Tutorial 9—Global Analysis 30.12.2021 1. Suppose M is a manifold and Dt : Qk(M) Qk+Ti(M) for i = 1,2 a graded derivation of degree r« of (f2(M), A). (a) Show that [Du D2] := DxoD2- (-l)r^D2 o Dx is a graded derivation of degree r\ + r2. (b) Suppose D is a graded derivation of (f2(M), A). Let u G Vtk{M) be a differential form and f/ cMan open subset. Show that u\u = 0 implies D{u)\u = 0. Hint: Think about writing 0 as feu for some smooth function / and use the defining properties of a graded derivation. (c) Suppose D and D are two graded derivations such that D(f) = D(f) and D(df) = D(df) for all / G C°°(M, R). Show that D = D. 2. Suppose M is a manifold and £, ?y G T(TM) vector fields. (a) Show that the insertion operator : f2fc(M) —>• Vtk~l(M) is a graded derivation of degree -1 of (fi(M), A). (b) Recall from class that [d, d] = 0. Verify (the remaining) graded-commutator relations between d, £^,iv: (i) [d,£c] = 0. (ii) [d, ^] = d o ^ + ^ o d = £%. (iii) [£$, = £[£,,,]. (iv) [£z,iv] = i[£,r,]. (v) fe^] = 0. Hint: Use (c) from 2. 3. Prove the Poincare Lemma: Suppose u G f2fc(IRn) is a closed £>form, where k > 1. Show that there exists r G f2fc_1(Mn) such that dr = u. Hint: Consider the vector field f G T(Mn) on Mn given by f (a;) = x G T^IR™ = Mn and let a : IR x W1 —> W1 be the smooth map a(t, x) = at(x) = tx. Then the flow of £ is given by Fl| = a(e*, rr). 1 2 • Show that (^Q*ti^u){x) is smooth in (t, x) for all £ G M and x G W1. Hence, £ ja*ti^(jj is a smooth family of [k — l)-forms on IRn. • Show that J^ctJV = d{^a*ti^uj) and that uj = dr, where r = ^a*ti^udt G 4. Show that n-dimensional projective space IRPn is orientable •<=>- n is odd. 5. Suppose (M, (?) C (IRn+1, geuc = (■, •)) is ahypersurface. Show that M is orientable if and only if it admits a global unit normal vector field.