UDPs 02 urban development projects EU fondy ko-financování koncentrace politické symboly růstové versus a nti růstové koalice NEW ECONOMIC POLICY I DERE0VLA7JQN PRIVATIZATION :le*;:b:::a: lasor market SPATIAL DE CENTRALIZATION NEW URBAN POLICY URBAN DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS PARTNERS EPS PRIUmZADON of PUBLIC FUNDS REAL-ESTATE UE\"ELOPMENT FLAGSHIP PROJECTS SPATIALLY TARC-3TEC AND LOCALIZED politický symbolismus I. Hitlerův Berlín Sperrův plán Berlína rozšířený Reichstag jako ústřední dominanta b'undesarehiv. Bild 146-1993-Foto: o .fing. | 1936/1940 ca. politický symbolismus II. Stalinova Moskva Palác sovětů vlivy Stalinových estetických preferencí sovětů 40 044943 Bilbao ikonický příklad podařené urbánní restrukturalizace benchmark model the Bilbao effect a phenomenon whereby cultural investment plus showy architecture is supposed to equal economic uplift for cities down on their luck... Frank Gehry | Guggenheim Museum "he's given his clients too much of what they want, a sublime space that overwhelms the viewer, a spectacular image that can circulate through the media and around the world as brand". s Bilbao ikonický příklad podařené urbánní restrukturalizace benchmark model the Bilbao effect a phenomenon whereby cultural investment plus showy architecture is supposed to equal economic uplift for cities down on their luck... Barcelona role "mega-events" v rozvoji města Řím 1960 - počátek spojení OH s rozvojem města Tokyo 1964 - koordinace her s 10-letým plánem LOH 1992 Barcelona '92 oop ,«v ^-t Dl AG ON A. " '-v * 'Si*' ^ ■ \ 88% of necessary facilities for the Games were already available for use and only fifteen new venues needed to be constructed... post-Olympic city planning in Barcelona has become less focused on the improvement of the lives of the city's residents, and more attuned to strategies that seek to maximize the attraction of capital. Barcelona role "mega-events" v rozvoji města Řím 1960 - počátek spojení OH s rozvojem města Tokyo 1964 - koordinace her s 10-letým plánem LOH 1992 Barcelona '92 oop ,«v ^-t Dl AG ON A. " '-v * 'Si*' ^ ■ \ 88% of necessary facilities for the Games were already available for use and only fifteen new venues needed to be constructed... post-Olympic city planning in Barcelona has become less focused on the improvement of the lives of the city's residents, and more attuned to strategies that seek to maximize the attraction of capital. III!' 11* min rill) rUijXloitlllh Iih IllsHUi of Institutional ( omplevilv Social Returns rragmitilatinn Measures Neii*hh»rlid Accmiiiiutl>ilii> hiptiUtmn in iKiiMoii-niiikinu CtifxiilKtuili Attempt to Linked to the Oerestaden connect Oerestaden Oeresund to the city Regionalization Strategy. Democratic deficit in the initial phase Dublin Detachment in Development Dublin caih phaso— Authority: responsible Docklands attempt to create to national Development new sector to the government. Local Project with east of existing gtiW'iruik'M and 1« »cal IFSCas CBD. Attempt to communities initially flagship build bridges and excluded from fill gaps in latest decision-making. Now phase the most democratic model in the URSPIC sample ItllhilO Filling gaps: Combination of Abandoibarra building bridges statutory planning instruments and No. No linkages to community empowerment programs in deprived districts of Copenhagen Initially No. but subsequently Yes: local neighborhood excluded in first phase but now directly represented on the Governing Council of the Urban Development Corporation (UDC). No Very complex. Independent state-municipal partnership company. In reality, controlled bv the Ministrv of Finance in Denmark Initially an exclusive, executive-style Quango with own complete planning powers. Changed to local social-partnership model of regeneration in 1997 with own planning powers coexisting alongside those of local government. Dual planning regime (local authority' and UDC) now yielding complex devcl< ipment *u ruin- >s No. but innovations in managing structures and public-public partnerships for "concerted" urbanism Ambigu^MJs Perhaps social returns to the city as a whole and in the Ion] run Local: none in the initial stage of the project but local social programs nov well developed and other initiatives coming on stream (including social housing): a major contributor through IFSC activities and tax revenue to gross domestic produc and exchequer resources Ambiguous. Benefits foi adjacent areas but no trickle-down effects III Ml l'tll'IIOI V uii'aiitMii 11)1» k-rri Inhal KxccptinnalitY llH llJ violl of Institutional (omplvvitv Sin-til kt turns rr.miiKiii.it n>n Mciisurvs Ncii;tiburh Population in Ik* ision-niakinu Olympic Village \ Mill.* Donau- Detachment; undermining social and economic coherence of surrounding localities Filling gaps, bridge to central citv management hy a special purpose urban development company (mixed L'uinomy firm) Central state level controls the redevelopment process and contains involvement of the local authorities and population Only superficial democracy: hearings without power No. Virtually nothing has been done to involve neighborhood populations in the decision-ma king pi ■ K.VSS Ambiguous Mk dt-vdupmcnt project depends on two govemance/gowrnment systems, a "normal" and an "exceptional" one. The normal system deals with regular developmental issues, while the "exceptional" is the system that prepares and administers the Olympics Proliferation of private developers and public authority Ambiguous. The project's social returns include some potential gains in employment during the coast ruction phase. The Olympic Village also includes a public housing scheme for the post-Olympic era. No central commitment exists that guarantees h< "Using I' 'i 1<". jI p 'puLili< 'ji Negative social returns: institutionalization of public-private partnerships, high-income groups as clientele of social de nicer aev 1 III* TctrilnrLiI 1 nrjniciilitiiim lALcpiinnalii) Measures' \lOKIIIIitl>ilit> hit hismn »»f Neighborhood 1'opul.itmii in iKtision-nutkinu Institutional Complexity Social Ret urns Rotterdam Kop van Zuid Attempt to construct physical link bridge with central city No exceptionality measures, but erosion of trust in political process. FUcUd r* trough councils In later stage of project and in an indirect way Highly complex. Independent State-Municipal Partnership for Kop van Zuid. Involvement of private investors. Complex of policies for urban regeneration and social renewal difficult to coordinate Yes. but very limited and in adjacent neighborhoods. 1990s: stronger stress on social projects in adjacent neighborhoods The South Bank Detachment from adjacent wards. Bridge with central London One of the most democratic models in URSPIC sample Yes Not complex: from grassroots organization to partner-dominated planning Yes lUilin Adlershof Detachment; filling gaps Democratic control on public overspending No Partnership between the public sector (Berlin) and semi private developer. Little stale/municipality coordination Indirect Itrussvls Espace Leopold (EU) Detachment Permissive attitude of authorities towards private developers No Proliferating number of private do*. L >pfis and - '1 'int. 'inul public/private relations No (negative social returns) Lisbon Expo 1998 Fewer no links with oriental zones of Lisbon Diseretionarv planning agency No N<" relations with overall planning in Lisbon; no links with other I'DPs in Lisbon Ambiguous