library(vegan) ###NON-HIERARCHICAL CLASSIFICATION---------------------------------- #k-means with climatic data only clust.env <- kmeans([,c(9,12)], centers= 3, iter.max = 100) clust.env plot([,c(9,12)], col = clust.env$cluster, pch=16) points(clust.env$centers, pch = 8, cex = 2, col="blue") #k-means with all environmental data clust.env <- cascadeKM(, = 2, = 10, criterion = "ssi") clust.env plot(clust.env)#show optimal number of clusters based on ssi plot(coord, pch=16, col=clust.env$partition[,1]) #k-means with species data #transform data using Hellinger transformation spe.hel <- decostand(spe, "hellinger") clust.k <- cascadeKM(spe.hel, = 2, = 10, iter = 100, criterion = "ssi") plot(clust.k) plot(coord, pch=16, col=clust.k$partition[,4]) my.cols <- c("blue", "red", "green", "yellow", "orange") plot(coord, pch=16, col=my.cols[clust.k$partition[,4]]) ##HIERARCHICAL CLASSIFICATION-------------------------------------- #single linkage clust.single <- hclust(beta.b, method='single') plot (clust.single, main = 'Single linkage') #complete linkage clust.complete <- hclust(beta.b, method='complete') plot (clust.complete, main = 'Complete linkage') #average linkage clust.upgma <- hclust(beta.b, method='average') plot (clust.upgma, main = 'UPGMA') #is matrix Euclidean? #install.packages("ade4") library(ade4) is.euclid(beta.b) is.euclid(envdist) #transform to Euclidean beta.bc <- cailliez(beta.b, = FALSE) is.euclid(beta.bc) #what is the constant? (beta.bc - beta.b)[1] plot(beta.bc, beta.b) #ward clustering clust.ward <- hclust(beta.bc, method='ward.D2') plot(clust.ward) ###NUMBER OF CLUSTERS--------------------------------------- #for ward clustering plot(clust.ward) rect.hclust (clust.ward, k = 3, border="red") rect.hclust (clust.ward, k = 5, border="blue") cl.ward <- cutree(clust.ward, k=5) plot(coord, pch=16, col=my.cols[cl.ward]) #for upgma clustering cl.upgma <- cutree(clust.upgma, k=5) plot(forest$X, forest$Y, pch=16, col=my.cols[cl.upgma]) ###MANTEL-OPTIMAL NUMBER OF CLUSTERS ACCORDING TO BORCARD ET AL. 2011-------------------------------------------------------------- #define function grpdist grpdist <- function(X) { require(cluster) gr <- distgr <- daisy(gr) distgr } #define object kt where the results of Mantel correlations will be stored kt <- data.frame(k=1:10, r=0) kt #calculate Mantel correlations for (i in 2:10) { gr <- cutree(clust.ward, k=i) #here paste hclust object distgr <- grpdist(gr) mt <- cor(beta.b, distgr, method="pearson") #here paste dissimilarity matrix and distgr matrix kt[i,2] <- mt } kt <- which.max(kt$r) #plot optimal number of clusters plot(kt$k, kt$r, type="h", main="Mantel-optimal number of clusters", xlab="k (number of clusters)", ylab="Pearson's correlation", las=1, cex.axis=1.2, cex.lab=1.2, cex.main=1.4) axis(1,, paste("optimum",, sep="\n"), col="red", font=2, col.axis="red") points(, max(kt$r), pch=16, col="red", cex=1.2)