčbě zejména dědičně podmíněných chorob a ve šlechtění nových odrůd i ras  Je nezbytná přísná kontrola s jasně nastavenými pravidly pro všechny, ale nikoliv úplný zákaz Klíčové koncepty 61 Diskuse