Biomacromolecular structure visualization and validation Radka Svobodová CEITEC, Masaryk University ValTrendsDB ▪ Database of biomacromolecular structure validation trends ▪ Based on structures from Protein Data Bank, automatic update ▪ 2 Horský V., Bendová V., Toušek D., Koča J. Svobodová R., 2019. ValTrendsDB: bringing Protein Data Bank validation information closer to the user. Bioinformatics, 35(24), 5389-5390. ValTrendsDB ▪ Validation of cytochromes P450 – overview of the whole family 3 Blue points are structures of cytochromes P450-cam Red points show a common trend Other projects: ValTrendsDB ▪ Database of biomacromolecular structure validation trends ▪ Based on structures from Protein Data Bank, automatic update ▪ 4 Author or co-author: R. Abagyan All structures Horský V., Bendová V., Toušek D., Koča J. Svobodová R., 2019. ValTrendsDB: bringing Protein Data Bank validation information closer to the user. Bioinformatics, 35(24), 5389-5390. ValTrendsDB Protein quality and resolution :-) 5 Cytochrome P450: Dependency of clashscore on year of release ValTrendsDB Example of analysis 6 Cryo-EM All structures It looks, Cryo-EM structures have much lower quality than common structures ValTrendsDB Example of analysis 7 Cryo-EM All structures Cryo-EM All structures It looks, Cryo-EM structures have much lower quality than common structures But when we take into account a resolution, Cryo-EM structures have (for resolution > 2.4 Å) higher quality