- attend the seminars (be present in 80% of the sessions)
- complete the tasks and homework throughout the semester
- take part in the discussions, prepare a CV and a covering letter, take part in the simulated job interview, give feedback to classmates
Semestral project:
The job interview simulation is a semestral project in JAZ03 in which you will read adverts for positions in your specializations (positions abroad), write a motivation letter about your experience and skills and tailor your real CV to the chosen position. You will take part in the interview simulation as an applicant. Also, you will play the role of the employer and question several applicants. It should not be stressful but useful to practise how to speak about one's professional skills.
Language level:
The entry level for JAZ03 course is B1+/B2. The coursework is aimed at moving towards B2+ level skills needed for reading, listening, speaking and writing about your discipline-related topics.
Exam JA002
The lessons will concentrate on practising some of the new exam tasks, especially the integrated task of writing a synthesis and selected presentation skills. In the following course JAZ04, a complex practice of presentation skills together with writing a presentation abstract is dealt with.