PRACTICAL Week 1 – Introduction to SPSS 1. Open dataset students.sav 2. Answer the following questions a. How many cases/participants are in the dataset? b. How many variables are in the dataset? c. How many categories of variable Home situation are specified? d. How old is the oldest participant? e. Which variables are: i. Nominal ii. Ordinal iii. Scale 3. You realized that data for 1 participant were not entered into the dataset. This participant is 15 years old White male attending 9^th grade. He lives home with his biological mom and dad, and two siblings. Both of his parents are high school graduates. His family earns about $30K per year. He spends less than an hour per day online. He does not remember his height and weight. He never has sleep problems and gets about 9 hours of sleep per night. Enter data from this participant to the dataset. 4. Add a variable of your choice into the dataset and specify: a. Name b. Type c. Label d. Values e. Measure 5. Calculate how old are the participant today. Use the drop-down menu and paste the calculation into the syntax box. 6. Recode Ethnicity into Black versus Other ethnicity using the drop-down menu. Paste the calculation into the syntax box. 7. Set missing values to -99 for the variable Ethnicity a. Use the following syntax to set missing values for all variables at once recode all (sysmis = -99). missing values all (-99). 8. Your colleague asks you for the dataset but she is a Stata user. Export the data into the Stata format. Submit your practical: 1. Save your dataset, output, and syntax with your initials as extension, e.g., E0420 practical_week 1_GK 2. Submit all files to Homework Vaults