11/21/2019 1 VII. Spatio-temporal variability of other meteorological elements in urban areas URBAN CLIMATOLOGY 7.1 Urban climate effects 7.2 Humidity in urban areas • Spatial and temporal variability of air humidity in urban areas is the result of evapotranspiration, condensation and advection processes. There are several positive and negative feedbacks. • Higher temperature -> higher intensity of evapotranspiration (that is however low due to lack of vegetation • No consumption of latent heat -> rising temperature • Fast runoff -> les intensity of evaporation • Urban dry island Humidity in urban areas • Atmospheric humidity is generally lower in cities during daytime (due to lower evapotranspiration compared to rural areas – there is smaller fraction of vegetation cover) • At night and in winter there is an urban moisture excess (UME) in mid- and high latitude cities. The reason is: i) additional water vapor from anthropogenic activities; ii) weak evapotranspiration in unstable atmosphere • In some situations (dry spells, arid climate) humidity can be higher in cities due to extensive irrigation compared to neighborhoods • Bad air quality mostly cause increase of fog frequency and intensity Relative humidity in Brno Annual variations in daily means of relative humidity at three stations in Brno area in the period 1987–2010 Variability during a year Mean, min a max relative humidity in Brno area in individual seasons during days with radiation driven weather for urban stations (red) and rural stations (blue) Relative humidity in Brno Seasonal differences dryer city spring summer autumn winter 11/21/2019 2 Variability during a day Mean daily variations of relative humidity at urban (M) and rural (P) stations in Brno area (a) and their differences P – M (b) in individual seasons Relative humidity in Brno spring summer autumn winter dryer city 7.3 Wind field in urban environment Wind velocity vertical profile in different environment (http://www.wind-power-program.com/windestimates.htm) According to Landsberg (1981) in urban areas there is: • mean annual wind velocity 20–30% lower • maximum wind spead 10–20% lower • frequency of calms 5–20% higher compared to rural areas Wind field in urban environment Wind filed in urban environment is modified due to mechanical (left figure) and thermal (right figure) effects Wind field modification in urban environment in vertical (above) and horizontal direction (below) Local circulation resulting from temperature differences between rural and urban areas (modified after Munn 1968) warmercooler Wind velocity in Brno Daily course of mean wind speed at urban (blue) and rural (red) stations in the 2005–2011 period Variability of mean annual wind speed at rural (blue, 1961–2011) and urban (red, 1987–2011) stations Intensity of turbulence The ratio between maximum daily wind speed and mean daily wind speed may be used as a simple measure of intensity of turbulence. The ratio is clearly higher at the urban station. Intensity of turbulence Daily variation of the intensity of turbulence defined as a ratio of maximum wind speed (Fmax) and mean wind speed (Fprum) at urban and rural stations, period 2005–2011 Daily variation of mean maximum wind speed at Tuřany and Žabovřesky stations in the period 2005–2011 urban rural rural urban 11/21/2019 3 Modelled mean annual wind velocity in Brno area and wind roses for selected points at 10 m above terrain (model WAsP, data from Tuřany station, period 1961–1998) Localities: 1 – Brněnská přehrada 2 – oblast Staré dálnice 3 – Troubsko 4 – ul. Hroznová 5 – ul. Šumavská 6 – údolí Svitavy 7 – Tuřany, letiště. Wind field modification Wind field modification Modification of wind speed near obstacles calculated using WAsP model – an example for for high-rise buildings (60 m) at Šumavská str. a) study area (black – buildings, green – roughness, red – altitude); b) mean wind speed near buildings for NW wind direction; c) relative reduction of mean wind speed near buildings for NW wind direction 7.4 Final remarks and questions 1. How does the vegetation in urban areas influence humidity? 2. What is a typical variability of humidity in urban area during a day and during a year? 3. What are main factors modifying wind field in urban areas 4. What can be the most important negative effects of wind field modification in urban areas?