Plasma diagnostics and simulations Determination of titanium atom and ion densities in sputter deposition plasmas by optical emission spectroscopy Tasks 1. Measure the overview optical emission spectrum (300 – 800 nm) in dcMS and HiPIMS discharge for two sets of experimental conditions – 1 Pa, 0.5 kW and 5 Pa, 1.5 kW; identify the spectral lines in the ranges of 320 – 340 nm, 360 – 380 nm, 430 – 480 nm and 690 – 800 nm. 2. Determine the titanium atom and ion number densities of HiPIMS discharge at 5 Pa and 1.5 kW from two chosen sets of spectral lines measured in task 1. 3. Measure the intensities of selected titanium atom spectral lines in dcMS as a function of applied power for the pressure of 5 Pa and as a function of working pressure for the applied power of 1.5 kW. Determine the evolution of titanium atom number densities using EBF method and compare it to the evolution of titanium atom spectral line (399.86 nm) intensity. 4. Measure the evolutions of titanium atom and ion spectral lines as a function of duty cycle (from dcMS to HiPIMS discharge) and determine the titanium atom and titanium ion number densities. 5. Study the reproducibility of the experiment. Measure a selected spectra 10 times with only 1 accumulation and ones with 10 accumulations. Compare the evolution of spectral lines intensities and calculated number densities for averaged and non-averaged spectra. Introduction Plasma is optically active medium, where the light can be either generated or absorbed. Usually, the ideal plasma is assumed, where the light is only generated or only absorbed while the second effect is neglected. However, in the real plasma both events can occur simultaneously. The process in which some of the radiation emitted by plasma is absorbed by the plasma itself is called self-absorption. The effect of self-absorption causes the decrease of the plasma emissivity. Only spectral transition ending at the energy state with the long time of life such as ground or metastable states can suffer from the self-absorption. The simulation of intensities of two titanium atom resonant lines computed not taking and taking into account the effect of self-absorption is depicted in figure 1a) and 1b), respectively. The self-absorption depends on the line strength, length of the absorbing media and on the number of particles capable to absorb the emitted photon. Effective branching fractions method Theory The method of effective branching fractions (EBF method) was developed originally for measurement of metastable and resonant state densities of argon atoms from self-absorbed optical Laboratory guides (verze June 26, 2019) 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 0 5 0 1 0 0 1 5 0 2 0 0 2 5 0 3 0 0 3 5 0 4 0 0 4 5 0Intensity[a.u.] T i 3 9 8 . 1 7 n m T i 4 0 0 . 8 9 n m L [ c m ] a ) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 0 5 0 1 0 0 1 5 0 2 0 0 2 5 0 3 0 0 3 5 0 4 0 0 4 5 0 Intensity[a.u.] T i 3 9 8 . 1 7 n m T i 4 0 0 . 8 9 n m L [ c m ] b ) Figure 1: Simulated evolution of two titanium atom resonant spectral lines intensities with the length of optically active media a) without self-absorption and b) with self-absorption of the radiation. emission spectra [1, 2]. In contrast to absorption methods measuring the attenuation of light passing through the plasma from an external light source, self-absorption methods consider the studied plasma as both light emitting and absorbing medium. When optical depth of a transition is kL 1 (k is absorption coefficient and L is plasma depth in the direction of observation), photons emitted in the discharge may be significantly re-absorbed by atoms in the lower state of the transition before escaping the plasma. Unlike classical self-absorption methods comparing intensities of transitions with the same lower level, the EBF method compares intensities of transitions from a common upper level i by means of branching fractions Γij = Φij l Φil , (1) where Φij is photon emission rate of transition i → j and the summing is performed over all possible lower states l. In the absence of absorption, the photon emission rates are simply proportional to the product of Einstein coefficient for spontaneous emission Aij and the number of atoms in the excited states. The branching fractions equal Γfree ij = Aij l Ail , (2) the branching fractions for absorption-free plasma are therefore simply determined by the Einstein coefficients of spontaneous emission. When the self-absorption of radiation occurs in plasma, apparent branching fractions of escaping radiation may be altered, since the light of different transitions is absorbed to a different extent. The self-absorption in plasma is often estimated using the concept of escape factors developed by Holstein [3]. The effective branching fraction of spectral line in the presence of self-absorption is calculated as Γeff ij = g(k0 ijL)Aij l g(k0 ilL)Ail , (3) where g is the (radiation) escape factor depending on the absorption coefficient k0 il evaluated at the spectral line centre and L is a sensed plasma depth. The EBF method was applied on magnetron sputtering system [4], where the accurate evaluation of self-absorption is a non-trivial problem. In order to keep the method simple, the commonly used approximative formula of Mewe [5] was adopted Laboratory guides (verze June 26, 2019) 3 g(k0 ijL) = 2 − e−k0 ijL/1000 1 + k0 ijL . (4) The formula assumes a uniform spatial distribution of atoms in both upper and lower states of transition. In our case, the distributions of atoms in chamber are inhomogeneous with most of the atoms located just above the racetrack. When the optical fibre is directed along the tangent line of the race track (and parallel with the target), the fibre senses a region of enhanced density of a depth L. This value is taken into calculations as the absorption path; however, the uncertainty of this absorption path determination can contribute significantly to the measurement error. Since Doppler broadening is the dominant broadening mechanism at pressure of ≈ 1 Pa, the absorption coefficient k0 il at the line centre is calculated as k0 ij = λ3 ij 8π3/2 m0 2kbT gi gj Aijnj, (5) in which m0 is atomic mass, λij wavelength of the transition in the line center, T is kinetic temperature of atoms and gi and gj are statistical weights of upper and lower level, respectively. The density of the lower state nj is the searched unknown quantity. In order to determine the density of a specific atomic state, intensities of spectral lines of spontaneous transitions ending in the studied state and of their competitive transitions from the same upper level must be measured. Since such transitions will end on several lower states, several densities nj are typically simultaneously determined. It is recommended to measure more spectral lines and fit the effective branching fractions (3) by least squares method to the measured values Γexp ij = Iij/hνij l Iil/hνil . (6) hνij are photon energies. The measured intensities Iij should be corrected for spectrometer spectral sensitivity and integrated over the spectral profiles. For ease of use the EBF fit software, enabling the calculation of branching fractions from measured line intensities and their fit by the least squares method, was developed [6]. The software enables us to determine the titanium atom and ion ground state density from optical emission spectra. A database of spectral lines with wavelengths, Einstein coefficients, statistical weights etc. needed for calculation of branching fractions of titanium atom and ion is included in the software. Application to ground state Ti atoms The ground state of titanium neutral atom, originating from electron configuration 1s22s22p63s2 3p63d24s2, is a 3F2. Other levels a 3F3 and a 3F4 of the triplet term lie 0.021 and 0.048 eV above the ground state, respectively. The optical spectrum of titanium in UV-VIS range is plentiful. The selected spectral lines sorted according to their upper state, fulfilling the condition of one transition going to the ground state, are summarized in 1. The utilizable lines have to meet several requirements: high transition probability (Einstein coefficient of spontaneous emission), no overlapping with surrounding spectral features in the measured spectra, ease of measurement and instrument calibration etc. Close wavelengths provide a low impact of varying instrument sensitivity on the measured intensity values. The selected transitions of neutral Ti atom with their upper and lower levels are shown in a diagram in 3a). In order to calculate the effective branching fractions from formula (3), the densities of all three a 3F levels must be taken into account. Since the energy splitting of the levels is low, the levels are assumed to be in local thermodynamic equilibrium with the densities following the Boltzmann law Laboratory guides (verze June 26, 2019) 4 nj = n0 gj g0 e − Ej−E0 kbTexc , where Texc is excitation temperature of a 3F triplet state and n0 is density of a 3F2 level. By fitting 13 branching fractions of selected transitions (see table 1), n0 and Texc quantities are determined. Since populations of a 3F3 and a 3F4 levels are not negligible, the sum of densities of all three levels is taken as the resulting density of titanium atoms [Ti]. Application to ground state Ti ions The ground state of singly ionized titanium, originating from electron configuration 1s22s22p63s2 3p63d24s, is a 4F3/2. Other levels a 4F5/2, a 4F7/2 and a 4F9/2 of the quartet term lie 0.012, 0.028 and 0.049 eV above the ground state, respectively. Spectral lines of Ti ion sorted according to their upper state, fulfilling the condition of one transition going to the ground state, are summarized in table 2, 19 selected transitions with their upper and lower levels are shown in a diagram in 3b). In order to calculate the effective branching fractions, densities of all a 4F levels must be evaluated. As in case of neutral titanium, Boltzmann law is taken to decrease the number of fitted parameters. The sum of densities of all four levels is taken as the resulting density of titanium ions [Ti+]. Magnetron sputtering Magnetron sputtering belongs to the group of physical vapor deposition (PVD) techniques, which generally involve the condensation of vapor created from a solid state source, often in the presence of a glow discharge or plasma. Nowadays, in many cases the magnetron sputtered films outperform the films deposited by other PVD processes offering the same functionality as much thicker films produced by other coating techniques. Thin films deposited by magnetron sputtering find application in numerous technological domains including hard, wear-resistant, optical, corrosion-resistant coatings or coatings for microelectronics, etc. The sputtering process is shown in figure 2. The ions are generated in plasma and are accelerated by the electric field towards the target surface. The incident ion bombards the target surface causing collision cascade resulting in physical ejection of atoms or small clusters of atoms from the target surface which are deposited onto substrate. neutralized atom secundary electron sputtered atom sputtered atom surface incident ion Figure 2: Diagram of sputtering process. Before being deposited onto the samples, the film forming species should follow a certain pathway. On their pathway these particles may be ionized, neutralized or they can chemically react with other particles in the gas phase. During their transport, it is also very likely that they exhibit gas-phase collisions with background gas atoms. High power impulse magnetron sputtering (HiPIMS) is one of the PVD techniques. The applied power is focused into a short pulse (microseconds or 10’s of microseconds) or into a long Laboratory guides (verze June 26, 2019) 5 pulse (hundreds of microseconds), but both with duty cycles less than 5%. In HiPIMS, very high instantaneous power density (several kW cm−2) is applied to the target, while keeping an averaged power density similar to the one used in conventional dc magnetron sputtering (dcMS). Higher actual applied power results in higher plasma density and hence higher fraction of ionized sputtered species compared to dcMS, which is the major advantage of HiPIMS. Coatings prepared by HiPIMS have improved properties in terms of film density, adhesion, surface roughness and higher hardness. Experimental setup The measurements is done on the magnetron sputtering system Alcatel SCM 650. The sputtering system is equipped with Ti target (99.95% purity) of rectangular shape (25×7.5 cm) and unbalanced magnetic field configuration. The discharge is powered by a Melec SIPP 2000 HiPIMS generator operated in both dcMS and HiPIMS mode. The Melec generator is equipped with a current and voltage probe for electric measurements. The deposition chamber is evacuated by a turbo-molecular pump backed with a Roots pump down to a pressure of 10−4 Pa. The buffer gas is argon (99.999%). The working pressure can be varied from 0.3 Pa to 5.4 Pa by the gas flow-meter (1 – 140 sccm) and measured by MKS Baratron. The optical emission spectroscopy (OES) is carried out using a Andor Shamrock spectrometer (Czerny-Turner configuration) with 0.75 m focal length, 2400−1 grating and CCD detector. The total integration time is set to achieve sufficient line intensities. The optical fiber is placed on a movable holder to collect the light from 10 mm above the target and it is directed along the tangent line of the racetrack paralell with the target to achieve the longest optical depth. Measurement and data processing Measurement • Turn on spectrometer. • Turn on cooling of magnetron and generator. • Set working pressure. • Turn on generator (program Melec). • Set arc limit. • Set operation mode (dcMS, HiPIMS), and pulse parameters. • Set discharge parameters (voltage, current, power). • Ignite discharge. Data processing • Identify the selected spectral lines and determine their intensities (for example using Spectrum analyzer [8, 9]). • Create *.txt file with two columns - wavelength and corresponding intensity • Determine [Ti] or [Ti+] using EBF fit, L ≈ 23 cm, T ≈ 500 K, fit also Texc. • For spectral line intensity evolution, normalize spectra for the same integration time and number of accumulations. Laboratory guides (verze June 26, 2019) 6 References [1] Schulze M, Yanguas-Gil A, von Keudell A and Awakowicz P 2008 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 41 065206 [2] Boffard J B, Jung R O, Lin C C and Wendt A E 2009 Plasma Sources Sci. 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Phys. 56 B944–51 [9] Software Spectrum Analyzer Appendix Transition λ (nm) Aij (107 s−1) Γij 3d2(3P)4s4p(3P◦) z 5S◦ 2 →3d24s2 a 3F2 398.24806 0.45000 0.764 3d2(3P)4s4p(3P◦) z 5S◦ 2 →3d24s2 a 3F3 400.96565 0.13900 0.236 3d2(3F)4s4p(1P◦) y 3F◦ 2→3d24s2 a 3F2 398.17616 4.42000 0.846 3d2(3F)4s4p(1P◦) y 3F◦ 2→3d24s2 a 3F3 400.89273 0.80700 0.154 3d2(3F)4s4p(1P◦) y 3F◦ 3→3d24s2 a 3F2 396.28508 0.47100 0.083 3d2(3F)4s4p(1P◦) y 3F◦ 3→3d24s2 a 3F3 398.97586 4.48000 0.794 3d2(3F)4s4p(1P◦) y 3F◦ 3→3d24s2 a 3F4 402.45709 0.69100 0.122 3d2(3F)4s4p(1P◦) y 3F◦ 4→3d24s2 a 3F3 396.42694 0.36400 0.070 3d2(3F)4s4p(1P◦) y 3F◦ 4→3d24s2 a 3F4 399.86366 4.81000 0.930 3d3(4F)4p y 3D◦ 2 →3d24s2 a 3F2 392.98740 0.85100 0.197 3d3(4F)4p y 3D◦ 2 →3d24s2 a 3F3 395.63343 3.46000 0.803 3d3(4F)4p y 3D◦ 3 →3d24s2 a 3F3 392.45268 0.81000 0.141 3d3(4F)4p y 3D◦ 3 →3d24s2 a 3F4 395.82016 4.88000 0.852 Table 1: Einstein coefficients of spontaneous emission and branching fractions for transitions of isolated titanium atom [7]. Lines are divided into groups with a common upper level. Laboratory guides (verze June 26, 2019) 7 Transition λ (nm) Aij (107 s−1) Γij 3d2(3F)4pz 4G◦ 5/2 →3d2(3F)4s a 4F3/2 338.37584 13.90000 0.833 3d2(3F)4p z 4G◦ 5/2→3d2(3F)4s a 4F5/2 339.45721 2.69000 0.161 3d2(3F)4p z 4G◦ 7/2→3d2(3F)4s a 4F5/2 337.27927 14.10000 0.830 3d2(3F)4p z 4G◦ 7/2→3d2(3F)4s a 4F7/2 338.78334 2.81000 0.165 3d2(3F)4p z 4G◦ 9/2→3d2(3F)4s a 4F7/2 336.12121 15.80000 0.920 3d2(3F)4p z 4G◦ 9/2→3d2(3F)4s a 4F9/2 338.02766 1.37000 0.080 3d2(3F)4p z 4F◦ 3/2 →3d2(3F)4s a 4F3/2 324.19825 14.70000 0.782 3d2(3F)4p z 4F◦ 3/2 →3d2(3F)4s a 4F5/2 325.19078 4.09000 0.218 3d2(3F)4p z 4F◦ 7/2 →3d2(3F)4s a 4F5/2 322.28413 3.07000 0.162 3d2(3F)4p z 4F◦ 7/2 →3d2(3F)4s a 4F9/2 325.42453 2.17000 0.115 3d2(3F)4p z 4F◦ 9/2 →3d2(3F)4s a 4F7/2 321.70543 2.09000 0.109 3d2(3F)4p z 4F◦ 9/2 →3d2(3F)4s a 4F9/2 323.45146 17.10000 0.891 3d2(3F)4p z 2D◦ 5/2→3d2(3F)4s a 4F5/2 313.07985 0.82000 0.547 3d2(3F)4p z 2D◦ 5/2→3d2(3F)4s a 4F7/2 314.37546 0.62000 0.414 3d2(3F)4p z 4D◦ 5/2→3d2(3F)4s a 4F3/2 305.73929 0.19800 0.012 3d2(3F)4p z 4D◦ 5/2→3d2(3F)4s a 4F7/2 307.86442 13.40000 0.807 3d2(3F)4p z 4D◦ 7/2→3d2(3F)4s a 4F5/2 305.97353 0.24000 0.014 3d2(3F)4p z 4D◦ 7/2→3d2(3F)4s a 4F7/2 307.21071 2.13000 0.123 3d2(3F)4p z 4D◦ 7/2→3d2(3F)4s a 4F9/2 308.80256 15.00000 0.864 Table 2: Einstein coefficients of spontaneous emission and branching fractions for transitions of titanium ion [7]. Lines are divided into groups with a common upper level. a3F J = 4 J = 3 J = 2 y3F° J = 4 J = 3 J = 2 y3D° J = 3 J = 2 J = 1 z5S° J = 2 398.24nm 400.96nm 399.86nm 396.42nm 402.45nm 398.97nm 396.28nm400.89nm 398.17nm 395.82nm 392.45nm 395.63nm 392.98nm (a) a4F J = 7/2 J = 5/2 J = 3/2 J = 9/2 z4F° J = 9/2 J = 7/2 J = 5/2 J = 3/2 z4G° J = 11/2 J = 9/2 J = 7/2 J = 5/2 z4D° J = 7/2 J = 5/2 J = 3/2 J = 1/2 z2D° J = 5/2 J = 3/2 338.37nm 338.02nm336.12nm 337.27nm 338.78nm 339.45nm 324.19nm 322.28nm 325.42nm 323.45nm 325.19nm 321.70nm313.07nm 314.37nm 305.73nm 307.86nm 305.97nm 308.80nm 307.21nm (b) Figure 3: Energy levels and selected transitions for density measurement of a) Ti neutral atom and b) Ti ion.