Leaving no one behind pokračování úspěšného rozvojového projektu 8MDG ? i 1 Ô ERADICATE EXTREME POVERTY AND HUN SER ACHIEVE UNIVERSAL H »IM AH Y tU LJCATlON COMBAT HIV/Al OS. MALARIA AND OTHER Cl 5 EASES 9 3 PROMOTE SENDER EODALtTTAND EMPOWER WOMEN REDUCE CHILD MORTALITY qp 7 jsm ENSURE ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAIN ABILITY GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP FOR DEVELOPMENT Jaké další změny ŽP považujete za globální výzvy Top Start the presentation to see live content. For screen share software, share the entire screen. Get help at pollev.com/app 2015-2030 Sustainable development goals (SPG) - pokračování úspěšného rozvojového projektu 8MDG ? - stanoveno 17 oblastí se 169 cíly !!! KONEC CHUDOBY ' I * KLIMATICKÁ OPATŘENÍ CILE UDRŽITELNÉHO ROZVOJE 3ZDRAVÍ A KVALITNÍ ŽIVOT 8DŮSTOJNÁ PRÁCE A EKONOMICKÝ RŮST mi Ml ROVNOST MUŽŮ A ŽEN MENE NEROVNOSTÍ MIR, SPRAVEDLNOST A SILNÉ INSTITUCE UDRŽITELNÁ MĚSTA A OBCE PARTNERSTVÍ KE SPLNĚNÍ CÍLŮ PITNÁ VODA, KANALIZACE ODPOVĚDNA VÝROBA A SPOTŘEBA -1 CO ^SUSTAINABLE/^«'* A I C * DEVELOPMENT V7WMLO ZERO HUNGER DECFNT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH iti LIFE BELOW WATER GO 00 HEALTH KM WELL BEING LIFE ON LAND 4QUALITY EDUCATION V* Iii in REDUCED IU INEQUALITIES i Z ► FEME JUSTICE ANBSTRONG INST11LTTIONS GENDER EQUALITY SUSTAINABLE CITIES ANB COMMUNITIES 17 PARTNERSHIPS 1/ FOR THE GOALS CLEAN WATER ANB SANITATION RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION IW PRODUCTION -I GO SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS 2015-2030 Sustainable development goals (SPG) - Pokračování úspěšného projektu 8MDG - Stanoveno 17 cílů se 169 podcíli!!! „mnoho priorit = žádná priorita" Jak prioritizovat „nejlepší" rozvojové cíle? Jak prioritizovat „neilepsi" eile? A New Way to Set Goals for Fighting World. Poverty Experts have long argued overthe best way to reduce poverty and disease around the globe. A group of leading economists has been gathering periodically overthe past several years to assess the wisest ways to spend limited funds to promote global development. Their conclusions and ranking methods offer both a new perspective and a challenge to some current orthodoxies about foreign aid. In their most recent assessment, in June, the group—convened by the Copenhagen Consensus Center—offered a preliminary assessment of the targets proposed by the UN's Open Working Group on Sustained Development Goals. The Copenhagen Consensus Center group compared the cost of each goal to its likely benefits on a scale from phenomenal to poor or uncertain. Their question: For every dollar spent, how much good is done for the world's poor? Here are some of their rankings. [Related article: Five Ways to Outgrow World Poverty) Ratings key: PHENOMENAL- Robust evidence for benefits more than 15 times higherthan costs GOOD- Robust evidence of benefits between 5 to 15 times higherthan costs FAIR- Robust evidence of benefits between 1 to 5 times higherthan costs POOR-The benefits are smallerthan costs ortarget poorly specified (e.g. internally inconsistent, incentivizes wrong activity) UNCERTAIN -There is not enough knowledge of the policy options that could reach the target ORthe costs and benefits of the actions to reach the target are not well known Note: We excluded any goals that had ratings across several categories or any that the group didn't assess. See the full report here. «first < prev 1 2 ~3J[4~ next > last» Target Proposed Goal Rating By 2020, provide legal identity for all, including birth registrations Achieve peaceful and inclusive societies, rule of law, effective and capable institutions Good Achieve peaceful and inclusive societies, rule of law. effective and capable institutions Forge unity in diversity through democratic practices and mechanisms at the local, national and international levels Poor Promote freedom of media, association and speech Achieve peaceful and inclusive societies, rule of law. effective and capable Poor institutions By 2030, reduce levels of violence and related death rate byx% Achieve peaceful and inclusive societies, rule of law, effective and capable institutions Uncertain By 2030, end abuse, exploitation and violence against children Achieve peaceful and inclusive societies, rule of law, effective and capable institutions Uncertain By 2030, increase inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making at all levels, taking into consideration the interests of present and future generations Achieve peaceful and inclusive societies, rule of law, effective and capable institutions Uncertain By 2020, provide information and education on a culture of non-violence Achieve peaceful and inclusive societies, rule of law, effective and capable institutions Uncertain By 2020, effectively regulate harvesting and end overfishing to restore by 2030 fish stocks to ecologically safe levels that can produce maximum sustainable yield Attain conservation and sustainable use of marine resources, oceans and seas Phenomenal By 2020, eliminate subsidies which contribute to overcapacity and overfishing, and refrain from introducing new such subsidies, taking into account the need of developing countries, notably least developed countries and SIDS Attain conservation and sustainable use of marine resources, oceans and seas Phenomenal Smarter Global Targets to 2030 PEOPLE • LOWER CHRONIC CHILD MALNUTRITION BY 40% • HALVE MALARIA INFECTION • REDUCE TUBERCULOSIS DEATHS BY 90% • AVOID 1.1M HIV INFECTIONS THROUGH CIRCUMCISION • CUT EARLY DEATH FROM CHRONIC DISEASE BY 1/3 • REDUCE NEWBORN MORTALITY BY 70% • INCREASE IMMUNIZATION TO REDUCE CHILD DEATHS BY 25% • MAKE FAMILY PLANNING AVAILABLE TO EVERYONE • ELIMINATE VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND GIRLS PLANET • PHASE OUT FOSSIL FUEL SUBSIDIES • HALVE CORAL REEF LOSS TAX POLLUTION DAMAGE FROM ENERGY CUT INDOOR AIR POLLUTION BY 20% PROSPERITY • REDUCE TRADE RESTRICTIONS (FULL DOHA) • IMPROVE GENDER EQUALITY IN OWNERSHIP, BUSINESS AND POLITICS • BOOST AGRICULTURAL YIELD GROWTH BY 40% • INCREASE GIRLS' EDUCATION BY TWO YEARS • ACHIEVE UNIVERSAL PRIMARY EDUCATION IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA • TRIPLE PRESCHOOL IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA ??? 1.7 m velký člověk vs. plocha 128-1012 m2 ??? Santa Cruz, Bolívia Al'lsawivah. Saudi Arabia Almena, Spain Prahory - čtvrtohory— MILLIONS OF YEARS AGO 4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 Hadean Ardiean Proteroiok Phanerozoic A B Prahory - čtvrtohory Prahory - čtvrtohory Jak se nazývá geologické období, ve kterém teď žijeme? Start the presentation to see live content. For screen share software, share the entire screen. Gethelpatpollev.com/app Prahory - čtvrtohory... i MILLIONS OF'YEARS AGO 4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 Hadean Arc heart FTOtflrOZOfC Phanerozofc A S B AEON ERA "YW___5M_(__ i 00 ZOO mm?, 100 A: Palaeůzůk B: H'.'bczoii C: Cenůzoíí Cambrian Silurian Dtwnlin tarboniftrouj Permian Tfissifc Juraiiic 0 E ERA D; Palaeogene Eccene Geology of mankind Paul J. Crutzen For the past three centuries, the effects of humans on the global environment have esca lated. Because of the sea nthro-pogenic emissions of carbon dioxide, global climate may depart significantly from referring to the "anthropozoic era". And in 1926, V. I. Vernadsky acknowledged the increasing impact of mankind: "The direction in which the processes of evolution must proceed, namely towards increasing consciousness and thought, and forms having greater andgreater influence on their ------------|j----" ----1 -I- r-l-----1;„ ----1 TheAnthropocene The Anthropocene could be said to have started in the late eighteenth century, when analyses of air trapped in polar ice showed the beginning of growing global concentrations of carbon dioxide and methane. — 12 II 10 9 S 7 0 5 1 THOUSANDS OFYEAHS BEFOHE 2000 A.D. Antropocén geologický termín zpopularizovaný P. Crutzenem od průmyslové revoluce / WW2 (1/218. stol. či 1/2 20. st.?) období, kdy člověk začal představovat dominantní sílu měnící stav „Zemského systému" w Ci v'í)fipiT&r ä Zemsky systém - integrované biofyzikálně-socio-ekonomické procesy a interakce mezi hydro-, kryo-, bio-,geo- a antroposférou v prostorovém (od lokálních po globální) a časovém měřítku, jež určují environmentálni stav planety v rámci její pozice ve vesmíru. Co může být považováno za "otisk" aktuálně probíhajícího Antropocénu? Co uvidí budoucí archeolog až za 1,000,000 let bude zkoumat dnešek? Top Start the presentation to see live content. For screen share software, share the entire screen. Gethelpatpollev.com/app Home | Opinion | Environment | Tech | Opinion Is Earth in a new geological phase thanks to us? 10 November 2014 by Jan Zalasiewicz Magazine issue 2994. Subscribe and save > For similar stories, visit the Comment and Analysis Topic Guide It may be time tor science to recognise Earth's new era - one shaped by humans. So argues a geologist involved in defining new phases in geological time WHAT is the legacy that short-lived humanity will leave to an almost eternal Earth? The casual observer might point to tourist sights such as the once mighty city of Angkor, now lying ruined amid the Cambodian jungle, or what survives of the great monuments of ancient Egypt. They are wonderful, of course, but there is another way to address that question. A little-known working group, part of the International Commission on Stratigraphy, recently met to consider if the human imprint on Earth is now so great, and likely to be detectable for so long, that it deserves to be regarded as a geological epoch in its own right. That would be our real legacy. Such discussion is not new. George Perkins Marsh, North America's first conservationist, wrote of humans changing the face of the Earth. In 1873 the Italian geologist Antonio Stoppani coined the term Anthropozoic -the era in which humans change the course of geological history. Most geologists declared the idea nonsense. The constructions of civilisation may look impressive, they said, but must surely be trivial when set against the collisions of continents and the growth and disappearance of the oceans. When humans disappear, the world will resume its course, and few of our monuments will be left. But over the past few decades it has become clear that human activities can have geologically far-reaching effects. Science writer Andrew Revkin suggested we were living in what he called the Anthracene; John Curnutt of the US Geological Survey, awed at the transplanting of species across the globe, proposed the Homogenocene; marine biologist Daniel Pauly saw the oceans' future as one of slime and jellyfish as a result of overfishing and pollution, and invented the Myxocene. But it was one of the world's most respected scientists, the Nobel-prizewinning atmospheric chemist Paul Crutzen. who proved most influential. He argued that the Holocene, the geological epoch of post-glacial stability in which civilisation arose, had ended and been replaced by the Anthropocene, an epoch shaped by humans. The idea took off. The term was used as if it were a formal epoch. It isnt - but DAILY NEWS 7 January 2016 Marks of the Anthropocene: 7 signs we have made our own epoch By Sam Wong Even if humanity is long gone in tens of millions of years., there will still be a clear sign of us and the way we lived left preserved in our planet's geological record. There is now overwhelming evidence that our impact on Earth constitutes its own distinct geological epoch, dating from the middle of the 20th century. Here are the seven signs that will clearly identify the Anthropocene epoch for future geologists. 1. Nuclear weapons Our war efforts have left their mark on geology. When the first nuclear weapon was detonated on 16 July 1945 in New Mexico, it deposited radionuclides - atoms with excess nuclear energy - across a wide area. Since 1952, more explosive thermonuclear weapons have been tested, leaving a global signature of isotopes such as carbon-14 and plutonium-239. Proč nás to má zajímat? a Low risk of transition b High risk of transition High resilience Low resilience nature vol 4Ě1|24 September 2009 FEATURE A safe operating space for humanity Identifying and quantifying planetary boundaries that must not be transgressed could help prevent human a ct i v it i es f ro m cau si ng u nacceptable enviro n m enta I c h ange, a rgu e Jo ha n RockstrOm and co I leagues. SUMMARY • New approach proposed for defining preconditions, for human IT31 development 1 41 1 • Crossing certain biophysical thresholds could have disastrous 1 consequences for humanity ROAD TO • Three of nine interlinked planela ry boundaries have al ready been ICOPEHHMEN overstepped Although Earth has undergone many periods of significant, environmental change* the planet's environment has been unusually stable for the pasi ]ühOOÜ years'"". This period of stability — known to geologists as the Holocene — has-seen human civilizations arise, develop and thrive. Such stability may now be under threat. Since the I ndustrial Revolution, a new era ha* arisen, the Anth ropocene*, in which human actions have become the main driver of global environmental change1. This could see human activities push the Earth system outside the stable environ mental state of the Holocene, with consequences that are detrimental or even catastrophic for large parts of the world During the Holocene, environmental change occurred naturally and Earths regulatory capacity maintained the conditions that enabled human development. Regular temperatures.;, freshwater availability and biogeochemical flews all stayed within a relatively narrow range. How, Largely because of a rapidly growing reliance on fossil fuels and i ndustrialiied forms of agriculture, human activities have reached a level that could damage the systems that keep Earth in the desirable Holocene state. The result could be irreversible and*. In some casts, abrupt environmental change, leading to a state less conducive to human develop ment*. Without pressure from humans, the Holocene is expected to continue for at least several thousands of years'. Planetary boundaries To meet the challenge of maintaining the Holocene state, we propose a framework based on ""planetary boundaries'. These 2009 UKmfai Pj3Irinas LmritedLAfl rtjh* rsoved boundaries define the safe operating space for humanity with respect to the Earth system and are associated with the planet's biophysical subsystems or processes. Although Earth's complex systems sometimes respond smoothly to changing pressures, it seems that this will prove to be the exception rather than the rule. Many subsystems of Earth react in a nonlinear, often abrupt, way. and are particularly sensitive around threshold levels of certain key variables. If these thresholds are crossedjthen important sub systems* such as a monsoon system, could shift into a new state, often with deleterious or potentially even disastrous consequences for humans3'. Most of these thresholds can be defined by a critical value for one or more control variables, such as carbon dioxide concentration. Hot all processes or subsystems on Earth have well-defined thresholds, although human actions that undermine the resilience of such processes or subsystems — for example,, land and water degradation —can increase the risk that thresholds will also be crossed in other processes* such as the climate system. We have tried to identify the Earth-system processes and associated thresholds which,, if crossed, could generate unacceptable environmental change. We have found nine such processes for which we believe it is necessary to define planetary boundaries: climate change; rate of biodiversity loss {terrestrial and marine); interference with the nitrogen and phosphorus cycles; stratospheric ozone depletion; ocean acidification; global freshwater usej change in land oae; chemical pollution; and atmospheric aerosol Loading(see Fig. I and Table). In general, planetary boundaries are values for control variables that are either at a 'safe' distance from thresholds — for processes with evidence of threshold behaviour — or at dangerous levels — for processes without Figure 11 Beyond the boundary. The inner green shading represents lne proposed safe op crating space for nine planetary systems. The red wedges represent an estimate of the current position for each variable The boundaries in three systems (rate of biodiversity loss, climate change and hu man interference with the nitrogen cycle!1, have already been eiceeded. 472 A safe operating space for humanity (Rockström et aL 2009) 1a) In which geological period, and when human civilization arise and thrive? 1 b) Why the development of our civilization was possible in this period? 1c) What can jeopardize a continuity of our development in the future? Although Earth has undergone many periods of significant environmental change, the planet's environment has been unusually stable for the past 10,000 years1"3. This period of stability — known to geologists as the Holocene — has seen human civilizations arise, develop and thrive. Such stability may now be under threat. Since the Industrial Revolution, a new era has arisen, the Anthropocene4, in which human actions have become the main driver of global environmental change5. This could see human activities push the Earth system outside the stable environmental state of the Holocene, with consequences that are detrimental or even catastrophic for large parts of the world. During the Holocene, environmental change occurred naturally and Earth's regulatory capacity maintained the conditions that enabled human development. Regular temperatures, freshwater availability and biogeochemical flows all stayed within a relatively narrow range. Now, largely because of a rapidly growing reliance on fossil fuels and industrialized forms of agriculture, human activities have reached a level that could damage the systems that keep Earth in the desirable Holocene state. The result could be irreversible and, in some cases, abrupt environmental change, leading to a state less conducive to human developments Without pressure from humans, the Holocene is expected to continue for at least several thousands of years7. A safe operating space for humanity 2b) Which Earth-system processes (Rockstrom et aL 2009) were identified (9)? 2a) What are the "Planetary boundaries" about? Planetary boundaries To meet the challenge of maintaining the Holocene state, we propose a framework based on 'planetary boundaries'. These boundaries define the safe operating space for humanity with respect to the Earth system and are associated with the planet's biophysical subsystems or processes. Although Earths complex systems sometimes respond smoothly to changing pressures, it seems that this will prove to be the exception rather than the rule, Many subsystems of Earth react in a nonlinear, often abrupt, way, and are particularly sensitive around threshold levels of certain key variables. If these thresholds are crossed, then important subsystems, such as a monsoon system, could shift into a new state, often with deleterious or potentially even disastrous consequences for humans8,9. We have tried to identify the Earth-system processes and associated thresholds which, if crossed, could generate unacceptable environmental change. We have found nine such processes for which we believe it is necessary to define planetary boundaries: climate change; rate of biodiversity loss (terrestrial and marine); interference with the nitrogen and phosphorus cycles; stratospheric ozone depletion; ocean acidification; global freshwater use; change in land use; chemical pollution; and atmospheric aerosol loading (see Fig. 1 and Table). Planetary Boundaries A safe operating space for humanity o o ^5 Beyond zone of uncertainty (high risk) In zone of uncertainty (increasing risk) Below boundary (safe) Boundary not yet quantified I. Změna využívání krajiny Earth-system process Control variable(s) Planetary boundary (zone of uncertainty) Current value of control variable Land-system change (R2009: same) Global: Area of forested land as % of original forest cover Global: 75% (75-54%) Values are a weighted average of the three individual biome boundaries and their uncertainty zones 62% Biome: Area of forested land as % of potential forest Biome: Tropical: 85% (85-60%) Temperate: 50% (50-30%) Boreal: 85% (85-60%) Santa Cruz, Bolívia Změna využívání krajiny - zemědělství (především) - posledních 50 změna na zemědělskou půdu - 0,8% ročně - hlavní síla řídící ztrátu ekosystémových funkcí a služeb (např. produkce potravin a cyklus vody), ztrátu biodiverzity a podkopává lidský blahobyt a dlouhodobou udržitelnost - při překročení únosné míry využívání v určitém regionu může dojít k náhlé změně charakteru krajiny Parts of Amazon close to tipping point 13:52 05 March 2009 by Catherine Brahic For similar stories, visit the Endangered Species Topic Guide The Mato Grosso, the most scarred region of the Amazon rainforest, is teetering on a deforestation "tipping point", and may soon be on a one-way route to becoming a dry and relatively barren savannah. Monica Carneiro Alves Senna and colleagues at the Federal University of Vigosa, Brazil, used computer models to simulate how the Amazon would recover from various amounts of deforestation. Their simulations ranged from a complete wipe-out of the entire forest to a situation where just one fifth of the forest would be removed. Parts of Amazon close to tipping point 13:52 05 Ma For similar s YaleEnvironment2£0 e^**— Explore Search About E360 The Mato Gro< teetering on a route to becon Monica Carnei Vigosa, Brazil recover from v< complete wipe forest would bi The boundary between ifenyin Firm nd th* Amazon raüirorut in ubid Grosso, firaiiL coustest of CHRIS LINDES Amazon Watch: What Happens When the Forest Disappears? At a remote site where the world's largest rainforest abuts land clearedjor big agriculture, Brazilian and American scientists are keeping watch for a critical tipping point - the time when the Amazon ceases tn be a carbon sink and turns into a source of carbon emissions. BY FRED PEARCE OCIOBEB 17, 2019 II. Globální spotřeba vody Earth-system process Control variable(s) Planetary boundary (zone of uncertainty) Current value of control variable Freshwater use (R2009: Global freshwater use) Global: Maximum amount of consumptive blue water use (km3yr_1) Basin: Blue water withdrawal as % of mean monthly river flow Global: 4000 km3 yr_1 (4000-6000 km3 yr"1) Basin: Maximum monthly withdrawal as a percentage of mean monthly river flow. For low-flow months: 25% (25-55%); for intermediate-flow months: 30% (30-60%); for high flow months; 55% (55-85%) -2600 km3 yr i Boundary: No more than 4000 km3 of fresh water consumed per year Current level: 2600 km3 per year Diagnosis: Boundary will be approached by mid-century Nedostatek sladké vody člověk je dominantní silou měnící globálně tok vody v řekách přibližně 25 % vody z povodí vůbec nedoteče do oceánů vážné důsledky pro stav biodiverzity, produkci potravin, zdravotní rizika, snižování pružnosti ter. a aqua. ekosystémů 8 Mighty Rivers Run Dry From Overuse Main About the Freshwater Initiative Restoring Rivers Reducing Water Use News Videos The world's remaining free-flowing rivers Only 37 percent of world's largest rivers are free of dams or other disruptions. Free-flowing rivers are found primarily in the Amazon and Congo Basins, and in the Arctic. Percentage of very large rivers (longer than 1,000 km) that remain free-flowing, by continent * 250/0 ^ n% Lfc 33% North America Europe Jjyo ^ Asia 47% Africa 51% South America ' 60% Australia 1 Distribution of very large rivers I Columbia Amazon I Congo Free-flowing Dammed or disrupted Sal ween V I Murray THEODORE SICKUEY AND RYAN MORRIS, NG STAFF SOURCE MATURE Aralské Jezero - Kazachstán, Uzbekistán Aralské Jezero - Kazachstán, Uzbekistán THE SHRINKING SEA The cha nged shape of the Aral Sea since 1960 I960 Aralsk 1999 2002 - 2005 postavena přehrada mezi S a J částí - co následovalo? Aralské Jezero - Kazachstán, Uzbekistán - co následovalo? Aralské Jezero THE SHRINKING SEA The cha nged shape of the Aral Sea since 1960 I960 Aralsk 1999 KAZAKHSTAN Lake Hamoun - Irán, Afghanistan Odvětví spotřeby vody Pacific Ocean Industry widely dominant I Industry and agriculture equally -1 dominant I Industry dominant with significant use by the domestic sector | Domestic use widely dominant ] Domestic use and agriculture dominant ] Agriculture dominant with significant use — by the domestic sector Agriculture widely dominant Agriculture dominant with significant use by the industrial sector Agriculture widely dominant with significant use by the industrial sector Source: Based on data fromTable FW1 in World Resources 2000-2001, People and Ecosystems: The Fraying Web of Life, World Resources Institute (WRI), Washington DC, 2000. _] Data not available PHILIPPE F1EKACEWICZ MARCH 2002 Oblasti a příčiny nedostatku vody Areas around the globe suffering from depleted water resources □ II Physical water scarcity Water resource development is approaching or has exceeded sustainable limits. More than 75% of river flow is extracted for agriculture Approaching physical water scarcity More than 60% of river How is extracled. These areas will experience physical W3ter scarcity in the near luture Economic water scarcity Limited access to water even though natural local supplies are available to meel human demands. Less than 25% of water extracted for human needs Little or no water scarcity Abundant water resources relative to use, with less than 25* of water extracted for human purposes Not estimated III. Integrita biosféry - genetická x funkční Earth-system process Control variable(s) Planetary boundary (zone of uncertainty) Current value of control variable Change in biosphe re integrity (R2009: Rate of biodiversity loss) Genetic diversity: Extinction rate Functional diversity: Biodiversity Intactness Index (Bll) Note: These are interim control variables until more appropriate ones are developed < 10 E/MSY (10-100 E/MSY) but with an aspirational goal of ca. 1 E/MSY (the background rate of extinction loss). E/MSY = extinctions per million species-years Maintain Bll at 90% (90-30%) or above, assessed geographically by biomes/large regional areas (e.g. southern Africa), major marine ecosystems (e.g., coral reefs) or by large functional groups 100-1000 E/MSY 84%, applied to southern Africa only Ztráta biodiverzitv - dnes probíhá 6. velké vymírání druhů v historii Země - poprvé důsledkem lidské činnosti - ohroženo vyhynutím 13 % druhů ptáků, 23 % savců a 25 % jehličnanů, 41 % obojživelníků, 54 % cykasů Population Index = 100 in 1970 - Hmyz? 100 80-60- 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 Source: WWFr UNEP-WCMC freshwater, and marine ecosystems -1-1-1-1-1-1 Ztráta biodiverzity ? Společnost • Civilizace ZE ŽIVOTA UMÍRAJÍCÍHO HMYZU Stav přírody se prý zlepšuje. Proč se z ní pak ale ztrácej! její „nezajímaví" a zdánlivě nedůležití obyvatelé? NEW SCIENTIST LIVE 2018 Tickets selling fast: book your place now! NewScientist News Technology Space Physics Health Environment Mind | Travel Live Jobs Home I Features I Life FEATURE 25 July 2018 Is life on Earth really at risk? The truth about the extinction crisis Earth's biodiversity isn't just beautiful, it ensures human survival. But to protect nature's bounty we first need to know exactly how we're harming it Ztráta biodiverzitv - pro hmyz chybí kvalitní data - úbytek některých druhů (př. motýli, vážky, střevlíci...) - jiné druhy nepostižení, především škůdci (př. mšice) - některé druhy přibývají - Homogenizace druhů = genet. biodiv. klesá - Funkční biodiverzita však zachována NEW SCIENTIST LIVE 2018 Tickets selling fast: book your place now! NewScientist News Technology Space Physics Health Environment Mind | Travel Live Jobs Home I Features | Life FEATURE 25 July2018 Is life on Earth really at risk? The truth about the extinction crisis Earth's biodiversity isn't just beautiful, it ensures human survival. But to protect nature's bounty we first need to know exactly how we're harming it Jaký je význam funkční biod i ve rzity? Start the presentation to see live content. For screen share software, share the entire screen. Get help at pollev.com/app Vyznám biodiverzitv Funkční biodiverzita • zajištění a udržení ekosystémových funkcí a služeb • udržení odolnosti a pružnosti ekosystémů - obzvlášť důležité v rychle se měnícím prostředí (klima, pH, atd.) Jaký je význam genetické biodiverzity? Start the presentation to see live content. For screen share software, share the entire screen. Get help at pollev.com/app Regions » Nobel Prize winner Tu Youyou combed ancient Chinese texts for malaria cure International Edition + O — Nobel Prize winner Tu Youyou combed ancient Chinese texts for malaria cure By Katie Hunt and Shen Lu, CNN © Updated 1126 GMT (1926 HKT) October 6, 2015 O O O • This photo taken in the 1950s shows Til Voiiyou, right, a young pharmacologist with the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences in Beijing. News & buzz MS? Russian forces fire on US-backed Syrian rebels in Julia Louis-Dreyfus makes Emmy history L . ba ■ Healthcare City UBAI HEALTH ' ALp'-'RFlJserrient Story highlights Scientist Tu Youyou combed ancient Chinese texts for a malaria cure (CNN) — In the turmoil of China's Cultural Revolution, scientist Tu Youyou joined a covert mission to find a cure for malaria. Her research has earned her the highest accolade in medicine -- the Nobel Prize "Project 523,1' was set up in 1967 by Chairman Mao Zedong, who wanted to help Communist troops fighting World Africa Americas Asia Australia China Europe India Middle East United Kingdom Edition v Q, vitaltasigns " Dr. Sanjay Gupia 3 scientists share Nobel Prize for medicine for work on parasitic diseases 8y Holly Yan and Jethro Mullen, CNN J*f © Updated 1712 GMT (0112 HKT) October 5, 2015 Nobel Prize in medicine awarded 00:10 Story highlights William Campbell and Satoshi Omura are honored for their work fighting elephantiasis and river blindness (CNN) — The Nobel Prize for medicine has been jointly awarded this year to three scientists for their work on parasitic diseases. Ulalf ^if fho inararH rtr.c*^ tri Irol^nrTc William PanrhrbKoli 3nH Vyznám biodiverzitv Funkční biodiverzita • zajištění a udržení ekosystémových funkcí a služeb • udržení odolnosti a pružnosti ekosystémů - obzvlášť důležité v rychle se měnícím prostředí (klima, pH, atd.) Druhová biodiverzita • každý biologický druh = unikátní strategie přežití • zásobárna know-how pro farmaceutický, chemický, technický, stavební... průmysl (50% léků rostlin, původu) • zdroj estetického zážitku • hodnota života sama o sobě Jaké jsou příčiny úbytku biodiverzity? Top Start the presentation to see live content. For screen share software, share the entire screen. Get help at pollev.com/app Příčiny ztráty biodiverzitv = cesta k řešení o Mammals Habitat Loss Over-exploitation Invasive Species | Human Disturbance |J Pollution Natural Disasters Species Dynamics Incidental Mortality | Disease Persecution Amphibians i ■ 40 Birds ■ ■ I ■ n i i 80 0 40 80 0 Percentage Species Affected 40 80 Problém evolučních pastí - vytvoření takového prostředí, ve kterém instinktivní chování živočichů (i celých populací) vede k záhubě (v krajním případě) „ Do you prefer the thing that's worse for you?' Junk food Albatrosses and other seabirds are drawn to bottle tops, cigarette lighters golf balls and other plastic rubbish floating on the ocean. Mistaking them for food, the birds swallow them, often to regurgitate to their chicks. Many subsequently die. foil but starving. (Image: Rebecca Hosking/FLPAf Mirages Many aquatic insects need to lay their eggs in water and so have evolved vision sensitive to the polarised light that signals a water surface. Unfortunately, glass buildings, cars, road surfaces and solar panels often polarise light in the same way. leading billions of insects to lay their precious eggs on barren ground. (Image: Achim Mittler Frankfurt am Mairs/Flickr/Getfy) Beetle beer goggles Some brown beer bottles have an uncanny similarity to the colour, sheen and texture of female giant jewel beetles. Males have been known to try to copulate with them in a futile embrace. (Image: AlamyGelebrify/Atamy) Turtle Nesting BeachV Street Lights Turned Off Mar Thru Oct NEXT I 1/2 MILE Turn, turtle! Newly hatched turtles instinctively head for the horizon. Unfortunately, street lights often bamboozle them into heading away from the sea, towards busy tourist resorts where they are crushed to death. (Image: Jeff Greenbsrg/ASamy) Napište jednu informaci, která vás dnes nejvíce zaujala či překvapila. Start the presentation to see live content, For screen share software, share the entire screen, Get help at pollev.com/app