Bi2003 Ecotoxicology

EXAM TESTS - Instructions and results


Instructions on the first exam test (Test No.1)

This first test is part of the overall examination (i.e. one of the 3 exam tests during the semester). There will be two more exam tests during the semester.

Schedule Thursday 15.4.2021 between 9:30-10:30 (i.e. replaces part of Bi2003 class as scheduled)


Student's preparation before the test

A)      study PPTx and lectures (Introduction, Chemical stressors and their properties, Toxicokinetics)

B)      make sure to have the access to internet during the indicated period

C)      have MS WORD in your computer – test will be send in DOCx file - you will be asked to fill in the text answers.


Sending the exam tests with tasks – 15.4.2021 9:30

Ludek Blaha will send to all students emails that will contain WORD file with the test questions (50% weight), and one larger - open – task: case study (50% weight). The Open task/case study requires that you write a simple essay (original text) describing your thinking related to the case study problem. Tests will be personalized, i.e. different students will receive different files with different tasks.

Students work on the exam test until 15.4.2021 10:30

You can use study materials (PPTx) or any other internet resources.

It is prohibited to communicate with other students enrolled in Bi2003 course (!)

Return your test with the answers and case study essay to Ludek Blaha - email - by 10:30 at the latest.

Wrap-up meeting after the test (MS Teams) – 15.4.2021 10:45

Ludek Blaha will provide students with the first feedback and there will be room to discuss.


