C8953 NMR structural analysis - seminar 1D 13C-NMR Jan Novotny 17 60 03@mail.muni.cz March 1, 2022 1Hvs13CNMR H 13C Spin number 1H:s=| x 2H:s=1 13C:s=l x 12C:s=0 Abundance [%] 99.98 1.1 Gyromagnetic ratio [107 rad.T~1.s~1] 26.8 6.7 Chemical shift range [ppm] 0-15 0-200 Nuclear shielding <3"dia + fpara Integration of signals X 7i relaxation [s] 1-20 1-40 Homonuclear J-interaction X H^C J-interaction (~ 100-250 Hz) carbon satellites (n+ 1) splitting x decoupling vs 13C NMR 1H 13C Spin number 1H:s=| x 2H:s=1 13C:s=l x 12C:s=0 Abundance [%] 99.98 1.1 Gyromagnetic ratio [107 rad.T~1.s~1] 26.8 6.7 Chemical shift range [ppm] 0-15 0-200 Nuclear shielding <3"dia + fpara Integration of signals / X 7i relaxation [s] 1-20 1-40 Homonuclear J-interaction / X H^C J-interaction (~ 100-250 Hz) carbon satellites (n+ 1) splitting x decoupling 1D 1H NMR 1D 13C NMR U)c+0.51JHc Wr-0.51J HC JUkJ H-13Ca 1H-13Cp 1Ha-13C 1Hp-13C 12, 1H decoupled Important regions of 13C chemical shifts i Aldehydes RCH= 0 R2C—CH2 Ketones R1R2C=0 I-1 RHC=CHR h J_ i— C-l Alkenes R2C=CH2|-1 Aromatics Heteroaromatics Carboxylic acids R-C02H I-1 Esters R-C02R' I-1 C-Br H C-NO, C-H Saturated Hydrocarbons C-NH; H H h C-OH C-SR I RC=N ! C-OR | ^Ar^ C-S02R r-C=C I--H UU U I Amines R-CONR2 I-1 Alkynes C=CR I- h H C-CO R 200 150 100 ppm(5) 50 0.0 1 JCh depends on the bond order ( hybridization <^> s-character) ► -C-H 1JCH ~ 125 Hz ► =C-H 1JCH ~ 160 Hz ► =C-H 1 JCh ~ 250 Hz ► X-C-H ► X = N,0, S, F,CI, ...1JCh^ ► X = Li, Mg, ...1JCH^ 2 JCh < 0 or close to zero (<3 Hz) ► often not observable in 1D 13C H-C interaction suppressed by DECOUPLING simplification of spectra (splitting removed, sensitivity) ► saturation of1H energy levels during decoupling enhances relatively intensity of 13C signals because of heteronuclear nOe quaternary carbons usually less intensive. How many 13C signal would you expect in the NMR spectrum? H N CI N Ru N CI CI S CH3 C-NMR 1, bottom without CPD 13C-NMR2 2 3 H2N y/ \W/ CI H 6 5 8 10 "vi + 12 J15 L CH3 14 13 J ► ZOOM of coupled region of most deshielded signals coupled spectrum ► spectrum with decoupling 128.5 Hz JUL 165.9 153.7 131.5 115.5 113.1 ppm ~5tU ^77" 50.0 8.7 0 C-NMR 3, b - zoom of right region, a - full decoupled spectru 1D lciC-NMR 4, consider equilibrium minor-major form Next topic Vector Model + 13C APT experiment