3. Reprodukční bariéry Bi6570 Mikroevoluce a speciace rostlin (podzim 2022) František Zedek 3. Reprodukční bariéry Bi6570 Mikroevoluce, speciace a taxonomie rostlin (podzim 2020) František Zedek Plant speciation, reproductive barriers Image result for allopatric sympatric parapatric s Image result for desert salt marsh helianthus paradoxus Trelogan lead and zinc mine in Wales abandoned in 1911. Senecio squalidus Anthoxanthum odoratum Baack et al. (2015) The origins of reproductive isolation in plants. New Phytologist 207: 968–984. Lowry et al. (2008) Ecological reproductive isolation of coast and inland races of Mimulus guttatus. Evolution 62: 2196-2214. Rothfels et al. (2015) Natural hybridization between genera that diverged from each other approximately 60 million years ago. Am. Naturalist 185:433-442.. 1820 1850 1870 1900 1910 1930 1962 1988 1999 Lowry et al. (2008) Ecological reproductive isolation of coast and inland races of Mimulus guttatus. Evolution 62: 2196-2214. Prezygotic barriers Local adaptation causing a prezygotic barrier between coastal and inland populations of Mimulus guttatus (Phrymaceae) Details are in the caption following the image Baack et al. (2015) The origins of reproductive isolation in plants. New Phytologist 207: 968–984. Bucholz et al. (1935) Pollen-Tube Growth of Ten Species of Datura in Interspecific Pollinations. PNAS 21: 651-656. Riesberg et al. (1995) Interspecific Pollen Competition as a Reproductive Barrier Between Sympatric Species of Helianthus (Asteraceae). Am J Bot 82: 515-519. Antonovics (2006) Evolution in closely adjacent plant populations X: long-term persistence of prereproductive isolation at a mine boundary. Heredity 97: 33-37. Prezygotic barriers