M8130 Algebraic topology, tutorial 11, 2020 6. 1. 2020 Exercise 1. If (X,A) is relative CW-complex such that there are no cells in dimension < n in X \A, then (X, A) is n-connected. fat AAL, CtlUlAvi, OsfyA. i£ -f- M8130 Algebraic topology, tutorial 11, 2020 6. 1. 2020 Exercise 2. Let [X,Y] denote a set of homotopy classes of maps from X to Y. If (X,x0) is a CW-complex and Y is simply connected, then [X,Y] = [(X,x0), (Y,y0)]. A/fP -W -=> , ±<*.>r) ■ M8130 Algebraic topology, tutorial 11, 2020 6. 1. 2020 Exercise 3. Show that the Hurewizc homomorphism is natural. if) —-> H~ LT) L - U* Ce) (tu if) (s)) = H~p'-fi)C») M8130 Algebraic topology, tutorial 11, 2020 6. 1. 2020 Exercise 4. Show that the Hurewicz homomorphism commutes with connecting homomor-phisms. It means: Let (X, A) be a pair. Show that the following diagram commutes: nn(X,A,x0) Hn(X,A)- ■Kn-l(A,X0) h -tfn-l(^) where d is the boundary homomorphism, h is the Hurewicz homomorphism and <9* is the connecting homomorphism. S ^ dS * S I Jb CfJ -> a p, (s) = M8130 Algebraic topology, tutorial 11, 2020 6. 1. 2020 Exercise 5. Show that the Hurewicz homomorphism h : nn(Sn) —> Hn(Sn) is an isomorphism. -X : ji^ CVO ~> Cfy Saatcrto . M8130 Algebraic topology, tutorial 11, 2020 6. 1. 2020 Exercise 6. Use Hopf fibration S1 -> S'3 S2 to compute ^(S12). Jb(S') 3Ct- C2<) - O c±£ r9 [s<~)~->tt, (?) Cs*) -->n Csf) -+ ■ - ■ If ^- ' 0 0 M8130 Algebraic topology, tutorial 11, 2020 Q. 1. 2020 Exercise 7. (application) We know that deg(f) is an invariant of [Sn,Sn] = nn(Sn). Study [S2™-1, Sn] = Ti2n-i{Sn) and describe its co called Hopf invariant H(f). r - cf M8130 Algebraic topology, tutorial 11, 2020 6. 1. 2020 Exercise 8. What can we say in this case about Hopf inviariant for n odd and for n even? dud ^f^^ do a, = - ^ua^ M8130 Algebraic topology, tutorial 11, 2020 6. 1. 2020 Exercise 9. Show that H(f) = 1 for the Hopf fibration f : S3 ->• S2. / or ~o $~ : ZP bH —> CUTIS' i-7 M8130 Algebraic topology, tutorial 11, 2020 6. 1. 2020 Exercise 10. Find a map f with Hopf invariant H(f) = 2. Tat ^ X*e>t£~ sc"^ 4, At4A+ (a1) u f(a) ^ 14(4) («