GI 251 Event Stratigraphy Assignment Guidelines Fall 2022 The three assignments will utilize actual data sets from the Upper Devonian conodont literature to become familiar with graphic correlation and then a Middle Devonian data set to look at magnetic susceptibility (MS) data. For the conodont data stratigraphic columns, tables, and an excel spreadsheet will be provided. For the Middle Devonian the core descriptions and MS data will be provided. For each assignment the graphs produced and a short explanation of the procedures and logic in the production of a line of correlation will be submitted. Grade will be based on, but not limited to, this outline, where +/- will reflect ranges within the grade bin. A – exceeds expectations Thorough and insightful explanation of data used and line of correlation produced. Clear and organized graphics. B – meets expectations Thorough explanation of data used and line of correlation produced. Organized graphics. C – adequate Complete explanation of data used and line of correlation produced. Adequate graphics. D – submitted but incomplete Incomplete explanation of data used and line of correlation produced. Poor graphics. An assignment that demonstrates only a minimum of effort and no actual consideration of the data will not be considered as incomplete but a submission not worthy of a university course. F – assignment not submitted Key references: Shaw (1964) Edwards (1984) Carney and Pierce (1995) Over et al. (2019)