MUNI|RECETOX Faculty of Science, Brno, Czech Republic Fundamentals in Environmental Processes Research Laboratory course RNDr. Petra Růžičková, Ph.D. Mgr. Pavla Fialová Mgr. Petra Fišerová Mgr. Simona Rozárka Jílková, Ph.D. Mgr. Barbora Nežiková Mgr. Jiří Palat Mgr. Tomáš Persaň Mgr. Jaromír Sobotka Prof. RNDr. Jana Klánová, Ph.D. © 2020 Masaryk University ISBN 978-80-210-9685-1 Content 1 General information and course objectives....................................................................................3 1.1 Organisation of exercises........................................................................................................4 1.2 Protocol...................................................................................................................................5 2 Laboratory work safety....................................................................................................................6 3 Introduction.....................................................................................................................................8 4 Partition coefficient n-octanol/water............................................................................................10 5 Determination of Henry's law constant........................................................................................14 6 Adsorption and volatilisation of chemicals from the soil..............................................................16 6.1 Determination of phenol adsorption on the soil...................................................................17 6.2 Determination of coefficient Ksa for phenol..........................................................................19 7 Photochemical degradation..........................................................................................................21 8 Polychlorinated biphenyls, organochlorine pesticides and lipid determination in a butter.........23 9 Determination of persistent organic pollutants in water by passive sampling.............................27 10 Extraction of microcystins from water using SPE method............................................................34 11 Extraction of pesticides from soil by QuEChERS method..............................................................39 12 PAHs analysis in the air by means of GC-MS/MS..........................................................................44 13 Needles as passive air sampler......................................................................................................50 14 Determination of flame retardants in dust samples.....................................................................55 14.1 Determination of flame retardants in dust samples.........................................................59 14.2 Determination of organophosphate esters in dust...........................................................61 15 Determination of endocrine disruptor metabolites in urine samples...........................................64 2 1 General information and course objectives The laboratory course, Fundamentals of Environmental Processes Research (E1230), is intended for students of the first semester of the follow-up master's degree program, Environment and Health, at the Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, taught in the autumn semester. The course is directly associated with computational seminar E6050, and lecture E6051 The fate of toxic substances in the environment. The main aim of these courses is to acquaint students with the chemical and physical laws that allow a qualitative and quantitative description of the fate of chemicals in the environment, including the transport and balance of substances between compartments, and their chemistry in matrices and biomes. The aim of the course Fundamentals of Environmental Processes Research is to transfer theoretical knowledge about the behaviour of chemicals in the environment and processes at phase interfaces to the level of practical skills. The course includes laboratory experiments focused on environmental processes, transport and balance of substances between compartments, following the content of the new field of study Environment and Health. At the end of the course, the student will be able to: • understand the transport, distribution and fate of chemicals based on the properties of individual substances and matrices • interpret the laboratory results from the point of view of their fate in the environment • predict the environmental behaviour of the chemicals based on simulation in laboratory conditions • develop laboratory skills and principles of good laboratory practice During the exercises, students will gain valuable practical skills with currently used trends, techniques and instrumentation of modern environmental chemistry. Also, students will proceed as independently as possible, to learn as much as possible, using their own practical laboratory experience, and be able to independently implement all stages of laboratory procedures, including their perception of context. In addition, they will consolidate their knowledge of English terminology, which is crucial for the international nature of environmental chemistry. Recommended literature: SCHWARZENBACH, René P., P. M. GSCHWEND a Dieter M. IMBODEN. Environmental organic chemistry. Third edition. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley, 2016. xvii, 1005. ISBN 9781118767238. info SCHWARZENBACH, René P., P. M. GSCHWEND a Dieter M. IMBODEN. Environmental organic chemistry. 2nd ed. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley-lnterscience, 2003. xiii, 1313. ISBN 0471357502. info 3 1.1 Organisation of exercises The philosophy of the laboratory course is the individual work of students as much as possible. The annual course schedule is unique. The schedule may vary according to the number of course days and the number of student groups. The course takes place in a one-week block. In the case of a more significant number of students, it will be held regularly each week according to the schedule, in well-equipped student laboratories, enabling the practical implementation of even more complex laboratory tasks. Students will be trained in the safety of laboratory work, and for working with chemicals, at the beginning of the course (see chapter 2). To prepare for laboratory work and an entrance safety test, read chapter 2 carefully. You cannot complete the course without passing the test. Read all the instructions carefully, and answer the preliminary questions. At the beginning of the course, you will take an entrance test, in which you must obtain 80% to pass. All materials and instrumentation will be prepared for you in the laboratories. Take notes and write down, in particular, all the details of the procedures performed and the results. Whenever you don't know something, ask the teachers. Some parts are done as a group, but most of the methods will be done individually or in pairs. Each student will prepare protocols for all exercises individually. The protocols contain a brief theoretical introduction, including citations, a description of the goal of the task, a report of any deviations from the instructions, precise results, including graphical form, commentary on the results and answers to the questions. Pay particular attention to the results and the subsequent discussion. The protocol is submitted in electronic form no later than 14 days after the completion of the task The course ends with 4 ECTS credits. Conditions for obtaining credit: 1. 100 % attendance in all laboratory exercises 2. entrance test - obtain a minimum of 9 points (max. 15 points) 3. laboratory work-each of the tasks is evaluated individually (include interest in the issue, preparation for the task, good laboratory practice, diligence (max. 4 points for each task) 4. laboratory protocols - each protocol is evaluated individually - for each protocol, a minimum of 3 points is required (max. 5 points). Each student will prepare a separate protocol for each task. The condition for granting the credit is to obtain a minimum of 36 points* (max. 60 points). Points will be awarded by each lecturer based on the successful completion of the respective task. 4 * for each evaluation item, it is necessary to obtain at least the minimum number of points listed. Failure to meet any of the evaluation items will result in non-award of credit. 1.2 Protocol Name and surname: Study programme, semester: Laboratory course: Date of laboratory work: Date of protocol elaboration: Task: Introduction: Describe the subject (goal) of the experimental work. Briefly summarise the sources of specific substances, and why we are interested in the matrix. Indicate possible methods of sampling and subsequent processing of the sample. Provide citations to the facts. Workflow: The work procedure is included in the study materials, and therefore it is not necessary to copy it to the protocol. Emphasise the principle of the sample processing and indicate any deviations from the procedure. Results and evaluation: In this section, provide calculations, tables, graphs, or other graphical representations of the results. When processing data, do not forget to round. Follow the notes and questions of the individual task. Discussion and conclusion: The lecturer will inform you of each task about the specific requirements for this crucial section. In general, provide a verbal assessment, and a summary of the task. Discuss what the results indicate, for example, in comparison with measured values from other studies. Answer the questions at the end of the task. Reference: Be sure to cite the sources used. 5 2 Laboratory work safety • Operation at all workplaces where substances or preparations are harmful to health must be designed in such a way that these substances cannot endanger workers in these workplaces or in the vicinity of the workplace. So as not to endanger groundwater and surface water, or to escape into the air in harmful concentrations and thus damage health, i.e. the maximum permissible concentrations for the working environment must not be exceeded. • Remedies must also be provided in the event of an accident. If the harmful substance is spilt, it must be disposed of immediately. • The main principle when working with harmful substances and preparations is to prevent all possibilities of intoxication (avoid direct contact of workers with these substances), use all necessary protective equipment (work clothes, goggles, a suitable type of gloves, face shields, masks, etc.) and comply with all safety regulations. • Eating, drinking and smoking should not be allowed when working with chemicals. Before eating, drinking and smoking during work breaks and after work, workers must wash their hands and face thoroughly, and, depending on the nature of the work; they must perform a thorough cleansing of the entire body after work. If the worker is working in protective clothing, he must not eat or drink while he wearing it. • Corrosives must not be stored at a height higher than the height of the shoulders of the worker handling them (and at the same time at a maximum height of 165 cm). • When diluting, always pour the acid into the water and never the other way around. The acid is poured slowly and carefully, especially sulphuric acid. • When dissolving solid hydroxide, the hydroxide must be poured into the water in small amounts, stirring constantly. Water is never poured onto the hydroxide. • Spilt nitric acid must not be removed with sawdust, rags or other organic substances. It must be neutralised before disposal and, if this is not possible, at least diluted as much as possible. Utensils contaminated with organic substances must not be cleaned with nitric acid (danger of violent reactions, development of nitrogen oxides and spontaneous combustion). • Spilt acids, especially concentrated ones, must first be carefully diluted with water, slightly neutralised by sprinkling with a carbonate (e.g. soda, chalk, etc.) or pouring dilute alkali solutions, followed by careful rinsing with water, or soaking the liquid in sawdust, rags, etc. Care must be taken not to contaminate too large an area. • Any handling of smoky, irritating, foul-smelling and toxic gases must only be carried out in a fume hood. 6 • Solid chemicals must never be handled without hand protection (gloves). • Corrosive, toxic and infectious liquids should only be pipetted using safety pipettes or a balloon. • For all handling of substances in test tubes and open containers, the mouth of the containers must be facing away from workers, into open space. • Bottle caps with a stained surface must not be placed on tabletops (to reduce the possibility of intoxication and contamination). • Perchloric acid must be stored in ground-necked bottles and separate from other chemicals, especially organic ones. Perchloric acid cylinders must not be placed on wooden shelves, only on glass, porcelain, ceramic or other refractory, or other non-absorbent pads, so that traces of spillage can be easily removed. • Chemical laboratory equipment that has been used to work with toxic substances or corrosives must be thoroughly rinsed before further use. Similarly, all toxic bottles must be free of residual contents before disposal. • Laboratory tasks are performed according to instructions, under the supervision of laboratory staff. Manipulation with cylinders and pressure reducing valves is only permitted in the presence of, and under the control o the supervisor. • Any injury, accident, damage or another defect must be reported immediately to the laboratory supervisor. • When working with chemicals and biological materials, it is necessary to follow the related articles of the RECETOX Operating Rules, including appendices 1 and 2. I confirm with my signature that I have understood the trained topic, and I am aware of the responsibility for any non-compliance or deliberate violation of these rules. Date and duration of the training 30 min Method of knowledge verification oral Training materiál: This document; Related articles of the valid version of the RECETOX Operating Rules, including Annexes No. 1 and 2; Operating rules of laboratories Name and signature of the trainer uco (personal identificati on number) Name and Surname Field of Study Sem/Year Signature 1. 7 3 Introduction The environment is contaminated with many chemicals, mainly due to human activity. To predict the fate of persistent organic pollutants in the environment, several aspects have to be considered carefully: their basic physical and chemical properties, distribution, transport within and among compartments, biotic and abiotic transformation processes, as well as the effects on living organisms including humans. Today, organic chemical pollutants can be found widespread over the whole planet, even in places thousands of miles away from their origin. They get into individual components of the environment from various sources, both natural and anthropogenic. In most cases, inputs from various anthropogenic technologies dominate today. Chemicals can be transported in the components to which they were primarily emitted; they can cross the interfacial interface to other components of the environment. During this transport, they can be chemically transformed and create secondary pollution. Due to their properties, they can accumulate both in abiotic components of the environment and in living organisms, including humans. After entering living organisms, they can adversely affect health. It is necessary to understand the external and internal concentrations of these substances to assess exposure routes. Laboratory simulation of the processes that control the chemical behavior of organic compounds in the environment is often desirable for deeper understanding, as well as for determination of basic characteristics required for successful environmental modelling. However, laboratory exercises targeted on the simulations of environmental processes are very rare. The course includes experiments to determine phase equilibria, partition and distribution coefficients, transport of substances between compartments, bioaccumulation and degradation. The first experiments are focused on understanding the basic principles, which are then applied in the determination of organic pollutants in commonly sampled matrices. 1. Partition coefficient n-octanol/water Kow 2. Henry's Law Constant 3. Adsorption and volatilisation of chemicals from the soil 4. Photochemical degradation 5. Polychlorinated biphenyls, organochlorine pesticides and lipid determination in a butter 6. Determination of persistent organic pollutants in water by passive sampling 7. Extraction of microcystins from water using SPE method 8. Extraction of pesticides from the soil by QuEChERS method 8 9. PAHs analysis in the air using GC-MS/MS 10. Needles as a passive air sampler 11. Determination of flame retardants in a dust sample 12. Determination of endocrine disruptor metabolites in urine samples 4 Partition coefficient n-octanol/water Theory If we want to use a specific substance in the industry, we need to quantify how dangerous the substance is (for example, if someone comes with anew product, we need to have some measures to determine that it is safe to use on a large scale). For such a decision, we have different properties that we can measure, and based on this measurement; we can estimate if the product can be used safely. There are many such properties; for example, we can examine corrosivity of the substance by measuring pH, volatility by boiling temperature, and many others. However, from the point of view of environmental chemistry, we also need to know how the compound will behave in the real environment. We are not able to give precise numbers due to the complexity of real systems (there are too many factors in nature). Even if we could somehow be precise, this precision can be problematic in most situations. It is like a map with scale 1:1; we cannot use it. So, we need to make an estimation based on modelling. There are various models with various uses. Nevertheless, one of the simplest is based on the partition coefficient between n-octanol and water. Imagine this situation. We have a substance, and we pour it into the water accidentally. Now we want to know if fish living in the water are in danger. So, firstly, we need to estimate the dose which will pass into fish. Moreover, that is what Kow does. We can take fish and water and experiment to see what amount will ultimately be in fish. However, a much safer approach is to take octanol, use it as a substitute for the fish, and do the testing. It is cheaper, faster, and doesn't harm fish [1]. So, we put octanol and water together. We add our potentially dangerous substance. Then we determine Kow from the concentration of the examined substance in water and octanol after dynamic equilibrium is achieved. So, mathematically speaking, we have this formula [2]. „ _ coktanol cwater From the formula, we can see that Kow is a Dimensionless quantity because concentration is divided by concentration. Also, we can say that with the increasing value of Kow, the c0i2 mm to <0.25 mm. Fig. 2: Vacuum cleaner bag dust a) before sieving; and according to size fractions b) dust > 2 mm, c) fraction 2 mm >x> 1 mm, d) fraction 1 mm >x> 0.5mm, e) 0.5 mm >x> 0.25 mm andf) 0.25mm >x.5 56 Which fraction is the most relevant for human exposure? Do you think, that no established fraction for dust analysis is a problem ? Why? Which fraction would you choose? Flame retardants Flame retardants are one group of the chemicals which we can identify and measure in dust.4 Flame retardants are used in many combustible materials (e.g. in electric-devices, plastics or textiles) to reduce their flammability and prolong the time for escape in case of fire.6 Flame retardants consist of various molecules and could be inorganic or organic. Organic flame retardants are divided into two main groups, which are different in physical-chemical properties, and also used in different materials. The first group is halogenated flame retardants7 (e.g. polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) or hexabromobenzene); and the second group is organophosphate esters8, which are used also as plasticisers. The examples are in Fig. 3. Research into these chemicals is needed because flame retardants are in a lot of different environments and matrices, and because of the evidence of their possibility to be toxic, 13 TDCIPP TNBP Fig. 3: Examples of flame retardants: general structure of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs); two examples of novel flame retardants (DBDPE a HBB); and two examples of organophosphate esters with chlorine (TDCIPP), and without chlorine (TNBP). How are flame retardants toxic? Questions after lab practical: 57 Describe flame retardancy mechanism of PBDEs. Which organic flame retardants are more polar? Would it influence the sample preparation ? We mentioned eguilibrium several times during lab practical. During which processes did we use eguilibrium ? References: (1) Schweizer, C; Edwards, R. D.; Bayer-Oglesby, L; Gauderman, W. J.; Ilacqua, V.; Jantunen, M. J.; Lai, H. K.; Nieuwenhuijsen, M. J.; Kúnzli, N. Indoor Time-Microenvironment-Activity Patterns in Seven Regions of Europe. J. Expo. Sci. Environ. Epidemiol. 2007,17 (2), 170-181. (2) Lioy, P. J.; Freeman, N. C. G.; Millette, J. R. Dust: A Metric for Use in Residential and Building Exposure Assessment and Source Characterization. Environ. Health Perspect. 2002, 110 (10), 969-983. (3) Jones-Otazo, H. a.; Clarke, J. P.; Diamond, M. L.; Archbold, J. a.; Ferguson, G.; Harner, T.; Richardson, G. M.; Ryan, J. J.; Wilford, B. Is House Dust the Missing Exposure Pathway for PBDEs? An Analysis of the Urban Fate and Human Exposure to PBDEs. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2005, 39 (14), 5121-5130. (4) Melymuk, L.; Demirtepe, H.; Jílková, S. R. Indoor Dust and Associated Chemical Exposures. Curr. Opin. Environ. Sci. Heal. 2020,15, 1-6. https://doi.Org/10.1016/j.coesh.2020.01.005. (5) Jílková, S. R. Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals, Masaryk UNiversity, 2019. (6) De Wit, C. A. An Overview of Brominated Flame Retardants in the Environment. Chemosphere 2002, 46(5), 583-624. (7) de Wit, C. A. An Overview of Brominated Flame Retardants in the Environment; 2002; Vol. 46. (8) van der Veen, I.; de Boer, J. Phosphorus Flame Retardants: Properties, Production, Environmental Occurrence, Toxicity and Analysis. Chemosphere 2012, 88 (10), 1119-1153. 58 14.1 Determination of flame retardants in dust samples I. Soxhlet extraction Materials: • dust sample • extraction cartridges • clean cotton wool • Buchi automatic Soxhlet extractor • extraction container • boiling stones • vials EPA 20 ml • glass Pasteur pipettes • scale Chemicals: • recovery standards • dichloromethane (DCM) Workflow: • put the dust (approx. 0.1 g) into the extraction cartridge • add recovery standards • cover the sample with a piece of clean cotton wool and close it • pour solvent (DCM) into the extraction container, approx. 150 ml, add boiling stones • start extraction programme for DCM (40 minutes warm Soxhlet, 20 minutes solvent dripping) • after completion of the extraction, start programme to evaporate the volume to less than 10 ml • quantitively transfer the sample to a 20 ml vial (wash the original extraction container at least 2x with 1-2 ml DCM and add to the vial extract) • evaporate the extract under a stream of nitrogen to a volume of 1-2 ml II. Cleaning Materials: • glass column, internal diameter 1 cm • 20 ml vial • Pasteur pipette, cotton • 1 ml minivial 59 * Fig. 4: Buchi automatic Soxhlet extractor Chemicals: • cleaned activated silica gel (activation for 12 hours at 150 ° C) • cleaned non-activated silica gel • sulphuric acid modified silica gel (22 ml concentrated H2S04 + 50 g activated silica) • hexane, DCM, nonane • internal standards Workflow: • prepare the separation column: o put cotton on the bottom of the column o add about 1 cm high layer of cleaned activated silica gel, then 5 g of activated sulphuric acid-modified silica gel o gently tap the column with the stick o load 1-2 cm layer of non-activated silica gel at the top of the column, and then tap again • transfer the sample to the column, wash the original vial at least 2x with 1 ml dichloromethane, add to the sample in the column • elute with 30 ml of 50% dichloromethane in hexane into a 20 ml vial • concentrate the sample under a gentle stream of nitrogen to 500 u.1 60 • transfer the sample to a minivial, add 40 u.1 of nonane and evaporate to the final volume of 40 • add internal standards carefully close the minivial and store it in the refrigerator Fig. 5: Column chromatography with sulphuric acid-modified silica gel III. Determination of analytes by GC-MS Analyte determination will be done by GC-MS. 14.2 Determination of organophosphate esters in dust I. Methanol extraction Materials: • dust sample • vial or beaker for the extraction • vials EPA 20 ml • glass Pasteur pipettes • scale Chemicals: • recovery standards 61 • methanol Workflow: • put approximately 100 mg of dust to the vial • add recovery standards • extraction repeat three times o add 3 ml of methanol to the vial o do the extraction in ultrasonic bath for 20 min o leave the dust to settle for 10 min o transfer the extract to another vial • outcome: 9 ml extract in vial Fig. 6: Extraction in ultrasonic bath II. Cleaning Materials: • syringe 2 ml • syringe nylon filters (0,45 urn) • minivials (2 ml) • glass Pasteur pipettes • scale Chemicals: • methanol • Mili-Q water Workflow: • concentrate the extract under a stream of nitrogen to 0.5-1 ml • filtrate the extract through syringe filter • concentrate the filtrate under a stream of nitrogen <0.5ml • add methanol to exactly 0.5 ml • add 0.5 ml Mili-Q water III. Determination of analytes by LC-MS Analyte determination will be done by LC-MS. 63 15 Determination of endocrine disruptor metabolites in urine samples Humans are exposed to many compounds, which are known or suggested for negative health effects. Compounds known as endocrine disruptors (ED) are responsible for hormonal disbalance and therefore can lead to other undesirable health effects. These compounds are heavily used in industry and are found in many products around us/in our environment. Therefore, information about their levels in human organisms is necessary. ED are easily metabolised in the human body, thus it is possible to monitor their concentrations in form of metabolites, for example in urine. However, despite their easy degradation, their levels in human bodies do not decrease. On the contrary, because of the continuous exposure to ED, concentrations in humans still increase. That is why these compounds are often described as pseudopersistent. What are ED exposure pathways into the human body? Phthalates Phthalates are industrially used as plasticisers, solutions or stabilisers. There are various products with phthalate content, such as automotive plastics, medical devices etc. Phthalates are often part of personal care products, for example fragrances, hair sprays, nail polishes etc. They are also used while producing PVC (polyvinylchloride) or PVC products, such as plastic bags or cosmetic containers. Therefore, phthalates are used in personal care products intentionally (as solutions), or unintentionally, by migrating from plastic containers. Due to the fact that phthalates are not chemically bonded into the plastic, they can easily get out from the product, become present in the environment, and migrate between the matrices. Alternative plasticisers Considering the legislative restriction of some phthalates, the industrial usage of alternative plasticisers began. These alternative plasticisers have similar properties to phthalates, and are currently considered safe. However, particularly due to the similar properties in products, we can suppose similar effects also in organisms. Therefore, it is useful to monitor these compounds as well. In our case it is a compound called DINCH (1,2-cyclohexane dicarboxylic acid diisononyl ester). It is currently widely used, mainly in sensitive applications such as baby products or medical devices. Bisphenols Bisphenols are synthetic compounds which are widely used in consumer products. They are defined as non-persistent chemicals with short half-lives in humans, around 6 hours (Sakhi et al., 2018). Non- 64 conjugated bisphenols in urine samples are often used as biomarkers to determine the whole bisphenol exposure (Moos et al., 2014). The most common representative is Bisphenol A (BPA), which is used in various products, such as dental sealants, cans, thermal receipts, personal care products and food packaging materials (Geens et al., 2014). It is well known, that BPA has effects of estrogen activity and reproductive toxicity. Therefore, its use in production of feeding bottles is regulated in Europe since 2011 (EU, 2011). It is also included in the REACH because of its endocrine disrupting properties and toxicity (ECHA, 2013). BPA usage in production of polycarbonate feeding bottles for infants has even been prohibited by the European Commission (ECHA, 2016). Compounds suitable for substitution of BPA in some consumer products are bisphenol S (BPS) and bisphenol F (BPF). Pesticides Pesticides are widely used compounds, having many types, such as herbicides, insecticides and fungicides. These compounds are heavily used and applied in agriculture, but also in residential situations, which leads to the spreading of pesticides into the environment in general. Their widespread use makes them very difficult to avoid completely. Most of the acute effects of exposure are well known, but chronic low-dose exposure is the issue which is lacking information, and which can cause serious problems. There are many groups of pesticides, containing carbamate insecticides, organophosphorus insecticides, organochlorine pesticides and pyrethroids. In this case, the focus will mainly be on metabolites of organophosphorus insecticides and pyrethroids, because of their higher polarity and the greater expected occurrence of their metabolites in urine. Think about your common day. How many times a day are you in contact with these chemical compounds? Can you think of possible steps to eliminate the exposure to these compounds? The following procedure of sample preparation is suitable for all mentioned groups of compounds. The only limitation is availability of specific isotopically labelled standards. Workflow Equipment • 2,5 ml Epperdorf tubes • pipettes • glass Pasteur pipettes • manifold for SPE • SPE columns Oasis HLB (60 mg, 3cc) • minivials Chemicals • ammonium acetate 65 • ß-glucuronidase • acetic acid • acetonitrile • methanol • Milli-Q water • mixture of isotopically labelled standards of phthalate metabolites Sample preparation Add 0.5 ml of urine (0.5 ml of Milli-Q water to blank sample), isotopically labelled mixture (10 ng/ml or 5 ng/sample) and 127.5 u.1 of ß-glucuronidase (6.25 ml ImM ammonium acetate with 125 u.1 of ß-glucuronidase) into the clean 2.5 ml Eppendorf tube. Close the tube, vortex for 10 seconds and incubate at 37 °C for 90 minutes. Figure 1 Equipment for enzymatic incubation (37 °C, 90 minutes) Why do we incubate the target analytes with the enzyme (6-glucuronidase) at 37 °C? Sample clean-up For clean-up step and extraction of the target analytes at the same time, solid-phase extraction (SPE) will be used. Place the SPE columns with C18 sorbent (Oasis HLB, 60 mg, 3 cc) into the manifold. Activate the column with 1 ml of methanol, equilibrate with 1 ml of 0.1 % acetic acid. Then, pass the sample through the column. Wash the column with 1 ml of 0.1 % acetic acid and 1 ml of Milli-Q water. Finally, elute the sample with 1 ml of methanol. Transfer 500 u.1 into the minivial. These samples will then be analysed using HPLC-MS/MS. 66 Figure 2 SPE Equipment Questions Describe the principle of the SPE method. Which other compound would you expect to occur in urine samples and why? What are the other methods of sample preparation used for urine samples? What other undesirable compounds can be found in urine samples, what is the pre-clean step good for? References: Baker, S.E., Barr, D.B., Driskell, W.J., Beeson, M.D., Needham, L.L., 2000. Quantification of selected pesticide metabolites in human urine using isotope dilution high-performance liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry. J. Expo. Anal. Environ. Epidemiol. 10, 789-798. Barr, D.B., Barr, J.R., Maggio, V.L, Whitehead, R.D., Sadowski, M.A., Whyatt, R.M., Needham, L.L., 2002. A multi-analyte method for the quantification of contemporary pesticides in human serum and plasma using high-resolution mass spectrometry. J. Chromatogr. B Anal. Technol. Biomed. Life Sci. 778, 99-111. Bernard, L., Decaudin, B., Lecoeur, M., Richard, D., Bourdeaux, D., Cueff, R., Sautou, V., 2014. Analytical methods for the determination of DEHP plasticiser alternatives present in medical devices: A review. Talanta 129, 39-54. https://doi.Org/10.1016/j.talanta.2014.04.069 ECHA, 2016. Annex XV report PROPOSAL FOR IDENTIFICATION OF A SUBSTANCE OF VERY HIGH CONCERN ON THE BASIS OF THE CRITERIA SET OUT IN REACH ARTICLE 57 1, 80. ECHA, 2013. Inclusion of Substances of Very High Concern in the Candidate List for eventual inclusion in Annex XIV 1,1-4. 67 Esteban, M., Castano, A., 2009. Non-invasive matrices in human biomonitoring: A review. Environ. Int. 35, 438-449. https://doi.Org/10.1016/j.envint.2008.09.003 EU, 2011. Commission Regulation (EU) No 10/2011 of 14 January 2011 on plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with food. Off. J. Eur. Union. Geens, T., Bruckers, L, Covaci, A., Schoeters, G., Fierens, T., Sioen, I., Vanermen, G., Baeyens, W., Morrens, B., Loots, I., Nelen, V., de Bellevaux, B.N., Larebeke, N. Van, Hond, E. Den, 2014. Determinants of bisphenol A and phthalate metabolites in urine of Flemish adolescents. Environ. Res. 134, 110-117. https://doi.Org/10.1016/j.envres.2014.07.020 Gimeno, P., Thomas, S., Bousquet, C, Maggio, A.-F., Civade, C, Brenier, C, Bonnet, P.-A., 2014. Identification and quantification of 14 phthalates and 5 non-phthalate plasticisers in PVC medical devices by GC-MS. J. Chromatogr. B. Analyt. Technol. Biomed. Life Sei. 949-950, 99-108. https://doi.Org/10.1016/j.jchromb.2013.12.037 Kolarik, B., Bornehag, CG., Naydenov, K., Sundell, J., Stavova, P., Nielsen, O.F., 2008. The concentrations of phthalates in settled dust in Bulgarian homes in relation to building characteristic and cleaning habits in the family. Atmos. Environ. 42, 8553-8559. https://doi.Org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2008.08.028 Moos, R.K., Angerer, J., Wittsiepe, J., Wilhelm, M., Brüning, T., Koch, H.M., 2014. Rapid determination of nine parabens and seven other environmental phenols in urine samples of German children and adults. Int. J. Hyg. Environ. Health 217, 845-853. https://doi.Org/10.1016/j.ijheh.2014.06.003 Sakhi, A.K., Sabaredzovic, A., Papadopoulou, E., Cequier, E., Thomsen, C, 2018. Levels, variability and determinants of environmental phenols in pairs of Norwegian mothers and children. Environ. Int. 114, 242-251. https://doi.Org/10.1016/j.envint.2018.02.037 Schütze, A., Pälmke, C, Angerer, J., Weiss, T., Brüning, T., Koch, H.M., 2012. Quantification of biomarkers of environmental exposure to di(isononyl)cyclohexane-l,2-dicarboxylate (DINCH) in urine via HPLC-MS/MS. J. Chromatogr. B 895-896, 123-130. https://doi.Org/10.1016/j.jchromb.2012.03.030 WHO, 2013. Endocrine DisruptiState of the Science of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals 2012. Summary for Decision-Makers, 68 69 This work was carried out with the support of MUNI/FR/1160/2019 project and RECETOX Research Infrastructure (LM2018121, MEYS CR).