Bi5444 Analysis of sequencing data Lesson 2 - General information and introduction Introduce yourself. Point out course language – the official language is English (also written in the IS). The reason is to open this course also to non-Czech/Slovak speaking students and to teach local students to listen and work in English. Current system at the university is very “old school” and doesn’t “force” students to work in English which is necessary for further work in the field and science in general. Also all study materials and papers are in English and also most of the expressions are not possible to translate into English (or they won’t make much sense). Point out office and contact information and possible consultations in the future. General introduction Teachers •Dr. Eva Budinska – guarantor, teacher – RECETOX, MU •Assoc. prof. Marek Mraz, MD – teacher - Univ. hosp. Brno & Fac. of Medicine & CEITEC MU •Ing. Vojtěch Bartoň – teacher, RECETOX MU Each will take care of different part of the course and at the end everything will be “merged” together Introduce teachers Mention they are experts in the field and that is is a nice combination of biologists, statisticians and bioinformaticians Lets get to know each other… •Are you familiar with the field? •Do you work with the data somehow? •Do you receive any outputs from the analysis? •Do you plan to work with it? •Do you want to understand the outputs? • • The course itself Main objective: •The course is addressed to everyone who already works with or plans to work with the NGS data, wants to learn something new from the field or wants to understand the data/outputs • •The lectures will explain you the basics and show you examples • •You will need to study/exercise some extra to get better understanding of the process • •During the course, there will be possibility to you can discuss your own data analysis (if any) After the course you should… •Know the latest NGS methods (next and third generation sequencing), their use and the type of data they produce •Be able to distinguish the type of method based on the data •Know the basic scheme of data analysis •Able to work with Linux, Bash and R at a level sufficient for analysis of NGS data – partially •Know how to select tools for data processing and apply them to real data •Be able to analyze NGS data starting from quality control over alignment to the detection of deferentially expressed genes (in RNA-Seq), variants (CNV with SNP), genome assembly, etc. Content of the course •We will not cover all topics in the NGS field –simply there is not enough time • •We will provide you with solid basics of NGS data analysis that will allow you to easily extend to almost any NGS application and data types and to work with the data • •We will give you hints where to look, what to look for, what to study and how to think about the data • •At the beginning we will cover the biology background and also do the revision of your knowledge in the biology/molecular biology field – necessary for correct understanding of the NGS • Course content •1. Introduction to NGS technologies: a brief introduction to biology, sequencing, history, NGS technologies and their applications, sample extraction, library preparation, basic glossary. Course requirements and schedule. •2. Pitfalls of NGS and the consequences for data analysis. •3. Data sources. The basic scheme of data analysis: how the data look like, definition of general steps in NGS data analysis, basic differences in dependence on the application (eg. variant calling vs RNA-Seq …). •4. Introduction to software for data analysis: a brief introduction to work with Linux, Bash and R, data formats and the differences between them. •5. Data preprocessing and quality control: tools for quality control, Phred score, examples on sample data. •6. Alignment and post-processing: reference genome databases, annotations, the differences between them and application, explanations of alignment algorithms, differences between spliced/non-spliced ​​tools and their application, alignment quality control, alignment visualization. •7. Analysis of RNAseq data - differentially expressed genes •8. Variant calling – targeted sequencing, methods for calling, specific QC steps •9. Metagenomics (16S, ITS, WMGS) / algorithms for taxonomy and functional assignment •10. Statistics and visualisation •11 and 12. Project defense Let’s check the prerequisites •Knowledge of molecular biology • •At least a basic knowledge of work with Linux system • •Basic knowledge of R and statistics is an advantage • •Basic programming knowledge is an advantage • Study materials •There are plenty of study materials available online •But the whole field changes very quickly – try to look for the latest information •Few years old materials are most likely not very useful any more or the are already surpassed •Presentations from the lectures will be available online •There will be always a link to some interesting papers during the course where possible •It is never a bad idea to ask! Other recommended courses •C2110 UNIX and programming •Bi7560 Introduction to R •Bi7420 Modern methods for genome analysis •Bi7528 Analysis of genomic and proteomic data •Bi7527 Data Analysis in R •Bi7492 DNA Sequence Analysis •Bi5010 Detection of biomarkers from omics experiments • •You can also see the study catalogues of Mathematical Biology and Biomedicine (direction Biomedical Bioinformatics) or Chemoinformatics and bioinformatics degrees for the recommended courses • Online courses - examples •Linux/Unix •, … •BioLinux • es/intro-bl7, … •R •,, … •Other interesting courses •,,,,,, … •Questions & Answers •,,, … •Blogs & Other •,,,,, … •Introduction to Next Generation Sequencing •, … Courses cover statistics, programming, work with R, work with NGS, … Work with the computer •We will try to cover the basics of work with Linux, bash, R, … BUT the course is not directly meant to be focused on programming and/or work with Linux system, bash, R, etc. • •It will be very helpful (for you) to look into some basics on your own • •There are numerous tutorial available online for everything (uncle Google can help you very well) • •There are also several very helpful online courses organized by top universities all over the world • Evaluation and grading Group project •During the semester - Group project (2-3 persons) – max 20 points – finished before the start of the exam period • •Aim: Analysis of NGS data from raw data to interpretation • •Data: Downloaded from databases or your own • •The projects will be defended last two weeks of the semester • •The project has to score minimum 10 points • •PROJECTS MUST BE SELECTED before 13.10.2023 Project •To successfully finish the project you have to: • •Prepare and handout a document with description of the project: •Title, background and hypothesis •Data description (number of samples, platform, sequencing details) •Methods description •Results •Handout a commented and organized code • Project •Type of samples: •Bacteria/fungi/mouse/human/plant/metagenome • •Type of sequencing: •WGS, WMGS, RNAseq, variant calling, ITS/16S • •Possible aims and numbers of samples: •identification of strains (5-10) by WGS – taxonomy/phylogeny •differentially expressed genes (min 10 per group) by RNAseq / functions/pathways •identification of mutations by targeted sequencing of mutations (min 10 per group) •identification of taxonomical composition /functional annotation (min 10 per group) • Evaluation and grading PROJECT •During the semester - Group project (2-3 persons) – max 20 points – handout before the start of the exam period (22.12.2023) • •Project handout is compulsory before entering the exam •To successfully pass you need at least 10 points from the project • EXAM •Written test – 10 questions, 20 points • •To pass the exam you need minimally 20 points, of which 10 of the project Attendance • •The course is structured as 2+1 (lecture + exercise) • •The presence on the “exercise” part is compulsory, 1 non-excused absence is allowed • •However, due to practical reasons, exercise and presentations are organized on the “as needed basis” • •Attendance is compulsory for the defense of the project (13.12 or 20.12) • •Every member of the project group has to present results • Computational resources Access to the computers/resources •Access to the resources –C4/1.18 •You need to get access to WOLF computers (here) • •Apply for the account –now: • • • •To the description what you want to do please put: “Student of E5444 –fall semester 2023” Access to the resources - metacentrum •MetaCentrum resources • • •Apply for the account online “Getting an account -> Registration form” •Login with MU identification number & secondary password and ask for account creation •To the description what you want to do please put: “Analysis of the sequencing data” or similar •You can work with you laptop but you would have to install all required tools on your own –contact us if it is your case NGS introduction Next-generation sequencing introduction •Deciphering DNA sequence is essential for all the branches of “biological” research • •It has become widely adopted in numerous laboratories all over the world • •Next-generation sequencing (NGS) is a new (almost) technology in the sequencing • •It helps to overcome the limitations of older techniques such as speed, scalability, throughput and resolution • •In this course you will get familiar with NGS as itself, its use and basic data processing • Before we proceed any further •Bioinformatics (and especially the sequencing bioinformatics) is a very new field • •No good books, no standards, nothing lasts forever, … almost everything is old and outdated! • •Bioinformaticians have to be always looking for new methods, tools, algorithms, … it’s the same when wet-lab people must search for novel methods which for decrease bias, are faster, require less input material, … • •The good thing is that there is still a space for improvement – for you! • •However, the data analysis is never trivial • •Garbage in –garbage out • •If you do not understand the whole process you don’t know what the results mean • Very short history •Maxam–Gilbert sequencing 1977 –complex, very radioactive, … • •Sanger sequencing 1977 –widely used, dideoxy method, “golden standard” (??), slow, low throughput, … • •Next-generation sequencing since 2001 • •Started with pyrosequencing (1999 in Sweden) – later “rented” by 454 -> Roche, now discontinued • •Big leap forward thanks to the Human Genome Project • •HGP was launched in 1990 and finished in 2003 by publishing first complete human genome ($2.7 billion) – classic Sanger •They had competition – Celera genomics founded in 1998 and finished in 2003 ($300 million) –shotgun sequencing •But Celera cheated a bit • Year 2010 Year 2023 Graph: Sequencing Cost Per Genome DNA Sequencing Costs: Data ( Sequencing Cost Per Megabase *Seq things •NGS sequencing has a wide range of use •One of many nice list give you an example of all possible applications • • •Approximately (on this list) ~200 different techniques… •Another (simple) list of NGS based techniques • • •