CHAPTER 25 576 where „„ the nricc given by the Black-Scholes-Meri The price in d* tend; * Ppri« *, by formula for a regular with stnx p . nnte that the probability that the option will be exertased option is (25.2) „\k u/the holder of the «>» <**° J*^ ^ The value of the For a gap put option, the payon is a i or»"<." r when.- rf, and e stnke price. Suppose that the reset dates are a, times r, 2r , („ - l)r wuh „, being the end of the clique* life. A simple structure would be as follows, The first opnen has a strike price K (which might equal the initio asset price) and lasts between times 0 and r; the second option provides a payoff at time 2r with a strike price equal to the value of the asset at time t; the third option provides a payoff at time 3t with a strike price equal to the value of the asset at time 2r and so on. This is a regular option plus n - 1 forward start options. The latter can be valued as described in Section 25.2. Some cliquel options are much more complicated than the one described here. For example, sometimes there are upper and lower limits on the total payoff over the whole period; sometimes cliquets terminate at the end of a period if the asset price is in a certain range. When analytic results are not available, Monte Carlo simulation can often be used for valuation. 25.6 COMPOUND OPTIONS Compound options are options on options. There are four main types of compound options: a call on a call, a put on a call, a call on a put. and a put on a put. Compound options have two strike prices and two exercise dates. Consider, Tor example, a call on a call. On the first exercise date, T,, the holder of the compound option is entitled to pay the first strike price. JC„ and receive a call option. The call option g.ves the holder the right to buy the underlying asset for the second strike price. K,. on the second exercise date, T, The compound option will be exea-ised on the first exercise date only ,f the value of the optton on that date is greater than the first «*PM. . When the usual geometric ^^^^^^ compound options can be valued »nal>'ci,\,n 1, at llme zero of a European call normal distribution.2 With our usual notat.on, the value at time I--- ,„,•„•'- Inumal of FmncM Economics. 7 (1979V. 63-81; " See R Geske. "The Valua.ion of Compound Options J M. Rubinstein, "Double Trouble." &, D^mK-r 1991/Januar, Skenovano pomoci CamScanner 424 19 appendix riSK-NEUTRAL DISTRIBUTIONS DETERMINING IMPLIED RISK W FROM VOLATILITY SMILES si ven bv r-u c_e-^[ (ST-K)g{ST)dST h ■ ,h, interest rate (assumed constant). ST is the asset price at time T, and density function of S, DtfTerenttaUng once with res to A' (rives respcy JST=K dK Differentiating again with respect to K gives This shows that the probability density function g is given by T d2c 9(K) = er 8K- (19A.1) This result, which is from Breeden and Litzenberger (1978), allows risk-neutral probability distributions to be estimated from volatility smiles.9 Suppose that c\, c2, and c, are the prices of T-year European call options with strike prices of K —5, K, and K + {, respectively. Assuming <5 is small, an estimate of g{K), obtained by approximating the partial derivative in equation (19A.1), is rT c, 4- c3 - 2c, e £ For another way of understanding this formula, suppose you set up a butterfly spread with strike prices K-&.K, and K + S, and maturity 7. This means that you buy a call with strike price fC — S, buy a call with strike price K + 8, and sell two calls with strike price K. The value of your position is c, + c3 - 2c2. The value of the position can also be calculated b> integratmg the payoff over the risk-neutral probability distribution, g(ST\ and discounting at the risk-free rate. The payoff is shown in Figure 19A 1. Since i is small. Z TvoT™ *X = g in the whole of the range I - S < 5r < if + «, where The ^alue of the payoff (when i is small) is therefore A«K&. It follows that ^W = C,+i-3-2c, See D. T. Breeden and R. H. Liizenbcreer "Pr Jounal of Business, 51 (1978), 621-51 ~ ' of Sla|e-Contingcnt Claims Implicit in Opli°n Prices- 425 Figure 19A.I I'ayoir rrom butterfly spread payoff 25 which leads directly to g{K) = /t°-l±Slz2£l (19A.2) Example 19A.1 Suppose that the price of a non-dividend-paying stock is S10, the risk-free interest rate is 3%, and the implied volatilities of 3-month European options with strike prices or S6, $7, $8, $9, SIO, SU, Sl2, Sl3, SI4 are 30%, 29%. 28%. 27%. 26% 25%, 24%, 23%, 22%, respectively. One way of apphing the above results is as follows. Assume that g(ST) is constant between ST = 6 and ST = 7, constant between ST = 7 and ST = 8. and so on. Define: g(ST) = gl for 6 < ST < 7 g(ST) = g2 for 7^Sr<8 g(Sr)=g3 for 8 < Sr < 9 g(ST) = gA for 9 C 5r < 10 g{ST) = g5 for l(KSr. The exotic option is FURTHER READING ■ iK The State of the Art. London: Thomson ] M Kamal and J. Zou, "More dianYou Ever Wanted •ilftvand Variance: Options via Swaps," Risk, May 2007,7fi Clewlow, L.. and C. Stric Carr.P.a 3ewIow, Press. 1997. „ , nnd j Zou, more man . ™ ever wanted to v Dcnietcrfi. K.. E. ^ * 4