Epidemiology Introduction Objectives At the end of this session students should be able to:  Differentiate between different types of data.  Describe the structure of an epidemiological dataset  Define and calculate measures of disease occurrence and measures of association  Describe the basic features of the main types of epidemiological studies  Explain the main features of bias, confounding, chance  Be able to discuss causality of the association Epidemiology  The study of the distribution and determinants of the frequency of healthrelated outcomes in specified populations  Quantitative discipline  Measurement of disease / condition / risk factor frequency is central to epidemiology  Comparisons require measurements Much of epidemiological research is taken up trying  to establish associations between exposures and disease rates  to measure the extent to which risk changes as the level of exposure changes  to establish whether the associations observed may be truly causal (rather than being just consequence of bias or chance)  Epidemiology has a major role in developing appropriate strategies to improve public health through prevention ◦ public health has wider meaning in this sense; it is about the health of the whole population. ◦ it does not cover only classic areas, such as immunization or monitoring of diseases, it also covers factors such as poverty, smoking, nutrition  In this sense, epidemiology has a crucial role in trying to put into perspective the effects on population health of different risk factors. Variables (outcomes/risk factors)  Binary ◦ Deaths (y/n) ◦ Disease (y/n)  Categorical (ordinal or nominal) ◦ Frequency of drinking (never, 1-3 times a month, 1-3 times a week, 4 times a week or more often) ◦ Severity of pain (none, some, a lot)  Continous ◦ BMI, blood pressure etc What type of variable is…  Self-rated health ◦ Very poor, poor, average, good, very good  Total cholesterol concentration  Economic activity ◦ Employed, unemployed, housewife, pensioner  Risk of CVD death in the next 10 years (SCORE)  Ethnicity  Quartile of income  Sex  Marital status (married, divorced, ever single, widowed) Binary outcomes:“cases” vs. “non-cases”  Persons with disease = “cases”  Definition of case is crucial  E.g. ◦ Obesity: BMI≥30 ◦ Hypertension: SBP≥140 mm Hg or DBP≥90 mm Hg or treatment ◦ High cholesterol: ≥6.2 mmol/L  Must always be clearly specified Epidemiological dataset ID Age Sex Disease Smoking … 1 54 1 0 0 … 2 65 2 0 1 … 3 47 1 1 1 … 4 53 1 0 0 … … … … … … … Measures of disease frequency  Used for binary outcomes  Require a numerator and denominator number of persons with disease -------------------------------------------------- number of persons examined  expressed as X per 1000 persons (or per 100,000 etc) Numerators and denominators  The number of cancer cases in the UK is 247,667 whereas in Belgium it is 47,948.  The UK has a bigger problem in numerical terms.  But do Belgians have lower risk of getting cancer? ◦ Numerators alone are meaningless ◦ We need both numerators AND denominators Numerators and denominators  The number of cancer cases in the UK is 247,667 whereas in Belgium it is 47,948.  The UK has a bigger problem in numerical terms.  But do Belgians have lower risk of getting cancer? ◦ Numerators alone are meaningless ◦ We need both numerators AND denominators  UK: 247 667 / 60 000 000 = 0.00413 = 413 per 100 000  Belgium: 47 948 / 10 000 000 = 0.00479 = 479 per 100 000 Prevalence  number of existing cases / population of interest at a defined time • number of new cases in a given time period / total population at risk Incidence Prevalence  number of existing cases / population of interest at a defined time ◦ Unable to work now for health reasons ◦ Injury ever in the past ◦ Ever wheezing or whistling in the chest NOTE a denominator is needed for prevalence Adult prevalence by BMI status Health Survey for England (2008-2010 average) Adult (aged 16+) BMI thresholds Underweight: <18.5kg/m2 Healthy weight: 18.5 to <25kg/m2 Overweight: 25 to <30kg/m2 Obese: ≥30kg/m2 © NOO 2012 Healthy weight 40.8% Underweight 2.1% Overweight 32.2% Obese 24.9% Women Healthy weight 31.8% Underweight 1.7%Overweight 42.4% Obese 24.1% Men Incidence rates  In 2014, 55,222 new cases of breast cancer were diagnosed in the UK.  Approximately 65M people in the UK  Most cases in women (only 389 cases in men)  Population at risk?  Cumulative incidence of breast cancer in the UK in 2014 in females was ? ??? ------------ ??? Incidence rates  In 2014, 55,222 new cases of breast cancer were diagnosed in the UK.  Approximately 65.5M people in the UK  Most cases in women (only 389 cases in men)  Population at risk?  Incidence of breast cancer in the UK in 2014 in females was ? 55222-389 54833 -------------------- = ---------------- = 0.001674=167.4/100,000 65.5M/2 32.75 Incidence rate example: 3-year study with a sample size of 100, outcome of interest was fatal heart disease. year 1 year 2 Study ends developed outcome 6 5 4 dropped out 4 10 sample at risk 90 75 71  10 participants were followed for 1 year  15 participants were followed for 2 years  75 participants were followed for 3 years Total person-years: Rate = Incidence rate example: 3-year study with a sample size of 100, outcome of interest was fatal heart disease. year 1 year 2 Study ends developed outcome 6 5 4 dropped out 4 10 sample at risk 90 75 71  10 participants were followed for 1 year  15 participants were followed for 2 years  75 participants were followed for 3 years Total person-years of follow up = (10x1) + (15x2) + (75x3) = 265 person-years at risk Incidence rate = 15 / 265 = 0.057 = 57 cases per 1000 person-years Relationship between prevalence and incidence  The prevalence of a health-related outcome depends both on the incidence rate and the time between onset and recovery or death.  Prevalence = Incidence x Average disease duration  E.g. volume of water in water tank depends on ◦ Inflow ◦ Outflow Mortality  number of deaths / total population  Rate (or risk)  the number of deaths in a specified population, divided by the number of that population, per unit time.  If the mortality rate is to be calculated in a given year, the mid-year population is usually used as the denominator.  Mortality rate is always expressed as deaths per X (e.g. 1000 persons per year). E.g. ◦ A city has a population of 900,000, 30,000 deaths occur in a 3-year period. ◦ Mortality rate for the period = 30 000 / 900 000 = 0.0033 or 33 deaths per 1000 per 3 years ◦ = 11 deaths per 1000 per year. Mortality rates can be:  All-cause mortality rates: refers to the total number of deaths per 1000 people per year.This is also usually referred to just as all-cause mortality.  Cause-specific mortality rate refers to total number of deaths due to a specific cause. Mortality rates can be:  Crude mortality rates – no care has been taken for age structure of the population  Standardised mortality rate refers to a mortality rate which is age-standardised in order to permit comparisons between different countries, regions etc. Other examples of specific mortality  Infant mortality (first year)  Neonatal (first 28 days)  Early neonatal (first 7 days)  Post-neonatal (29th day to 1 year)  Maternal (while pregnant or within 42 days of the end of pregnancy)  Stillbirth (baby is born dead after 24 completed weeks of pregnancy)  Child (usually under 5 years) Case fatality  Case fatality rate is the rate of death among people who already have a condition, usually in a defined period of time. usually measured as a decimal or as a percent.  Survival rate is the proportion of people who remain alive for a given period of time after diagnosis of disease. E.g. breast cancer has 5-year survival rate around 70%. Life expectancy Numbers of women expected to die at each age, out of 100,000 born, assuming mortality rates stay the same as 2010-2012.The expectation is 83 (mean), median 86, the most likely value (mode) is 90.