Effect modification and confounding Intended Learning Outcomes By the end of the session, you are expected to be able to: 1. Define concept of effect modification (interaction) and confounding 2. List and explain the steps required to identify effect modification in a dataset 3. Be able to interpret results tables and identify evidence of effect modification 4. Summarise how confounding may affect results, and ways to deal with confounding in observational studies 5. Define the concept of residual confounding in contrast to the general concept of confounding 6. Evaluate confounding in published observational studies 2 Influences on health • Rare to have simple exposure and outcome with no other influences • Health status and risk of most diseases is subject to multiple influences (e.g. CHD) • One-variable-at-a-time approach (2x2 table) • Public health & intervention • Associations may vary according to other factors 3 Alternative explanations for your results • Chance Bias (yesterday) • Effect modification • Confounding 4 • Strive to avoid at design stage • Control or adjust at analysis stage • Identify at design stage • Carefully describe and discuss at analysis stage • Strive to avoid at design stage • Control or adjust at analysis stage Biological Interaction Last’s Dictionary of Epidemiology (4th Ed) Biological interaction is the interdependent operation of two or more causes to produce, prevent or control disease Factor 1 Outcome + Factor 2 5 Examples of biological interaction 1. Antibiotic tetracycline and tooth discolouration • Tetracycline is associated with discoloration of teeth but mainly among children <8 years • effect of antibiotic (exposure) on tooth colour (outcome) is modified by age (effect modifier) 6 2. Measles and vaccination • Exposure to measles virus is associated with measles infection if not vaccinated or has not had measles • Here immune status = effect modifier Statistical interaction when the association between exposure and outcome of interest varies according to the level of a third factor (the effect modifier) Exposure Outcome Note: may not imply biological interaction 7 Effect modifier (the 3rd factor) Examples of statistical interaction 8 Energy from total fat and coronary heart disease (CHD) Energy from total fat is associated with CHD among younger women (HR=2.68, 95%CI 1.40,5.12) but not among older women (HR=1.22, 95%CI 0.86,1.71) (Source: Jakobsen et al. Am J Epidemiol. 2004) 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 <50 yrs 50+ yrs Low fat high fat Effort Reward Imbalance (ERI) and depressive symptoms among children (China) 10 School-related stress (ERI school questionnaire) is associated with depressive symptoms among low SES children compared to high SES children (Source: Guo et al. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2014) Measuring effect of association • Absolute risk or rate (differences) • Relative risk or rate (ratios) 11 Additive and multiplicative models Absolute risk = Additive model (acts in additive way) • When the absolute difference in risk or rate between those with and without the exposure varies according to a third variable Relative risk = Multiplicative model (acts in a multiplicative way) • When the risk ratio, rate ratio or odds ratio for an association between exposure and disease varies according to a third variable Generally interested in interactions on a relative scale 12 How can we determine whether interaction is present? Adopt a statistical approach – two options 1. Assess homogeneity of effects 2. Compare observed and expected effects 13 Option 1 – Assessing homogeneity of effects Crude Crude 2 x 2 table Calculate crude measure of effect Stratify by 3rd variable Stratum 1 Stratum 2 Calculate measure of effect for each stratum (values of 3rd variable) Test whether stratum specific measures of effect are similar (p-value from homogeneity test) Not sig. Sig. p-value Investigate other possible Evidence of influences of 3rd variable effect modification (later in the session) (Stratified NOT pooled estimates reported) 14 Assessing homogeneity of effects. Example 1 Additive model (absolute risk difference) • Factor A = 0.9 - 0.4 = 0.5 • No factor A = 0.3 – 0.2 = 0.1 Multiplicative model (risk ratios) • Factor A = 0.9/0.4 = 2.25 • No factor A = 0.3/0.2 = 1.5 15 Exposure Factor A No factor A Yes Risk = 0.9 0.3 No 0.4 0.2 Evidence of interaction Evidence of interaction Absolue risk of disease according to exposure and factor A • Case-control study of history of blood pressure (BP) and myocardial infarction (MI) • Crude OR for association between BP & MI =1.4 • Age-specific stratum estimates <=60 years OR = 0.97 >60 years OR =1.87 • Evidence of effect modification on the multiplicative (relative) scale • Test for homogeneity, p-value = 0.01 16 Assessing homogeneity of effects. Example 2 How can we determine whether interaction is present? Two options 1. Assess homogeneity of effects 2. Compare observed and expected effects 17 Comparison of observed & expected effects. Example 1. 18 Exposure Factor A (the 3rd factor) Yes No Yes 0.9 0.3 No 0.4 0.2 Risk of obesity according to presence / absence of 2 variables What is the background risk? Observed excess risk: • due to only exposure0.3 - 0.2 = 0.1 • due to only factor A 0.4 - 0.2 = 0.2 • due to both 0.9 - 0.2 = 0.7 Expected excess risk due to both 0.1 + 0.2 = 0.3 On additive scale, there is evidence of effect modification because joint observed effect ≠ expected effect Measure of effect = risk difference Model = Additive model Joint observed effect Combined independent effects 0.2 Exposure Factor A Yes No Yes 0.9 0.3 No 0.4 0.2 What is the background risk? Observed risk ratio (RR) • due to only exposure 0.3 / 0.2 = 1.5 • due to only factor A 0.4 / 0.2 = 2.0 • due to both 0.9 / 0.2 = 4.5 Expected risk ratio due to both 1.5 x 2.0 = 3.0 Suggests effect modification with regard to risk ratio Because joint observed RR ≠ expected RR (Obs RR = exp RR x 1.5) Measure of effect = risk ratio Model = multiplicative model Interaction term Risk of obesity according to the presence or absence of 2 variables Comparison of observed & expected effects. Example 1 (cont) 19 Joint observed effect Combined indep. effects NOTE: The effect of A is greater in the presence of exposure, and vice versa. 0.2 Reciprocal nature of effect modification • For any given outcome and two predictor variables, it is a purely arbitrary decision which predictor variable will be the exposure, and which the potential effect modifier. • Effect modification is reciprocal. In any of examples, the exposure and other factor (or variable) could have be labelled the other way round, and the same effect would still have been seen. 20 Positive and negative interaction Synergism or positive interaction (interaction term > 1) • Presence (or higher values) of Factor A strengthens the association between exposure and disease • the combined effect is greater than the sum (or product) of the parts Antagonism or negative interaction (interaction term < 1) • Presence (or higher values) of Factor A weakens the association between exposure and disease. • the combined effect is less than the sum (or product) of the parts 21 Ischemic heart disease mortality rates, smoking and age in British doctors study Age (years) Annual death rate per 100,000 men Non-smokers Heavy smokers <45 7 104 45-54 118 393 55-64 531 1025 All <65 166 427 22 Source: Table V of Doll & Peto 1976, BMJ 2, 1525-1536 http://www.bmj.com/content/2/6051/1525 Ischemic heart disease mortality rates, smoking and age in British doctors study Age (years) Annual death rate per 100,000 men Odds ratio (heavy vs non-smokers) Non-smokers Heavy smokers <45 7 104 104/7 =14.9 45-54 118 393 393/118 = 3.3 55-64 531 1025 1025/531 = 1.9 All <65 166 427 2.7 Odds ratio (55-64 vs <45) 531/7 = 75.9 1025/104 = 9.9 23 24 Summary of results Association between smoking and CHD OR Conclusion Crude assoc. 2.7 Odds of CHD 2.7 times higher among smokers compared to non-smokers Stratified anal. <45 14.9 Among those aged <45, odds of CHD 14.9 times higher among smokers than non-smokers 45-54 55-64 3.3 1.9 Among those aged 45-54, odds of CHD 3.3 times higher among smokers than non-smokers Among those aged 55-64, odds of CHD 1.9 times higher among smokers than non-smokers Test of homogeneity p < 0.001 Evidence against null hypothesis → heterogeneity → interaction between smoking and age in the association with CHD What is confounding? A situation in which the effects of two processes are not separated. The distortion of the apparent effect of an exposure on risk, brought about by the association with other factors that can influence the outcome. (Last’s Dict. Epi., 4th ed, 2001) Latin verb: confundere = to mix up, to confuse Potential alternative explanation(s) CONFOUNDING (confusing one thing with another) arises when there are important differences between groups being compared. The differences are associated with the variable or factor of interest, and with the health outcome of interest. Confounding must be considered in the evaluation of epidemiological associations. A confounding variable (confounding factor, or confounder) is a third variable that correlates (positively or negatively) with both the exposure and outcome. Statistical definition of a ‘confounder’ To be a confounder, a variable must: be related to exposure; be related to outcome; and not lie on the causal pathway between exposure and outcome mediation The confounding triangle: 2 exposures and an outcome Yellow fingers Lung cancer ?smoking ??? Davey Smith and Phillips BMJ 1992 β-carotene intake and cardiovascular mortality Egger et al BMJ 1998 Example of spurious findings produced by confounding The critic’s view “The disparity between observational studies and RCTs…is probably explained by a failure to appreciate the complex and important differences between adults with high vitamin concentrations and those with lower. High intake of antioxidant vitamins might not be causally related to cardiovascular and other diseases, but rather serves as a proxy indicator of a host of [protective] factors.” Lawlor et al Lancet 2004 Difference between systematic error and confounding Systematic error, as the name implies, is intrinsic to study design and methods – the result of weaknesses in scientific approach Confounding is intrinsic to the population and units of observation e.g. people, places, being studied – it is not a study artefact, it is ‘out there’ Dealing with confounding Two ways to deal with confounding: At the design stage or at the analysis stage In both cases: Confounding must be addressed at the design stage of a study. If potential confounding factors are not measured, the study will be weak, even uninterpretable. 1. Minimising by design randomisation e.g. drug trial restriction e.g. exclude ever-smokers matching e.g. case-control study Minimising by design Randomised controlled trials (RCT) have strongest protection against differences in the groups being compared Confounding factors (measured and unmeasured) tend to be evenly distributed across groups RCTs are the gold standard design to establish a causal relationship between cause and effect, but are not always feasible. It is not ethical to randomise interventions thought to be harmful. 2. Controlling in analysis stratification standardisation multivariable analysis (adjustment) Controlling in analysis: stratification Data analysed and results presented according to subgroups of related characteristics. Confounding is indicated if an association between exposure and outcome is seen in the whole sample but not in the subgroups e.g. examine the effect of SES in smokers and non-smokers INDIVIDUALS SMOKERS NON-SMOKERS Test association between SES and cancer Test association between SES and cancer Combine these if the effect similar across strata Study evaluating the association between SES and stomach cancer Summary of results Association between SES and cancer OR P-value Conclusion Crude assoc. 1.63 <0.001 Odds of cancer 1.63 times higher if low SES Stratified anal. Smokers 1.44 <0.001 Odds of cancer 1.44 times higher if low SES Non-smokers 1.40 0.006 Odds of cancer 1.40 times higher if low SES Adjusted for smoking 1.43 <0.001 SES-cancer effect is confounded by smoking. OR=1.43 for low SES rather than 1.63 Multivariable analysis Probably the most common method The only feasible way to deal with several potential confounding factors at the same time Unmeasured confounding factors or measurement error in confounding factors may lead to leftover confounding (residual confounding) Multivariable analysis to test confounding Is A a confounding factor for the effect of B on O? calculate a crude estimate of the effect of B on O e.g. ageand sex-adjusted HR, OR or RR repeat the analysis controlling for potential confounder A (age-, sex- and confounder-A adjusted HR, OR or RR) Compare the two estimates, if different, A is a confounder Standardisation When comparing different populations, or different time periods, there is always the danger that age structure of the compared populations differ. Risk of most diseases increases with age. Age acts as a confounder. Cancer death rates are much lower in Mexico than in the UK. One explanation is that risk factors are much less common in Mexico Another explanation is the difference in cancer mortality is not genuine. Cancer rates are higher in older people. The higher the proportion of older persons in a population, the higher the crude cancer mortality rate, even if age-specific death rates are the same. Age standardised death rates: example Hypothetical example: cancer mortality rate (MR) in three populations with symmetrical, young and old population structures Symmetrical Young OldAge group % MR % MR % MR 25-44 45-64 65+ Total 33% 33% 33% 100% 10 100 500 203 50% 30% 20% 100% 10 100 500 135 20% 30% 50% 100% 10 100 500 282 Direct standardisation Standardisation is based on a standard age structure, that of the whole sample or of some external population Calculate a weighted average of the age-specific death rates in each sub-group (country, region, social class, etc.), using as weights the proportions of the entire sample in age bands, e.g. age 30-34.9 The adjusted (weighted) rate in each sub-group is comparable because it is the rate that would be observed if the age structure was the same in each group. Age 2000 US Standard Million 2000 US Standard Population (Census P25-1130) European Standard Million World Standard Million 00 years 13,818 3,794,901 16,000 24,000 01-04 years 55,317 15,191,619 64,000 96,000 05-09 years 72,533 19,919,840 70,000 100,000 10-14 years 73,032 20,056,779 70,000 90,000 15-19 years 72,169 19,819,518 70,000 90,000 20-24 years 66,478 18,257,225 70,000 80,000 25-29 years 64,529 17,722,067 70,000 80,000 30-34 years 71,044 19,511,370 70,000 60,000 35-39 years 80,762 22,179,956 70,000 60,000 40-44 years 81,851 22,479,229 70,000 60,000 45-49 years 72,118 19,805,793 70,000 60,000 50-54 years 62,716 17,224,359 70,000 50,000 55-59 years 48,454 13,307,234 60,000 40,000 60-64 years 38,793 10,654,272 50,000 40,000 65-69 years 34,264 9,409,940 40,000 30,000 70-74 years 31,773 8,725,574 30,000 20,000 75-79 years 26,999 7,414,559 20,000 10,000 80-84 years 17,842 4,900,234 10,000 5,000 85+ years 15,508 4,259,173 10,000 5,000 Total 1,000,000 274,633,642 1,000,000 1,000,000 http://seer.cancer.gov/stdpopulations/stdpop.19ages.html 23.9 21.6 21.3 20.7 20.0 20.0 17.5 17.4 16.2 16.2 16.0 15.8 15.7 15.3 14.8 14.4 13.5 9.7 9.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Italy Luxembourg Finland Spain Age standardised death rate per 100,000 population C H M U Directly standardised death rates from breast cancer Selected countries 1998*, Females aged under 65 Greece France Netherlands Denmark Canada United Kingdom Ireland Sweden Austria Portugal Belgium Germany USA Japan Source: WHO Annual of Statistics, HFA Indicators (ICD 174) England # Rates are calculated using the European Standard Population to take account of differences in age structure. # Brstcerv.ppt (02/2000) * Data for 1998 except for Belgium 1995. Indirect standardisation Standardisation is based on age-specific disease rates in the reference population (group), weighted by the age structure of the study population Calculate the expected number of deaths in the group of interest that would be obtained if it experienced the same age-specific rates as the reference group The adjusted (weighted) number of deaths in the group of interest is compared to the observed number: Standardised mortality ratio (SMR) = Observed deaths * 100 % ------------------------ Expected deaths Mortality from amenable and non-amenable causes Czech Republic 1985-1995 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 1985 1990 1995 Non-amenable Amenable 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 1985 1990 1995 Non-amenable Amenable Men, 1985=100 Women, 1985=100 Blazek & Dzurova, 2000 M Bartley, Health inequalities, 2nd edition pp 48-60, 70-73 R Bhopal, Concepts of epidemiology, 2002 pp194-9 Further reading for those wanting to know more about age standardisation Confounding - summary Condition for confounding – risk factor and confounding factor are correlated with each other, and both are correlated with outcome Confounding leads to spurious findings Confounding should be considered at the design stage of all studies. It can be minimised by design – randomisation – matching Or in analysis, if the necessary measurements are available – stratification – multivariable adjustment Residual confounding Last 4th ed, 2001 Confounding that persists after unsuccessful attempts to adjust for it. The sources of residual confounding are insufficiently detailed information, improper categorization, and misclassification of one or more confounding variables. It is a variable-specific concept. “we only rarely have the information needed to fully adjust for confounding” Olsen and Basso AJE 1999 Calculating attenuation If a risk estimate is unaffected by controlling (adjusting) for potential confounders then it is robust If the risk estimate is largely abolished by adjustment it is not an independent risk factor The extent to which an effect is reduced is called the attenuation RRunadj – RRadj Attenuation = -------------------------- x 100% RRunadj - 1 Confounding – yes or no? A rule of thumb: if an effect is attenuated by 10% or more, then confounding is probably important Model (279 cases, total N=4291 ) HR 95% CI P Age, sex, CRP>10 mg/L 1.40 (1.29-1.51) <0.0001 + occupational status 1.39 (1.28-1.50) <0.0001 + prevalent CHD, infectious symptoms 1.39 (1.28-1.50) <0.0001 + BMI categories, waist circumference 1.22 (1.11-1.33) <0.0001 + systolic BP, diastolic BP, BP treatment 1.20 (1.10-1.32) <0.0001 + serum HDL-cholesterol, TG 1.17 (1.07-1.28) 0.001 Hazard ratio for diabetes per doubling of serum CRP at age 49 with sequential adjustments. 13 year follow-up Whitehall II study Brunner et al PLoS Med 2008 CRP-T2D effect attenuated by 53% on adjustment 53% on adjustment Confounding vs. interaction Confounding • Alternative explanation • Distorts the “truth” • Efforts to remove it to get nearer to the “truth” • When present, stratum specific effects are similar to each other but different from the overall crude effect. Effect modification • One factor modifies effect of another factor • It is genuine, not artefact • Property of the relationship between factors • We should detect and describe it but not remove it. Difference between interaction and confounding Confounding: stratum-specific effects of the risk factor of interest will be smaller (usually) but they will be similar Interaction/effect modification: also examined by stratification. As the label ‘effect modification’ indicates, the stratum-specific effects will be different. If very different, this is called strong interaction. Steps in testing an association 1. Is there an association? 2. If yes, is it due to confounding? 3. If not, is the association similar in strata formed on the basis of potential effect modifiers? 4a. If yes, there is no effect modification/interaction 4b. If no, effect modification/interaction is present Conclusions: association does not mean causation Associations are often observed: when alternative explanations (chance, bias, confounding) have been considered and rejected, the association may be causal Strength of association (effect size), replication and biological plausibility are further considerations Note that the precise biological mechanisms linking smoking and lung cancer were not known 40 years ago, however the evidence on other dimensions of the link was powerful These issues will be explored in the session on causality