MUNI RECETOX CORE003, E0320 Udržitelný rozvoj - největší výzva současnosti? Michal Bittner, Ph.D. Centrum RECETOX Přírodovědecká fakulta Masarykova univerzita Brno, Česko Jakse ted' cftfte? Start the presentation to see live content. For screen share software, share the entire screen. Get help at Rozvoj společnosti - co ie to? WNESXZ I ZPRAVODAJSTVÍ Domácí Zahraničí Krimi Kraje Ekonomika Kufíura Finance = V Česku se žije Líp než v USA, v kvalitě života jsme 24. ze 149 zemí 18. září 2019 7:17, aktualizováno 8:42 Česko je v kvalitě života podle nového indexu společnosti Deíoitte na 24. místě. Společnost sestavuje žebříček ze 149 hodnocených zemí. Oproti loňsku si Česká republika polepšila o dvě příčky, je i před USA. Prvenství udrželo Norsko, na druhé místo poskočilo Dánsko, bronz obhájilo Švýcarsko. Nejhůř se žije lidem v Africe. Rok.fir.ň SOCIAL PROGRESS SUMMARY 3 a Zoom Czechi la Score 85.19 Rank 23 Dimensions BASIC HUMAN NEEDS 89.29 FOUNDATIONS OF WELLBEING 83.76 82.53 Highest component scores Accessio Basic Knowledge Water and Sanitation Personal Rights Nutrition and Basic Medical Care Shelter Lowest component scores Environmental Quality Accessio Advanced Education Personal Safety Inclusiveness Health and Wellness 98.22 96.30 93.81 92.68 91.98 72.69 76.05 76.18 78.61 79.15 <> Embed score/value rank —» ■ ■ Social Progress Index 85.19/100 23/169 \*Z€Cnld T GDP PPP per capita $39,778 32/164 The scorecard highlights a country's relative strengths and relative weaknesses compared to 15 peer countries with a similar GDP per capita. Elements of the Social Progress Index are marked with a blue dot where the country performs comparatively well, a red dot where it performs relatively poorly, a yellow dot where its performance is average for its peer group, and a gray dot when there isn't sufficient data to make a judgment. Elements marked with a blue ring are areas where the country slightly over-performs while areas where the country slightly under-performs are marked with a red ring. For information on how scorecards are calculated, please consult the methodology report. score/ value rank strength/ weakness score/ value rank strength/ weakness score/ value rank strenc. tli/ ■weakness Basic Human Needs 89.29 21 o Foundations of Wellbeing 83.76 28 o Opportunity 82.53 19 o Nutrition and Personal Rights 93.81 21 0 Basic Medical 92.68 53 o Access to Basic 98.22 7 o Freedom of religion 3.63 66 o Care Knowledge Property rights for women o 4.72 38 o Child stunting 2.09 24 Equal access to quality education 3.64 18 0 Freedom of peaceful assembly 3.93 1 0 Infectious diseases 658.34 29 0 Population with no schooling 0.00 6 o Access to justice 0.99 6 o Maternal mortality rate 5.82 J5 o Secondary school attainment 100.00 1 o Freedom of discussion 0.90 49 0 Child mortality rate 2.92 14 o Primary school enrollment 99.14 44 o Political rights 36.00 33 o Undernourishment 2.50 1 0 Gender parity in secondary attainment 0.00 1 o Diet low in fruits and vegetables 53 20 90 o Personal Access to Freedom and 81.67 24 o Water and 96.30 12 0 Choice Sanitation Information and 84.99 45 (...) Communications Early marriage 0.75 8 Unsafe water, sanitation and hygiene 43.22 30 o Alternative sources of information index 0.82 58 o Satisfied demand for contraception 84.50 24 o Access to improved sanitation 100 32 o 0 Young people not in education, Mobile telephone subscriptions 121.39 1 6.61 10 o Access to improved water source 100 39 o Internet users employment or training 81.34 53 n s———-;—■ Jaké GLOBÁLNÍ výzvy považujete za nejnaléhavější? ^1 Svoboda a možnost volby Dostupnost pitné vody a kvalitních záchodů 2nd Dostupné a kvalitní zdravotnictví Dostupné bydlení SEE MORE ^ 5th Start the presentation to see live content. For screen share software, share the entire screen. Get help at u N D P Our Work Millennium Development Goals Our Perspective Home The Millennium Development Goals Eight Goals for 2015 1 Erad icate extreme poverty and hunger 2 Ach ieve uni versa I pri ma ry education ä s Prom ote gender equal ity V and empower women 6' 5 I m prove matema I hea Ith Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria * and other d iseases 7 Ensure environmental s u sta inability m 4 Red uce child morta I ity 8 Develop a global partnership for development Final assessment of progress toward achieving the MDGs The most successful anti-poverty movement in history The Millennium Development Goais Report 2015 An inspiring framework that has led to many successes in numerous development areas since 2000 The successes of the MDG agenda prove that global action works. It is the only path to ensure that the new development agenda leaves no one behind Photo: © UNICEF/Syed Altaf Ahfnad E RA Ol CAT E EXTREME POVERTY AND HUNGER Poverty rates have been more than halved Goal: Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger Extreme poverty rate in developing countries 1990 201b PHHMH 4/% Global number of extreme poor c o c — £ — E ^™ CHART MAP o 2020 TABLE SOURCES Ji, DOWNLOAD Related: What is undernourishment and how is it measured? Share of the population that is undernourished Share of individuals that have a daily food intake that is insufficient to provide the amount of dietary energy required to maintain a normal, active, and healthy life. O Add country or region All together v □ Relative change 0% o r Low-i n co me countries Sub-5aharan Africa (WB) South Asia (WB) World Latin America and Caribbean (WB) Czechia 2001 2005 2010 2015 2020 Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (via World Bank) Note: Countries and regions with rates below 2.5% are coded as "2.5%" in the FAO dataset. • CC BY * 2001 Q O 2020 CHART MAP TABLE SOURCES jL DOWNLOAD < _ Related: What is undernourishment and how is it measured? [3 iui When poll is active, respond at Je celosvětová produkce potravin nedostatečná? Ano, musí Ne, je se zvýšit _ dostačující Start the presentation to see live content. For screen share software, share the entire screen. Get help at Share of adults thai are overweight or obese, 2016 Beingoverweight 15 defined as having a body-mass index (EMI) greater than orequal to 25. Obesity is defined by a BMI greater than or equal to 30. SMI is a person's weight in kilograms divided by his or her height in metres squared. Our World in Data No data OK I I 1036 20--. 30% L_ 60% 70% Sou roe: WHO, Global Health Observatory CCBY ► 1975 ■ 2016 CHART MAP DATA SOURCES A 4 [ OBESITY WORLDWIDE 1.5 BILLION ADULTS ARE OVERWEIGHT 25 HIGHER HEALTH CA: COSTS COMPARED TO A PERSON OF AVERAGE WEIGHT 65*0 OF THE WORLD'S POPULATION LIVE IN COUNTRIES WHERE THEY ARE MORE LIKELY TO DIE FROM OBESITY THAN MALNUTRITION 43 MILLION CHILDREN UNDER 3 ARE OVERWEIGHT Tf|r:[^fl.lUJ^,^^^"■■ WORLD'S FATTEST COUNTRIES mW NAURU M-fft FSH 91.1» iivEniiwlii COOK ISLANDS TONGA QO.S'. avenreiBhl m JflUE SAMOA DV.'fWI'llihl rm.['ii-cii;li[ a PALAU ovcrwciUhl KUWAIT 74 J». inrinKJil USA ri-i*. KIRIBATI 7;i.«". avoni-flißlit BT THE NUMBERS: 200 »300 HELLION VkJW ARE OBESE THAT'S MORE THAN 10 OF THE ADULT POPULATION AND THE PROBLEM GROWING YOU NEED TO BUHN 3500 CALORIES BR\ t0 dhop A SINGLE POUND OF BODY FAT OrcriveiaM and obese .. ■ defined as abnormal or erccssirefai 'trrtutHlltili'in that muff impair htxiltfL BILLION ANNUAL HEALTH CARE COSTS FOR OBESITY IN THE U.S. AND CANADA SEVERELY OBESE PEOPLE DIE UP TO 10 TEARS SOONER THAN THOSE OF NORMAL WEIGHT ACTOS NjLIRYIAWY'IHSTHM it BMI=KG/Ma Body muss index (BMIJ is a simple index of weight-for-hcight that is coDLmonly used to classify overweight and obesity in adults. To determine your BMI. divide your weight in kilograms by the square or your height in meters. (For those that don't da metric, thats your weight in pounds jr 703, divided by your hciftfit in indies squared, or 7031*0/!*) wyTrs >25 >30 >35 >40 BMI? num—JaTil CTlAhxT i:l.,. Tl Clui III almttone-in-cvery-20 nthtlt wonwais ahesc, compared to one-in-ioinihc Nettie 1 to iris. onuiuftiiu-in Jordan, one-ia-three in the United StatES and Mexico, and up to sctcnitt io tn Tonga. mill IHTiTS .1 1: ;i Iurrl\ruti\uruv!m 1 mn.jj.if fiJ wrus JiHfj.V •. -i. 1 n nil. ihms. limM li':t;7:(»'.V " ij 'l.l'l^fJJirriw' 1 rnii.HiirW..sui[n[i»'.,ri[ji 'sfjfj hl ruf. 1: ,1 Ii j i .'k. f ifl I'rl J11. ivi...y-F- i"-. If i 1-1.' 1 ■_' ■ i i >f p.i J. fl w if frfis ki if 'ri if -Jf j -u I" .' if ifijrui u j ii f I iiH'n^m hfl I. /i.'li ^ 1 1 si fljf .1 ',1 Ji11' Ji 11 jr. .....Ij,' /ill .Til Ijfj liifij 'uurf fi 1, fi -j uMiiiriiiirf.Mi'ii frir Ah j ruf rlrimi Jsinfji j fjr hi 11 rur mtni-irilvrluntrrrHn:i\Hru-iut juimrl f j-j - fwi)i. ■■ifovJwjn JHi^ i-jhi. r>jru-ttlIMhV4V«u'fr->"i'^ htt|i//irii Ir ;iriti>ty;Ar-I i> Jrvptfui^nri iMirjn ipu In (inn. «Vn-Jtj n-iir 2010 fHEHUNGER .com Adchoices [t> Food Facts >■>■ Hunger Donate Food And Food 7,176,725,041 898,139,570 1,579,478,802 526,492,934 16,283 7,551,816 $ 253,378,128 $ 62,609,837 $ 2,911,231 $ 18,927,594 $ 100,653,291 $ 872,451 $ 509,695 $ 24,754,648 World Hunger current total world population undernourished people in the world right now_ overweight people in the world right now obese people in the world right now people who died of hunger today people who died of hunger this year Economics money spent due to obesity related diseases in the USA today spending on food purchased and then tossed by US households today spending on global food aid today amount that would allow to feed the hungry today _ spending on weight-loss programs and products in the USA today food aid budget spent on domestic processing and shipping today revenue for four large US agribusiness corporations derived from food aid programs today _ spending on petfood in Europe and USA today _ Global report: Obesity bigger health crisis than hunger E Danielle Dellorto. C UN December 14, 2012-Updated 1041 GMT (1841 HKT) QJhe (Telegraph Nearly 500 researchers from 50 countries looked at 20 years of health data for the Global Burden of Disd STORY HIGHLIGHTS * The Global Burden of Disease Report reveals a massive shift in health trends ■ Worldwide, obesity has increased &2% in the last two decades ' Diseases like stroke and heart (CNN) - Obesity is a bigger health crisis globally tha the leading cause of disabilities around the world, ac new report published Thursday in the British medical Lancet. Nearly 500 researchers from 50 countries compared from 1990 through 2010 for the Global Burden of Die "I Home Video News World £ port Finance Comment Culture. Travel Life Women F Property Gardening Food History Relationships Expat Health News Health Advice Diet and Fitness Wellbeing Expat Health Pets Health Britair. HOME » HEALTH I HEALTH NEWS Obesity killing three times as many as malnutrition Obesity is now killing triple the number of people who die from malnutrition as it claims more than three million lives a year worldwide, according to a landmark study. Increasing prosperity has led to expanding waistlines in countries from Colombia to Kazakhstan, as people eat more and get less everyday exercise Photo: PA By Stephen Adams. Medical Correspondent 5:00PM GMT 13 Dec 2012 ^ Print this article 5K El 204 Comments With the exception of sub-Saharan Africa eating too much is now a more serious risk to the health of populations than eating poorly, found the Global Burden of Disease study, published in a special edition of The Lancet. £3 Share J] FacebDDk 4K I Twitter E40 P ma il ENROLMEN ......■> IN DEVELOPING REGIONS H 5 7 MILLION CHILDREN REMAIN OUT OF SCHO MDGMOMENTUM WITH YOUR COMMUNITY! ACHIEVE UkJYEftSAl PRIMARY EDUCATION Tremendous progress has been made since 2000 in enrolling children in primary school Goal: Achieve universal primary education The developing regions' primary school net enrolment rate has reached 91 per cent in 2015, up from 83 per cent in 2000. The target is close to being reached in all regions except sub-Saharan Africa. Greatest progress in primary school enrolment among all developing regions occurred in sub-Saharan Africa. Adjusted net enrolment rate* in primary education, sub-Saharan Africa and Oceania, 1990, 2000 and 2015 (percentage) Sub-Saharan Africa BO Octmli_ 69 95 1990 2000 MM 2015 projí Cli on * Adjuited net enrolment rate is defined dsthe number ^1 ^jy Is ol theofliujl jkc for primary education enrolled either in primary or secondary school, expressed as a percentage ol the total population in that age Rroup. Note: 2000 figure for Oceania is not available. iui When poll is active, respond at Chodite radi do skoly? No jasnejsem lacny/a po vedeni. Jak na ktery predmet Chodim, ale ne kvuli pfednaskam;-) Ne, skola je "nutne zlo" Start the presentation to see live content. For screen share software, share the entire screen. Get help at Girls should learn COURAGE is m you. Pass It On .com HE NAMED ME MALALA Primary-school-agc children who are out of school by world region, 1986 to 2019 Children in the official primary school age range who are not enrolled in either primary or secondary schools. © Add country or region All together v □ Relative 100 million 80 million 60 million 40 million 20 million North America Europe and Central Asia Latin America and Caribbean Middle East and North Africa East Asia and Pacific South Asia Sub-Saharan Africa 1986 1995 2000 2005 2010 2019 Source: UNESCO (via World Bank) • CC BY THE MlLLEMMIUM DEVELOPMENT COALS (MDGd ARE THE VI MOST SUCCESSFUL GLO&AL ANTI-PO VERTY PUSH IN HJ^Ojj| AjT AS WE APPROACH THE 201S TARGET DATE OF THE f*0^j^H^^^ LEFS RALLY OUR WORLD TO STEP UP £ MDCMOM E NT UM UALITV AND I POWER WOP o THE WORLD H ACHIEVED EQUALITY A : IN MAI COUN WOMEN STILL FACETS DISCRIMINATIONS Q A££ESS TO £>" b IUCATION. WORK ID PARTICIPATION*^^! DECISION-MAKING PROMOTE GENDER EQUALITY AND EMPOWER WOMEN The developing regions have reached gender parity in primary, secondary and tertiary education Goal: Promote gender equality and empower women The developing regions as a whole have achieved the target to eliminate gender disparity in primary, secondary and tertiary education. n Southern Asia, only 74 girls were enrolled in primary school for every 100 boys in 1990. Today, 103 girls are enrolled for every 100 boys. Women have gained ground in parliamentary representation in nearly 90 per cent of the 174 countries with data over the past 20 years. Gender parity index* for gross enrolment ratios in primary, secondary and tertiary education in Southern Asia and the developing regions. 1990, 2000 and 2015 Southern Asia 2000 2015 q I 0 Developirgreghns too « O 2000 2015 r I -1 04 0j6 08 LD ft Primary O Secondary 2015 Target - Gender parity index between 0.97and 1.03 2 -1 1.4 t Tertiary ' The gender parity index is defined as the ratio of the female gross enrolment ratio to the male gross enrolment ratio for each level of education. MDG if .14,000 FFEWER 1 IS) BEFORETHEIR FIFTH &IRTHDAT SHARE tfMDCMOMENTUM WITH YOUR COMMUNITY! Number of child deaths The number of children dying before reaching the age of five. Our World in Data Change country or region All together v 12 million 10 million 8 million 6 million 4 million 2 million Sub-Saharan Africa (WB) South Asia (WB) East Asia and Pacific (WB) Middle East and North Africa (WB) Latin America and Caribbean (WB) Europe and Central Asia (WB) North America (WB) 1990 2000 2005 2010 2020 Source: UN Inter-agency Group for Child Mortality Estimation (via World Bank) • CC BY 1990 O CHART O 2020 MAP TABLE SOURCES Ji DOVJ Subscribe l-C Child mortality rate, 2020 The share of newborns who die before reachi rig the age of five. Our World in Data World Ho data 0% I-t 1% 2% 5% 10K 2G5£ Sou roe: U N I nter-age ncy Group for Child Mortal ity Estimatio n (via World Bank) OurWorld I n Datajorg/chitd-mo rtal ity ■ CC BY Note: The chf I d mortality rate ex presses the probabi lity of a eh lid born f n a specific year or period dyi ng before reaching the age of 5 years, if subject to age-specific mortality rates of that period. This is given as the share of live births. ^ 1960 O 2020 CHART MAP TABLE SOURCES ± DOWNLOAD s Jaká nemoc ročně zabije nejvíce dětí? Malárie Tuberkulóza Průjem AIDS Zápal plic Start the presentation to see live content. For screen share software, share the entire screen. Get help at lul Respond at Jaká nemoc ročně zabije nejvíce dětí? Malárie 266 tisíc Tuberkulóza 250 tisíc Průjem 480 tisíc AIDS 120 tisíc Zápal plic 900 tisíc REDUCE CHILD MORTALITY Dramatic decline in preventable child deaths is one of the most significant achievements in human history Goal: Reduce child mortality i \ A iff * , I Photo: © UNICEF/Esiebo Global number of deaths of children under five WWWWWW 1990 8808080 ™"on W W W W W W 6 2015 QQQQQO million Since the early 1990s, the rate of reduction of under-five mortality has more than tripled globally. The global under-five mortality rate has declined by more than half, dropping from 90 to 43 deaths per 1,000 live births between 1990 and 2015. Measles vaccination helped prevent nearly 15.6 million deaths between 2000 and 2013. (Dětská) úmrtnost - řešení růstu populace? - dříve vysoká novorozenecká úmrtnost, nemoci a války Jaké navrhujete opatření na omezení růstu Top i— populace? Start the presentation to see live content. For screen share software, share the entire screen. Get help at (Dětská) úmrtnost - řešení růstu populace? - dříve vysoká novorozenecká úmrtnost, nemoci a války Direktivní politika jednoho dítěte (Čína) - od roku 1979 do 2015 - do roku 2015 nenarozeno přibližně 400 mil. dětí - příčiny? - vážné etické a socioekonomické důsledky ! - nepřipravenost společnosti a venkovské ekonomiky - bylo to potřeba? (Dětská) úmrtnost - řešení růstu populace? - dříve vysoká novorozenecká úmrtnost, nemoci a války Women don't want more children, but more for their children (R. Engelman) Direktivní politika jednoho dítěte (Čína) - od roku 1979 do 2015 - do roku 2015 nenarozeno přibližně 400 mil. dětí - příčiny? - vážné etické a socioekonomické důsledky ! - nepřipravenost společnosti a venkovské ekonomiky - bylo to potřeba? Zázrak? v Bangladéšu (i jinde)— NEWSLETTERS Sign up to read our regular email newsletters NewScientist PJqws Podcasts Video Technology Space Physics Health More - Shop Tours Events The population paradox oo©©ooo I COMMENT 19 November 2008 By Debora Mackenzie happen in China). Nearly two-thirds of couples in poor countries now use birth control, and not because some patriarchal westerner told them to. In the 1970s, the government of Bangladesh offered people in the Matlab region low-cost contraceptive supplies and advice. Birth rates promptly fell well jelow neighbouring regions. So Bangladesh extended the service nationally and its birth rate jlummeted from six children per woman to three. Given the choice, people want fewer children. Zázrak? v Banqladéšii (i jinde)— Bubbles C.5 FACTS TEACH ABOUT HOW TO USE op Bangladesh 1800 |Czech RepubLic 1800 Share Engjish 0-5 year-olds dying per 1000 born 5 10 20 Child mortality 53 100 2CD 500 A DATA DOUBTS Color World Regions ▼ Select Search... LUlLd |\I, n Cote d'lvoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus Denmark Djibouti Dominican Republic Ecuador DESELECT Size Population Zoom It q. b, © TRAILS LOCK OPTIONS PRESENT EXPAND Dětská úmrtnost - řešení růstu populace? - dříve vysoká novorozenecká úmrtnost, nemoci a války Women don't want more children, but more for their children (R. Engelman) Direktivní politika jednoho dítěte (Čína) -od roku 1979 do 2015 - do roku 2015 nenarozeno přibližně 400 mil. dětí - příčiny? - vážné etické a socioekonomické důsledky ! - nepřipravenost společnosti a venkovské ekonomiky - bylo to potřeba? Dobrovolná politika jednoho dítěte? - země bohatého severu Příjem x porodnost Bubbles O 500 FACTS TEACH ABOUT HOW TO USE Share English | INCOME LEVEL 1 ♦ L j EVEL2 t LEVEL 3 ♦ LEVEL A o per person [GDP/capitap PPPS inflation-adjusted] 1000 2D00 4000 8000 Income t 16k 32k 64k Color World Regions ▼ f%, Select Search... Afghanistan Albania Algeria Angola Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Size Population Zoom Q § &. O O) (V" OPTIONS PRESENT EXPAND Dětská úmrtnost - řešení růstu populace? - dříve vysoká novorozenecká úmrtnost, nemoci a války Women don't want more children, but more tor their children (R. Engelman) Direktivní politika jednoho dítěte (Čína) - od roku 1979 do 2015 - do roku 2015 nenarozeno přibližně 400 mil. dětí - příčiny? - vážné etické a socioekonomické důsledky ! - nepřipravenost společnosti a venkovské ekonomiky - bylo to potřeba? Dobrovolná politika jednoho dítěte? - země bohatého severu - politika ekonomického růstu přístup I demografické tranzice komplikuje I »EVELOPMENT GOAL the MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT COALS (,^DGt] are the MOST SUCCESSFUL global ANTl-poverty PU&h in l-; l^lORY. as we approach the. 2qib tahg-ei date OF the MDGi, leps pally our RLO TO step up DGMOME N TU M MATERNAL MORTALITY FELL 147% ; SINCE 1990 O N LYnALF OF WOMEN tN DEVELOPING REGIONS RECEIVE RECOMMENDED DURING PREGNANCY. MDGMOMENTUM WITl-l YOUR COMMUNITY! Global maternal mortality ratio (deaths per 100,000 live births) 1990 200-0 2033 Global births attended by skilled health personnel 80% 70% - 60% - Since 1990, the maternal mortality ratio has declined by 45 per cent worldwide, and most of the reduction has occurred since 2000. More than 71 per cent of births were assisted by skilled health personnel globally in 2014, an increase from 59 per cent in 1990. 59% J- 1990 2014 Skutečný dá Ch a ritati vři e-sh op Člověka v tťspi Dárky Kde dárky pomáhají Jak to funguje Pomáhejte pravidelně Kamenné obchody Kontakt U2?ÍCNY POROP Pomáhejte s Člověkem v tísni. Tento dárek má hodnotu zdravotnického materiálu, který umožní bezpečný porod pro jednu ženu v chudých oblastech Kambodže. Nákupem tohoto darovacího certifikátu přispějete na program pomoci ZDRAVÍ v rámci sbírky Skutečná pomoc. Darovat Ks 800 Kč Jak vypadá certifikát? ■ér To se mi líbí 15 Sdílet THE MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMEN MOST SUCCESSFUL GLOBAL ANT AS WE APPROACH THE LET'S RALLY OUR WORLD 80% O F MALARIA DEATH'S OCCUR IN JUST 14 COUNTRIES JISEA5ES Goal: Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases Number of insecticide treated mosquito nets delivered in sub-Saharan Africa. 2004-2014 I I 900 million Mosquito net icon: by Luis Prado Iran Over 6.2 million malaria deaths have been averted between 2000 and 2015, primarily of children under five years of age in sub-Saharan Africa. More than 900 million insecticide-treated mosquito nets were delivered to malaria-endemic countries in sub-Saharan Africa between 2004 and 2014. Between 2000 and 2013, tuberculosis prevention, diagnosis and treatment interventions saved an estimated 37 million lives. s COMBAT HIV/AIDS, MALAJHA AND OTHER DISEASES HIV infections fell in many regions of the world Goal: Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases New HIV infections fell by approximately 40 per cent between 2000 and 2013, from an estimated 3.5 million cases to 2.1 million. By June 2014, 13.6 million people living with HIV were receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART) globally, an immense increase from just 800,000 in 2003. ART averted 7.6 million deaths from AIDS between 1995 and 2013. Number of people receiving antiretroviral therapy, 2003-2015, number of deaths from AIDS-related causes and number of people newly infected with HIV 2001-2013 {millions) 2GOT 2003 2005 2007 2009 2013 201S (project ion) — People receiving ART — Projection ■ UN Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS ART target (15 mi»n) — People newly infected with HIV — People dying Irom HIV-reiated causes THE MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT COALS (MDGil ARE THE WiO&T SUCCESSFUL CLONAL ANTI-POVERTY PUSH IN HiSTOGV AS WE APPROACH THE 201S TARGET DATE OF THE MDG*. LETS RALLV OUR WORLD TO STEP UP ft JVl D G M O M E hlTU M 3 M II QP ff ENSURE ENVIRONMENTAL SUSrAlNAHILIfY Safe drinking water and ozone protection targets met Goal: Ensure environmental sustainability In 2015, 91% of the global population is using an improved drinking water source, up from 76% in 1990- the target was met 5 years ahead of the 2015 deadline. Of the 2.6 billion people who have gained access to improved drinking water sincel 990, 1.9 billion gained access to piped drinking water on premises. Ozone-depleting substances have been virtually eliminated since 1990, and the ozone layer is expected to recover by the middle of this century. 1.9 billion people have gained access to piped drinking water since 1990 23 billion 4.2 billion a Ü 199G 2015 98% of ozone-depleting substances eliminated since 1990 LETS STEP UP ACTION TO THE 2015 MDG TARGET DATE AND BEYOND. THE MILLENNIUM DEVELOPM ENT GOALS CMDGs) ARE THE MOST SUCCESSFUL GLOBAL ANTI-POVERTY PUSH IN HISTO it DEBThas tTRADE _ ^ _ _ J" ', _ CLIMATE CONTINUES TO DECLINED I improve FOR DEVELOPING COUNTRIES RD HIGH $134.8 BIL ed awa DOR EST CC GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP FOR DEVELOPMENT Global improvements in official development assistance, mobile-cellular subscriptions and internet penetration Goal: Develop a global partnership for development Official development assistance (ODA) $135 billion m biiiim 2000 20-4 Internet penetration 43% 6% 2000 2015 ODA increased by 66% in real terms between 2000 and 2014, reaching $135.2 billion. The number of mobile-cellular subscriptions has grown almost tenfold in the last 15 years: from 738 million to over 7 billion (2000-2015). Internet penetration has grown from just over 6 per cent of the world's population in 2000 to 43 per cent in 2015-- translating to 3.2 billion people linked to a global network. Leaving no one behind Bilance plnění Rozvojových cílů tisíciletí Climate change and environmental degradation undermine progress achieved Global emissions of carbon dioxide have increased by over 50 per cent since 1990. Water scarcity affects 40 per cent of people in the world and is projected to increase. Overexploitation of marine fish stocks led to declines in the percentage of stocks within safe biological limits, down from 90 per cent in 1974 to 71 per cent in 2011. Photo: © UN Photo.'Kv Chung Climate change and environmental degradation undermine progress achieved Napište jednu informaci, která vás dnes nejvíce zaujala či překvapila. Start the presentation to see live content, For screen share software, share the entire screen, Get help at