CG920 Genomics Finishing Lesson 2 Genes Identification Jan Hejátko Functional Genomics and Proteomics of Plants, CEITEC - Central European Institute of Technology And National Centre for Bimolecular Research, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Brno, 2 2  Identification of Genes Ab Initio  Constructing gene-enriched libraries using methylation filtration technology  EST libraries  Forward and reverse genetics  Experimental Genes Identification  Genomic colinearity and genomic homology  Structure of genes and searching for them  Forward and Reverse Genetics Approaches  Differences between the approaches used for identification of genes and their function Outline (finishing Lesson 02) 3 3  Alteration of phenotype after mutagenesis  Forward genetics  Identification of sequence-specific mutant and analysis of its phenotype  Reverse genetics  Analysis of expression of a particular gene and its spatiotemporal specifity  Principles of experimental identification of genes using forward and revers genetics Forward and Reverse Genetics 4 4  Alteration of phenotype after mutagenesis  Forward genetics  Principles of experimental identification of genes using forward and reverse genetics Forward Genetics 5 Identification of CKI1 via Activation Mutagenesis  CKI1 overexpression mimics cytokinin response Kakimoto, Science, 1996 NO hormones tZ ctrl1 ctrl2Plasmid Rescue Pro35S::CK1 5 6 Signal Transduction via MSP NUCLEUS CYTOKININ PM AHK sensor histidine kinases • AHK2 • AHK3 • CRE1/AHK4/WOL REGULATION OF TRANSCRIPTION INTERACTION WITH EFFECTOR PROTEINS HPt Proteins • AHP1-6 Response Regulators • ARR1-24 6 7 7  Alteration of phenotype after mutagenesis  Forward genetics  Identification of insertional mutant and analysis of its phenotype  Reverse genetics  Principles of experimental identification of genes using forward and revers genetics Reverse Genetics 8 Identification of insertional cki1 mutant allele 8 9  CKI1 is necessary for proper megagametogenesis in Arabidopsis CKI1/CKI1CKI1/cki1-i Hejátko et al., Mol Genet Genomics (2003) CKI1 and Megagametogenesis 9 10 cki1-i reveals non-Mendelian inheritance ♂ ♀ P CKI1/cki1-i F1 Anticipated: CKI1 cki1-i CKI1 cki1-i CKI1/CKI1 CKI1/cki1-i CKI1/cki1-i cki1-i/cki1-i 1 CKI1 : 2 CKI1/cki1-i : 1 cki1-i Observed: 1 CKI1 : 1 CKI1/cki1-i 11 A. ♂ wt x ♀ CKI1/cki1-i B. ♂ CKI1/cki1-i x ♀ wt C. ♂ wt x ♀ CKI1/cki1-i D. ♂ CKI1/cki1-i x ♀ wt CKI1 specific primers (PCR positive control) cki1-i specific primers CKI1 and Megagametogenesis  cki1-i is not transmitted through the female gametophyte 11 12 FG 0FG 1FG 2FG 3FG 4 CKI1 and Megagametogenesis 12 13 cki1-iCKI1 late FG5FG6FG7 24 HAE48 HAE CKI1 and Megagametogenesis Hejátko et al., Mol Genet Genomics (2003) 13 14 14  Alteration of phenotype after mutagenesis  Forward genetics  Identification of insertional mutant and analysis of its phenotype  Reverse genetics  Analysis of expression of a particular gene and its spatiotemporal specifity  Principles of experimental identification of genes using forward and reverse genetics Forward and Reverse Genetics 15 CKI1 is Expressed During Megagametogenesis FG0-FG1 FG3-FG4 FG4-FG5 FG7 15 16 12 HAP (hours after pollination) 24 HAP48 HAP72 HAP ♀ wt x ♂ ProCKI1:GUS Paternal CKI1 is Expressed in the Arabidopsis Sporophyte Early after Fertilization 24 HAP Hejátko et al., Mol Genet Genomics (2003) 16 CG920 Genomics Lesson 3 Reverse Genetics Jan Hejátko Functional Genomics and Proteomics of Plants, CEITEC - Central European Institute of Technology And National Centre for Bimolecular Research, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Brno, 18 18  Literature sources for Chapter 03:  Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics, 2009, Jonathan Pevsner, WilleyBlackwell, Hobocken, New Jersey  Plant Functional Genomics, ed. Erich Grotewold, 2003, Humana Press, Totowa, New Jersey  Mello, C.C. and Conte Jr., D. (2004) Revealing the world of RNA interference. Nature, 431, 338-342.  Klinakis et al.. (2000) Genome-wide insertional mutagenesis in human cells by the Drosophila mobile element Minos. EMBO Rep, 1, 416.  Hansen et al.. (2003) A large-scale, gene-driven mutagenesis approach for the functional analysis of the mouse genome. PNAS, 100, 9918. Literature 19 „Classical genetics“ approach 1. IDENTIFICATION OF PHENOTYPE 2. GENE MAPPING 3. GENE IDENTIFICATION - position cloning „Reverse genetics“ approach 1. ISOLATION OF SEQUENCE-SPECIFIC MUTANT 2. IDENTIFICATION OF PHENOTYPE 3. PROOF OF CAUSAL RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN INSERTION AND PHENOTYPE RANDOM MUTAGENESIS „Classical“ genetics versus „reverse genetics“ approaches in functional genomics EMS T-DNA (retro)transposons 19 20 20  Analysis of Phenotype and Confirmation of Causality Between Phenotype and Insertional Mutation  Using unstable insertional mutagens and isolation of revertant lines  Co-segregation analysis  Methods for Identification of Sequence-Specific Mutants  Preparation of mutants collection  Searching for sequence-specific mutants using PCR  Searching for sequence-specific mutants in electronic databases  Identification of independent insertional allele Outline  Knocking-out the gene using homologous recombinantion  Mutant complementation by the transgene 21 21  Methods of identification of sequence-specific mutants  Preparation of mutants collection Outline 22 • Mobile elements • Stable elements  Autonomous transposons (En-1)  Non-autonomous transposons (dSpm)  T-DNA  They contain a gene for transponase, enabling excision and reintegration into the genome  At both ends they contain short inverted repeat, which are recognized by transponase  mutant of En/Spm transposon, which has lost autonomy because of mutation in a gene for transponase  It can be activated by crossing with a line carrying the En/Spm transposon  completely stable, however, its insertion can lead to chromosome rearrangements (inversions, deletions, transpositions) Types of Insertional Mutagens 22 23 23 Searching for sequence-specific mutants by PCR Libraries of Insertional Mutants (plants) Preparation of transgenic plants Creating the population of mutants 24 24 Libraries of Insertional Mutants (animals) Transfection into human cell cultures (HeLa) or mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells Generating a population of mutant cell lines and frequence-analysis of insertions in vitro analysis or preparation of library of insertional mutants by reintroingression ES into mouse embryos Technologii inzerční mutageneze lze využít i u živočichů. Zda se využívají např. transpozony odvozené z Drosophily (transpozon Minos, viz schéma vlevo nahoře (Klinakis et al., 2000). V tomto případě bylo nutne provést kotransfekci s tzv. helper plasmiem, kódujícím transponázu (neautonomní transpozon). Neo kóduje rezistenci k neomycinu, šipky ukazují směr transkripce řízený přislušnými promotory, pA je polyadenylační signál, ori je počátek replikace viru SV40, S-P je promotor téhož viru. Pro identifikaci inzercí „in frame“ se zasaženými geny lze využít transpozony, obsahující fůzi akceptorových míst sestřihu s ORF reportérového genu, např. lacZneo (bez AUG kodonu). Tento přístup umožňuje identifikovat inzerce do aktivních genů prostřednictvím selekce inzerčních mutantů na rezistenci k neomycinu, resp. vykazující β-galaktozidázovou aktivitu (Klinakis et al., 2000). 25 25  Methods of identification of sequence-specific mutants  Preparation of mutants collection  Searching for sequence-specific mutants using PCR  PCR-based three-dimensional screening Outline 26 Isolation of sequence-specific mutants 1. Library of En-1 insertional mutants • 3000 independent lines • 5 copies per line on average • PCR-based three-dimensional screening • autonomous En/Spm, without selection 26 27 Základy genomiky III, Přístupy reverzní a přímé genetiky  PCR-based three-dimensional screening  Isolation of genomic DNA from the individual plants of mutant population and creating sets of DNA („triads“, rows and columns of triads and individual trays) p o o l 1 ......p o o l 2 8 28x3-tray pools 90 R 28 x 7 row pools 28 x 5 column pools 35 B 35 B 28 x 3 1-tray pools 3.000 mutant lines of A. thaliana (5 copies of En-1/line) Isolation of sequence-specific mutants 28 Základy genomiky III, Přístupy reverzní a přímé genetiky  PCR-based three-dimensional screening  Isolation of genomic DNA from the individual plants of mutant population and creating sets of DNA („triads“, rows and columns of triads and individual trays)  Identification of positive „triad“ with PCR, blotting of PCR products and hybridization of the PCR products with gene-specific probe Isolation of sequence-specific mutants Základy genomiky III, Přístupy reverzní a přímé genetiky p o o l 1 ......p o o l 2 8 28x3-tray pools Identification of the PCR product by hybridization with a gene-specific probe 1. 3-tray pools screen En-1 En-8130 En-205 Xho67 1262 CKI1 CKI1 En-1 En-8130 En-205Xho67 1262 CKI1 CKI1 (2x2x28=112 PCR reactions) 3.000 mutant lines of A. thaliana (5 copies of En-1/line) Isolation of sequence-specific mutants 29 30 Základy genomiky III, Přístupy reverzní a přímé genetiky  PCR-based three-dimensional screening  Isolation of genomic DNA from the individual plants of mutant population and creating sets of DNA („triads“, rows and columns of triads and individual trays)  Identification of positive „triad“ with PCR, blotting of PCR products and hybridization of the PCR products with gene-specific probe  Identification of the positive line through identification of positive tray, row and column Isolation of sequence-specific mutants Základy genomiky III, Přístupy reverzní a přímé genetiky p o o l 1 ......p o o l 2 8 28x3-tray pools Identification of the PCR product by hybridization with a gene-specific probe 1. 3-tray pools screen 2. Identification of line carrying the insertion En-1 En-8130 En-205 Xho67 1262 CKI1 CKI1 En-1 En-8130 En-205Xho67 1262 CKI1 CKI1 (2x2x28=112 PCR reactions) (another 5+7+3=15 PCR reactions) In total: 112+15=127 PCR reactions 9 0 R 7 row pools 5 column pools 3 5 B 3 5 B 3 x 1-tray pools 3.000 mutant lines of A. thaliana (5 copies of En-1/line) Isolation of sequence-specific mutants 31 32 32  Methods of identification of sequence-specific mutants  Preparation of mutants collection  Searching for sequence-specific mutants using PCR  PCR-based three-dimensional screening  Hybridization with iPCR products on filters Outline 33 Insertion library of dSpm mutants  48.000 lines  non-autonomous transposon  SINS (sequenced insertion sites) database  PCR searching or hybridization with iPCR filters  The Sainsbury Laboratory (SLAT-lines), John Innes Centre, Norwich Research Park  DNA and seeds in Nottingham Seed Stock Centre  1.2 insertion per line on average Isolation of sequence-specific mutants 33 34 T-DNA  Hybridization with products of iPCR on filters  Isolation of genomic DNA from the individoul plants of mutant population  Restriction endonuclease cleavage  Ligation, formation of circular DNA  Inverse PCR (iPCR) using the TDNA specific primers  Preparation of nylon filters with PCR products in the exact position using a robot  Hybridization with a gene-specific probe Isolation of sequence-specific mutants 34 35 35  Methods of identification of sequence-specific mutants  Preparation of mutants collection  Searching for sequence-specific mutants using PCR  Searching for sequence-specific mutants in electronic databases Outline 36 Preparation of librares from population of A. thaliana mutated by T-DNA GABI-Kat (MPIZ, Köln) Isolation of sequence-specific mutants 36 37 Searching in electronic libraries of insertional mutants 37 38 Searching in electronic libraries of insertional mutants | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | gtgactaaagtgtaattaataagtga……… 1923 13 38 39 39  Methods for Identification of Sequence-Specific Mutants  Preparation of mutants collection  Searching for sequence-specific mutants using PCR  Searching for sequence-specific mutants in electronic databases Outline  Knocking-out the gene using homologous recombinantion 40 Knocking-Out the Gene 40 41 41  Analysis of Phenotype and Confirmation of Causality Between Phenotype and Insertional Mutation  Using unstable insertional mutagens and isolation of revertant lines  Co-segregation analysis  Methods for Identification of Sequence-Specific Mutants  Preparation of mutants collection  Searching for sequence-specific mutants using PCR  Searching for sequence-specific mutants in electronic databases  Identification of independent insertional allele Outline  Knocking-out the gene using homologous recombinantion  Mutant complementation by the transgene 42  Presence of multiple insertions in one line Why is it necessary to analyze the causality between the insertion and the observed phenotype?  Posibility of independent point mutation occurrence  Insertions of T-DNA are often associated with chromosomal aberrations (duplications, inversions, deletions) 42 43  Co-segregation analysis  Co-segregation of specific fragment, e.g. after insertion of T-DNA (or exposure to EMS etc.) into the genome of the observed phenotype cki1::En-1 + ++ + + + + + ++ Causality between insertion and phenotype 43 44  However, excision of transposons is not always entirely accurate – point mutations occurr – isolation of revertant lines with silent mutation, or even isolation of the stable mutants Use of autonomous transposons for the isolation of new stable mutations and of revertant lines  Transposons are often characterized by excision and reinsertion into a nearby region – use for the isolation of new mutant alleles 44 45 cki1::En-1/CKI1 Phenotype cki1::En-1/CKI1 CKI1/CKI1 45 46 1. Isolation of revertant lines • PCR-searching in 246 plants of segregating population • from 90 cki1::En-1 positive plants, 9 plants had both mutant and standard silicles Offspring analysis • confirmation of absention of insertion using PCR • PCR amplification and cloning the part of the genomic DNA at the insertion site • sequencing Confirmation of phenotype cki1::En-1/CKI1 46 47 Use of autonomous transposons for the isolation of new stable mutations and revertant lines 47 48 2. Isolation of a stable mutant line • analysis of the phenotype of the segregating population (CKI1/CKI1 CKI1/cki1::En-1) • PCR analysis of plants with the mutant phenotype – identification of plants without insertion • PCR amplification and cloning the part of the genomic DNA at the insertion site • sequencing Confirmation of phenotype cki1::En-1/CKI1 48 49 Use of autonomous transposons for the isolation of new stable mutations and revertant lines 49 50 Mutant Line Complementation Transposone/T‐DNA GOI GO I 50 51 Mutant Line Complementation Ranjan et al., 2014 51 52 52  Phenotype analysis  Confirmiong the causality between the observed phenotype and the insertion mutation  Use of unstable insertion mutagenes and identification of revertant lines  Co-segregation analysis  How reverse genetics explores the gene and its role?  Targeted gene silencing  Searching in the insertion mutant libraries  Homologous recombination  Identification of independent allele Key Concepts  Mutant line complementation by transgene 53 53 Discussion