title_header Laboratory on Geoinformatics and Cartography 8. DATA SHARING, USE LIMITATIONS AND OTHER LICENSING ISSUES, INFRASTRUCTURE MONITORING title_header Laboratory on Geoinformatics and Cartography •“The INSPIRE directive should not affect the existence or ownership of public authorities' intellectual property rights.” (9) of the Directive • •Access to spatial data sets and services in accordance with harmonised conditions –licence agreements (including click licences) –contracts – and exchanges of e-mails Primary aim title_header Laboratory on Geoinformatics and Cartography •COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 268/2010 of 29 March 2010 implementing Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the access to spatial data sets and services of the Member States by Community institutions and bodies under harmonised conditions • •http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/HTML/?uri=CELEX:32010R0268&from=EN • Access restrictions title_header Laboratory on Geoinformatics and Cartography •Article 7 of the COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 268/2010: • •“Member States shall provide access to spatial data sets and services without delay and at the latest within 20 days after receipt of a written request, unless otherwise agreed by mutual agreement between the Member State and the institution or body of the Community.” Response times Is there anything strange from the Czech point of view? title_header Laboratory on Geoinformatics and Cartography •“Each Member State shall adopt measures for the sharing of spatial data sets and services between its public authorities […]” •“Member States may allow public authorities that supply spatial data sets and services to license them to, and/or require payment […]” •“Where charges are made, these shall be kept to the minimum required to ensure the necessary quality and supply of spatial data sets and services together with a reasonable return on investment, while respecting the self-financing requirements of public authorities supplying spatial data sets and services […]” • Basic principles (Article 17 of directive) title_header Laboratory on Geoinformatics and Cartography •“Data sets and services provided by Member States to Community institutions and bodies in order to fulfil their reporting obligations under Community legislation relating to the environment shall not be subject to any charging.” •The arrangements for the sharing of spatial data sets and services […] shall be open to public authorities […] –May be established on the reciprocal and equivalent basis –May be accompanied by requirements under national law conditioning their use Basic principles (Article 17 of directive) title_header Laboratory on Geoinformatics and Cartography •“By way of derogation from this Article, Member States may limit sharing when this would compromise the course of justice, public security, national defence or international relations.” •Have you seen such rationale before? •“Member States shall provide the institutions and bodies of the Community with access to spatial data sets and services in accordance with harmonised conditions.” • Basic principles (Article 17 of directive) title_header Laboratory on Geoinformatics and Cartography •List of INSPIRE stakeholders –Subject of political consensus Consequences http://www.ekantipur.com/uploads/tkp/news/2012/gallery_06_28/political-consensus_20120629093652.jpg Image adopted from: http://www.ekantipur.com/ title_header Laboratory on Geoinformatics and Cartography •Basic INSPIRE licence (in Czech only) –http://inspire.gov.cz/sites/default/files/documents/Basic%20INSPIRE%20licence_CS.doc – •Extended INSPIRE licence (in Czech only) –http://inspire.gov.cz/sites/default/files/documents/Specific%20INSPIRE%20licence_CS.doc Consequences title_header Laboratory on Geoinformatics and Cartography •Which INSPIRE services were the most requested in 2013? 1.ČÚZK Katastrální mapy view service: 888 513 557 2.ČÚZK ortofoto view service: 184 901 686 3.ČÚZK ZABAGED® view service: 47 231 851 4.ČÚZK RÚIAN Download service: 11 774 275 5.Útvar rozvoje hl.m. Prahy View service: 5 772 110 6. •How do I know? –INSPIRE monitoring Usage of INSPIRE title_header Laboratory on Geoinformatics and Cartography •Which INSPIRE services were the most requested in 2016? 1.ČÚZK ZABAGED® view service: 67 432 945 2.ČÚZK Buildings download service: 12 640 346 3.ČÚZK Shaded relief view service: 7 183 667 4.ČÚZK Cadastral parcels download service: 1 537 146 5.ČÚZK Addresses download service: 1 404 410 Usage of INSPIRE title_header Laboratory on Geoinformatics and Cartography •Not followed as a monitoring parameter! •Monitoring is automatically created from metadata Usage of INSPIRE in 2020? title_header Laboratory on Geoinformatics and Cartography •https://inspire.ec.europa.eu/INSPIRE-in-your-Country State of Play in EU and EFTA Member countries title_header Laboratory on Geoinformatics and Cartography •The INSPIRE legislation and technical guidelines are written •INSPIRE is a process → updates, improvements, progress –Corrigenda to the Regulations and Decisions –New versions of the technical guidelines – INSPIRE Maintenance and Implementation Carved in stone - Version 2 Image adopted from: http://ginalazenby.wordpress.com title_header Laboratory on Geoinformatics and Cartography What and when to share and provide? • •INSPIRE roadmap • • • •https://inspire.ec.europa.eu/inspire-roadmap/61