Bandwith – šířka pásma, širokopásmový Agile - agilní Enhanced reliability – zvýšená spolehlivost Latency – latentnost, „dlouhodobost“ KONVERZE: Zdarma zdroje dat GIS ve vaší zemi Kde? Jaký druh? Zdarma nebo ne? Kdo je uživatel? Formáty? Integrace dat? Co si myslíte o Big Data? Jak a kdy 5G ovlivní globální ekonomiku? 5G je hnací silou globálního růstu. • 13,2 bilionů dolarů světové ekonomické produkce • 22,3 milionů vytvořených nových pracovních míst • 2,1 bilionů dolarů růstu HDP Pozitiva a negativa? Charakteristiky 5G 5G je pátou generací nejnovější mobilní technologie, která byla vyvinuta za účelem zvýšení rychlosti bezdrátových sítí. Jednou z důležitých funkcí technologie 5G je, že dokáže zpracovávat tisíce přenosů více, než dnešní sítě; je 10krát rychlejší než 4G. Představte si, že můžete stahovat videa, mediální soubory během několika sekund. 5G je mezitím základem virtuální reality a internetu věcí. Každý pokrok v technologickém světě přinesl významný vývoj v oblasti mobilní komunikace s novými generacemi sítí, z nichž každá nová byla lepší než předchozí. Začalo to mobilní sítí první generace (1G), která uživateli umožňovala pouze telefonovat. Tato technologie pokračovala, dokud ji v roce 1991 nenahradila mobilní síť druhé generace (2G). Podobně 3G sítě, 4G sítě a nyní 5G přišly spolu s technologií internetu a způsobily revoluci ve schopnostech mobilních telefonů. Pokud vidíme, že osoba běží ve 4G připojení, osoba v 5G připojení jako by letěla raketou. Výhoda 1. Vyšší přenosová rychlost Očekává se, že tato síť využívající vysoké spektrum spárovaná s pokročilou rádiovou technologií bude stokrát rychlejší než sítě čtvrté generace (4G) s přenosovou rychlostí až 10 Gb / s. To nevyhnutelně vede k rychlejšímu přenosu obrázků a videí. Výhoda 2. Nižší latence Latence označuje časový interval mezi přijetím pokynu a provedenou danou instrukcí. V technologii 5G je doba zpoždění přibližně 4 až 5 milisekund (ms) a lze ji snížit na 1 ms, tj. 10krát méně než latence technologie 4G. To nám umožňuje bez přerušení sledovat vysokorychlostní videa z virtuální reality. Výhoda 3. Zvýšená konektivita Vzhledem k tomu, že síť 5G využívá širší spektrum, umožňuje přesnější připojení s větším počtem zařízení, stokrát vyšší dopravní kapacitu. To umožňuje více lidem a více zařízením komunikovat současně. To zvyšuje šance na založení inteligentních měst, která se regulují pomocí různých připojení senzorů. Výhoda 4. Plány energetické účinnosti Šiřily se obávy, že výrazné zvýšení rychlosti dat a konektivity přinese stejně velkou spotřebu energie. Cílem sítě 5G je však snížit spotřebu energie o 10 procent ve srovnání se současnými běžnými sítěmi 4G. Výhoda 5. Efektivní obchodní procesy Jeho vyšší přenosová rychlost, nižší latence a široká konektivita mají ve světě obchodních podniků co nabídnout. Díky schopnosti podporovat až jeden milion zařízení na kilometr čtvereční umožňuje technologie 5G podnikům koordinovat všechna zařízení pod jejich kontrolou s nekonečnou účinností. Za druhé, vyšší rychlost dat poskytovaná sítěmi 5G může být revoluční, což umožňuje rychlejší dosažení všech vzdálených prací, které vyžadují datové připojení. Nevýhoda 1. Náklady na založení Zavedení 5G technologie ve světě vyžaduje nahrazení stávajících mobilních infrastruktur, které nejsou kompatibilní s 5G technologií. To nevyhnutelně vede ke zvýšené spotřebě času a peněz. Vzhledem ke své složité povaze vyžaduje velké množství kvalifikovaných pracovníků k udržení správného spojení, což zvyšuje nákladový faktor. Nevýhoda 2. Nedostatek informací Technologie 5G je stále ve fázi vývoje a zbývá ještě mnoho objevit. Stejně jako vyřezávání mramoru do podoby detailních soch, vyžaduje i technologie 5G ještě odborníky, aby na jejích vlastnostech pracovali, než bude vytvořen naleštěný a „vymakaný“ plán. Nevýhoda 3. Omezené pokrytí V důsledku zvýšení šířky pásma v sítích 5G se celkové pokrytí poskytované každou buňkou snížilo. Proto buněčné systémy využívané technologií 5G cestují na kratší vzdálenost než technologie využívané technologií 4G, což nakonec zmenšuje plochu pokrytou jednotlivým vysílačem buněk 5G. Rovněž milimetrové vlny mají obecně velmi nízkou penetrační sílu a nemohou procházet budovami, stromy, zdmi nebo jinými překážkami bez narušení signálu. Vzhledem k tomu, že sítě 5G používají milimetrové vlny spolu s dalšími rozsahy, je vysoce pravděpodobné, že tato vlastnost milimetrových vln naruší 5G připojení. Nevýhoda 4. Přeplněná rádiová frekvence Rádiové spektrum již přeplněné v důsledku přítomnosti buněk 3G a 4G se přidáním buněk 5G ještě více zahltí. Rozšířený rozsah frekvence sítě 5G je také 6 GHz, což je již plné jiných signálů. To naznačuje problém, který může nastat v důsledku přetížené rádiové frekvence. Nevýhoda 5. Problém se zabezpečením a ochranou soukromí Výzkumný tým z University of Lorraine a University of Dundee provedl studii o ověřování 5G a dospěl k závěru, že zvyšuje bezpečnostní hrozby. Je to hlavně díky jeho vlastnosti umožňující přenos vysoce kvalitních dat a přítomnosti více vstupních bodů pro útočníky. Ve světě, který se stává mobilním, se ohrožení integrity sítě nakonec stane otázkou národního zájmu. Závěr Vezmeme-li v úvahu všechny výše uvedené body, je zcela jasné, že technologie 5G se stále rozvíjí, překonává překážky, zdokonaluje se a vylepšuje se tak, aby vyhovovala lidským požadavkům, a formuluje lepší plány pro její zavedení a využití. Ačkoli má v současné době má podíl na výhodách a nevýhodách, očekává se, že výhody v nadcházející budoucnosti převáží nad nevýhodami. References: (Last Updated On: September 18, 2020) The World Geospatial Information Congress The Geospatial Way to a Better Future PURPOSE INSPIRING LEARNING SHARING CONNECTING UNDERSTANDING CREATING RELATIONSHIPS BACKGROUNDS INTERESTS DISCIPLINES CULTURES ORGANIZATIONS A GLOBAL COMMUNITY YOU YOUR WORK Is Already Addressing … … Our World’s Challenges Water Resources Pollution Environment Climate Change Social Conflicts Transparent Government Infrastructure Urbanization & Development National Security Agriculture Science & Technology Environmental Modeling and Assessment Nearshore Ecological Marine Units Air Quality Modeling Salton Sea VESTRA Resources Invasive Pest Risk New Zealand Waikato Regional Council New Disease Risk Global EcoHealth Alliance Ground Water Modeling Nebraska WSP Watershed Vulnerability Venezuela Universidad Simón Bolívar Water Quality Risk Washington WSDA India Habitat Corridor Analysis Red Drum Hypoxia Risk Analysis Gulf of Mexico Carlos De Castro Air Pollution Monitoring India ML Infomap Threatened Species Protection Virginia DCR Natural Heritage Program Impacts of Ocean Currents Nicaragua Glacier Change Wyoming USDA Forest Service Pollution Impacts to Whales NOAA Natural Resource Management Exploration North Sea Exprodat Optimum Well Selection Colorado USGS Mine Tailings Modeling Michigan Foth Timber Harvesting Canada Geomatics Timber Management Sensitivity Wisconsin Tree Inventory Denmark Danish Nature Agency Precision Agriculture New Zealand HawkEye Geologic Fences England Geoscience Resources Mongolia Mineral Resources and Petroleum Authority Corn Suitability Mexico CIMMYT Vineyard Management Northern California Jackson Family Wines Borehole Geology Michigan Foth Leopard Corridors China Managing and Analyzing Land Information Parcel Registration India NJS Engineers Assessed Valuation Arizona City of Scottsdale Property Prices Germany con terra 3D Appraisals Indonesia CAMA Data Collection Oregon Multnomah County Parcel Street View Hong Kong HKSAR Government Jamaica GEO Jobe Property Characterization Parcel Land Use Vermont Agency of Transportation Year of Construction Arizona City of Scottsdale Property Explorer South Carolina City of Greer Tax Productivity Kansas Wyandotte County Smart City Development Urban Redevelopment South Korea Incheon Metropolitan City Urban Planning United Kingdom Garsdale Design Land Use Planning California Geodesign Wisconsin Houseal Lavigne Associates 3D Growth Capacity Washington 3D City Model Oklahoma City Smith Roberts Baldischwiler Proposed Building Height Limits Prague Metropolitní Plán, IPR Praha Housing Permits Oregon Conservation Planning New Mexico New Town Master Plan Abu Dhabi Smart Utilities and Telecommunications Voltage Dashboard Colorado City of Fort Collins Light and Power Power Consumption Tennessee True North Geographic Technologies Augmented Reality Italy OverIT Real-Time Equipment Tracking California GTI Outage Dashboard California Bridge Energy Group Tower Modeling Transmission Germany Geocom Informatik Electrical Network Tracing Florida Schneider Electric Inside Plant Visualization US POWER Engineers 4G Site Selection India Fiber Management Tennessee 3-GIS Cellular Network Analysis Africa Cellular Expert 3D Modeling & Visualization Indoor Routing North Carolina Indoor Dashboard Alabama GISinc Viewshed Saudi Arabia Umar Makdoom Noise Modeling Germany PSU Digital City Model Switzerland City of Kloten Solar Potential Spain CIEMAT Solar Performance Boston CyberCity 3D Vertical Asset Model Georgia City of Augusta Procedural Buildings Garsdale Design 3 D Systems of Record Tennessee GEO Jobe Transportation Planning and Management Maritime Shipping Corridors Canada CHS Bicycle Sharing Suitability New York Low-Stress Bike Networks California CCTA Roadway Status Mongolia Monmap Accident Analysis Wisconsin ECWRPC Regional Transit Modeling Spain CRTM Ramp Management Las Vegas McCarran International Airport Panama Autoridad Aeronáutica Civil Approach Charting Bus Route Planning Abu Dhabi Walk Times To Bus Stops Texas DART Road Safety Serbia GDi Solutions Economic Development and Location Intelligence Smart Device Distribution California ShareTracker Target Marketing Canada Environics Analytics Manufacturing Density California Supply Chain Modeling US California State University Monterey Bay Redevelopment and Investment Maryland Datastory Customer Analysis England Dealership Competition Indonesia Bank Market Share Japan Insurance Agent Allocation Romania Logistics Planning Italy MobyPlanner Truck Routing Germany BASF SE Demographics and Public Health Homelessness Dashboard California San Bernardino County Foreclosure Impacts Georgia Health Facilities Tanzania USAID / Amoenitas Population Growth Spain National Institute of Statistics of Spain Opioids High-Risk Schools US Narcan Counts North Carolina NCDA & CS Voter Turnout Mountains of Democracy Texas Collin County Flu Epidemic Southern California Loma Linda University Health Cardiac Incidents Alabama Birmingham Fire and Rescue Election Operations Kinshasa Democratic Republic of Congo Kenya Presidential Elections Kenya Uninsured US Public Safety and Security Pre-Incident Planning Arizona NWFDGIS Fire Hydrant Coverage Spain Servei de Prevendió Super Bowl Situational Awareness Minnesota GeoComm Fire Station Response Times City of Anaheim EMS Response Arizona City of Tempe Spatio-Temporal Crime Analysis Argentina Aeroterra Crime Monitoring Louisiana Crime Density Modeling Public Safety Funds Allocation Philadelphia GeoDecisions Preparing for and Responding to Disasters Humanitarian Response Pakistan United Nations World Food Programme Avalanche Forecasting Jackson Hole Earth Analytic Search and Rescue Dashboard Florida IAFC / NAPSG Evacuation Zones South Carolina Puerto Rico IAFC Damage Modeling Tracking Wildfires California FlameMapper Fire Modeling Fire Management USFS Flood Forecasting Russia Hydrometcentre River Modeling Texas FEMA Damage Assessment Italy Italian Civil Protection Department Sea Level Rise Massachusetts Stantec Preparedness US CUSEC Open Data, Portals, and Citizen Engagement Citizen Problem Reporting United Kingdom Symology Adopt-A-Storm Drain California Zoning Comment Texas Flood Reporting with Social Media (Tweets) USACE 311 Reporter Pennsylvania Wildlife Trafficking Africa USAID One Stop Citizen Hub Abu Dhabi Smart Device Integration Georgia City of Johns Creek Central Statistics Office & Ordnance Survey Ireland Ireland Philippine Statistics Authority Philippines INEGI Mexico Palestine Central Bureau of Statistics Palestine UAE Federal Competitiveness & Statistics Authority UNSD SDG Hub Mapping Storms of a Century US Liberty Mutual DNA Mapping London DNA Compass Global Foundation Geospatial Management (FGM) NGA Cartographic Map South Sudan United Nations Nautical Charting Inland Waterways NOAA / AC Land Cover British Columbia Audubon Green Infrastructure Virginia Albemarle County Narwhal Distribution Arctic Smithsonian Institution Peace Agreement Colombia UDCA UN SDG Report Global Story Maps | Telling Stories About Everything Peace Agreement Colombia UDCA Tree Mortality California CAL FIRE Impacts of Ocean Currents Nicaragua Workforce Washington Datastory Iowa Bridge Conditions Iowa DOT Glacier Change Wyoming USDA Forest Service Impacts to Killer Whales NOAA UN SDG Report Global Investors and Potential Tenants Texas Datastory Traffic Safety Kansas City Burns & McDonnell Engineering VISION VISION A Geospatial Way to a Better Future In a Complex . . . Human Resources Oceans Energy Networks Technology Agriculture Cities Buildings Communications Land Uses Transportation Population Nature Climate Plants Animals Water Ecosystems Atmosphere Constantly Changing . . . . . . and Interconnected World WE LIVE Creating Many Challenges The Pace of Change Is Accelerating Drought Mass Migration Loss of Biodiversity Ocean Acidification Deforestation Population Climate Change Pollution Food Water Political Polarization Urbanization Energy Evidence Threatening Our Natural World and Our Future as Humans We Are Now at a Place Where No Humans Have Been . . . We Need More Understanding . . . Collaboration and . . . Action Social Conflict Poverty Envision What’s Possible Design with Nature Create Sustainable Development Make Cities Smarter Integrate Environmental Thinking Engage Citizens Improve Productivity and Efficiency Leverage Our Best Technology, Geographic Science, and Holistic Design Thinking Protect Biodiversity Keep Moving, Learning, and Understanding . . . What Should We Do Next? Apply the Power of Geography and Statistics Leveraging the Power of Geography . . . to Make Better Decisions A Framework and Process Action Decision- Making Analysis & Modeling Planning & Design Visualization & Mapping Data Management & Integration Geographic Knowledge GIS Mapping & Location Intelligence The Science of Where Is the Foundation For Applying Geography Widely Geospatial Systems Easier, Open, and Accessible Data Computing GIS Innovation Expanding the Power of GIS Web GIS GIS Is Advancing Rapidly Integrating and Leveraging Many Innovations Web GIS Data Imagery Drones Weather Demographics 3DTraffic Scientific Measurements Lidar Full-Motion Video Crowdsourcing IoTReal-Time Remote Sensing Expanding the Power of GIS Easier, Open, and Accessible GIS Is Advancing Rapidly Integrating and Leveraging Many Innovations Web GIS Computing SaaS Faster Microservices Web Services Cloud Big Data Mobile Networks Distributed Computing Containerization Machine Learning / AIVirtualization Expanding the Power of GIS Easier, Open, and Accessible GIS Is Advancing Rapidly Integrating and Leveraging Many Innovations Web GIS GIS Innovation Distributed Architecture Content Real-Time Data Exploration Analytics Imagery Scripting 3D Visualization Smart Mapping Apps Predictive Modeling Geospatial AI Expanding the Power of GIS Easier, Open, and Accessible GIS Is Advancing Rapidly Integrating and Leveraging Many Innovations Teams Distributed Leveraging Web Services Engaging Everyone Individuals Departments Organizations Communities Sharing and Collaboration . . . and Interconnected Web GIS Is the Modern GIS Architecture Helping Everyone Do Their Work Better Organizations Communities People Supporting Communication and Real-Time Awareness A Common Framework . . . for Collaborating and Problem Solving Web GIS Engages and Interconnects . . . Everyone Providing a Common Language Dashboards Story Maps Field Apps Web Apps Making GIS Widely Available . . . . . . Taking GIS to the Edge Apps Take The Science of Where . . . Everywhere . . . Opening Spatial Analytics to Everyone Insights Location Intelligence Helps Us Understand . . . . . . Everything Flood Prediction Helping Us Understand, Predict, and Make Decisions . . . . . . at Many Scales Sea Surface Temperature Human Footprint Ecological Land Units Earth Observations Combined with GIS and AI Provide Real-Time Global Intelligence Web GIS Is Driving Digital Transformation 35 Digital Transformation Digital Automation Simultaneous Sequential Workflows Changing How Organizations as a Whole . . . . . . Do Their Work Integrated Operations Using the Power of Location to Integrate Everything Interconnected Information, Processes, and Workflows . . . . . . All Happening at the Same Time Creating Smart, Dynamic Organizations Portal Creating Smart, Dynamic Organizations Using the Power of Location to Integrate Everything What’s Next? Massive Transformation . . . Interconnected Information, Processes, and Workflows . . . . . . All Happening at the Same Time Advanced Modeling Efficiency and Collaboration Real-Time Monitoring Immersive Experiences Automation Artificial Intelligence Geodesign Pervasive MappingCloud Computing Predictive Analytics Data-Driven Analytics Autonomous Vehicles Remote Sensing Geospatial Solutions Smart Devices IoT Internet Persistent Surveillance Location Intelligence Synthetic Biology Open Data Access and Transparency Pervasive Geographic Understanding Digital Transformation Is Just Beginning . . . Geoplanning Geoaccounting Web GIS Web GIS Is Already Playing a Fundamental Role . . . . . . Integrating Geography Into Everything We Do Robotics We Are Living in an Era of Exponential Technological Advancement How Do We Take the Next Step? . . . Create a Geoscience-Based Foundation for Our Future Learn Continuously Understand the Possibilities Envision a Better Future Create Solutions Inform & Educate Participate & Take Action Embrace Technology Take the Initiative Work Together Innovate Embrace Digital Transformation . . . . . . and Leverage The Science of Where — Charles Darwin “It is not the strongest of the species that survive, Nor the most intelligent, But the ones most responsive to change.” We Need to Transform Our Understanding of the World . . . And How We Carry Out Our Responsibilities Geospatial Technology Provides the Best Platform . . . To Rapidly Scale This Work Our Collective Success Applying GIS . . . Will Help Create and Inspire . . . . . . What’s Next … a Better World We Are Exponentially Changing Our World . . . Creating Many Problems . . . Threatening Our Life Support Systems Positioning geospatial information to address global challenges Greg Scott Global Geospatial Information Management United Nations Statistics Division Department of Economic and Social Affairs United Nations, New York 4th Plenary of UN-GGIM: Europe UN-GGIM: Strengthening the Global Data Ecosystem Positioning geospatial information to address global challenges REQUIRES COURAGE TO COMMIT STRENGTH IS IN THE IMPLEMENTATION Positioning geospatial information to address global challenges ECOSOC Resolution 2016/27 • Acknowledged the considerable achievements and progress made by the Committee of Experts in the area of global geospatial information management, its contribution to the strengthening of geospatial information management capacities and utilization in developing countries, and recognized the relevance of geospatial information for the various United Nations policy agendas. • Stressed the need to strengthen the coordination and coherence of global geospatial information management, in capacity-building, norm-setting, data collection, dissemination and sharing, among others, through appropriate coordination mechanisms, including in the broader United Nations system, building on the work of the Committee. • Item on the Council’s agenda changed from ‘Cartography’ to ‘Geospatial information, and invited the Committee to report on all matters relating to geography, geospatial information and related topics; and to report back to the Council within five years on the implementation of the present resolution. Strengthening the Global Data Ecosystem Positioning geospatial information to address global challenges Digital Rich Implementing Nationally Integrated Information Systems Digital Poor Global Data Ecosystem Digital Earth Digital Transformation Digital Divide Digital Evolution Digital Maturity Positioning geospatial information to address global challenges Global development policy framework Positioning geospatial information to address global challenges Technology and society are driving digital transformation, but are we yet leveraging this new ‘data ecosystem’ effectively? Positioning geospatial information to address global challenges Do we really understand the scale of the problems, where they are, whom they impact, what are the causes, and how they can be remedied? Do we have the data for development?? Can we make it ‘production ready’ information for all? GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT POLICY FRAMEWORK How do we bridge the Digital Divide? How does Digital Transformation to achieve Sustainable Development?enable the ‘data ecosystem’ Positioning geospatial information to address global challenges 2030 Agenda: Goals, targets, indicators 17 SDGs 169 Targets 232 global indicators to follow-up and review progress Implementation via national planning processes, policies, strategies and frameworks Measuring and monitoring: Statistics, geospatial information, Earth observations and other Big Data Positioning geospatial information to address global challenges Addressing the data needs for the 2030 Agenda Positioning geospatial information to address global challenges • The scope of the 2030 Agenda requires high-quality and disaggregated data that are timely, open, accessible, understandable and easy to use for a large range of users, including for decision making at all levels. • There is a need for a reporting system on the SDGs that would have benefit from the sub-national (local) to the national level; and allow for global reporting that builds directly on the data shared by countries. • Important to create an opportunity for countries to directly contribute to the global reporting. While the challenges are immense, the digital technology that is available today allows the necessary transformation. • An aspiration is to strengthen countries’ national geospatial and statistical information systems to facilitate and enable a ‘data ecosystem’ that leverages an accessible, integrative and interoperable local to global system-of-systems. Addressing the data needs for the 2030 Agenda Positioning geospatial information to address global challenges UN-GGIM: 2011-2016 – Develop the global understanding of geospatial information UN-GGIM: 2017-2021 – Coordination, coherence and implementation • Facilitate the strengthening and normative capacity building of global geospatial information management in support of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. • Efforts include promoting the use of geospatial information systems and services for modern mapping; methodological development; national and regional capacitybuilding; standards-setting; data collection, dissemination and sharing; and better integration of geospatial and statistical information systems for Member States. • Regional Commissions provide relevant support, upon request and as appropriate, to the work of the regional committees of UN-GGIM, and that the outcomes and benefits of the activities be equally disseminated to all Member States in each region. Strengthening the Global Data Ecosystem Positioning geospatial information to address global challenges UN-GGIM: 2017-2021 – Coordination, coherence and implementation 1. Maturity: Moving from “GGIM 1.0 to GGIM 2.0” – determining our value proposition to ECOSOC in the next 2-3 year horizon. 2. Strategy and roadmap on the ECOSOC resolution and how we implement the new and strengthened mandate. 3. A new Strategic Plan for UN-GGIM that considers 2020 and beyond in 5 year time steps. 4. Raising more awareness, including political, of UN-GGIM and connecting the political technical levels within Member States. 5. Connecting more to the activities of the regional committees, Regional Commissions, and relevant statistical bodies. 6. Ensuring effective coordination and linkages across global/regional Expert & Working Groups. 7. Seek extra-budgetary and funding options, including ways of implementation. 8. More capacity development for countries in next 5 years – developing guides, standards, methods and norms. Strengthening the Global Data Ecosystem Positioning geospatial information to address global challenges Strengthening the Global Data Ecosystem Positioning geospatial information to address global challenges Strengthening global geospatial information management Contribution of regional committees, thematic groups and networks Legal and policy frameworks and issues related to authoritative data Trends in national institutional arrangements Adoption of standards and technical specifications Strengthening collaboration with UNGEGN United Nations activities in geospatial information management Secretariat programme management Frameworks, guides, norms, standards and methodological development Global geodetic reference frame Global fundamental geospatial data themes Integration of geospatial, statistical and other information Geospatial information and services for disasters Land administration and management Geospatial information for sustainable development National geospatial data and information systems Marine geospatial information Normative strengthening, capacity building and implementation of GGIM in support of the 2030 Agenda UN-GGIM: Strengthening the Global Data Ecosystem The activities and efforts that contribute to the unique local-to-global value of UN-GGIM for Member States Positioning geospatial information to address global challenges • Strategic Framework is presented as a starting point for discussion towards a strategic plan and road map that will enable the Committee to be better supported by the regional committee architecture and the Regional Commissions. • Continue to work on global policies for geospatial information management in tandem with producing tangible outputs such as norms, handbooks, methodologies, standards and guidelines. • Need for closer synergies with the activities of the regional committees and working groups, Regional Commissions, and relevant statistical bodies. • Substantively improve and strengthen the national geospatial information management capacities of developing countries towards implementing the 2030 Agenda and other global policies. Strengthening the Global Data Ecosystem Positioning geospatial information to address global challenges • Effort by UNSD and the World Bank to explore and develop possible mechanisms for geospatial data, infrastructure and policies to be embedded more holistically within concessional financing, technical assistance and knowledge–sharing services and their subsequent implementation in developing countries. • Recognizes the need for collaboration in developing an overarching geospatial framework that countries could reference when using geospatial information to develop national systems tailored to their own situations. • The framework would include an action plan and road map on means for implementation, as well as elements such as the economic impact and value of geospatial information systems, investment needs and associated principles, tools, guides and good practices. Strengthening the Global Data Ecosystem Positioning geospatial information to address global challenges 169 Targets 232 Global Indicators 17 Goals Global Outputs and Reporting SDG metrics for measuring and monitoring progress. Data compiled and disaggregated by income, gender, age, race, ethnicity, migratory status, disability, geographic location, etc. Official Aggregation and Integration into Indicator Framework by National Statistical Offices. Captures data integrity and validation. National Sustainable Development Indicators National Information Systems Data Inputs National Statistics, Accounts, Administrative Registers, Demographics National Spatial Data Infrastructure Other Sources of Data, incl. Big Data Earth Observations and Monitoring Geodetic positioning Elevation Topography Land use & cover Transport/Infrastruct. Cadastre/Parcels Water & Oceans Cities & Settlements Administrative Bdys. Imagery Water/Ocean Land use/cover Observations In situ monitoring Air/Pollution Ecosystems Forest/Agriculture Climate Population Demographics Poverty Trade/Business Environment Labour/Economics Agriculture Disability/Gender Civil Registration & Vital Stats. Mobile phone Social media Sensors Automated devices Satellite imagery VGI Crowd sourcing ?? Fundamental baseline data and new data sources Local to national social, economic and environmental conditions and circumstances An integrative data ecosystem Positioning geospatial information to address global challenges Positioning geospatial information to address global challenges Geospatial Information Services to Support Emergency Response: Current situation (fact finding analysis) and way forward (strategic framework) Kyoung-Soo Eom Chief UN Geospatial Information Section (former UN Cartographic Section) UN-GGIM Secretariat Positioning geospatial information to address global challenges Positioning geospatial information to address global challenges Fact finding analysis • Allowed identifying not only the challenges and bottlenecks encountered by stakeholders and partners during recent crisis but also the major success factors and opportunities to address them; • These finding got crystallized into a proposed strategic framework which, if implemented, would allow for the necessary geospatial information and services to be available, of quality and accessible in a coordinated way to decision making and operations during disasters. Positioning geospatial information to address global challenges Proposed strategic framework and flowcharts Positioning geospatial information to address global challenges Side Event (3 August 2015) The discussions that followed highlight the importance of: • Getting all the lead players to agree on their respective roles and mandate regarding geospatial information and services during disasters; • Conducting drills involving all the players prior to disasters; • Looking at the bigger picture to ensure UN-GGIM does assist existing processes • 55 participants; • 25 countries; • 4 presentations Positioning geospatial information to address global challenges Other references to Disasters • The 22nd meeting of the ISCGM and led to resolution emphasizing how National Geospatial Information Authorities (NGIA) can contribute to Disaster Risk Reduction; • The session on Activities related to SD & Post 2015 where the link with the Sendai Framework and the geospatial role have been highlighted. Disaster Risk Reduction and/or Disaster management have been discussed and mentioned during several sessions including, but not limited to: Topic that federates, goes across sectors and talks to decision makers Positioning geospatial information to address global challenges UN-GGIM contribution The UN-GGIM, through its mandate, is well placed to contribute to several of the core strategies included in the framework, and this starting with: • Raising the awareness of Member States on the importance of data preparedness, National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) and open data policies; • Developing and promoting common standards, protocols and processes aiming at improving data quality and data interoperability at the global level; • Developing and implementing policies aiming at improving the availability, quality and accessibility of geospatial information and services. Positioning geospatial information to address global challenges For the UN-GGIM Committee to: Recommendations • Consider including geospatial information and services in disasters as a formal UN-GGIM agenda item; • Establish a Working Group on geospatial information and services in disasters within UN-GGIM with the main objective to develop a policy framework to be presented to ECOSOC and the General Assembly for consideration; • Advocate for humanitarian and response community to review the framework as a way to improve geospatial information and services to support disaster response. Positioning geospatial information to address global challenges Thank you for your kind attention!