PRACTICAL Week 5 - ANOVA 1. Open the dataset students.sav 2. Paste all calculations and answers to syntax file and save it regularly! 3. Test whether there is a statistically significant difference of weight by school grade (recoded) a. How is school grade distributed? b. Recode school grade into 3 groups: 6-7, 8-9, 10+ c. Are there outliers in the DV or the IV? d. Obtain a plot e. Run Welch test 4. Run a post-hoc test a. Which groups are significantly different? b. Write-up the results 5. Test whether this effect remains once we control for height a. Run a post-hoc test b. Obtain a plot 6. Test the effects of gender and grade on weight a. Is there a significant interaction? b. Obtain a plot 7. Test whether there are sig. differences in weight by gender a. Report t test b. Report F test Submit your practical: Save your syntax file to Homework Vaults