Trace element analysis of geological materials by ICP-MS I DSP analytical geochemistry Markéta Holá, MU Brno Tento učební materiál vznikl v rámci projektu Rozvoj doktorského studia chemie č. CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_018/0002593 C9067 Outline 1. Mass spectrometry. General introduction and history. 2. Ion sources for mass spectrometry. Inductively coupled plasma. 3. Interface. Ion optics. Mass discrimination. Vacuum system. 4. Spectral interferences. Resolution, ion resolution calculations. 5. Mass analyzers. Elimination of spectral interferences. 6. Non-spectral interference. 7. Detectors, expression of results. 8. Introduction of samples into plasma. 9. Laser ablation for ICP-MS. 10.Excursion in the laboratory. “The basic principle of mass spectrometry (MS) is to generate ions from either inorganic or organic compounds by any suitable method, to separate these ions by their mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) and to detect them qualitatively and quantitatively by their respective m/z and abundance…“ (Kienitz, 1968) Mass Spectrometry basics It follows directly from this definition that atoms or molecules need to carry an electric charge, i.e., they need to be transformed into ions, for MS to work. Mass Spectrometry basics WHY IONS? The electric charge acts like a handle that allows to grab these atoms or molecules. In contrast to neutrals, ions can be accelerated and decelerated, can be shot into defined orbits or other flight paths, and can finally be collected and detected. The “race tracks” of these ions can be determined by application of electric and/or magnetic fields. While the Coulombic force is exerted on ions in electric fields, the Lorentz force influences ions moving with a component orthogonal to the magnetic field. Mass Spectrometry basics Moving of particles in an electric field + ++ - The electric (Coulomb) force Fel exerted by the field on the positive charge is: 𝑭 𝒆𝒍 = 𝒒 𝑬 = 𝒎 𝒗 𝟐 𝒓 q charge magnitude E electric field (N·C−1; V·m−1) m mass (kg) v velocity (m·s−1) r radius of the ion path 𝒓 = 𝒎 𝒗 𝟐 𝒒 𝑬 + + Mass Spectrometry basics Moving of particles in a magnetic field ++ -+ + x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Magnetic field going into the page From north to South The magnetic (Lorentz) force Fmag exerted by the field on the positive charge is: 𝑭 𝒎𝒂𝒈 = 𝒒 𝒗 𝑩 = 𝒎 𝒗 𝟐 𝒓 q charge magnitude B magnetic induction (T; kg·s−2·A−1) m mass (kg) v velocity (m·s−1) r radius of the ion path 𝒓 = 𝒎 𝒗 𝒒 𝑩 Mass Spectrometry basics 𝒓 = 𝒎 𝒗 𝒒 𝑩 𝒓 = 𝒎 𝒗 𝟐 𝒒 𝑬 q ("quantum") is used as symbol for the electric charge, while z is used as unit for the charge number, e.g. 1, 2, -1, -2 etc. 𝒎 𝒛 Ions can be separated due to the mass-to-charge ratio 𝒎 𝒛 = 50…….. 𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝟐 𝐨𝐫 𝟓𝟎 𝟏 …the same separation for different analytes. (dimensionless quantity) Mass Spectrometry basics Mass number=(# protons)+(# neutrons) 1 AMU = 1 mu = 1 Da = 1.66053904020 x 10-27 kg AMU atomic mass unit - It is a unit of mass used to express atomic or molecule masses. When the mass is expressed in AMU, it roughly reflects the sum of the number of protons and neutrons in the atomic nucleus (electrons have so much less mass that they are assumed to have a negligible effect). Mass number vs. Atomic mass unit Mass number - also called atomic mass number or nucleon number, is the total number of protons and neutrons (together known as nucleons) in an atomic nucleus. 56Fe amu 55.9349363 Mass number mu = m(12C)/12 Mass number vs. Atomic mass unit 56Fe+ 40Ar16O+ AMU: 40Ar16O 55.957 vs. 56Fe 55.935 It is possible to distinguish! AMU: 40Ar 39.96238312 vs 40Ca 39.9625909 No mass spectrometer has sufficient resolving power! number of protons and neutrons (mass number) 56, charge number is +1 𝒎 𝒛 = 56 Mass Spectrometry in general • Analytical method • works with the resolution according to the m/z ratio, where m is the mass and z is the charge of the fragment-ion (molecule, part of the molecule, atom) • determination of molecular weight, elucidation of chemical structure of peptides or other organic compounds, determination of elemental composition of sample • the principle of mass spectrometry is based on ionization of molecules or atoms, their subsequent separation by m/z and detection Mass Spectrometry of organic compounds • structural analysis • identification of substances Mass Spectrometry of organic compounds Different compounds can be uniquely identified by their mass CH3CH2OH N OH HO -CH2- -CH2CH-NH2 COOH HO HO Butorphanol L-dopa Ethanol MW = 327.1 MW = 197.2 MW = 46.1 Mass Spectrometry inorganic • elemental trace analysis • isotopic ratio – radiometric dating • elemental imaging Mass Spectrometry in general The first mass spectrometer - originally called a parabola spectrograph - was constructed in 1912 by J.J. Thomson, best known for his discovery of the electron in 1897. He used the mass spectrometer to uncover the first evidence for the existence of nonradioactive isotopes. His device for the determination of mass-to-charge ratios of ions was based on turn-of-the-century research on kanalstrahlen, the streams of positive ions formed from residual gases in cathode ray tubes, initially found emitted from channels cut in the cathode plate. Local magnetic and electrostatic fields deflected these positive rays depending on their mass, resulting in diverging traces on a photographic plate. Mass Spectrometry history Glow discha rge hollowcathode magnet+ electrodes vacuum pump photographicplate glow discharge in Ne In following decades, the development of mass spectrometry continued (Aston, Dempster, Bainbridge, Nier and others), initially for the purpose of discovering new stable isotopes, determining their representation and exact atomic weight, even before the second world war this technique was used in the study of metabolism. In the 1940s, mass spectrometry was used in the military as part of the "Manhattan" project in the production of the atomic bomb and as an analytical tool in monitoring the products of the oil industry, which in the following years it started commercial production mass spectrometers, especially in the sector arrangement. Principles of TOF analyzers, ion cyclotron resonance and quadrupole analyzer were described in 1946-1953 and these instruments were also subsequently marketed, although not always initially successfully. Mass Spectrometry history Mass Spectrometry history The combination of mass spectrometry with gas chromatography in the 1960s and with liquid chromatography in the 1970s, it heralded a wide use in the multicomponent analysis of complex mixtures of organic substances. The possibilities of tandem arrangement for quantitative analysis were also discovered during this period. Main however, the problem lay in the limited possibilities of ionization techniques, when the problem was, for example, the ionization of very polar substances or biomacromolecules. The breakthrough was the introduction of ionization using electrospray or MALDI in the 1980s, which widened the applicability mass spectrometry for the indicated types of compounds. Mass Spectrometry history Houk devised, demonstrated and improved an experiment called inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICPMS), which can distinguish and measure even trace levels of elements like lead in a sample. No other method can measure such a low of concentration of elements. Sam Houk discovered papers from Alan Gray’s research at the Applied Research Laboratories in England. Gray was experimenting with mass spectrometry using a different plasma source, which sparked Houk’s idea of using inductively coupled plasma for mass spectrometry. He would just need to build instrumentation that could extract the atoms from the plasma for analysis by the mass spectrometer. In 1977, Houk built the first functional model of an ICP-MS spectrometer, which was a significant advancement in combining plasma technology with mass spectrometry. This spectrometer was named the "Plasma-Mass Spectrometer". Mass Spectrometry history Mass Spectrometry history "NOAA's "PALMS" instrument aboard the NASA WB-57 high-altitude research aircraft. The Particle Analysis by Laser Mass Spectrometry instrument characterized the chemical composition of seeds in individual cirrus crystals sampled during several research flights over North America and Central America." Replica of Francis William Aston's third mass spectrometer. Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry, Mass Spectrometry history The first mass spectrometer in Czech Republic (ČSSR) – construction by V. Čermák, V. Hanuš, Č. Jech, J. Cabicar in 1953 at Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (ČSAV). Chem. Listy 104, 955-990 (2010) Founders of MS in the Czech Republic: RNDr. Vladimír Hanuš, CSc. (1923-2009) and RNDr. Vladimír Čermák, DrSc. (1920-1980)