Organizational information and NEWS
Note: If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact teacher(s) anytime
The course will be organized as a combination of (i) pre-recorded videos, (ii) online meetings - discussions, case studies, and (iii) homework assignments. ONLINE meetings will be on Mondays 13:00 (specific dates will be reminded by emails) via Office 365 - MS Teams.
Ludek Blaha - Introduction, Envir. Chemistry, Mechanistic ecotoxicology, Risk assessment, Applications and Case studies
Jakub Hofman - Ecotoxicological testing, Bioassays
Activities required during the semester
1) playing videos with pre-recorded lectures
2) meetings online with discussions about the topics from pre-recorded lectures + problem solving/case studiies
3) weekly "homeworks" and "minitests" via IS.MUNI (will also be announced by email)
--> ROPOTs = Minitests (successful passing = 8 out of 10 points for each Minitest)
[Optional (if epi-situation allows): Excursion to Ecotoxicological laboratories date will be announced]
To avoid stress at the end of semester, the exam will consist of 3 parts (3 individual written tests) during the semester. The results of these three tests will be combined to the final mark. (For less successful students, one final exam covering all classes will be offered)
Bonus points (weight 15%) - All minitests/ROPOTs from IS MUNI successfully passed = plus additional 15% points
Study materialsMS-Power Point presentations from lectures (*.PPTx) and suggested reading (all available in study materials in IS.MUNI)
Recommended reading
TEXT PROVIDED IN STUDY MATERIALS: Blaha, L. and J. Hofman (2020). Ecotoxicology of Environmental Pollutants (Chapter 27). In: Advanced Nano-Bio Technologies for Water and Soil Treatment. (Eds: Filip J., Cajthaml T., Najmanová P., Černík M., Zbořil R.). ISBN 978-3-030-29840-1 (eBook) Springer Nature Switzerland, A.G.: pp. 549-572.
Environmental Toxicology:
Newman - Fundamentals of Ecotoxicology (comprehensive, Bláha's favourite)
Connell - Introduction to Ecotoxicology (brief, simple overview)