Introduction to Computational Quantum Chemistry Lesson 11 : Relativistic Calculations (Prepared by Radek Marek Research Group) Lesson 11 - Relativistic Calculations 1 Why Relativistic Quantum Chemistry? recall the non-relativistic Hamiltonian ˆH = i=1 ˆp2 i 2m + i VNi + Vee + Vnuc ˆp2 i 2m is the non-relativistic kinetic energy operator in heavy atoms (HA) the inner shell electrons has a speed comparable with speed of light. the core electrons of HA show sizable relativistic effects: mrel = me 1 − ve/c2 “response properties" like NMR shift is very sensitive to this effect. (Prepared by Radek Marek Research Group) Lesson 11 - Relativistic Calculations 2 Dirac Atomic Theory the marriage the Quantum Theory and Theory of Relativity Dirac labor alone on the problem for 3 years before publishing it in 1928, "The Quantum Theory of the Electron" ( if we compare Hamiltonians of Schrodinger and Dirac Equation, we can see that there’s an α and β terms, unknown terms in which Dirac introduced to proceed. ˆH = − 1 2 2 + v(r) ˆH = α · p + βc2 + v(r) these supposed introduction of α and β terms (4×4 matrices) naturally suggest its four component nature as well as positive and negative energy solutions. (Prepared by Radek Marek Research Group) Lesson 11 - Relativistic Calculations 3 Relativistic Quantum Chemistry relativistic corrections to non-relativistic energy value HR = HNR − p2 8c2 + ∆v 8c2 + 1 2c2 1 r dv dr 1 · s − p2 8c2 , mass-velocity : variation of the mass with the velocity; affects contraction and stabilization of s and p shells ; expansion and destabilization of the d and f shells) + ∆v 8c2 , Darwin: correction potential energy + 1 2c2 1 r dv dr 1 · s spin-orbit coupling: interaction of the electron spin and the orientation of electronic motions (orbital angular momentum) accurately described by the “fine structure” splitting of the Hydrogen spectrum (Michelson-Morley, 1887). (Prepared by Radek Marek Research Group) Lesson 11 - Relativistic Calculations 4 from full Dirac to ZORA equation Two-Component Relativistic Methods the high computational cost of four-components relativistic calculations has motivated the development of computationally less demanding two-component Hamiltonians. two component relativistic Hamiltonians (involving only positive energy orbitals): pseudopotential and all- electron methods. ZORA: accurate and efficient relativistic DFT the zeroth order regular approximation (ZORA) to the Dirac equation accurately and efficiently treats relativistic effects in chemistry and can be applied with scalar and spin-orbit corrections. (Prepared by Radek Marek Research Group) Lesson 11 - Relativistic Calculations 5 from Dirac to ZORA equation from Four-component Dirac Vnuc + Jφφ − Kφφ + Jχχ cσ · p − kφχ cσ · p − kχφ −2c2 + Vnuc + Jφφ − Kφφ + Jχχ · φ χ = E φ χ (after a long derivation) to Two-Component Zeroth Order Approximation HZORA ΨZORA = EZORA ΨZORA HZORA = V + p c2 2c2 − v p + p c2 2c2 − v σ( V × p) the approx. can now isolate scalar and spin-orbit effects (Prepared by Radek Marek Research Group) Lesson 11 - Relativistic Calculations 6 ReSpect vs ADF ReSpect (RelativisticSpectroscopy) program enables the prediction and understanding of molecular and material properties using full Dirac Hamiltonian. ( ) ADF (Amsterdam Density Functional) program enables the prediction and understanding of molecular and material properties using Zeroth Order Approximation (ZORA) ( (Prepared by Radek Marek Research Group) Lesson 11 - Relativistic Calculations 7 Activity 1: ADF recall, the NMR Shifts [δ] of specific atom (i) in a molecule is obtained by subtracting NMR shielding [σ] constants from a reference: δi = σref − σi ADF NMR Shielding calculations calculate the NMR properties of hydrogen in HI, HCl, and Benzene use the prepared input files distributed in IS ( HCl_Scalar.inp, nmr.inp, etc) take a look at the script to see how adf job submission works. NOTE: there are two parts of adf calculation, SCF module-calculation and the NMR shielding calculation. (Prepared by Radek Marek Research Group) Lesson 11 - Relativistic Calculations 8 Activity 1: ADF, cont. after the successful NMR run, check the .out file, look for the keyword “PARAMAGNETIC (), DIAMAGNETIC () and SPIN ORBIT (NMR SHIELDING TENSOR)” and below the “isotropic” shielding value(s) of the atom(s) sought. NOTE: PARA eigenvalues is associated with ground and excited state transitions, DIA contribution is only associated with the ground-state (this is beyond the scope of our session). (Prepared by Radek Marek Research Group) Lesson 11 - Relativistic Calculations 9 Activity 1: ADF, cont. after the successful calculations, ZORA Scalar and ZORA Spin-Orbit approximations, compare the values with the experiment, complete this table: (Prepared by Radek Marek Research Group) Lesson 11 - Relativistic Calculations 10 Activity 2: ReSpect ReSpect NMR Shielding Calculations calculate the NMR properties of hydrogen in HI, and HCl use the prepared input files distributed in IS take a look at the script to see how ResPect run works. NOTE: analogous to ADF, there are two parts of ReSpect calculation. SCF module-calculation of unperturbed ground state MO coefficient, in our case we started a guess SCF from (ksdkh2/pbe0) to (mdks/pbe0, i.e. Dirac Kohn Sham Implementation) CS module-calculation of the chemical shift properties (Prepared by Radek Marek Research Group) Lesson 11 - Relativistic Calculations 11 Activity 2: ReSpect, (Cont.) after the successful CS calculation, check the .out_cs file and look for the keyword “CHEMICAL SHIELDING FOR NUCLEUS (your ATOM)” and below is the “Principal values of the NMR shielding tensor” where the PARA and DIA part shielding value(s) of the atom(s) sought. NOTE: in this full Diract calculation, the “SO effect" is embedded in PARA and DIA, thus we can’t isolate the SO effects as opposed to the ADF ZORA calculations. (Prepared by Radek Marek Research Group) Lesson 11 - Relativistic Calculations 12 Activity 1: ResSpect, cont. after the successful calculation, compare the values with the experiment, complete this table: (Prepared by Radek Marek Research Group) Lesson 11 - Relativistic Calculations 13 Questions which system(s) are sensitive to relativistic effects? from these activities, which method has the calculated value(s) that corroborates best with experimental 1 H NMR shifts? is it worth choosing a computational method that contains approximations that are cheap and has a practical results? (Prepared by Radek Marek Research Group) Lesson 11 - Relativistic Calculations 14 END (Prepared by Radek Marek Research Group) Lesson 11 - Relativistic Calculations 15 ANSWER KEY The SO effect as we can see here becomes more significant as the system involves heavier atoms (HCl to HI). The full Dirac calculation provides the best results based on these geometries. (Prepared by Radek Marek Research Group) Lesson 11 - Relativistic Calculations 16