Trace element analysis of geological materials by ICP-MS I DSP analytical geochemistry Markéta Holá, MU Brno Tento učební materiál vznikl v rámci projektu Rozvoj doktorského studia chemie č. CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_018/0002593 C9067 Outline 1. Mass spectrometry. General introduction and history. 2. Ion sources for mass spectrometry. Inductively coupled plasma. 3. Interface. Ion optics. Mass discrimination. Vacuum system. 4. Spectral interferences. Resolution, ion resolution calculations. 5. Mass analyzers. Elimination of spectral interferences. 6. Non-spectral interference. 7. Detectors, expression of results. 8. Introduction of samples into plasma. 9. Laser ablation for ICP-MS. 10.Excursion in the laboratory. • Spectral mass overlap of the interfering particle and the measured isotope (same m/z - indistinguishable from each other) • Non-spectral influencing the signal intensity of the analyte by the presence of various substances in the sample matrix Interferences ICP-MS Non-spectral interferences matrix effect • Matrix of sample solutions to be analyzed - Total content of dissolved solids < 1 – 2 g/l (< 0.2 %) - Acid concentration < 10 % (tipically 2-5 %) • ‘Heavier’ matrices: - Irreversible effects (Clogging torch, sampling cone aperture, …) - Reversible effects (Very pronounced matrix effects or non-spectral interferences =Matrix-induced signal suppression or enhancement - Dilution required Non-spectral interferences matrix effect • Physical effects - Difference in viscosity between sample & standard - difference in nebulization efficiency - difference in droplet size distribution • Shift in ionization equilibrium • Ambipolar diffusion in ICP • Shift of zone of maximum M+ density • Space charge effects during ion extraction • Specific effects Non-spectral interferences matrix effect Physical effects - Matrix-induced signal suppression or enhancement Non-spectral interferences matrix effect Shift in ionization equilibrium Non-spectral interferences matrix effect Ambipolar diffusion in ICP Non-spectral interferences matrix effect Ambipolar diffusion in ICP Non-spectral interferences matrix effect Shift of zone of maximum ion density Non-spectral interferences matrix effect Shift of zone of maximum ion density - The phenomenon of non-stoichiometric transition of ions through the mass spectrometer depending on their mass - Origins in ICP-MS: - plasma nozzle effect - space charge effects in the interface during supersonic expansion of ions through the sampler cone - Coulombic repulsion - Results in ICP-MS: measured isotope ratio shows significant bias to the true value - Numerical Correction needed: - mass bias drifts with time (time and matrix dependent) - Instrumental Isotope Fractionation (IIF) 12 J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2022, 37, 701–726 - specific isotope amount ratio is used to calibrate the amount ratio of another pair of isotopes (same or different element) - SSB (Sample-standard bracketing) correction - mass bias: time-dependent, mass-dependent Correction factor: linear correction law 𝐾𝑖/𝑗 = 1 + 𝑓(𝑡)(𝑚𝑖 − 𝑚𝑗) Russell‘s law 𝐾𝑖/𝑗 = ( 𝑚𝑖 𝑚 𝑗 ) 𝑓(𝑡) exponential law ln 𝐾𝑖/𝑗 = 𝑓(𝑡)(𝑚𝑖 𝑛 − 𝑚𝑗 𝑛 ) - principle: calibrator with known isotope amount ratio is measured to obtain the f(t) value as a difference between known and measured value; this f(t) value is then used to calculate the correction factor Ki/j - Matrix effect: target element needs to be isolated – separation process 13 Non-spectral interferences matrix effect Space charge effects during ion extraction Non-spectral interferences matrix effect Elimination of matrix effect: • Trace / matrix separation - (Chromatographic) separation technique Labor-intensive & time-consuming Increased risk of contamination & analyte losses - Alternative sample introduction technique e.g., ETV, hydride generation • Dilution - Not canalyte/cmatrix, but cmatrix is determining factor - Deterioration of LODs • Use of internal standard • Appropriate calibration techniques - Single standard addition - Isotope dilution Non-spectral interferences matrix effect Use of internal standard: • Element (same concentration) added to sample, standard, blank • Assumption - Undergoes same suppression / enhancement as analyte • Selection - Most important criterion: close agreement in m/z • Further conditions Not present in sample No precipitation, no volatilization No spectral overlap • All calculations with Ianalyte / Iinternal standard • Additional advantage: improved precision - Correction for signal drift & instrument instability ICP-Q-MS Users Guide Sample Collection and Preparation No Particles: Samples for solution mode ICP-Q-MS should be particulate free in order to prevent clogging of sample tubing and the nebulizer capillaries (particularly for concentric and micro-concentric types). Samples containing solids (even nanoparticles) will not ionize the same way as liquid samples, and thus can negatively affect quantitative analysis. Particles may be removed by filtration or by centrifugation and decanting. Dilute Samples in 1-2 % Nitric Acid: Sample solutions should ideally share a matrix similar to calibration standards. Commercially available single and multielement standards often have matrices comprised of 1-5% nitric acid. Acidification prevents dissolved species from readily sorbing onto tubing and container walls. Nitric acid is preferred because it generates fewer polyatomic interferences compared to other acids. ICP-Q-MS Users Guide Sample Collection and Preparation Dilute Samples to <<< 0.2 wt% (2000 ppm; preferably ≤200 ppm) Total Dissolved Solids: It is important to limit total dissolved sample contents in order to minimize matrix effects that can affect the consistency of ionization in the plasma as well as focusing and collimation of the ion beam beyond the interface region of the ICP-Q-MS. Dilution is also important to ensure that measurement conditions remain consistent throughout the analytical session. Analysis of high TDS samples can rapidly deposit coatings onto sampler and skimmer cones that change orifice shapes and flow dynamics. Such deposits can also constitute a contamination source if partially ionized during subsequent analyses. Example: salinity of seewater 3.5 % (35 000 ppm). Dilution 175x to obtain 200 ppm. Will trace elements be detectable? ICP-Q-MS Users Guide Sample Collection and Preparation Plan Quality Control in Advance: Quality control statistics typically derive from analyses of method blanks, matrix spikes, and certified reference materials of known concentration. Method (or procedural) blanks, sample processed identically to real samples except that no sample is actually added, provide a measure of all processing-related contamination (airborne, reagents/acids, labware, personal) that could potentially contribute to measured concentrations. Matrix spikes provide a means of evaluating the extent to which quantitative results may suffer as a result of matrix differences between samples and calibrations standards. Quality control standards are often analyzed periodically throughout a run of unknowns. Accuracy and precision obtainable by the data acquisition method can be evaluated from recoveries and standard deviations relative to certified concentrations. Reference standards should be independently sourced from stocks used for calibration standards. ICP-Q-MS Users Guide Sample Collection and Preparation