Trace element analysis of geological materials by ICP-MS I DSP analytical geochemistry Markéta Holá, MU Brno Tento učební materiál vznikl v rámci projektu Rozvoj doktorského studia chemie č. CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_018/0002593 C9067 Outline 1. Mass spectrometry. General introduction and history. 2. Ion sources for mass spectrometry. Inductively coupled plasma. 3. Interface. Ion optics. Mass discrimination. Vacuum system. 4. Spectral interferences. Resolution, ion resolution calculations. 5. Mass analyzers. Elimination of spectral interferences. 6. Non-spectral interference. 7. Detectors, expression of results. 8. Introduction of samples into plasma. 9. Laser ablation for ICP-MS. 10.Excursion in the laboratory. Mass Spectrometry inorganic Mass number=(# protons)+(# neutrons) 1 AMU = 1 mu = 1 Da = 1.66053904020 x 10-27 kg AMU atomic mass unit - It is a unit of mass used to express atomic or molecule masses. When the mass is expressed in AMU, it roughly reflects the sum of the number of protons and neutrons in the atomic nucleus (electrons have so much less mass that they are assumed to have a negligible effect). Mass number vs. Atomic mass unit Mass number - also called atomic mass number or nucleon number, is the total number of protons and neutrons (together known as nucleons) in an atomic nucleus. 56Fe amu 55.9349363 Mass number mu = m(12C)/12 Mass Spectrometry natural isotopes Isotopes are atoms of the same element, which have different masses – by having varying numbers of neutrons in their nuclei. Isotopes of elements that occur in nature have a constant abundance relative to another – RELATIVE NATURAL ABUNDANCE • Spectral mass overlap of the interfering particle and the measured isotope (same m/z - indistinguishable from each other) • Non-spectral influencing the signal intensity of the analyte by the presence of various substances in the sample matrix Interferences ICP-MS Spectral interferences isobaric, polyatomic, multiply charged ions Mass interferences on a given mass-to-charge-ratio (m/z) are possible due to the presence of isobars (e.g. 204Hg, 204Pb), polyatomic/molecular species (e.g., 40Ar16O vs 56Fe, 40Ar:40Ar vs. 80Se) formed by various recombinations of sample, matrix and Ar ions in cooler parts of the plasma multiply charged ions (e.g., 138Ba2+ vs. 69Ga+), also formed in the plasma. Spectral interferences isobaric, polyatomic, double charged species Spectral interferences isobaric • Are cause by isotopes of different elements forming atomic ions with the same nominal mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) • 58Fe on 58Ni, 64Ni on 64Zn, 48Ca on 48Ti • They are bet avoided by choosing alternative, noninterfered analyte isotopes, if available • Given acknowledge of the natural abundances of the isotopes of all elements, isobaric interferences are easily corrected by measuring the intensity of another isotope of the interfering element and substracting the appropriate correction factor from the intensity of the interfered isotope. Isobaric interferences geochronology U-(Th)-Pb system 238U 235U 232Th 208Pb 207Pb 206Pb 204Pb 202Hg • are formed in the plasma by a combination of different ions • the degree of interference can be influenced by the conditions in the plasma - ionization conditions (power input to the plasma, position of the plasma torch…) - tuning of the device • Ions originate from: working gas (argon, laser ablation He) sample matrix solvent example 40Ar16O vs. 56Fe solutoin: use of alternative isotope 57Fe analyser with high resolution (10 000) 40Ar16O 55,957 vs. 56Fe 55,935 Spectral interferences polyatomic Quadrupole analyser Sector analyser REE in geological samples Spectral interferences polyatomic Spectral interferences multiply charged ions • Are due to relatively rare doubly-charged matrix or sample ions with twice the mass of the analyte and hence the same m/z. exaple 90Zr++ on 45Sc+ • The formation of doubly-charged species can be minimized by optimizing instrument operating conditions. • For most elements is second ionisation potential higher than first ionization potential of Ar Spectral interferences doubly charged ions The formation of a doubly charged ion is significant in the case of Sr, Ba, (Pb). Resolving power is the ability of a mass spectrometer to distinguish between ions of different mass mass-to-charge ratios. Therefore, greater resolving power corresponds directly to the increased ability to differentiate ions. Resolving power of mass spectrometer • Width of one peak RP = m / Δm • Overlay of two peaks RP = m1 / (m2 - m1) Resolving power of mass spectrometer Resolving power of mass spectrometer Ion beam image Collector Slit Source Slit Peak Profile Low RP High RP R = 400 R = 10 000 Resolution vs resolving power of mass spectrometer Sometimes used for low resolution analyzers (quadrupoles, ion traps) „Resolution“ instead of „Resolving Power“ The resolution is expressed e.g. as a unit resolution (typical for quadrupoles). RP must be related to a certain m/z value or m/z range, manufacturers often define a resolution valid for the whole mass range of the analyzer, (e.g. 2 000 – 4 000). • Low: 300-400 (quadrupole) • Medium: 2000-4000 (TOF) • High: 8 000 – 10 000 (SF) Resolving power of ICP mass spectrometer Resolving power of ICP mass spectrometer Resolving power of ICP mass spectrometer Calculate the resolution power necessary to distinguish ions with amu: 28Si+ 27.9769284 vs. 14N2 + 28.006148 40Ca+ 39.9625907 vs. 40Ar+ 39.962383 56Fe+ 55.9349393 vs. 40Ar 16O+ 59.957298 Resolving power calculations