Effect modification and stratification Last session - confounding  Situation when a third factor is associated with both exposure and disease  Association between exposure and disease may not be causal; instead, it is due to a third factor which is associated with both exposure and disease. Confounding Exposure Disease Confounding factor Confounding Alcohol Lung cancer Smoking Effect modification (interaction)  the effect of exposure on disease is dependent on the level of a third factor Effect modification Exposure Disease Effect modifier Biological Interaction Last’s Dictionary of Epidemiology (4th Ed) Biological interaction is the interdependent operation of two or more causes to produce, prevent or control disease Factor 1 + Factor 2 Outcome 7 Examples of biological interaction 1. Antibiotic tetracycline and tooth discolouration • Tetracycline is associated with discoloration of teeth but mainly among children <8 years • effect of antibiotic (exposure) on tooth colour (outcome) is modified by age (effect modifier) 8 Examples of biological interaction 2. Measles and vaccination • Exposure to measles virus is associated with measles infection if not vaccinated or has not had measles • Here immune status = effect modifier 9 Statistical interaction when the association between exposure and outcome of interest varies according to the level of a third factor (the effect modifier) Exposure Outcome 10 Effect modifier (the 3rd factor) Examples of statistical interaction 1. Energy from total fat and coronary heart disease (CHD) Energy from total fat is associated with CHD among younger women (HR=2.68, 95%CI 1.40,5.12) but not among older women (HR=1.22, 95%CI 0.86,1.71) (Source: Jakobsen et al.Am J Epidemiol. 2004) 11 2. Effort Reward Imbalance (ERI) and depressive symptoms among children (China) School-related stress (ERI school questionnaire) is associated with depressive symptoms among low SES children compared to high SES children (Source: Guo et al. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2014) CHD, smoking and age in British doctors study (rates per 100,000) Non-smokers Heavy smokers Rate Rate RR <45 7 104 14.9 45-54 118 393 3.3 55-64 531 1025 1.9 Positive and negative effect modification  Positive: ◦ “susceptibility factor” or “vulnerability factor”, ◦ its presence (or higher values) strengthens the association between exposure and disease.  Negative: ◦ “resiliency factor” or “buffering factor” ◦ its presence (or higher values) weakens the association between exposure and disease CHD, smoking and age in British doctors study (rates per 100,000) Non-smokers Heavy smokers Rate Rate RR <45 7 104 14.9 45-54 118 393 3.3 55-64 531 1025 1.9 Reciprocal nature of effect modification • For any given outcome and two predictor variables, it is a purely arbitrary decision which predictor variable will be the exposure, and which the potential effect modifier. • Effect modification is reciprocal. In any of examples, the exposure and other factor (or variable) could have be labelled the other way round, and the same effect would still have been seen. 15 CHD, smoking and age in British doctors study (rates per 100,000) Non-smokers Heavy smokers Rate Rate RR <45 7 104 14.9 45-54 118 393 3.3 55-64 531 1025 1.9 CHD, smoking and age in British doctors study (rates per 100,000) Non-smokers Heavy smokers Rate Rate <45 7 104 45-54 118 393 55-64 531 1025 RR 75.9 9.9 Identification of effect modification  Stratified analysis  Compare effect estimates in strata  Assess differences in effects by significance tests (p-value for heterogeneity)  Pooled estimates (e.g. standardised) not appropriate when there is an interaction Confounding vs. interaction Confounding  Alternative explanation  Distorts the “truth”  Efforts to remove it to get nearer to the “truth”  When present, stratum specific effects are similar to each other but different from the overall crude effect. Effect modification  One factor modifies effect of another factor  It is genuine, not artefact  Property of the relationship between factors  We should detect and describe it but not remove it. Example: Height and IQ – real association or not? Height Gender IQ • High negative association between height and IQ Height and IQ Height Gender IQ • Find out that Gender is related to Height and that Gender is related to IQ • Therefore, Gender is a potential confounder Women are Shorter Women have higher IQ’s Height and IQ Height Gender IQ • If after adjustment for Gender there is NO association between height and IQ, then Gender was a confounder Women are Shorter Women have higher IQ’s Height and IQ Height Gender IQ • If after adjustment for Gender there is still a strong negative association between Height and IQ, then Gender is not a confounder Women are Shorter Women have higher IQ’s Height and IQ Height Gender IQ • If after adjustment for Gender there is still an association between Height and IQ, but the nature and/or strength of the association changes with Gender, then Gender is an Effect Modifier. Women are Shorter Women have higher IQ’s Height and IQ Height Gender IQ • If there is no association between Gender and IQ, then Gender cannot be a confounder • Likewise, if gender is not associated with height, then Gender cannot be a confounder • The confounder must be related to both the cause and the effect Women are Shorter Women have higher IQ’s Step-by-step guide to the stratified analysis Example  A study was undertaken to assess whether smokingh increased risk of stomach cancer. Data were collected from 36,000 individuals Stomach cancer Yes No Total Smokers 800 (4.0%) 19200 20000 Non-smokers 400 (2.5%) 15600 16000 Total 1200 34800 36000 Example  X2=62.07 p<0.001 Odds(low) 800/19200 OR = ----------- = ------------ = 1.63 Odds(high) 400/15600  95% CI = 1.44-1.84 (Stata)  The study found a significantly higher odds of cancer in smokers But is it real association?  Smokers are more likely to be drinkers  Drinking doubles the risk of stomach cancer  THEREFORE some of the higher risk in smokers could be because they tend to drink more frequently (and have higher risk because of drinking). ? Smoking Stomach cancer Alcohol ? Confounding  We say that alcohol is a confounding variable because it is related both to the outcome variable and to exposure (smoking)  Ignoring alcohol in the analysis leads to misleading results INDIVIDUALS Drinkers Non-drinkers Test association between smoking and cancer X2 and OR Test association between smoking and cancer X2 and OR Pool these if OR similar across strata = Mantel-Haenszel pooled X2 and OR Example DRINKERS Stomach cancer Yes No Total Smokers 140 6000 6140 Non-smokers 130 7800 7930 Total 270 13800 14070 DRINKERS Stomach cancer Yes No Total Smokers 660 13200 13860 Non-smokers 270 7800 8070 Total 930 21000 21930 Example NON-DRINKERS Stomach cancer Yes No Total Smokers 140 (2.28%) 6000 6140 Non-smokers 130 (1.64%) 7800 7930 Total 270 13800 14070 DRINKERS Stomach cancer Yes No Total Smokers 660 (4.76%) 13200 13860 Non-smokers 270 (3.35%) 7800 8070 Total 930 21000 21930 Stratum specific calculations NON-DRINKERS X2=7.55 p=0.006 OR (95% CI) = 1.40 (1.09-1.79) DRINKERS: X2=25.19 p<0.001 OR (95% CI) = 1.44 (1.25-1.67)  Stratum specific OR are lower than the crude OR (1.44 and 1.40 vs 1.63)  Stratum specif OR are similar to each other  This means that it is logical and sensible to pool them  If they are different (very different) – we should consider drinking to be an EFFECT MODIFIER (the effect of smoking on cancer is modified by drinking status) Effect modification  We still need to check one important aspect of M-H analysis – we make the assumption that the association between exposure and the outcome is the same in each level of confounding factor  If this is NOT true, then you cannot combine stratum specific ORs into one pooled estimate  If the exposure-outcome association varies in different levels of third variable we say that such third variable modifies the effect of exp on outcome Steps for dealing with possible confounders 1. Calculate crude X2 and OR – DONE (X2 signif. and OR calculated) 2. List possible confounders – we have chosen alcohol in our example 3. Determine whether they are possible confounders a. Association with exposure b. Association with outcome c. Not on causal pathway 4. Do stratified analysis by possible confounder 5. Calculate pooled X2 and OR (= look at the association that is adjusted for confounder) 6. If crude OR and pooled OR different – conclude that variable is a confounder Steps for dealing with possible confounders . mhodds cancer smok, by(drink) Maximum likelihood estimate of the odds ratio Comparing smok==2 vs. smok==1 by drink ------------------------------------------------------------------------- drink | Odds Ratio chi2(1) P>chi2 [95% Conf. Interval] ----------+-------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 1.444444 25.19 0.0000 1.25020 1.66886 2 | 1.400000 7.55 0.0060 1.10001 1.78181 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mantel-Haenszel estimate controlling for drink ---------------------------------------------------------------- Odds Ratio chi2(1) P>chi2 [95% Conf. Interval] ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1.433140 32.73 0.0000 1.266074 1.622251 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Test of homogeneity of ORs (approx): chi2(1) = 0.05 Pr>chi2 = 0.8274 . mhodds cancer smok, by(drink) Maximum likelihood estimate of the odds ratio Comparing smok==2 vs. smok==1 by drink ------------------------------------------------------------------------- drink | Odds Ratio chi2(1) P>chi2 [95% Conf. Interval] ----------+-------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 1.444444 25.19 0.0000 1.25020 1.66886 2 | 1.400000 7.55 0.0060 1.10001 1.78181 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mantel-Haenszel estimate controlling for drink ---------------------------------------------------------------- Odds Ratio chi2(1) P>chi2 [95% Conf. Interval] ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1.433140 32.73 0.0000 1.266074 1.622251 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Test of homogeneity of ORs (approx): chi2(1) = 0.05 Pr>chi2 = 0.8274 Example  STATA = test of homogeneity (NULL hypothesis is that stratum specific ORs are homogenous)  Our example – test of homogeneity: p=0.83  We can assume that stratum specific estimates are same or similar and we can use pooled estimate Summary of results  Results are best summarized in the table Association between smoking and cancer OR P-value Conclusion Crude assoc. 1.63 <0.001 Odds of cancer 1.63 times higher if smoker Stratified anal. Drinkers 1.44 <0.001 Odds of cancer 1.44 times higher if smoker Non-drinkers 1.40 0.006 Odds of cancer 1.40 times higher if smoker Adjusted for drinking 1.43 <0.001 Confounded. Odds of cancer 1.43 times higher rather than 1.63 times higher if smoker When is effect modification important?  If we find that stratum specific odds ratios are not homogenous (p-value for test of homogeneity <0.05) we cannot report pooled estiamte  We need to report stratum specific results!  Test for homogeneity has low power; → a large p-value does not establish the absence of effect modification. Small p-value however suggest that effect modification is substantial How to examine effect modification  Always examine stratum specific odds ratios – how different do they look?  If there is clear evidence of effect modification, report the exp-outcome association separately for each stratum  If there is moderate evidence of effect modification, report both M-H OR and stratum specific OR  If no evidence of effect modification, use MH OR Stratification on more than one confounding variable  Possible  Combine categories of confounding variables and create strata from all possible combinations  Problem – number of strata increases fast (for example 3 dichotomous variables = 2x2x2=8 strata)  We may use other techniques, such as logistic regression