Multiple (hierarchical) regression E0420 Week 8 Multiple (linear) regression •Uses more than one explanatory/independent variable • •Yi = β0 + β1X1 + β2X2 …+ βnXn + ε • •The estimates now reflect the relationship accounting for the effect of other variables (conditional effect – partial regression coefficient) •Multiple regression also accounts for the correlation between the IVs • • IV 1 IV 2 DV β2 r β1 Example •y = B0 + 983x1 + 122x2 + e • •For any given level of x2, when there is a one unit increase in x1 then y will increase by 983 • Assumptions •Just like simple regression •Linear relationship •Normally distributed residuals •Independent residuals •Homoscedasticity • •AND •Absence of multicollinearity – independent variables should not be highly correlated with each other • Multicollinearity •When IVs are too intercorrelated •r ~ 0.70 and more •The model as a whole still “works”, but the estimates for individual predictors cannot be trusted •Large SEs (non-significant estimates), improbable Bs (too high, different sign) •Diagnostics •Variance inflation factor (VIF) – how much the variance is inflated due to multicollinearity •Tolerance (1/VIF) • Hierarchical linear regression •Enter the IVs in steps (models) •Steps can include 1 or more IVs •Order of entry – variable is entered after the variables that might be source of spurious relation have been entered •Typically: control variables first, the variable of interest last Example •H1: happiness will be related to number of pets • •Model 1: •Happiness = intercept + gender + age •Model 2: •Happiness = interecept + gender + age + number of friends •Model 3: •Happiness = interecept + gender + age + number of friends + number of pets • R2 change •The total % of variability in DV explained by IVs • •We can assess the incremental R2 of each Model (step) •The F-test is used to statistically assess the change in model R2 after adding more variables • •Sometimes the IV estimate (B) is significant but the R2 is not •The effect of the IV might be spurious Interactions •Used for testing moderation •When two variables affect the DV beyond their additive effect •Y = β1X1 + β2X2 + β3X1X2 • •The interaction term should be entered in a separate step Adjusted R2 •R2 either increases or remains the same (if it decreases, you have a problem!) •Selecting a model based on R2 would then always prefer the model with more predictors •Adjusted R2 takes into account the number of predictors entered and increases only when the variables explain meaningful amount of variance Stepwise regression •Not to be confused with hierarchical linear regression •The order of variables entered is selected by the computer to maximize the R2 at each step •Forward selection, backwards elimination, bidirectional •Atheoretical, might be too dependent on the specific sample (cannot be reproduced), capitalizing on chance • • • Plotting •Cannot be easily plotted due to the fact that there can be only one X variable •Plotting can use grouping variable (e.g., sex) •For interactions •Plot the focal variable (with partial coefficient) • Two IVs • Interaction Vazsonyi, A. T., Ksinan, A. J., & Javakhishvili, M. (2021). Problems of cross-cultural criminology no more! Testing two central tenets of Self-Control Theory across 28 nations. Journal of Criminal Justice, 101827. Write-up •The results of multiple regression analysis showed that both age (β = .12, p<.001) and extraversion (β = .56, p<.001) were significant positive predictors of aggressive tendencies. The full model explained 35.8% of the variance (F(2,55)=5.56, p<.01) .