Tutorial 2 and 3—Global Analysis 1. For i = 1, ...n let (Mi, Ai) be a smooth manifolds. Suppose M := M1 × ... × Mn is endowed with the product topology. Then show that A := {(U1 × ... × Un, u1 × ... × un) : (Ui, ui) ∈ Ai} defines a smooth atlas on M and that the projections pri : M → Mi are smooth. Moreover show that, if N is a smooth manifold and fi : N → Mi smooth functions, then there exists a unique smooth function f : N → M such that pri ◦ f = fi and that this property characterizes the smooth manifold structure on M uniquely. 2. Suppose (Mi, Ai) are smooth manifolds for i ∈ I, where I is countable. Consider the disjoint union M := i∈IMi = ∪i∈I{(x, i) : x ∈ Mi} endowed with the disjoint union topology and denote by inji : Mi → M the canonical injections (inji(x) = (x, i)). Show that A := ∪i∈IAi defines a smooth atlas on M and that the injections inji are smooth. Moreover, show that for any smooth manifold N and smooth functions fi : Mi → N, there exists a unique smooth function f : M → N such that f ◦ inji = fi and show that this property characterizes the smooth manifold structure on M uniquely. 3. Suppose U ⊂ Rm is open and f : U → Rn a smooth map such that Dxf : Rm → Rn is of rank r for all x ∈ U. Show that for any x0 ∈ U there exists a diffeomorphism φ between an open neighbourhood of x0 and an open neighbourhood of 0 ∈ Rm and a diffeomorphism ψ between an open neighbourhood of y0 = f(x0) and an open neighbourhood of 0 in Rn such that the locally defined map ψ ◦ f ◦ φ−1 : Rr × Rm−r → Rr × Rn−r has the form (x1, ..., xr, ..., xm) → (x1, ..., xr, 0, ..., 0). Hint: The idea is that f locally around x0 looks like Dx0 f, which is a linear map Rm → Rn of rank r, which up to a basis change has the form (x1, .., xm) → (x1, ..., xr, 0, ..., 0). 1 2 (a) Set E2 := ker(Dx0 f) ⊂ Rm and E1 := E⊥ 2 , and F1 := Im(Dx0 f) ⊂ Rn and F2 := F⊥ 1 . Decompose Rm = E1 ⊕ E2 and Rn = F1 ⊕ F2, and consider f as a map f = (f1, f2) : E1 ⊕ E2 → F1 ⊕ F2 defined on U ⊂ E1 ⊕ E2 = Rm . (b) Show that φ : E1 ⊕ E2 → F1 ⊕ E2 given by φ(x1 , x2 ) = (f1(x1 , x2 ) − f1(x1 0, x2 0), x2 − x2 0) is a local diffeomorphism around x0 = (x1 0, x2 0) whose local inverse will be the required map. (c) Show that g := f ◦ φ−1 : F1 ⊕ E2 → F1 ⊕ F2 has the form g(y1 , y2 ) = (g1((y1 , y2 ), g2((y1 , y2 )) = (y1 + y1 0, g2(y1 , 0)). Now ψ is easily seen to be...? 4. Suppose M and N are are manifolds of dimension m respectively n and let f : M → N be a smooth map of constant rank r. Deduce from (1) that for any fixed y ∈ f(M) the preimage f−1 (y) ⊂ M is a submanifold of dimension m − r in M. 5. Consider the Grassmannian of r-planes in Rn : Gr(r, n) := {E ⊂ Rn : E is a r-dimensional subspace of Rn }. Denote by Str(Rn ) the set of r-tuples of linearly independent vectors in Rn . Identifying an element X ∈ Str(Rn ) with a n × r matrix X = (x1 , ...., xr ) xi ∈ Rn , shows that Str(Rn ) equals the subset of rank r matrices in the vector space Mn×r(R), which we know from Tutorial 1 is an open subset. Write π : Str(Rn ) → Gr(r, n) for the natural projection given by π(X) = span(x1 , ..., xr ) and equip Gr(r, n) with the quotient topology with respect to π. (a) Fix E ∈ Gr(r, n) and let F ⊂ Rn be a subspace of dimension n − r such that Rn = E ⊕ F. Show that U(E,F) = {W ∈ Gr(r, n) : W ∩ F = {0}} ⊂ Gr(r, n) is an open neighbourhood of E. (b) Show that any element W ∈ U(E,F) determines a unique linear map W : E → F such that its graph equals W, i.e. W = {(x, Wx) : x ∈ E}. 3 (c) Show that the map uE,F : U(E,F) → Hom(E, F) given by uE,F (W) = W is a homeomorphism. (d) Show that A := {(U(E,F), u(E,F)) : E, F ⊂ Rn complimentary subspaces of dimension r resp. n−r} is a smooth atlas for Gr(r, n). 6. For a topological space M denote by C0 (M) the vector space of continuous realvalued functions f : M → R. Any continuous map F : M → N between topological spaces M and N induces a map F∗ : C0 (N) → C0 (M) given by F∗ (f) := f ◦ F : M → R. (a) Show that F∗ is linear. (b) If M and N are (smooth) manifolds, show that F : M → N is smooth ⇐⇒ F∗ (C∞ (N)) ⊂ C∞ (M). (c) If F is a homeomorphism between (smooth) manifolds, show that F is a diffeomorphism ⇐⇒ F∗ is an isomorphism.