Biology of parasitic protozoa V. Apicomplexa II (SAR) Andrea Bardůnek Valigurová Notice This presentation contains some material available on the web without the permission of the creator or the copyright owner. This presentation is to be used for educational purposes only. Educational purposes are defined as a communicating material for a particular course of instruction or for the administration of such course. Educational purposes do not cover the use of copyright material in PowerPoint for public lectures or other purposes. 5 supergroups = megagroups Apicomplexa Apicomplexa Aconoidasida••• …………………..this lecture • apical complex lacking conoid in asexual motile stages; some diploid motile zygotes (ookinetes), with conoid; macrogametes and microgametes forming independently; heteroxenous Haemospororida•••• Piroplasmorida•••• Conoidasida••• …………………………previous/ this lecture • complete apical complex, including a conoid in all or most asexual motile stages Gregarinasina•••• Cryptosporidium•••• Coccidia•••• Adeleorina••••• Eimeriorina••••• Apicomplexa Conoidasida••• • complete apical complex, including a conoid in all or most asexual motile stages Gregarinasina•••• • mature gamonts usually develop extracellularly; syzygy of gamonts generally occurring with production of gametocyst; similar numbers of macrogametes and microgametes maturing from paired gamonts in syzygy within the gametocyst • syngamy of mature gametes leading to gametocyst that contains few to many oocysts Cryptosporidium•••• • oocysts and meronts with attachment “feeder” organelle; microgametes non ciliated; oocysts without sporocysts, with 4 naked sporozoites • extracytoplasmic localisation in host cell Coccidia•••• • mature gametes develop intracellularly; microgamont typically produces numerous microgametes • syzygy absent; zygote rarely motile; sporocysts usually form within oocysts Apicomplexa Aconoidasida••• • apical complex lacking conoid in asexual motile stages; some diploid motile zygotes (ookinetes); macrogametes and microgametes forming independently; heteroxenous Haemospororida•••• • zygote motile as ookinete with conoid; ciliated microgametes produced by merogony; oocyst formed in which sporozoites develop • Haemoproteus, Leucocytozoon, Mesnilium, Plasmodium Piroplasmorida•••• • piriform, round, rod-shaped or amoeboid; conoid and cilia absent in all stages; polar ring present; without oocyst • Babesia, Theileria Apicomplexan life cycle (general scheme) Apicomplexan life cycle (general scheme) Environment (exogenous part) Intermediate host Apicomplexa Sarcocystidae Sarcocystinae • obligatory heteroxenous Sarcocystis, Frenkelia • Isospora-like oocysts • fully sporulated oocysts in the fresh faeces/in situ Toxoplasminae • facultatively heteroxenous Toxoplasma, Neospora, Besnoitia, Hammondia • Isospora-like oocysts • unsporulated in the fresh faeces Sarcocystis Toxoplasma Toxoplasma, Apicomplexa Sarcocystidae Sarcocystinae Sarcocystis Frenkelia Toxoplasminae Toxoplasma Neospora Besnoitia Hammondia genus Sarcocystis • about 200 recognised species in this genus • cyst-forming coccidia • obligatory heteroxenous • host specific or infect closely related host species • IH: vertebrates • DH: carnivorous and omnivorous vertebrates • prey-predator relation of definitive and intermediate hosts • extraintestinal merogony: in endothelial cells, RES cells or hepatocytes • muscle tissue cysts - sarcocysts, zoites in sarcocysts - cystozoites • Isospora-like oocysts, sporulation in situ • terminology Sarcocystis bovicanis / Sarcocystis cruzi Life cycle of Sarcocystis cruzi Sarcocystis developmental stages Sarcocystis stages in intermediate hosts (AF) and definitive hosts (G-I). All micrographs show S. cruzi, except E, which is an image of S. hominis. A) Artery with a first-generation multinucleate meront (arrow) in an endothelial cell. B) Kidney glomerulus with immature (arrowhead) and mature (arrow) secondgeneration schizonts. C) Blood smear with a merozoite in a mononuclear cell. D) Heart with an immature sarcocyst containing globular metrocytes. E) Skeletal muscle with a cross section of a mature sarcocyst with a thick striated wall surrounded by a mononuclear cell infiltrate. F) Skeletal muscle with longitudinal and cross sections of sarcocysts. The was no inflammatory response. HE. G) Lamina propria of small intestine with a macrogametocyte (arrow). H) Small intestine with sporulated sporocysts (arrow). Whipf’s polychrome stain. I) Two sporocysts in a faecal float. Sarcocystis developmental stages Sarcocysts of Sarcocystis cafferi from African buffalo. A-C) Unstained macrocysts (arrows). Sarcocysts are covered with connective tissue in A. D-E) Sarcocysts in section stained with Toluidine blue. Note thin sarcocyst wall (opposing arrowheads) with a pale staining outer zone with metrocytes (me), and intensely stained bradyzoites (br). F-G) Section of sarcocyst. HE. Note septa (se) separating groups of bradyzoites (br), and pale staining metrocytes (me). Arrows point to longitudinally cut bradyzoites. H) SEM of sectioned part of a sarcocyst revealing the cyst wall (cw), bradyzoites (br) and metrocytes (me) arranged in sacks enclosed by thick septa (se). H Microcyst in myocardium of red deer myositis Microcysts of S. hominis nestled in beef tongue. hepatitis Pathology of sarcocystosis in intermediate hosts • equine protozoal myeloencephalitis (EPM) of horses in America • DH: opossum (Didelphis virginiana, D. albiventris) • relatively small sporocysts (10×8 μm) • IH: horse (aberrant host, “dead-end„) • sarcocysts (asexual stages, about 700 μm) in horse nervous tissue • in any part of the central nervous system CNS (brain, spinal cord) • clinical signs of EPM, dependent on the area of the CNS parasitised, include ataxia, hypoalgesia, complete sensory loss, facial nerve paralysis, depression • gradual progression of clinical signs Sarcocystis neurona A) Cross section of spinal cord of horse with focal areas of discoloration (arrows) indicative of necrosis. Unstained. B) Section of spinal cord of a horse with severe EPM. Necrosis, and a heavily infected neuron (arrows), all dots (arrows) are merozoites. HE. C) Higher magnification of a dendrite with numerous merozoites (arrows). One extracellular merozoite (arrowhead) and a young schizont (double arrowhead). D) Section of brain of an experimentally-infected mouse stained with anti-S. neurona antibodies. Note numerous merozoites (arrows). E) Immature meronts in cell culture: meront with multilobed nucleus (arrow) and a meront with differentiating merozoites (arrowheads). Giemsa. F) Meronts with merozoites. Giemsa. G) Mature sarcocysts with hairlike villar protrusions (double arrowheads) on the sarcocyst wall. HE. H) Mature live sarcocyst with numerous septa (arrows) and hairlike protrusions on the sarcocyst wall (double arrowheads). Unstained. I) An oocyst with two sporocysts each with bananashaped sporozoites. Unstained. Sarcocystis neurona developmental stages and lesions Merogony in Sarcocystis neurona Asynchronous merogony in neural cell in the brain of a raccoon naturally infected with S. neurona Gliding merozoites, fluorescence Sarcocystis and meat hygiene Macroscopic meat changes S. miescheriana (suicanis) • wild boars Sarcocystis rileyi • new parasite in Europe • wild duck • water fowls "rice breast disease„ • Orava in Slovakia (January 8, 2011) S. gigantea • ovine oesophagus Both species use humans as definitive hosts and are responsible for intestinal sarcocystosis in the human host. Humans may also become deadend hosts for non-human Sarcocystis spp. after the accidental ingestion of oocysts. Life cycle Sarcocystis hominis and S. suihominis Human muscle sarcocystosis Human sarcocystosis DOI: 10.1055/s-0034-1370004 Human sarcocystosis Humans as aberrant intermediate hosts for Sarcocystis spp. Humans as definitive (final) hosts for Sarcocystis spp. Toxoplasma gondii • DH: Felidae • IH: birds and mammals (warm-blooded vertebrates) • 3 types of infectious stages: tachyzoites - tachos = rapid, endodyogeny bradyzoites - brady = slow, endopolygeny sporozoites in fully sporulated oocyst • bradyzoites  tachyzoites - immunologically mediated (IFN-γ) • in vitro cultivation • toxoplasmosis = zoonosis • nearly one-third of humans has been exposed • abortions in animals (small ruminants, antelopes, marine mammals, …) Developmental stages of Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoites Subcellular organisation of Toxoplasma gondii Tachyzoite Macrogamete Microgamete Subcellular organisation of Toxoplasma gondii Tachyzoite (a), bradyzoite (b), and sporozoite (c) Endodyogeny in Toxoplasma gondii (in vitro) Endodyogeny in Toxoplasma gondii a-b) The first to divide is the Golgi complex and the apicoplast. c) Nucleus assumes a horse-shoe shape. Two new apical complexes start to form. d) Inner pellicle grows and embraces the structures of the daughter cells, including nucleus. e) The last to be separated between the daughter cells is the mitochondrion. Apical complex of mother cell is still maintained. f) Two daughter cells emerge, and the outer membrane of the mother cell is incorporated. Apical complex of the mother cell disappears. g) Two daughter cells remain linked to the residual body where acidocalcisomes (green) start to accumulate. h) Process is repeated until a parasite rosette is formed (i) Life cycle of Toxoplasma gondii a) Feline definitive host (cat). b) Unsporulated oocysts in cat faeces. c) Food contaminated with sporulated oocysts. d) Oocysts may be ingested by intermediate hosts via water or raw vegetables. e) Intermediate hosts (e.g. cattle, sheep, poultry and swine). f) Ingestion of tissue cysts in uncooked meat. g) Intermediate hosts (humans). h) Tachyzoites transmitted through the placenta to the foetus. i) Transmission by blood transfusion and organ transplant (j) History of Toxoplasma gondii Charles Nicolle (1866-1936) Ctenodactylus gundi Rothmann, 1776 Alfonso Splendore (1871-1953) Biological and epidemiological characteristics of the main Toxoplasma genotypes Human toxoplasmosis ✓ most common parasitic infections of man ✓ worldwide from Alaska to Australia ✓ nearly 1/3 of humanity has been exposed ✓ in most adults it does not cause serious illness ✓ devastating disease in immunocompromised / immunosuppressed individuals = toxoplasmosis in immunocompromised patients ✓ it can cause blindness and mental retardation in congenitally infected children = congenital toxoplasmosis ✓ in approx. 10 % of postnatally infected immunocompetent persons = clinical human toxoplasmosis ✓ manipulation of host behaviour = manipulation hypothesis Toxoplasmosis in immunocompromised patients • encephalitis - most important manifestation in immunosuppressed patients (in 40% of AIDS patients) • exacerbation of infection (from bradyzoites to tachyzoites) • disseminated toxoplasmosis, leads to death of patients with AIDS • prophylactic TMX-sulfa (trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole) treatment Congenital toxoplasmosis • occuring only when a woman becomes infected during pregnancy ✓ if T. gondii infection occurs 4-6 months before pregnancy – mother's protective immunity protects against transplacental (vertical) infection of the foetus ✓ if infection occurs during pregnancy - multiplication of tachyzoites in the placenta and subsequent infection of the foetus • mother rarely has symptoms of infection  testing of all pregnant women for T. gondii infection is compulsory in some European countries (France, Austria) • acquired during the first trimester is more severe than that acquired in the second and third trimester • incidence of congenital toxoplasmosis 1-10 / 10 000 new-born children • wide spectrum of clinical diseases occur in congenitally infected children • hydrocephalus is the least common but most dramatic lesion of toxoplasmosis Congenital toxoplasmosis Congenital toxoplasmosis Manipulation of host behaviour by Toxoplasma gondii Manipulation of host behaviour by Toxoplasma gondii ant-toxoplasma-10407.html Original research paper: Manipulation of host behaviour by Toxoplasma gondii 12/03/how-your-cat-is-making-you-crazy/308873/ ..“if Flegr is right, the “latent” parasite may be quietly tweaking the connections between our neurons, changing our response to frightening situations, our trust in others, how outgoing we are, and even our preference for certain scents. And that’s not all. He also believes that the organism contributes to car crashes, suicides, and mental disorders such as schizophrenia. When you add up all the different ways it can harm us, says Flegr, “Toxoplasma might even kill as many people as malaria, or at least a million people a year.” 09/house-cats-said-to-lead-to-car-crashes-suicides- and-mental-disorders/?sh=2130abbc5a1b Source of postnatally acquired Toxoplasma gondii infection Three infectious stages: tachyzoites, bradyzoites and sporozoites Humans become infected by ingesting: ✓ tachyzoites in unpasteurized milk (?) ✓ tissue cysts in under cooked or uncooked meat ✓ food and water contaminated with oocysts from infected cat faeces Facultatively heteroxenous character of T. gondii: ✓can spread without DH ✓can spread without MH Toxoplasma gondii is a very successful parasite Meat as a source of Toxoplasma gondii infection Naples Lausanne Copenhagen Oslo Brussels Milan Tachyzoites of Toxoplasma gondii • tachyzoites demonstrated in the milk of sheep, goats and cows in the acute phase of infection • prerequisites for toxoplasmosis after ingestion of milk with tachyzoites: ✓ acute infection (parasitaemia) ✓ temperature-sensitive tachyzoites - unpasteurised milk ✓ tachyzoites are sensitive to low pH and pepsin - penetration of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and oesophagus ✓ importance of tachyzoite infection in milk is minimal (only few publications) Bradyzoites of Toxoplasma gondii • cysts develop as early as a week after infection and are infectious throughout the lifetime of the IH • in different IH, different localisation of cysts and different number of cysts • ranking according to the frequency of T. gondii cysts: 1. pig, sheep, goat 2. rabbit, burrowing fowl 3. horses 4. cattle Bradyzoites of Toxoplasma gondii Survival of tissue cysts in meat - low temperatures: ✓ at a temperature of 1 to 4 °C for 3 weeks ✓ at a temperature of -1 to - 8 °C for 1 week ✓ at a temperature of -12 °C, bradyzoites in tissue cysts die immediately Survival of tissue cysts in meat - high temperatures: ✓ at a temperature of 67 °C, bradyzoites in tissue cysts die immediately ✓ at a temperature of 60 °C, bradyzoites in tissue cysts die in 4 minutes ✓ at a temperature of 50 °C, bradyzoites in tissue cysts die in 10 minutes Survival of tissue cysts in meat - salting ✓ 6% NaCl solution - bradyzoites in tissue cysts die immediately ✓ 3% NaCl solution - bradyzoites in tissue cysts die in 3-7 days Survival of tissue cysts in meat - smoking ✓ they survive "cold" smoking Survival of tissue cysts in meat - irradiation (USA) ✓ γ radiation - 1 kGy - bradyzoites in tissue cysts die immediately Oocysts of Toxoplasma gondii • asymptomatic shedding of T. gondii oocysts • only about 1 % of cats in a population are found to be shedding oocysts at any given time • oocysts are shed for only a short period (1-2 weeks) in the life of the cat • sporulation finished in 2-5 days, importance of burying of faeces Oocysts of Toxoplasma gondii ✓ sporulated oocysts survive for long periods under most ordinary environmental conditions ✓ sporulated oocysts survive in moist soil for years ✓ sporulated oocysts survive in 4 °C for 54 months ✓ sporulated oocysts survive in -10 °C for 106 days ✓ sporulated oocysts die at 55 - 60 °C in 1-2 minutes ✓ flies, cockroaches, dung beetles, earthworms, etc. can mechanically spread oocysts • started simultaneously in several districts of Moravia at the beginning of 1994 (December 1993) and lasted until April 1994, distinctly local character • detected 722 cases of clinical toxoplasmosis (lymphadenopathy, prolonged angina) during the first 3 months of 1994 • total number of infected not determined • source of infection not proven • hypothesis - the source of infection is raisins, nuts... contaminated with cat feces with Toxoplasma gondii oocysts ✓ especially in the city ✓ Christmas season ✓ local occurrence (1-2 distribution companies) • the second largest proven epidemic (larger epidemic was the water-borne toxoplasmosis in Canada with 2 900-7 700 cases in 1995 ) Toxoplasmosis epidemic in Moravia 1994 Neospora caninum • DH: Canidae • IH: birds and mammals = warm-blooded vertebrates (no human infection) • structural and antigenic similarity to Toxoplasma gondii • 3 types of infectious stages: tachyzoites - endodyogeny bradyzoites - endopolygeny sporozoites in fully sporulated oocyst • bradyzoites  tachyzoites - immunologically mediated (IFN-γ) • in vitro cultivation • neosporosis - clinical disease of dogs and cattle • transmitted from infected cows to offspring by congenital infection • major cause of abortion in dairy cattle worldwide • important cause of reproductive failure in cattle Life cycle of Neospora caninum intermediate hosts Clinical signs of neosporosis Pelvic limb hyperextension in a young dog with neosporosis Bovine abortion of neosporosis • DH: dogs mostly asymptomatic, clinical signs in congenitally infected dogs, most severe cases in young puppies – ataxia, partial but progressive paralysis of hind legs; in adult dogs - inflammation of brain, spinal cord, liver and hearth, dermatitis with sores, pneumonia • IH: abortion (mostly in 5 and 6 months of pregnancy; stillbirth or premature calf; clinical signs in congenitally infected calves (neurological deficits) Developmental stages of Neospora caninum Tachyzoites and tissue cysts in naturally infected dogs. A) Tissue cyst from the cerebellum of a dog. HE. B) Large group of tachyzoites (arrows) in skeletal muscle of the same dog. HE. C) Tissue cyst from the brain. Toluidine blue. D) A group of tachyzoites (arrow) in the brain. Giemsa stain. E) Tachyzoites (arrows) from the liver of dog stained with polyclonal antibodies to N. caninum. Developmental stages of Neospora caninum A) Impression smear of the liver of an experimentally infected mouse with tachyzoites varying in dimension, depending on the stage of division. a - slender tachyzoite, b - tachyzoite before division, c - 3 dividing tachyzoites, arrow - red blood cell. Giemsa. B) Sectioned tissue cyst inside a neuron in the spinal cord of a congenitally infected calf. HE. Thick cyst wall (opposing arrowheads) encloses slender bradyzoites (open triangle). C) Unsporulated oocyst in the dog faeces. D) Sporulated oocyst with 2 sporocysts. Pathology of neosporosis Microscopic lesions in brain of lambs naturally infected with N. caninum. A) Focus of gliosis (arrowhead) at the cerebral cortex. HE. B) Diffuse congestion, mainly seen at the white matter of the corona radiata and a focus of necrosis with peripheral gliosis. HE. C) Tissue cyst containing structures compatible with bradyzoites. HE. D) Positive labelling of tissue cyst. IHC. genus Besnoitia • cause of pedunculated lesions in the skin, nasal cavity and larynx of animals • 10 described species Besnoitia besnoiti • new emerging parasitic disease in Europe, responsible for significant losses in the cattle industry of Africa and Mediterranean countries • DH and infection source unknown • acute disease - fever, subcutaneous oedema, conjunctivitis, nasal discharge, salivation, lameness, and depression • chronic bovine besnoitiosis - parasite cysts in connective tissues, especially the dermis and the non-intestinal mucosa; superficially located cysts in the scleral conjunctivae, mucous membranes in nasal cavity and vestibulum vaginae = pinhead sized white protuberances are pathognomonic for bovine besnoitiosis • chronic non-reversible besnoitiosis - hyper-scleroderma, hyperkeratosis, alopecia; in bulls - atrophy, sclerosis and focal necrosis causing irreversible lesions in testis • no vaccines and chemotherapeutical drugs available Clinical signs and pathology in chronic bovine besnoitiosis A) tissue cysts in scleral conjunctiva B) tissue cysts in a vulvar biopsy C) elephant skin and alopecia D) nodules in udder and teats Chronology of disease progression: Pathology in chronic bovine besnoitiosis Histological sections of skin. A) Scrotal skin transition from more normal to area of epidermal and dermal necrosis. B) Deep subcutaneous vessels containing thromboses. HE. Ventral view of the bull with skin and scrotal lesions Cyst morphology and pathology of besnoitiosis A) numerous tissue cysts in the dermis and epithelial desquamation; B) cyst with three-layered wall: outermost connective tissue, middle layer containing host cell nuclei and inner parasitophorous vacuole membrane surrounding the bradyzoites; C) infiltration with histiocytes and eosinophilic granulocytes around cysts; D) occlusion of sebaceous gland duct Besnoitia besnoiti in Europe World-wide distribution of Besnoitia spp. infections in ungulates Inlay: chronological expansion of B. besnoiti in Europe. Crosses: before 1900; triangles: 1991–2000; circles: 2001–2012 Apicomplexa Aconoidasida••• • apical complex lacking conoid in asexual motile stages; some diploid motile zygotes (ookinetes); macrogametes and microgametes forming independently; heteroxenous Haemospororida•••• • zygote motile as ookinete with conoid; ciliated microgametes produced by merogony; oocyst formed in which sporozoites develop • Haemoproteus, Leucocytozoon, Mesnilium, Plasmodium Piroplasmorida•••• • piriform, round, rod-shaped or amoeboid; conoid and cilia absent in all stages; polar ring present; without oocyst • Babesia, Theileria Apicomplexa Aconoidasida (previously Hematozoea) • dixenous parasites – vertebrate host and arthropod vector • merogony in vertebrate erythrocytes (with some exceptions) • development of gametocytes in vertebrate blood cells • gamogony and sporogony in arthropod vectors • sporozoite inoculation with vector saliva • small number of microgamonts • motile elongated zygote - ookinete Haemospororida Plasmodiidae genus Haemoproteus • merogony not in erythrocytes but in endothelial cells of blood vessels • “halter-shaped” gamocytes  displacement of the host nucleus • gamogony and sporogony in blood sucking insects - sporozoites in their salivary glands Haemoproteus columbae • transmitted by pigeon louse fly Pseudolynchia canariensis • heavy infection  cell granuloma and massive destruction of the parenchyma of liver and lungs leading to severe illness or even death of the pigeons Gametocytes from the blood of Columba livia. a-b) macrogametocytes, c-d) microgametocytes Haemospororida Plasmodiidae genus Leucocytozoon • about 60 species in various birds • transmitted by black flies (Simulium), biting midges (Culicoides) • no merogony in erythrocytes, but in endothelial cells of blood vessels of parenchymatous organs • development of gamonts in leucocytes • gamonts mostly elongated with long tapering extremities, in some species round Leucocytozoon simondi • duck, geese L. smithi • turkeys Life cycle of Leucocytozoon simondi sporogony merogony gamogony Haemospororida Plasmodiidae genus Plasmodium • about 200 species (birds 45 species, mammals 55 species, reptiles 70 species) • sporozoites in vector salivary glands • first exoerythrocytic merogony: ➢ birds - endothelial cells of blood vessels ➢ mammals - hepatocytes • merogony in erythrocytes • gamogony and sporogony in mosquitoes ➢ birds - Aedes, Culex, Mansonia ➢ mammals - Anopheles • „mal-aria“ = bad air in swamp (mosquitoe biotope) • first evidence of malaria found in mosquitoes preserved in amber from Palaeogene period (cca 30 million years old) Avian malaria Plasmodium gallinaceum • poultry P. lophurae • chikens, ducks P. cathemerium • passerine, pathogenic for canaries P. relictum • passerine, pathogenic for pigeons Rodent malaria Plasmodium berghei • rodents, originally isolated from thicket rats Grammomys surdaster • laboratory model • vector: Anopheles dureni P. vinckei P. chabaudi P. yoelli • laboratory model • vector. Anopheles stephensi Malaria in non-human primates • 7 species can be experimentally transferred to humans Plasmodium brasilianum • platyrrhine monkeys of South and Central America P. cynomolgi • macaques, capuchin monkeys, transferable to human P. knowlesi • macaques, transferable to human P. swetzi • chimpanzee, gorilla P. rodhaini • chimpanzee Plasmodium species infecting humans Plasmodium falciparum • malignant tertian malaria • single generation of hepatic merogony • recrudescence  reinfection • attacked erythrocytes adhere to vessel walls Plasmodium vivax • most frequent cause of benign tertian malaria • multiple generations of hepatic merogony, hypnozoite formation • frequent relapses even after several years Plasmodium ovale • less frequent cause of benign tertian malaria • multiple generations of hepatic merogony, hypnozoite formation • long prepatent period - up to 4 years Plasmodium malariae • benign quartan malaria • low parasitaemia, attacking only mature erythrocytes Plasmodium species infecting humans Life cycle of human Plasmodium spp. Morphology of Plasmodium falciparum stages ring stages meront gametocyte trophozoites Morphology of Plasmodium falciparum merozoite Morphology of Plasmodium falciparum early ring stage Morphology of Plasmodium falciparum trophozoite Morphology of Plasmodium falciparum meront Symptoms of uncomplicated malaria Symptoms and physical findings in uncomplicated malaria • host is repeatedly exposed to the effects of toxins, metabolic products and antigens (immunogens)  cascade of indirect pathological reactions leading to circulatory disorders, pathological immune reactions and a general disruption of metabolism • immunocomplexes • cerebral malaria - coma • anaemia due to haemolysis • abnormalities in blood coagulation • haemoglobinuria • acute kidney injury • hepatosplenomegaly • acute respiratory distress syndrome • low blood pressure caused by cardiovascular collapse • metabolic acidosis often in association with hypoglycemia Manifestations of severe malaria Cerebral malaria Plasmodium falciparum • abnormal behaviour • impairment of consciousness • seizures, coma, or other neurologic abnormalities • opisthotonus (opisthotonos) Petechial hemorrhages in white matter, compression of lateral and third ventricles due to edema, vascular changes and thrombus Diagnosis of malaria ✓ clinical symptoms ✓ microscopic detection ✓ QBC (quantitative buffy coat) capillary tube test ✓ antigen detection – rapid diagnostic tests ✓ PCR - malaria species identification ✓ serology (IFA, ELISA) - does not detect current infection but measures past exposure ✓ drug resistance tests Epidemiology and prevention of malaria Immune mechanisms in malaria * There is strong evidence that drugs listed in parentheses are active against designated stage of parasite life cycle. ¶ Quinoline derivatives are blood stage schizonticides with the exception of primaquine. Δ Primaquine is a blood stage schizonticide with activity against schizonts of P. vivax but not those of P. falciparum. Quinoline derivatives include chloroquine, amodiaquine, quinine, quinidine, mefloquine, primaquine, lumefantrine, and halofantrine. Antifolates include sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine and atovaquone-proguanil. Antimicrobials include tetracycline, doxycycline, and clindamycin. Plasmodium life cycle drug targets Drugs used for malaria chemoprophylaxis Piroplasmorida • apical complex without conoid and pellicular microtubules • zygote = motile stage – kinete • parasites of vertebrate erythrocytes and lymphocytes (IH) • vectors are ticks belonging to Ixodidae and Argasidae (DH) Babesiidae • development restricted to vertebrate erythrocytes • transovarial transmission in vectors • more than 100 species Theileriidae • development in vertebrate erythrocytes and in lymphocytes = Koch´s bodies • transstadial transmission in vectors only Babesiidae genus Babesia • infecting livestock worldwide, wild and domestic vertebrate animals, and occasionally humans • transmitted by ticks Babesia canis • IH: Canidae • DH: hard ticks - Dermacentor reticulatus for subspecies B. canis canis (Europe), Rhipicephalus sanquineus for B. canis vogeli (subtropics, tropics), Haemaphysalis leachi for B. canis rossi (south Africa) • clinical signs - lethargy, weakness, vomiting, anorexia, fever, pale mucous membranes, and dark discoloration of urine • incubation period 10-20 days, mortality to 100% in untreated dogs • imported / autochthonous cases in Czechia Rhipicephalus sanguineus Babesia canis in erythrocytes of a dog (Giemsa) Life cycle of Babesia canis Babesia bigemina • IH: Bovidae • DH: Rhipicephalus ticks • Texas cattle fever - mortality in acute untreated cattle 50-90 % • rapid rise in temperature, fever persisting for a week or more  loss of appetite, dull, listless  severe anaemia due to rapid loss of erythrocytes  infected erythrocytes adhere to vasculature of organs • cattle may die within 3-8 days Developmental stages of B. bigemina in Ixodes scapularis tick cell line. G-H) Masses of uninucleated sporokinetes. I-J) Extracellular ring form adhered to the cell. K-L) Intra- and extracellular degeneration of sporokinetes. Giemsa. Babesia bigemina in cattle blood Urine of uninfected animals (left) and Babesia-infected animals showing haematuria • infections with B. bovis, B. bigemina, B. divergens, and B. ovis, mainly adult animals showed intense pathogenic effects, which lead often to death • some Babesia species (e.g. B. ovis, B. bigemina, B. bovis, B. divergens) may introduce mortality rates of up to 50 % Clinical signs of livestock babesiosis • leading symptom is bloody urine, since reproduction of the parasites inside the red blood cells leads to the destruction of the host cell • infection mostly starts with fever (40–42 C), diarrhoea, apathy, nonfeeding, paresis, and spasms followed by anaemia, icterus and often severe haemoglobinuria, erythropenia, and leucocytosis Babesia microti • IH: rodents (primarily Peromyscus leucopus) • DH: Ixodes ticks • possible misidentification - also classified as Theileria microti • genome sequencing showed that it does not belong to either Babesia or Theileria, but to a separate genus • zoonosis Life cycles of Ixodes scapularis and Babesia microti • primary species infecting humans: Babesia microti, B. divergens, B. duncani, B. venatorum • hallmarks of babesiosis - fever and fatigue • infection can be asymptomatic or range from an influenza-like illness to severe disease (depending on host immune status) with end-organ compromise (renal failure, acute respiratory distress syndrome, disseminated intravascular coagulation, or splenic infarction or rupture), might be fatal • relapsing disease and treatment failures are primarily observed among patients with asplenia and/or other immune deficits Human babesiosis Theileriidae genus Theileria • infecting cattle and ungulates • theileriosis transmitted by ticks Theileria parva • IH: Bovidae • DH: Rhipicephalus appendiculatus • „East Coast Fever“ of cattle in sub-Saharan Africa • meronts in lymphocytes (Koch’s blue bodies) circular or irregularly shaped • rod-shaped stages in erythrocytes • high mortality (in imported stock mortality up to 100%) • zebu (Bos indicus) is naturally resistant • vaccination with attenuated strains • East Coast fever results from infected lymphocytes • symptoms include anorexia, fever, enlarged lymph nodes near the tick bites (or even lymphadenopathy), diarrhoea, laboured breathing due to pulmonary oedema, corneal opacity, nasal discharge and anaemia • rarely a "turning sickness" disorder develops - when the parasites in cells block blood vessels in brain and cause brain damage – usually results in death • respiratory failure and death of African cattle Symptoms and life cycle of Theileria parva Theileria annulata • IH: Bovidae • DH: Hyalomma ticks • causal agent of tropical theileriosis • indistinguishable from T. parva • north Africa, Mediterranean coastal area, Middle East, India, former USSR, Asia • incubation period 9-25 days • infects mainly bovine B-cells and macrophages • lymphoproliferative disease with clinical features similar to some human leukaemia • acute disease in all breeds and all age group of cattle, including buffalo and zebu • fever, depression, lacrimation, nasal discharge, swelling of superficial lymph nodes • rapid emaciation and haemoglobinuria • mortality of up to 90 % Koch´s bodies A) Blood smear showing three ring forms of T. annulata in red blood cells. B) Lymph node smear showing a meront in mononuclear cell. Giemsa. Life cycle of Theileria annulata Pathology of Theileria annulata A) Widespread haemorrhagic nodules in subcutaneous tissue and abdominal muscles of calf. B) Pale and haemorrhagic nodules are inserted in the tongue and the laryngeal and pharyngeal mucosa. Lymphoid neoplastic-like cells (A) in a nodule infiltrating the skeletal muscle (HE), with indistinct cell-membrane, high nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio and occasionally indented nuclei (B) (HE). • acute lethal infection of calves (≤ 4 months of age) - calves had enlarged lymph nodes and developed multifocal to coalescent nodular skin lesions, similar to multicentric malignant lymphoma • at necropsy, haemorrhagic nodules or nodules with haemorrhagic halo were found, particularly in the skin, subcutaneous tissue, skeletal and cardiac muscles, pharynx, trachea and intestinal serosa Thank you for your attention ☺ Lectures ✓ Introduction: BPP 2022 I ✓ Euglenozoa (Excavata): BPP 2022 II ✓ Fornicata / Preaxostyla / Parabasala (Excavata): BPP 2022 III ✓ Apicomplexa I (SAR): BPP 2022 IV ✓ Apicomplexa II (SAR): BPP 2022 V  Amoebae (Excavata, Amoebozoa): BPP 2022 VI • Ciliophora, Opalinata (SAR): BPP 2022 VII • Pneumocystis (Opisthokonta, Fungi): BPP 2022 VIII • Microsporidia (Opisthokonta, Fungi): BPP 2022 IX • Myxozoa (Opisthokonta, Animalia): BPP 2022 X